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九年级英语 Module 8 Public holidays同步测试 外研版.docx

1、九年级英语 Module 8 Public holidays同步测试 外研版2019-2020年九年级英语 Module 8 Public holidays同步测试 外研版第一节:请听句子,选出你听到的单词。 (5分)( ) 1. A. programmer B. engineer C .manager D .teacher( ) 2. A. garden B. apartment C. green D. dormitory( ) 3 .A. police B. train C .space D. place ( ) 4. A. better B. letter C .later D. lit

2、tle( ) 5. A. Spanish B. Spain C. English D .French第二节:听句子,选择最佳答案。(5分)6. Which gate would you go if you are going t London? A. Gate 7 B. Gate 11 C. Gate 37. Where would the man visit first? A. Pairs B. New York C. London8. What festival is the man talking about? A. Mothers Day B. Labour Day C. Spring

3、 Festival9. Which is the womans most favourite type of films? A. Romantic B. Comedy C. Action10. How often does the man go traveling? A. Usually B. Sometimes C. hardly第三节:听小对话,回答问题。(5分)11. What time is it now?A.7:40 B.7:35 C.7:2512. How long does it take the boy to get to school in the morning?A.15m

4、inutes B.20minutes C.25minutes13.How long did the girl stay in Shanghai?A. Two days B. Four days C. Five days14. Whos Tom talking to?A. His mother B. His father C. His teacher15. How is Kate feeling today?A. Well B. Better C. Bad第四节:听短文,,判断正误.(正确的涂A,错误的涂B)(5分) ( ) 16. Last Sunday, an old lady went s

5、hopping.( ) 17. The man got out of a car and went into a bank.( ) 18. The old lady saw a lot of money in the car. ( ) 19. The old lady was foolish.( ) 20. The man ran out of the bank without any money.笔试部分(130分)一、单项选择(25分)1. I want to buy _ MP4, Mum. A. an B. a C. the D. /2. Does he have to tell us?

6、A. something new B. anything new C. new something D. new anything3. Her grandfather was a famous _ in Wangfu Restaurant. He can still make delicious dishes.A. writer B. teacher C. manager D. cook4. If it tomorrow, I will do some sightseeing with my parents in the Summer Palace. A. didnt rain B. wont

7、 rain C. doesnt rain D. isnt raining5. Im not sure _ its a good idea or not. A. whether B. that C. how D. if6. The bad news make her _.A. happily B. happy C. unhappy D. enjoyable7. At weekends I prefer _at home to _out.A. stay, going B. staying, go C. staying, going D. to stay, go8. The _women lived

8、_in the house.A. lonely,lonely B. alone, alone C. lonely, alone D. alone, lonely9. Do you know where _ now? A. he lives B. does he live C. he lived D. did he live 10. When the teacher came in, the students stopped _ and became very_. A. to talk, quiet B. talking, quiet C. to talk, quietly D. talking

9、, quietly11. - Do you often hear John _ in his room?-Listen! Now we can hear him _ in his room.A. sing, to sing B. singing, singing C. sing, singing D. to sing, singing 12. Do you still remember _ me somewhere in Beijing?-Yes, of course. Two years ago.A. to see B. see C. seeing D. saw13. Yangyang ne

10、ver plays video games in his spare time,_ ? A. is he B. isnt he C. does he D. doesnt he14. _ today! Yes. Shall we have a picnic in the open air?A. What fine weather is B. How fine weather it isC. What a fine weather it is D. How fine the weather is 15. Could you tell me when _?At 10:25, in ten minut

11、es.A. the bus will leave B. will the bus leave C. the bus has left D. the bus had left16. Our teacher always tells us _ on the road. A. dont play B. not playing C. not to play D. not play 17. All living things _ the sun for their growth.A. depend of B. fill with C. full of D. depend on 18. I saw an

12、_ film and I was _.A. exciting, exciting, B. exciting, excited. C. excited, excited. D. excited, exciting.19. He said he _Tibet. A. is going to B. will go to C. was going D. was going to20. Have you bought that digital camera? No, I cant afford it. The price is a bit too _, I think.A. low B. high C.

13、 cheap D. expensive21. My uncle remembered _.A. when we moved to the town B. when did we move to the townC. when we move to the town D. when do we move to the town22. The students are _ busy watering the garden and _ of them wants to have a rest.A. both, none B. all, none C. both, any D. all, neithe

14、r23. The skirt looks pretty on you, _ it is kind of out of style.(过时)A. though B. but C. for D. except24. If you _ the lions, you will become a great soccer player. A. join B. will join C. take part in D. will take part in25. Its very brave _ you _ the boy out of the river.A for, to save B for, savi

15、ng C of, saving D. of, to save二、完形填空(20分)(A)It was a Monday morning. When a teacher walked into the_(1), he heard a low voice: “Here is the teacher. I am_(2) this boring fellow(烦人的家伙) is going to talk about putting in commas(逗号).” It was_(3) voice. His name was Bill. He was talking_(4) the boy next

16、to him.The teacher didnt get angry. He said_(5) about it , then he really began to talk about putting in commas, and then he wrote_(6) the sentence: “Bill says the teacher is a boring fellow.”The class_(7) and Bills face_(8) red.“Now,” said the teacher, “Ill_(9) you how important commas are.”He put

17、two commas in the sentence, and now read, “ _(10) is a boring fellow.”( ) 1. A. library B. school C. classroom D. office( ) 2. A. sorry B. sure C. glad D. surprised( ) 3. A. his B. the teachers C. a boys D. a girls( ) 4. A. with B. of C. about D. at ( ) 5. A. much B. everything C. something D. nothi

18、ng( ) 6. A. on his desk B. on the blackboard C. in his book D. in Bills exercise book( ) 7. A. laughed B. stopped C. looked D. read( ) 8. A. got B. changed C. turned D. grew ( ) 9. A. answer B. show C. ask D. give ( ) 10. A. The teacher says, Bill, B. Bill, says, the teacher C. The teacher, says, Bi

19、ll D. Bill, says the teacher, (B)The great ship, the Titanic, sailed for New York from England on April 12th, 1912. The ship had sixteen watertight compartments (密封舱). Even if two of them were broken, she would 1 be able to stay on the water. Four days after 2 , while the Titanic was sailing 3 the i

20、cy waters of the North Atlantic, a huge ice mountain suddenly appeared. The great ship turned hard. The Titanic turned just in time, and just missed the big 4 of ice beside her. Suddenly there was a trembling (颤抖的) 5 from below and the captain went down to see what had 6 . The noise had been so weak

21、 that 7 thought the ship had been broken. But the captain 8 that the ship was sinking (下沉) very quickly, for five of the sixteen watertight compartments had already been broken! The order (命令) to 9 the ship was given and hundreds of people jumped into the icy water. As there were not enough lifeboat

22、s for everybody, 1,500 lives were 10 . Although the sad story has been so many years, people still remember it clearly.( )11. A. not B. yet C. never D. still ( )12. A. breaking B. finding C. starting D. turning( )13. A. through B. above C. across D. under( )14. A. wall B. ground C. window D. door (

23、)15. A. voice B. sound C. shout D. cry( )16. A. received B. stopped C. happened D. left( )17. A. everyone B. anyone C. nobody D. anybody( )18. A. realized B. remembered C. asked D. forgot( )19. A. keep B. leave C. buy D. sell( )20. A. lived B. saved C. lost D. found三、阅读理解(40分)(A) Mr. and Mrs. Clarke

24、 were going to America for their holidays. They had a dog called Billy. They liked him very much. But they couldnt take him to America with them. So they found a place to leave him while they were away. At the end of their holidays they got back to England very late at night so they didnt go to get

25、Billy. The next morning Mr. Clarke got into his car and drove happily to get Billy. When he got home with the dog he said to his wife, “Dear, I dont think Billy has enjoyed his days at that place. He made lots of noise all the way home. I guess he must want to tell me something!” Mrs. Clarke looked

26、at the dog carefully and answered, “ You are quite right, dear, but he wasnt trying to tell you he hadnt enjoyed his day at that place. He was trying to tell you that you had brought the wrong dog home. That isnt our Billy.”1. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke were going to America_.A. to meet their friends B. to

27、 see their family C. to spend their holiday2. Mr. Clarke drove to get Billy back_. A. as soon as they came back B. late at night C. the next morning3. Mr. Clarke thought that Billy _ at that place. A. had a good time. B. didnt have a good time C. liked to made noise4. Mrs. Clarke found that _. A. he

28、r husband was quite right. B. the dog was Billy C. her husband had brought the wrong dog home.5. Which of the following is right? A. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke loved Billy very much. B. Billy really enjoyed himself while they were away. C. Mr. Clarke brought their own dog home.(B)A meteorite(陨石) almost hit

29、 an 80-year-old man named Arthur Pettifer in Britain when he was working in his garden. The meteorite was the biggest in the past 26 years in Britain.The meteorite weighed(重量) one kilo, and might be over four thousand million years old.“I hear the big noise in the air. I looked up and saw the tops o

30、f the trees coming and going,” he said, “I didnt know what it was.”Meteorites are small things from the small planets in space. About 3,500 meteorites may fall on earth every year, but only very few are found. Mr. Pettifers meteorite is the fifth to fall in Britain since the Second World War.Mr. Pettifer is glad. “When you think about it coming from so far away, it really is something strange.”6.The meteorite was _ Mr. Pettifer when it fell down.A. close to B. far from C. hitting D. go up7.The m

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