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1、国际经济学试题答案国际经济学选择题汇总版(附答案)Ch1-Ch31. The United States is less dependent on trade than most other countries becauseA) the United States is a relatively large country with diverse resources.B) the United States is a“ Superpower. ”C) the military power of the United States makes it less dependent on any

2、thing.D) the United States invests in many other countries.E) many countries invest in the United States.2. Because the Constitution forbids restraints on interstate trade,A) the U.S. may not impose tariffs on imports from NAFTA countries.B) the U.S. may not affect the international value of the $ U

3、.S.C) the U.S. may not put restraints on foreign investments in California if it involves a financial intermediary in New York State.D) the U.S. may not impose export duties.E) the U.S. may not disrupt commerce between Florida and Hawaii.3. International economics can be divided into two broad sub-f

4、ieldsA) macro and micro.B) developed and less developed.C) monetary and barter.D) international trade and international money.E) static and dynamic.4. International monetary analysis focuses onA) the real side of the international economy.B) the international trade side of the international economy.

5、C) the international investment side of the international economy.D) the issues of international cooperation between Central Banks.E) the monetary side of the international economy, such as currency exchange.5. The gravity model offers a logical explanation for the fact thatA) trade between Asia and

6、 the U.S. has grown faster than NAFTA trade.B) trade in services has grown faster than trade in goods.C) trade in manufactures has grown faster than in agricultural products.D) Intra-European Union trade exceeds international trade by the European Uni on.E) the U.S. trades more with Western Europe t

7、han it does with Canada.6. The gravity model explains whyA) trade between Sweden and Germany exceeds that between Sweden and Spain.B) co un tries with oil reserves tend to export oil.C) capital rich countries export capital intensive products.D) in tra-i ndustry trade is relatively more importa nt t

8、ha n other forms of trade betwee n n eighbori ngcoun tries.E) Europea n coun tries rely most ofte n on n atural resources.7. Why does the gravity model work?A) Large econo mies became large because they were en gaged in intern ati onal trade.B) Large econo mies have relatively large in comes, and he

9、nce spe nd more on gover nm ent promoti on of trade and inv estme nt.C) Large economies have relatively larger areas which raises the probability that a pro ductive activity will take place within the borders of that coun try.D) Large econo mies tend to have large in comes and tend to spe nd more on

10、 impor ts.E) Large economies tend to avoid trading with small economies.8. We see that the Netherlands, Belgium, and Ireland trade considerably more with the United States than with many other countries.A) This is expla ined by the gravity model, since these are all large coun tries.B) This is expla

11、 ined by the gravity model, since these are all small coun tries.C) This fails to be consistent with the gravity model, since these are small countri es.D) This fails to be consistent with the gravity model, since these are large countries.E) This is explained by the gravity model, since they do not

12、 share borders.9. In the present, most of the exports from China areA) manu factured goods.B) services.C) primary products in clud ing agricultural.D) tech no logy inten sive products.E) overpriced by world market sta ndards.10. A country en gag ing in trade accord ing to the prin ciples of comparat

13、ive adva ntage gains from trade because itA) is produci ng exports in directly more efficie ntly tha n it could alternatively.B) is produci ng imports in directly more efficie ntly tha n it could domestically.C) is producing exports using fewer labor units.D) is produci ng imports in directly using

14、fewer labor un its.E) is produci ng exports while outsourci ng services.11. The Ricardian model attributes the gains from trade associated with the principle o f comparative adva ntage result toA) differe nces in tech no logy.B) differe nces in prefere nces.C) differences in labor productivity.D) di

15、ffere nces in resources.E) gravity relati on ships among coun tries.12. A n ati on en gagi ng in trade accordi ng to the Ricardia n model will find its con sump tion bun dleA) in side its producti on possibilities fron tier.B) on its product ion possibilities fron tier.C) outside its production poss

16、ibilities frontier.D) in side its trade-part ners product ion possibilities fron tier.E) on its trade-partners production possibilities frontier.13. Assume that labor is the only factor of production and that wages in the United Sta tes equal $20 per hour while wages in Japa n are $10 per hour. Prod

17、ucti on costs would be lower in the United States as compared to Japan ifA) U.S. labor productivity equaled 40 units per hour and Japans 15 units per ho ur.B) U.S. labor productivity equaled 30 units per hour and Japans 20 units per hour.C) U.S. labor productivity equaled 20 units per hour and Japan

18、s 30 units per hour.D) U.S. labor productivity equaled 15 units per hour and Japans 25 units per hour.E) U.S. labor productivity equaled 15 units per hour and Japans 40 units per hour.14. In a two-country, two-product world, the statement “ Germanyjnjoys a comparativ e adva ntage over France in auto

19、s relative tships ” equivale nt toA) France hav ing a comparative adva ntage over Germa ny in ships.B) France hav ing a comparative disadva ntage compared to Germa ny in autos and ship s.C) Germa ny hav ing a comparative adva ntage over France in autos and ships.D) France hav ing no comparative adva

20、 ntage over Germa ny.E) France should produce autos.15. If the Un ited States product ion possibility fron tier was flatter to the widget axis, whereas Germa nys was flatter to the butter axis, we know thatA) the Un ited States has no comparative adva ntageB) Germa ny has a comparative adva ntage in

21、 butter.C) the U.S. has a comparative advantage in butter.D) Germa ny has comparative adva ntages in both products.E) the U.S. has a comparative disadvantage in widgets.Ch4-Ch51. The Ricardia n model of intern ati onal trade dem on strates that trade can be mutually ben eficial. Why, the n, do gover

22、 nments restrict imports of some goods?A) Trade can have substa ntial effects on a coun trys distributio n of in come.B) The Ricardia n model is ofte n in correct in its predict on that trade can be mutually ben eficial.C) Import restricti ons are the result of trade wars betwee n hostile coun tries

23、.D) Imports are on ly restricted whe n foreig n-made goods do not meet domestic sta ndar ds of qualityE) Restrict ions on imports are inten ded to ben efit domestic con sumers.2. Japa ns trade policies with regard to rice reflect the fact thatA) japa nese rice farmers have sig nifica nt political po

24、wer.B) Japa n has a comparative adva ntage in rice producti on and therefore exports most o f its rice crop.C) there would be no gains from trade available to Japan if it engaged in free trade in r ice.D) there are gains from trade that Japan captures by engaging in free trade in rice.E) Japan impor

25、ts most of the rice consumed in the country.3. In the specific factors model, which of the following is treated as a specific factor?A) LaborB) LandC) ClothD) FoodE) Tech no logy4. The specific factors model assumes that there are goods and factor(s) of producti on.A) two; threeB) two; twoC) two; on

26、eD) three; twoE) four; three5. The slope of a coun trys product ion possibility fron tier with cloth measured on thehorizontal and food measured on the vertical axis in the specific factors model is equa l to and it as more cloth is produced.A) -MPLF/MPLC; becomes steeperB) -MPLF/MPLC; becomes flatt

27、erC) -MPLF/MPLC; is con sta ntD) -MPLC/MPLF; becomes steeperE) -MPLC/MPLF; is con sta nt6. Under perfect competition, the equilibrium price of labor used to produce cloth will be equal toA) the slope of the production possibility frontier.B) the average product of labor in the product ion of cloth t

28、imes the price of cloth.C) the ratio of the marg inal product of labor in the product ion of cloth to the margi nal product of labor in the production of food times the ratio of the price of cloth. to the price of food.D) the marginal product of labor in the producti on of cloth times the price of c

29、lot h.E) the price of cloth divided by the marginal product of labor in the product ion of clot h.7. I n the specific factors model, which of the followi ng will in crease the qua ntity of la bor used in cloth product ion?A) a n in crease in the price of cloth relative to that of foodB) an in crease

30、 in the price of food relative to that of clothC) a decrease in the price of laborD) an equal perce ntage decrease in the price of food and clothE) an equal perce ntage in crease in the price of food and cloth8. A country that does not en gage in trade can ben efit from trade only ifA) it has an abs

31、olute adva ntage in at least one good.B) it employs a unique tech no logy.C) pre-trade and free-trade relative prices are not identical.D) its wage rate is below the world average.E) pre-trade and free-trade relative prices are identical.9. I n the specific factors model, the effects of trade on wel

32、fare are for mobile factors, for fixed factors used to produce the exported good, and _ for fixed factors used to produce the imported good.A) ambiguous; positive; n egativeB) ambiguous; n egative; positiveC) positive; ambiguous; ambiguousD) n egative; ambiguous; ambiguousE) positive; positive; positive10. The effect of trade on specialized employees of import-competi ng in dust

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