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本文(版高考英语一轮复习语法专题第三部分句法篇专题3并列句和状语从句素材外研版.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、版高考英语一轮复习语法专题第三部分句法篇专题3并列句和状语从句素材外研版专题3 并列句和状语从句并列句的核心考点1并列句的基本概念并列句是由两个或两个以上并列而又独立的简单句构成的。在并列句中,这些简单句常由并列连词连在一起。并列连词所连接的简单句被称为分句。2常见的并列连词(1)表示递进或顺承关系:常用的并列连词有and,not only.but (also).等。He had plenty of money and he spent it freely.Not only did he speak more correctly,but also he spoke more easily.(2

2、)表示选择关系:常用的并列连词有or,either.or.等。Either you are right,or I am.(3)表示转折关系:常用的并列连词有but,yet,whereas等。Jane said she was ill,yet I saw her in the street just now.Some of the studies show positive results,whereas others do not.(4)表示因果关系:常用的并列连词有so,for等。It must have rained last night,for it is wet all over.Th

3、e shops were closed,so I didnt get any milk.(5)when还可用作并列连词,意为“那时,这时”,相当于and at this/that time。常用于下列句式:sb.was doing sth.when.;sb.was about to do/going to do/on the point of doing sth.when.;sb.had just done sth.when.。We were having a meeting when someone broke in.We were about to set off when it sudd

4、enly began to rain.(6)while作为并列连词,意为“而,却”,表示对比。He likes pop music,while I am fond of folk music.时间状语从句的核心考点1before引导的从句中不用否定式谓语。常用如下句型:It will be long before.(得过好久才)It will not be long before.(过不了多久就)It was long before.(过了好久才)It was not long before.(过了不久就)2since后面所用动词不同,该动词所表示动作持续时间的计算方法也不同。It is tw

5、o years since he joined the army.他参军两年了。It is two years since he smoked.他戒烟两年了。3as,when,while用法一览表。类别作用例句asas表示“当的时候”,往往和when/while通用,但它着重强调主句与从句的动作或事情同时或几乎同时发生。She came up as I was cooking.(同时)The runners started as the gun went off.(几乎同时)when(at or during the time that )既可以表示在某一点的时候,又可表示在某一段时间内,主句

6、与从句的动作或事情可以同时发生也可以先后发生。It was raining when we arrived.(指时间点)When we were at school,we went to the library every day.(在一段时间内)whilewhile意思是“当的时候”或“在某一段时间里”。主句中的动作或事情在从句中的动作或事情的进展过程中发生,从句中的动词一般要用延续性动词。在when表示a period of time时,两者可以互换。Please dont talk so loud while others are working.He fell asleep while

7、/when reading.Strike while the iron is hot.(用as或when不可,这里的while意思是“趁”)4.引导时间状语从句的连接词除上述外还有:(1)till,not.until.,untilDont get off the bus until it has stopped.He waited for his father until/till it was twelve oclock.(2)hardly/scarcely.when,no sooner.than表示“刚就”We had hardly got/Hardly had we got into t

8、he country when it began to rain.No sooner had he arrived/He had no sooner arrived than she started complaining.(3)directly,immediately,the moment,the minute,the instant,as soon as,意为“一就”He made for the door directly he heard the knock.The moment he saw his mother,he burst into tears.(4)each time,ev

9、ery timeEach time he came to my city,he would call on me.让步状语从句的核心考点1although与though可以引导让步状语从句,不能与but连用,但可以与yet连用。Although/Though they are poor,(yet)they are warmhearted.2even if或even though引导让步状语从句,表示“即使”、“纵然”,用来使人注意下文所强调内容的性质。Ill get there even if/though I have to sell my house to get enough money

10、 to go by air.3no matter后接who,what,where,how等疑问词引导让步状语从句,也可以在这类疑问词后面加上ever构成whoever,whatever,wherever,however等。但在引导名词性从句时只能用“疑问词ever”类词。Dont trust him,no matter what/whatever he says.I will eat whatever you give me.No matter how hard the work is,youd better try to do it well.4as也可以引导让步状语从句,需将从句中的表语、

11、状语以及谓语中的实义动词提前至从句句首,引起倒装;作表语的单数可数名词前如有冠词,冠词需省去。though引导的从句也可以倒装,但although引导的不可以。Child as(though) he is,he knows a lot.Much as I like it,I wont buy.Try as he would,he couldnt lift the heavy box.5while也可以引导让步状语从句,表示“尽管”,比though/although语气弱。while引导的让步状语从句一般要位于句首。原因状语从句:because,as,since,now that1表示不知道的原

12、因时用because,即说话人认为听话人不知道,因此because从句是全句最重要的部分,通常它被置于主句之后。You want to know why Im leaving?Im leaving because Im fed up with the boss.2表示已经知道的原因时用as或since,即某种原因在说话人看来已经很明显,或已为听话人所熟悉,因此它是句中不很重要的部分。since要比as正式一些,它们通常被置于主句之前,但有时却相反。Seeing all of the children already seated,he said,“Since everyone is here,

13、lets start.”3下列情况下只能使用because:(1)在回答why的问句时;(2)在用于强调句型时;(3)被not所否定时。地点状语从句:where,wherever等Make a mark wherever you have any questions.We will go where the Party directs us.目的状语从句:that,so that,in order that注意:目的状语从句中的谓语动词常与情态动词连用,否则可能是结果状语从句,不可置于句首。He got up early so that he could catch the early tra

14、in.结果状语从句:that,so that,so.that.,such.that.注意:so形容词/副词that从句;such名词that从句。She is so good that we all like her.He is such a good teacher that we all respect him.方式状语从句:as,as if/thoughIll do as I am told to.It looks as if it is going to rain.条件状语从句:if,unless,so/as long as,in case,once,on condition that

15、等You can use my bike as long as you return it on time.注意状语从句中从句的省略现象1连词非谓语动词Dont speak until (you are) spoken to.Unless (it is) repaired,the washing machine is no use.Look out while (you are) crossing the street.He opened his lips as if (he is going )to speak.2连词形容词常见的有if necessary,if possible,when

16、necessary,if any等。If (it is) necessary,I will go there.Make a careful plan if (it is) possible.3连词介词短语He looked around as if in search of something.连词与语法填空并列句和状语从句中的连词是语法填空题中常考点之一。连词分为并列连词和从属连词,常考的并列连词有and,but,or,so,while,when等;常考的从属连词有if,although/though,once,unless,when,where,since,before,after,bec

17、ause,as等。典题试做1在空白处填入适当的连词1One day,the cow was eating grass it began to rain heavily.(202X广东)答案when解析be doing sth.when.正在做某事这时。when是并列连词,意思是“正在这时”。2But the river wasnt changed in a few days even a few months.(202X新课标全国)答案or解析a few days和a few months为选择关系,因此要用or连接。3There were many people waiting at the

18、 bus stop, some of them looked very anxious and disappointed.(202X新课标全国)答案and解析结合前后句可知,此处是并列关系,故填并列连词and。4Peter:Unbelievable! Oh., you dont mind,Ill stop and take a deep breath.(202X辽宁)答案if解析句意为:如果你不介意,我要停下来深呼吸。根据句意可知应填if引导条件状语从句。故填if。5I made some sandwiches earlier and left them on the table I went

19、 to answer the phone.But someone must have taken them because theyre gone.(202X新课标全国样卷)答案when解析前一个分句I made some sandwiches earlier and left them on the table与后一个分句I went to answer the phone之间缺少连词;根据句意,第二个分句是第一个分句的时间状语从句,故填when。6We were told that our rooms hadnt been reserved for that week, for the w

20、eek after.(202X广东)答案but解析考查并列连词。not.but.为固定结构,表示“不是而是”。7So Nick called to his son,“Go to the village and buy some salt,but pay a fair price for it:neither too much too little.”(2013广东)答案nor解析neither.nor既不也不,为固定搭配,“(价格)既不要太高也不要太低”。8Some even write postcards while they are on vacation send them to fri

21、ends.(2013广东)答案and解析由write和send前后两个并列动作可知,此处应用and连接。应对策略1若设空处在两个或两个以上单词或短语之间或两句(一个主谓关系算一个句子)之间,并且中间没有连词、分号或句号,则一定是填并列连词或从属连词。连词与短文改错短文改错中对于连词的考查主要涉及连词使用不当,缺少连词以及多余连词(although不能与but连用,because不能与so连用)等情况。典题试做2单句改错(每小题1处错误)1There the air is clean or the mountains are green.(202X全国)答案orand解析两个简单句之间为并列关系

22、而非选择关系,所以将or改为and。2My only mistake was that I dropped some on the floor after I was packing them up.(202X陕西)答案afterwhen/while解析句意为:我所犯的唯一的错误就是当我包装饼干的时候,掉在了地上一些。when/while当的时候,after在之后。3In fact,I dont like to go anymore,so Im afraid Ill lose their friendship.(202X四川)答案sobut解析考查连词。句意为:事实上,我不想再去那里了,但我怕

23、失去他们的友谊。两个分句之间有转折关系,故把so改成but。4If I was only a child when I studied in that classroom,I will never forget it.(202X浙江)答案IfAlthough/Though解析考查状语从句的引导词。句意为:尽管在那座教室学习时我仅仅是一个孩子,但我永远忘不了它。根据句意,应将if改为although或though。5Although we allow tomato plants to grow in the same place year after year,but we have never

24、 had any disease or insect attack problems.(202X新课标全国)答案去掉but或butyet解析在让步状语从句中,although不可以与but连用,但可以与yet连用。6And it is wise to have as many good friends that we can.(202X大纲全国)答案thatas解析as we can为固定句式。7A passenger realized he couldnt find his ticket but became quite upset.(202X浙江)答案butand解析cou

25、ldnt find his ticket与became quite upset为并列平行关系,故应用and连接。8Before waiting for about half an hour,I was beginning to get impatient.(2013陕西)答案BeforeAfter解析句意为:等候了大约半个小时后,我开始不耐烦。故应把Before改为After。9He had a deep voice,which set him apart from others in our small town,he was strong and powerful.(2013新课标全国)答

26、案he前加and解析句中which引导的是定语从句,修饰主句He had a deep voice,而主句与从句后的分句he was strong and powerful之间缺少连词,根据他们的并列关系,确定he前加and。10In fact,he even scared my classmates away during they came over to play or do homework with me.(2013新课标全国)答案duringwhen解析句中during为介词,不可以连接两个独立谓语的句子,根据逻辑关系,后一个分句应为when引导的时间状语从句。故during应改为


28、句与状语从句易错点聚焦(一)在书面表达中往往缺乏并列句意识,主要存在以下两个方面的倾向:1机械排列简单句I believe I am fit for it.Im writing to apply for the position.如果我们把意义相关的这两个句子用适当的连词连接起来,可得到下面的句子:I believe I am fit for it,so Im writing to apply for the position.比较一下,同学们是不是感觉后者要优于前者呢?并列连词的应用可增强句子之间的逻辑性和美感,使句子之间显得更加紧凑。2逗号连接两个简单句Im enthusiastic an

29、d easygoing,Im easy to get along with and can cooperate well with others.在该句中含有两个简单句,中间用逗号起了连接作用,显然这是不符合英语语法规则的。我们不妨做如下改动:Im enthusiastic and easygoing,so Im easy to get along with and can cooperate well with others.(二)对于状语从句,在实际运用中主要存在以下问题:1从句意识缺乏The Expo is very attractive.We are all eager to pay

30、a visit to it.The Expo is so attractive that we are all eager to pay a visit to it.通过比较不难发现,后句比前句更加紧凑且逻辑性强,增强了交际效果。2状语从句成分残缺(误)Please close the doors and windows before leave the classroom.(正)Please close the doors and windows before you leave the classroom.由于受汉语的干扰,第一句中状语从句中漏掉了主语。3连接词误用(误)Teachers

31、and parents should respect us no matter we are in or outside school.(正)Teachers and parents should respect us whether we are in or outside school.两句尽管从汉语角度来看意思相同,但是从语法角度no matter一般后跟特殊疑问词,而whether可直接引导状语从句。(误)Though he is considered a great writer,but his works are not widely read.(正)Though he is consider

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