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1、考研英语辅导班基础班内部授课讲义考研英语基础班授课讲义(2010)主讲教授朱泰祺 张洪兵北京太奇培训学校内部资料 翻印必究前 言本讲义是按照全国硕士研究生入学考试英语考试大纲(非英语专业)所规定的考试要求,又考虑到部分考生英语基础比较薄弱,需要在强化班以前进行适应性训练而编写的。编者力图通过中级阅读在词汇和语法方面提高考生的语言能力,以便帮助考生打好基础、顺利过渡到强化阶段。本讲义分4次讲座,共16学时。此讲义的难度相当于大学英语四级。本着精讲多练、讲中有练、练中有讲、讲练结合的原则,通过授课教师讲解和学员操练迅速提高学员的词汇语法水平和阅读能力,从而进入考研切入点,了解考试的要求、命题的重点

2、和难点,并掌握一整套行之有效的学习方法和应试对策,以便在2010年的考试中取得满意的成绩。学员在辅导班上应全神贯注、认真听讲、记笔记,积极参加课堂的操练活动,课下应认真复习、按时完成教师布置的家庭作业。此外,学员可以使用朱泰祺教授编著的新编硕士研究生英语入学考试复习指导(2010)和实用考研词汇学习手册两书作为课外参考书,以满足不同层次考生的个性化需要。预祝学员们考研成功! 北京太奇培训学校教务部 面授电话: (010) 62008742 网络视听班:(010) 62001277 学校网址:www. tqedu. cn(2010) 考研英语基础班授课讲义 (一) 朱泰祺主讲Text 1Ther

3、e is no doubt that adults, and even highly educated adults, vary greatly in the speed and efficiency of their reading. Some proceed very slowly throughout; others dash along too quickly and then have to regress. Poor readers in particular may lack the ability to vary their manner of reading accordin

4、g to the type of reading matter and to their intentions in reading it. A good reader can move at great speed through the text of a novel or similar light reading matter. He may be able to skim a page, picking up a word or two here and there, and gain a general idea of what the text is about without

5、really reading it. In reading more difficult material, with the intention of taking in the whole of it, he will proceed more slowly, but even then he will vary his pace, concentrating on the key words and passages, perhaps re-reading them several times, and pass more quickly over the remainder. A le

6、ss efficient reader tends to maintain the same speed whatever material he reads. Consequently, even light reading matter gives him little pleasure because he reads so slowly. But this pace may be too fast for really difficult material which requires special concentration at difficult points.A type o

7、f reading which necessitates careful attention to detail is proofreading, in which the reader, in order to detect misprints in a sample print, has to notice not so much the meaning of what he reads as the exact shape and order of letters and words in the text. This is extremely difficult for most pe

8、ople since they are accustomed to overlooking such details. In fact, considerable practice is required to practise this task efficiently and it can be done only by reading very slowly, and by paying comparatively little attention to the general meaning of the text. (316 words) 1. The author claims t

9、hat there is a difference in reading speed A among all readers. B among different highly educated only. C among different poorly educated adults only. D between the poorly educated and the highly educated.2. A good reader is a reader who A always reads slowly but carefully. B concentrates on the key

10、 words only. C changes his speed according to the kind of text. D changes his speed according to his liking for the book.3. The author says that when reading a novel, a good reader can quickly read A every part of the book. B the minor part of the book. C the major part of the book. D the significan

11、t passages in the book. 4. The last two sentences of the second paragraph mean that a reading speed A too slow for a difficult book is just right for a non-serious one. B too slow for a non-serious book may be too fast for a difficult one. C too slow for a non-serious book is also too slow for a dif

12、ficult one. D too fast for difficult material is just right for a non-serious book.5. In order to detect misprints in a sample print, a proofreader has to A understand the text fully. B have practice in efficiency.C pay little attention to the general meaning of the text. D grasp the shape and order

13、 of letters and words as he reads.Words and Expressionsthere is no doubt that 毫无疑问。 adult n. 成年人vary vi./vt. (=be different) 改变,变化:The weight of a body varies with latitude and altitude, its mass does not. 物体的重量随所处的纬度和高度而变化,而质量则与此无关。 The job enables me to vary the hours I work. 这项工作使我能够调整工作时间。 同根词 v

14、ariation n. 变化,变动。 variety n. 种类,品种。 成语 a variety of 种种,多种多样。 various adj. 各种各样的;不同的。 variable 易变的。efficiency n. 效率:She admired his efficiency. 她钦佩他的效率。 同根词 efficient adj. 有效率的,效率很高的:Our efficient new machines are much cheaper to run. 我们的新机器效能良好,用起来省钱得很。proceed vi. 1.向前走,继续前进:Proceed to the next lig

15、ht, then turn left. 继续前进到下一个灯,然后往左拐。2. 接着(做某事),开始进行,继续进行:As soon as he came in, he proceeded to tell us all his troubles. 他一进来就接着将所有烦恼讲给我们听。 3. 进行,进展:The experiment is proceeding as planned. 实验按计划进行。 同根词 proceeding n. 1. 进程。 2. pl.商业活动:The necessary proceedings have been begun for the combining of t

16、he two firms. 合并这两家公司所需做的工作已经开始进行了。3. 诉讼: start take proceedings against sb. 开始起诉某人。 dash v. (=run quickly and suddenly) 猛冲,奔驰: The dog dashed after the rabbit. 这狗猛追兔子。 I must dash (off) to catch a train. 我必须冲去赶火车。regress vi. 退回。 in particular 尤其,特别。intention n. 意图,本来的想法。同根词 intend vt. (=plan, mean

17、to do) 打算,有心,有的意图:I intended to come to your house last night but it rained.(我打算昨天晚上来你家,但天下雨了。) well-intentioned adj. 用心好的。 intentional adj. 故意的,蓄意的。skim vt. 浏览,略读: I skimmed(through) the magazine for the interesting articles. 我浏览杂志寻找有意思的文章。pick up (尤指偶然或无意地)得到, 获得, 找到, 学到 (语言、技能、习惯、想法、书本等): While l

18、iving there, she picked up the local accent. 他在那里居住时,学会了地方口音。here and there 随处。take in (=understand) 理解,领会:Halfway through the chapter I realized I hadnt taken anything in. 这一章我读到一半才意识到我根本没有看懂。tend v. 趋向于,往往是: People under stress tend to express their full range of potential. 处于压力下的人容易发挥自己全部的潜力。cons

19、equently adv. 因此。 attention to detail 无微不至;注意细节。proofreading n. 校对。 detect vt. 侦察;发现。misprint n. 印刷错误。 sample n. 样品,标本。not so much as 与其说,倒不如说be accustomed to doing sth. 习惯于做某事。overlook v. 1. 俯望:Our room overlooked the sea. 我们的房间俯瞰着大海。2. 忽视,忽略,没看到: I overlooked this problem and shall have to tackle

20、it now. 我曾忽略这个问题,现在得处理它。3. 原谅,宽恕,不计较: My fault, Madam: I hope youll overlook it. 我的错,太太,我希望你会原谅。Text 1 参考译文毫无疑问,成人,甚至受过高等教育的成人,他们的阅读速度和阅读效率大不相同。有些人读得很慢;而有些人一目十行,然后又得回头再看。阅读差的人尤其可能缺乏能力按读物类型和阅读目的来调整他们的阅读方法。优秀的阅读者能够以很快的速度读完一部小说或类似的消遣性读物。他能够一目十行浏览,时而注意一两个单词,然后掌握了全文的大意,而用不着从头至尾细读。在阅读难度更大的材料时,为了吃透全文意思,他会降

21、低阅读速度,但即使这样,他也会变换阅读速度,把注意力集中在关键词和关键段落上,或许会来回读几遍,而对其余部分一带而过。阅读效率较差的人不管读什么往往会保持同一速度。因此,即使消遣性读物也不会给他多少乐趣,因为他读得太慢。但是对于真正难的材料这种速度可能太快,因为难度大的材料需要专门注意难点。 需要仔细注意细节的一种阅读就是校对。校对者为了发现校样中的印刷错误与其说必须注意所读材料的含义,倒不如说必须注意样稿中字母和单词的确切形态和次序。这样做对于许多人来说是极其困难的,因为他们习惯于忽略这些细节。实际上,要高效率地完成这种任务需要大量的实际操练,而且只有读得很慢并且不去注意文章的大意才能做好这

22、件工作。Text 2While it is true that Americans believe climbing the educational ladder leads to success, they are less certain that intellectual achievement which is the main purpose of the schools, is the only important factor leading to success. A competitive, even aggressive, personality is seen as im

23、portant to success, especially in men. The development of social and political skills are also considered to be very important. To help Americans to develop these other important skills, schools have added a large number of extracurricular activities to daily life at school. This is especially true

24、of high schools and colleges but extends down into elementary schools as well.Athletics, frequently called competitive sports, are perhaps the most important of these activities. Football, basketball, and baseball teams are seen as very important in students, particularly boys, the winning spirit. A

25、t times, athletic teams seem to become more important to some students and their parents than the academic programs offered by the schools. Student government is another extracurricular activity designed to develop competitive, political and social skills in students. The students choose a number of

26、 student government officers, who compete for the votes of their fellow students in school wide elections. Although these officers have little power over the central decisions of the school, the process of running for office and then taking responsibility for a number of minor matters if elected is

27、seen as good experience in developing their leadership and competitive skills.Athletics and student government are only two of a variety of extracurricular activities found in American schools. There are clubs and activities for almost every student interest, all aimed at helping the student to beco

28、me more successful in later life. Many parents watch their childrens extracurricular activities with as much interest and concern as they do their childrens intellectual achievements in the classroom. (304 words)1. The main idea of the passage is that A Americans concentrate solely on extracurricula

29、r activities. B outside class interests are important addition to education. C Americans want to go to college and to succeed in the future. D Americans have more time to develop interests outside class.2. According to the passage, the most important extracurricular activity especially for a boy wou

30、ld be A winning spirit. B joining the football or baseball team. C being a student officer. D being president of the Students Club.3. The reason why extracurricular activities are important is probably that A society is composed of many other social skills. B Americans attach great significance to s

31、ports. C education should be interesting and instructive. D everyone should know something about society and politics.4. According to the passage, climbing the educational ladder most probably means A running for student government officers. B participating in extracurricular activities. C winning h

32、igh ratings in school examinations. D developing your academic education step by step. 5. The best title for the passage would be A Students Should Both Study and Work. B American School Systems and Their Functions. C Just Studying Isnt Always the Way to Success. D Parents Should Take Interest in Their Children s School Activities.Word

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