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1、山东省淄博六中高三英语模拟考试试题2山东淄博六中16-17学年高三模拟考试英语试题(2)第一节:语法和词汇知识(共15 小题;每小题1分,满分15分)21My neighbor asked me to go for _ walk, but I dont think Ive got _ energy. a; 不填 Bthe; the C不填;the Da; the22Collecting stamps as a hobby_ increasingly popular during the past fifty years. becomes Bbecame Chas become Dhad bec

2、ome23To everybodys surprise, the fashionable young lady _ to be a thief.found out Bproved out C, put out Dturned out24merica was_ was first called India by Columbus that Bwhere Cwhat Dthe place25In Switzerland, six miles west of Geneva,_ a collection of laboratory buildings. lie Bare lying Clies Dla

3、ys26With summer coming on, the weather gets hot _. day after day Bday and night Cday in and day out Dday by day27I would have come to see you earlier, but I _ too busy. had been Bwere Cwas Dwould be28Thank you very much. Not at all , I was_ glad to help. too Bonly too Cnot so Dmuch30The British are

4、not so familiar with different cultures and other ways of doing things, _ is often the case in other countries as Bthat Cso Dit31Will you go fishing with me? _. No, Ill be very busy B. Yes, Ill be glad C. Certainly, Ill be sorry D. Certainly, Ill be glad to32Is this the restaurant _ ?which you work

5、Bin which you work Cfor which you work Dwhere you work in33Bread and butter_ for breakfast in many Chinese homes nowadays. serve Bservers Cis served Dare served34Where is Xiao Wang? I dont knowHe_ be in the library. can Bmust Cmight Dmay35Do you like the material?Yes, it _ very soft. is feeling Bfel

6、t Cfeels Dis felt第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) Roland was a carpenter in merica. He and Sheila had three 36 two boys and baby Jessica. The baby had been in and out of the hospital for the last year because of infections and 37 problems. She was very weak and sick. The doctors were not 38 that she woul

7、d live another year. 39 Jessica was expensive. The family was deep in 40 . Things were bad. Roland saw no light at the 41 of this tunnel (隧道). Then he saw an ad in the newspaper: “Security guards 42 , $150,000 a year. ” He called the number. The line was busy, but he 43 calling and finally got throu

8、gh. He was worried that the jobs were all taken, 44 they told him plenty of jobs were still available. They said they would give him two weeks of 45 in Texas. Then they would 46 him to Iraq for his assignment. Roland told Sheila he had to take this job. He knew it was 47 ;he might get injured or kil

9、led, but the money was too good. 48 , the family would have full medical benefits, 49 would enable the baby to get the care she needed. Roland said if he survived the first year, he would 50 work there for one more year. Sheila was 51 . She asked, “What if you get killed? What are we going to do wit

10、hout you?” 20090316 “You cant 52 like that, honey,” he said. “Youve got to think 53 . Think about how well off well be in two or three years after I bring back all that 54 . This is the best thing I could do for this family.” Sheila 55 him and sobbed (呜咽地说) . “I dont want you to go.” Roland flew to

11、Houston five days later. 36students Bfriends Cworkmates Dkids 37other Banother Cpuzzling Dstrange38afraid Bsatisfied Cconfident Dsad39Thinking of BGetting rid of Cknowing of DTaking care of 40debt Bdanger Cthought Dsurprise41top Bentrance Cbottom Dend 42sold Bwatched Cwanted Dwelcome43stopped Benjoy

12、ed Ckept Dfinished44but Band Cso Dbecause45holiday Btraining Cwork Drest46invite Bdrive Cexpect Dfly47dangerous Beasy Ccomfortable Dinteresting48However BBesides CTherefore DOtherwise49that Bwhich Cwho Dwhere50luckily Bhappily Ccarefully Dprobably 51excited Bworried Csatisfied Ddisappointed52think B

13、guess Clive Dwork53active Bpositive Chard Dhonest54time Bnews Cmoney Dpaper55took Bmissed Chugged Dleft第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) punctual person is in the habit of doing a thing at the proper time and is never late in keeping an appointment. 2009The unpunctual man, on the other hand, never does w

14、hat he has to do at the proper time. He is always in a hurry and in the end loses both time and his good name. lost thing may be found again, but lost time can never be regained. Time is more valuable than material things. In fact, time is life itself. The unpunctual man is for ever wasting and mism

15、anaging his most valuable asset as well as others. The unpunctual person is always complaining that he finds no time to answer letters, or return calls or keep appointments promptly. But the man who really has a great deal to do is very careful of his time and seldom complains of want of it. He know

16、s that he can not get through huge amount of work unless he faithfully keeps every piece of work when it has to be attended to. Failure to be punctual in keeping ones appointments is a sign of disrespect towards others. If a person is invited to dinner and arrives later than the appointed time, he k

17、eeps all the other guests waiting for him. Usually this will be regarded as a great disrespect to the host and all other guests present.Unpunctuality, moreover, is very harmful when it comes to doing ones duty, whether public or private. Imagine how it would be if those who are put in charge of impo

18、rtant tasks failed to be at their proper place at the appointed time. man who is known to be habitually unpunctual is never trusted by his friends or fellow men. 56What is an unpunctual person like?He always does a thing when it should be done. BHe is always very busy.CHe always does a thing at the

19、wrong time. DHe always keeps the appointments.57Why is unpunctuality very harmful? Because it makes a man lose many chances of doing important affairs.BBecause it makes a man lose friends.CBecause it makes a man work quickly.DBecause it makes a man be more respected by others.58ccording to the passa

20、ge, which is right?The punctual person has no much work to do.BThe unpunctual person is very richCThe unpunctual person is often respected by his friends.DThe unpunctual person loses what cant be regained again.59ccording to the passage, what are good manners when you are invited to a party?rriving

21、at the appointed time. Brriving before all other guests.Crriving after all other guests. DKeeping all other guests waiting.60Why is a person always unpunctual?He is too busy. BHe has too much work to do.CHe does care much about time. DHe doesnt manage his time properly.BKTHMNDU, Nepal (CNN) - Nepal

22、has given its security personnel permission to shoot pro-Tibet demonstrators during Chinas Olympic flame climb to Mount Everests summit early next month.bout 25 soldiers and policemen have established camps on the mountain and they have been ordered to use force if necessary to stop any anti-Chinese

23、 activities, Mod Raj Dotel, spokesman for the home ministry, said Sunday. This could mean shooting if necessary.Security personnel will also check mountain climbers for non-essential expedition materials, Dotel added. If anyone is found with anti-Chinese material their permit will be canceled and re

24、turned from the mountain, he said. Chinese climbers plan to take the Olympic flame to the top of the worlds highest peak, at 8,848 meters (29,028 feet) as part of the global relay leading up to the ugust 8 opening of the Summer Olympics in Beijing.Spring is the most popular season for climbing Mount

25、 Everest, which straddles(跨越) the border between Nepal and Tibet, an autonomous region of China. The Nepali government has given permits to dozens of climbers from 30 expeditions this season. But between May 1 and May 10, climbers are barred from going above 6,400 meters until the torch run is compl

26、eted. China plans to take the Olympic flame to the summit sometime then.Bad weather conditions allow only about two opportunities in May for a push to the summit.The Chinese have not allowed any expedition to climb the mountain from the north side, according the Kathmandu representative of the Tibet

27、 China Mountaineering ssociation.lmost every day in the past month, Nepalese police have arrested pro-Tibet protesters from in front of the Chinese Embassy and the United Nations offices. The demonstrators are released later in the evening. Supporters of Tibet punish the governments attitude toward

28、the autonomous region, and many believe China should not have been awarded the honor of hosting the Olympic Games.Earlier torch relay stops in London, England; Paris, France; and San Francisco, California attracted tens of thousands of demonstrators. They led to attacks on the torch and relay partic

29、ipants, and prompted police to make dozens of arrests.Subsequent stops in rgentina, Tanzania and Oman were trouble-free.In Pakistan, authorities closed the relay to the public. nd India shortened the relay and kept thousands of anti-Chinese protesters at bay by sealing off roads and shuttering buildings along t

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