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1、车辆工程外文翻译汽车悬架汽 车 悬 架现代汽车中的悬架有两种,一种是从动悬架,另一种是主动悬架。 从动悬架即传统式的悬架,是由弹簧、减振器(减振筒)、导向机构等组成,它的功能是减弱路面传给车身的冲击力,衰减由冲击力而引起的承载系统的振动。其中弹簧主要起减缓冲击力的作用,减振器的主要作用是衰减振动。由于这种悬架是由外力驱动而起作用的,所以称为从动悬架。 而主动悬架的控制环节中安装了能够产生抽动的装置,采用一种以力抑力的方式来抑制路面对 车身的冲击力及车身的倾斜力。由于这种悬架能够自行产生作用力,因此称为主动悬架。 主动悬架是近十几年发展起来的,由电脑控制的一种新型悬架,具备三个条件: (1)具有

2、能够产生作用力的动力源; (2)执行元件能够传递这种作用力并能连续工作; (3)具有多种传感器并将有关数据集中到微电脑进行运算并决定控制方式。因此,主动悬架汇集了力学和电子学的技术知识,是一种比较复杂的高技术装置。 例如装置了主动悬架的法国雪铁龙桑蒂雅,该车悬架系统的中枢是一个微电脑,悬架上有5 种 传感器,分别向微电脑传送车速、前轮制动压力、踏动油门踏板的速度、车身垂直方向的振幅及频率、转向盘角度及转向速度等数据。电脑不断接收这些数据并与预先设定的临界值进行比较,选择相应的悬架状态。同时,微电脑独立控制每一只车轮上的执行元件,通过控制减振器内油压的变化产生抽动,从而能在任何时候、任何车轮上产

3、生符合要求的悬架运动。因此,桑蒂雅桥车备有多种驾驶模式选择,驾车者只要扳动位于副仪表板上的“正常”或“运动”按钮,轿车就会自动设置在最佳的悬架状态,以求最好的舒适性能。 另外,主动悬架具有控制车身运动的功能。当汽车制动或拐弯时的惯性引起弹簧变形时,主动悬架会产生一个与惯力相对抗的力,减少车身位置的变化。例如德国奔驰2000 款CL 型跑车,当车辆拐弯时悬架传感器会立即检测出车身的倾斜和横向加速度,电脑根据传感器的信息,与预先设定的临界值进行比较计算,立即确定在什么位置上将多大的负载加到悬架上,使车身的倾斜减到最小。 汽车主动悬架液压和空气式从控制力的角度划分,悬架可分为被动悬架,半主动悬架和主

4、动悬架。目前,大多数汽车的悬架系统装有弹簧和减振器,悬架系统内无能源供给装置,其弹性和阻尼不能随外部工况变化,因此称这种悬架是被动悬架。主动悬架有作为直接力发生器的动作器,可以根据输入与输出进行最优的反馈控制,使悬架有最好的减震特性,以提高汽车的平顺性和操纵稳定性。它由弹性元件C和一个力发生器Fe组成。 半主动悬架可看作由可变特性的弹簧和减振器组成的悬架系统,虽然它不能随外界的输入进行最优的控制和调节,但它可按存储在计算机的各种条件下最优弹簧和减振器的优化参数指令来调节弹簧的刚度和减振器的阻尼状态。它由弹性元件C 和一个一个阻尼系数能在较大范围内调节的阻尼器组成。 电子技术控制汽车悬架系统主要

5、由(车高、转向角、加速度、路况预测)传感器、电子控制ECU、悬架控制的执行器等组成。系统的控制功能通常有以下三个: 1 车高调整 当汽车在起伏不平的路面行驶时,可以使车身抬高,以便于通过;在良好路面高速行驶时,可以降低车身,以减少空气助力,提高操纵稳定性。 2 阻尼力控制 用来提高汽车的操纵稳定性,在急转弯、急加速和紧急制动情况下,可以抑制车身姿态的变化。 3 弹簧刚度控制 改变弹簧刚度,使悬架满足运动或舒适的要求。采用主动式悬架后,汽车对侧倾、俯仰、横摆跳动和车身的控制都能更加迅速、精确,汽车高速行驶和转弯的稳定性提高,车身侧倾减少。制动时车身前俯小,启动和急加速可减少后仰。即使在坏路面,车

6、身的跳动也较少,轮胎对地面的附着力提高。 一.主动式液压悬架 电子控制的主动式液压悬架能根据悬架的质量和加速度等,利用液压部件主动地控制汽车的振动。主动式液压悬架在轿车上的布置如图所示,在汽车重心附近安装有纵向、横向加速度和横摆陀螺仪传感器,用来采集车身振动、车轮跳动、车身高度和倾斜状态等信号,这些信号被输入到控制单元ECU,ECU 根据输入信号和预先设定的程序发出控制指令,控制伺服电机并操纵前后四个执行油缸工作。 二.主动式空气悬架 在电子控制的主动式空气悬架系统中,微机根据传感器送来的信号和驾驶员给予的控制模式经过运算分析后向悬架发出指令,悬架可以根据微机给出的指令改变悬架的刚度和阻尼系数

7、,是车身在行驶过程中保持良好的稳定性能,并且将车身的振动响应控制在允许的范围内。一般说来,主动式空气悬架的控制内容包括车身高度、减振器衰减力、弹簧弹性系数等三项; 车高的控制;分标准、升高和只升高后轮三种工作状态; 减震器的衰减力控制分低、中、高三档; 空气弹簧的弹性系数分软、硬两档。 空气悬架电子控制系统的工作原理;用空气压缩机形成压缩空气,并将压缩空气送给弹簧和减震器的空气室中,以此来改变车辆的高度。在前轮和后轮的附近设有车高传感器,按车高传感器的输出信号,微机判断出车辆高度,再控制压缩机和排气阀,使弹簧压缩或伸长,从而控制车辆高度。 在减震器内设有电动机,电动机受微机的信号控制。利用电动

8、机可以改变通气孔的大小,从而改变了衰减力的大小。 具体说来,在汽车仪表板上有空气悬架系统的开关,利用开关可以形成6 种不同的工作方式。自动变速器 自动变速器的选挡杆相当于手动变速器的变速杆,一般有以下几个挡位:P(停车)、R(倒挡)、N(空挡)、D(前进)、S(or2,即为2 速挡)、L(or1,即为1 速挡)。这几个挡位的正确使用对于驾驶自动变速器汽车的人来说尤其重要,下面就让我们一起来熟悉一下自动变速器各挡位的使用要领。 P(停车挡)的使用 发动机运转时只要选挡杆在行驶位置上,自动变速器汽车就很容易地行走。而停放时,选挡杆必须扳入P 位,从而通过变速器内部的停车制动装置将输出轴锁住,并拉紧

9、手制动,防止汽车移动。 R(倒挡)的使用 R位为倒挡,使用中要切记,自动变速器汽车不像手动变速器汽车那样能够使用半联动,故在倒车时要特别注意加速踏板的控制。 N(空挡)的使用 N位相当于空挡,可在起动时或拖车时使用。在等待信号或堵车时常常将选挡杆保持在D位,同时踩下制动。若时间很短,这样做是允许的,但若停止时间长时最好换入N 位,并拉紧手制动。因为选挡杆在行驶位置上,自动变速器汽车一般都有微弱的行驶趋势,长时间踩住制动等于强行制止这种趋势,使得变速器油温升高,油液容易变质。尤其在空调器工作、发动机怠速较高的情况下更为不利。有些驾驶员为了节油,在高速行驶或下坡时将选挡杆扳到N 位滑行,这很容易烧

10、坏变速器,因为这时变速器输出轴转速很高,而发动机却在怠速运转,油泵供油不足,润滑状况恶化,易烧坏变速器。 D(前进挡)的使用 正常行驶时将选挡杆放在D 位,汽车可在14 挡(或3 挡)之间自动换挡。D位是最常用的行驶位置。需要掌握的是:由于自动变速器是根据油门大小与车速高低来确定挡位的,所以加速踏板操作方法不同,换挡时的车速也不相同。如果起步时迅速将加速踏板踩下,升挡晚,加速能力强,到一定车速后,再将加速踏板很快松开,汽车就能立即升挡,这样发动机噪声小,舒适性好。 D 位的另一个特点是强制低挡,便于高速时超车,在D 位行驶中迅速将加速踏板踩到底,接通强制低挡开关就能自动减挡,汽车很快加速,超车

11、之后松开加速踏板又可自动升挡。 S、L 位低挡的使用 自动变速器在S 位或L 位上处于低挡范围,可以在坡道等情况下使用。下坡时换入S位或L位能充分利用发动机制动,避免车轮制动器过热,导致制动效能下降。但是从D位换入S位或L位时,车速不能高于相应的升挡车速,否则发动机会强烈振动,使变速器油温急剧上升,甚至会损坏变速器。 另外在雨雾天气时,若路面附着条件差,可以换入S位或L位,固定在某一低挡行驶,不要使用能自动换挡的位置,以免汽车打滑。同时必须牢记,打滑时可将选挡杆推入N位,切断发动机的动力,以保证行车安全。附录二:英文翻译SuspensionThe modern of in the car ha

12、s two kinds of suspension, a kind of suspension is from move , another a kind of suspension is active of. From move an a function for, is from spring coil, reducing flapping machine( reduce to the flap ), leading to organization etc. constituting, it is vibration that impact to dies down roadecause

13、this kind of can produce the function dint by oneself, therefore call active of .The active of is more than ten years to develop of, from a kind of new of that computer control, have three terms: (1) have to can produce the motive source of the function dint; (2) carry out a piece can deliver this k

14、ind of function dint combines it can continue the work; (3) have the variety spreads to feel the machine combines to concentrates the relevant data to micro-computer to proceed to carry to calculate to combine the decision controls the way.Therefore, active a technique for gathering together mechani

15、cs with electronics knowledge, is a kind of high technique that compare t pass the carriage dint, the reduces from the impact dint but causable loading system.Among them the spring coil rises primarily the function that deceleration pound at dint, reduce the main function that flap the machine is a

16、to reduce the vibration.Because this kind of be driven by outside dint but rise function of, so call from move . But active a device for of in the control link installing can producing take out moving, adopt a kind of repress in suppressing the dint by dint the road face the impact dint of the carri

17、age and the inclination dint of the carriage.B o sophisticate to equip. For example equip active an axis for of France snow iron dragon mulberry,the cars a system is speed, carriage that a micro-computer, have on the of the 5 kinds of spreading feels machine, distinguish to deliver to micro-computer

18、 the car soon, the ex- round system moves the pressure and step to move the accelerator pedal perpendicular flap and frequencies, change direction the dish angle and change direction flat-out etc. data directionally.The computer receives these datases continuously and with in advance the critical va

19、lue that set up proceeds the comparison, choosing the homologous an appearance.At the same time,on micro-computer independence control.each a car wheel of carry out a dollar a for, passing the control reduce to flap the machine inside hydraulic-pneumatic variety creation take out moving, from but ca

20、n on any time, any car wheel creation meeting request a sport.Therefore, the mulberry bridge car has various drivers modes chooses, driving as long as pull to move to locate the vice- the normal on the instrument panel or sport button, car will establishes automatically in the best an appearance, in

21、 order to best and comfortable function. Moreover, active a function for having carriage sport of control.When the car system moves or turns a corner of inertial cause When the spring coil transform, active a dint for would producing first and opposite anti- in the dint of , reduce the variety of th

22、e carriage position.For example Germany speeds 2000 CLs type sport car, be, the vehicle turns a corner an inclination for spreading feeling machine would immediately examining carriage with horizontal acceleration, computer according to information that spreading and feeling machine, with in advance

23、 the critical value that set up proceeds the comparison computes, immediately certain at where full general how big of loading and adding to . The active in car a liquid presses with the air type: From the angle demarcation of the control dint, the of can is divided into passive of , active of in ha

24、lf with active of . Current, the automotive a system has the spring coil with reduce to flap the machine mostly, theincapable source inside a system insupplies the device, its flexibility cant change with the exterior work with the , therefore calling that this kind of is passive of . Active an acti

25、on for thering is direct dint in conduct and actions taking place machine, can according to input and output the superior feedback of proceeding control, making a the of has to reduce to shake the characteristic bestly, toing increase the automotive and going smoothly with manipulate the stability.I

26、t constitutes with a dint occurrence machine Fe from the flexibility a C. Half active a spring coil for can seeing making from variable characteristic with machine that reducing and flapping the a system constitutes, although it cant proceed the superior control with regulate with the outsider impor

27、tation, it can press saving under every kind of term of the calculator superior spring coil with reduce to flap the machine excellent to turn the parameter instruction to regulate the spring coil just a the appearance of for with reducing flapping machine.It from flexibility a C with a per coefficie

28、nt can the machine of regulated within the scope of big constitute. The electronics technique control car a system is main from( the car is high and change direction the Cape, acceleration, road the estimate) spread to feel the machine, electronics control ECU, of control of carry out machine etc. c

29、onstitute.The control function of the system usually has below three: 1 the car is high to adjust to be the car at rise and fall When the uneven road drive, can make carriage jacked up, in order to in pass;When the good road mades good time, can lower the carriage, to reduce the air help, increase t

30、o manipulate the stability. 2 dint controls is used to increase to manipulate the stability automotively, in the flashback curved, nasty accelerates to move with the urgent system circumstance next, can rr is to the side , horizontal put the flutter with the control of the carriage can more quick, p

31、recision, the car mades good time with the stability exaltation of the turn, carriage side reduce.The ex- in carriage is small when system move, starting with nasty accelerate can after reducing .Even in the bad road, the flutter of the carriage too less, the tire increases to the adhesive strength

32、of the ground. One.The active type liquid presses of The active type liquid that electronics control presses a quantity for can according to of with acceleration etc., making use of the liquid press the parts actively automotive vibration in control.The active type liquid presses a the of arrange to is sepress the variety of the carriage. 3 spring coil just a control changes spring coil just degree, make a contented sport or comfortable request. Adopt an empress, cahown as diagram on the car, having in the nearby gearing in center of

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