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The Firefly that Loved Metallica.docx

1、The Firefly that Loved MetallicaThe Firefly that Loved Metallica (Sam/Dean, 10,595 words, R)I started writing this just a few days after All Hell Breaks Loose and have been picking it up and putting it down since then. Its finally finished and if I dont post it now, I reckon Ill just keep on picking

2、 at it. *g*The Firefly that Loved Metallica(Sam/Dean, 10,595 words, R, set post-AHBL)In which Sam has a bottle full of soul.Deans soul tastes like candyfloss. Its like a little, warm cloud of spun sugar in Sams mouth. Samd thought it was the Crossroads Demon trying to slip him some tongue as they se

3、aled the deal, sealed her defeat. Dean would probably be offended to have his soul mistaken for demon tongue.Hes all yours, baby, she hissed in his ear when she finally let him breathe again. Sam had stared at her, not daring to move and every drop of stubborn bravado wrung from him in the face of t

4、his one last complicated victory. All pretence of humanity had slid from her. Her eyes turned bloody and the bones in her face sharpened, straining against her sweat-slick skin. A low, guttural noise like boiling water hissed through the air as she flickered and was gone, pouring out black smoke and

5、 leaving a crumpled woman on the ground. And Sam just stands there, feeling his brothers soul flutter against his lips. Oh my God! says Jo. Yeah, says Bobby. Mmmm! says Sam, waggling his hands frantically. It occurs to him that he could very easily swallow Deans soul, and that if he opens his mouth,

6、 even to breathe, Deans soul could float away like dandelion seeds. Hes got his brothers thin sugar soul in his mouth and Jo and Bobby are just staring at him. Mmmmm! he says again, with greater, irritated emphasis.Oh! Right! says Bobby. He presses his shotgun into Jos hand and runs back to the Impa

7、la. Jos screwing her eyes up and staring at Sam, as if waiting for light to come flooding out of his nose or something. She takes a step closer and that doesnt stop Sam from wanting to hyperventilate. He watches her warily, ready to smack her hands away if she tries to get her fingers in his mouth,

8、but she just goes on staring, a little frown on her brow, pink lips parted in a small, wondering o. Here, says Bobby, pressing something glass to Sams lips. Spit.Jo says something like, I hope to God you emptied that first, Bobby, but Sam doesnt pay attention. Slowly, ever so slowly, he closes his l

9、ips about the rim of the bottle and pours the soul out of his mouth. A dollop of light drops into the bottle then contracts to a single point of pinkish-red light. It darts, firefly-like, up and around, making no sound as it taps the glass. Bobby snatches the bottle from him and screws the lid on ti

10、ght and its only then that Sam can see the label. Jack Daniels. Theyre keeping Deans soul, his iddy biddy pink-and-red soul, in a bottle of whiskey. Hes not going to suffocate in there, is he? Jo asks. Sam and Bobby exchange looks. Sam doesnt have much experience in storing souls and he suspects Bob

11、bys expertise doesnt stretch to it either. Taking the bottle by the neck between his thumb and forefinger, Sam holds it up to the moonlight. He expects the glass to be warm already when he presses a fingertip to the side of the bottle, but its not. The firefly inside briefly comes over to inspect Sa

12、ms fingertip but obviously gets bored of the sight quickly and flitters off. Hes going to be okay, says Sam. :They pile into the Impala and Sam reluctantly hands the whiskey bottle to Jo. Its a tough choice. As much as Dean might like and respect Jo and Bobby, theres no way hed trust anyone but Sam

13、to drive the Impala. Over my dead body, as hed taken to saying when there were too few days left for Sam to find that kind of thing funny. But if Sams going to be driving, the only place he could safely have the bottle would be wedged between his thighs and that just feels like its the one thing tha

14、ts even more wrong than having Deans soul in a whiskey bottle in the first place. Dont know about you, says Bobby. But I wasnt expecting that. Didnt you just get popped straight back into your body?Sam flicks a glance in the rear-view mirror and sees that Jos got the bottle cupped reverently in her

15、hands, firefly flickering behind her soft splayed fingers, then he looks back at the road. He nods jerkily, thinking of the empty corpse that Ellen must still be baby-sitting. Yeah. Just woke up. Maybe maybe it was different because she wasnt the one who had my soul, or maybe she was just being a bi

16、tch giving it back like this orOr maybe its not gonna go back in his body, Bobby prompts. His tone is gentle and Sam knows hes trying to play Dad and prepare him for a disappointment. Thing is, as far as Sam is concerned, dads prepare their sons for disappointment with weapons training and barked or

17、ders, so Bobbys attempts are a little lost on him. “So what are you saying, Bobby? That Im just going to have a bottle of Deans soul? Is that?”Sam flicks another surreptitious glance at Jo, who is hunched over the bottle, peering inside. The expression of open wonder on her face and the blonde hair

18、falling about her lit-up face conspire to make her look like a twelve-year old at the carnival. Sam considers pulling the Impala over so he can take Deans soul out of her hands, take it back with him where it belongs. “Souls dont die, Sam,” Bobby is patiently explaining. “Flesh does. You gotta be pr

19、epared that maybe this isnt going to work.”“You said that about the Crossroads Demon. You said I had to expect her to dig her claws into Deans soul and never let go. And look, I got it. I got his soul back. So dont tell me what Ive got to be prepared for.”Jo is whispering something against the glass

20、 and her lips are curved into a smile. Shes crooning at the firefly like its a goddamn baby in a crib, and nothing at all like the soul of a demon hunter trapped in a whiskey bottle. Sam doesnt quite get what that difference demands by way of treatment, but he feels right down to the bone that its a

21、 pretty big distinction. He opens his mouth to say something but her gaze flicks to him abruptly, the eyes of their reflections meeting in the mirror. “Quit pouting and quit checking up on him!” she snaps. “Ive got him. Im not going to drop the damn bottle.”Sam doesnt quit pouting. In fact, he pouts

22、 even harder because this is not how victory is supposed to feel. Victory is supposed to include Dean, Dean looking out from behind his eyes and Deans gruff, slightly overwhelmed voice coming from his mouth, and Dean awkwardly patting Sam on the back and trying to act like Hell had been no worse tha

23、n sitting through Pride and Prejudice that time with Sam. Victory is supposed to include AC/DC and Sam riding shotgun and Dean being right there. Sam puts his foot down and the Impala roars; Sams pleased to hear it sounds as disgruntled and pissed-off as he does. :Ellens tried to work out a schedule

24、, a timetable in her head so she knows when to expect them back and when to accept that its not worked. She knows how long itll take them to get there and back, but its the bit in the middle she cant puzzle out. How long does it take to get a demon to give up a soul? A soul its worked hard to win? I

25、f its Sam Winchester asking, Ellen doesnt think it should take long at all. Theres only one thing in this world scarier than a Winchester, and thats Winchesters. Still, demons have never shown much sense when it comes to messing with Winchesters. She sets her empty coffee mug down and looks at Dean

26、again. The firelight flickers over his mottled blue skin, like hes some hollow, marble egg. Theyve been keeping him in Bobbys deepfreeze since Dean dropped dead three days ago. Sam had refused to bury him and so Ellen got Bobby to lay him out in the ice, and shed indulged herself and played mother,

27、drawing a blanket of bags of frozen peas and uncooked meat up around Dean. When it was time, shed uncovered him and had Bobby bring him back in, not Sam. Shed been glad of that. It hadnt been Dean they brought out of the ice, just his body.After theyd gone, Ellen had bullied the fire into life and s

28、et about thawing the corpse. After all, bad enough being dead, but shes not going to have the poor boy waking up cold. Shed sat with Dean while the frost on his stupidly feminine eyelashes glistened and melted, rolling down his waxy cheeks like tears. Then shed made a pot of coffee. Billy always lik

29、ed a shot of caffeine to wake him up and she thinks that Dean would probably appreciate coming back to life to find a cup of coffee waiting for him. But shes drunk all the coffee and Deans still not woken up. Shes pretty sure shedve noticed if he had. He doesnt strike her as the type to come back fr

30、om the dead without a lot of noise and fuss. The Impala screeches to a halt outside and Ellen takes a breath. She stands up and rubs her hands together, not sure when she got so cold. The door bangs open and the first thing she can think is that the grief has driven Sam to drink and shell murder Bob

31、by for letting the poor boy drink a whole bottle of whiskey and if he let Sam drive her baby girl around after drinking that much shell murder him all over again.Sam drops to his knees by Dean and Ellen almost thinks she cant bear to watch until she notices that Sam is trying to pour whats left of t

32、he whiskey down his brothers throat. Oh honey, she whispers. Honey, I dont think that thatsIts his soul, Jo hisses. Ellen stops and turns to look at her daughter. Jos transfixed, shes not even blinking. Ellen thinks she needs a little clarification but isnt sure what she should ask in order to get it. She looks back at the bottle and at the red-pink f

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