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1、常用介词的用法第 十 六章 介词介词又叫前置词,是一种虚词。介词不能单独作句子成分, 而是用来表示名词或代词等和句中其他词的关系,通常放在名词或代词之前,构成介词短语。介词短语作为一个成分在句中可用作定语,表语,状语等。When shall we have the talk on the history of the Party? His elder brother is in the army. 我们何时听党史报告?(定语) 他的哥哥在部队。(表语) I went to school at half past seven yesterday. 昨天我7:30 上学。(状语) Will you

2、 please come along with me? 跟我一起走好吗?(状语) 大多数学生学习英语介词时最感困难的是:同一个汉语词可以译成不同的英语介词。例如汉语中“的“字有多种译法:一幢石头的房子 a house of stone 这个房间的钥匙 the key to this room明天的票 the ticket for tomorrow为何同样是汉语“的“,在上列三例中译成不同的英语介词呢?这就需要我们对英语介词的原始的概念有所了解。原来, 介词of的原始概念是”属于“,在例1)中的意思是说明”用某种材料;介词to 的原始的概念是“由此及彼”,在例2)中的意思是“与。有关”;介词fo

3、r的原始的概念是“限定“,在例3)中的意思是“限于某一时间,不在另一时间”。懂得介词所表示的原始概念与引申的含义就不会感到迷茫了。下面介绍常用介词的原始概念与引申意义。(一)About 1表示地点:在。周围;在各处;在。附近。例如:1) We took the foreign guests about the campus. 我们带领外宾在校园里各处看看。2)There is a crowd of people about him 一群人围着他。3)I dropped the key somewhere about here. 我的钥匙丢在这儿附近了。4) The children leave

4、 their toys about the room. 孩子们把玩具扔得满屋子到处都是。2表示时间:大约。;近于。时刻前后。例如:1) We left there about six oclock 我大约在六点左右离开那个地方。 2) About when will the dinner be ready? 大约何时能把饭准备好?3表示客体关系:对于;关于;有关。例如:1) I must see him, Ive heard so much about him 我必须要见他,我听到很多关于他的事情。2) What do you know about China? 关于中国你知道些啥?3) Wh

5、ats he so happy about? 他为何这样高兴?(二)above 1表示位置,职位,数量,年龄等:在。上方;在。之上;超过。例如: 1) Henrys work is well above the average.亨利的功课大大超过一般水平。 2) A bird is flying above the woods.一只鸟在树林上飞。 3) The portrait is above the blackboard.一幅肖像挂在黑板的上方。 4) It weighs above five tons.这东西有5 吨多重。 2引申意义:(品质,行为,能力等)超过;超出。之外;因。(太困难

6、,太好等)而不。例如:The problem is above me.这个问题太难,我不懂。 He is above doing such things.他不至于做这样的事情。He is a man above personal interests.他是一个不考虑自己个人利益的人。John is above all the other boys in his class. 约翰的学习成绩超过班上其他的男生。If you want to learn , you mustnt be above asking questions.你要想学习,就不能耻于发问。 (三)across 1表示动作方向,位置

7、:横过;穿过。(在表面)例如: 1)The boy helped the old lady across the street.男孩扶老大娘穿过马路。 2) The tree had fallen down across the railway line.树倒啦,横在铁路上。 2表示地点:在对面;在。的另一边。例如: 1)The church is across the river.教堂在河的对面。 2) Browns house is just across the road from us.布郎的家就在马路的对面。 3表示时间:经过(整个一段时间)。例如: 1)The revolution

8、 developed across the whole century.这场革命整整经历了一百年。 2) The scientific achievements across the 19th century exceeded those of preceeding centuries. 整个十九世纪的科学成就超过以前所有世纪的总和。 (四)after 1.表示时间或位置:在。之后。例如: 1)Please line up one after another.请一个挨一个排好对。2) He goes on working day after day ,week after week witho

9、ut any change他继续日复一日地工作,没有丝毫改变。3) Dont work immediately after a meal.不要一吃完饭,就马上工作。4) Shut the door after you.随手关门! 5) After you!您先请! 2引伸意义:仿照;按照。例如: 1)Please make sentences after the model.请照示例造句。 2) Most parents prefer to call their daughter after flowers.很多家长喜欢用花的名称为自己的女儿取明。 3引伸意义:追求。例如: 1)Who is

10、he after?他追求谁? 2) What are you after?你寻找啥? (五)against 1表示位置:依着;紧靠;撞击;碰着。例如: 1) He rested his bike against the wall.他把自行车靠在墙上。 2) The rain was beating against the windows.雨敲打着窗户。 2引伸意义:反对;禁止。例如: 1)Are you for it or against it ?你是赞成还是反对?2) Is there a law in this country against spitting right and left

11、?你们国家有没有反对随地吐痰的规定? 3) He is against this proposal.他反对这个提议 。 3引伸意义:违背。例如: 1)In the old days many girls were married their own will.在过去,许多姑娘们违背自己的意愿嫁人。 2) Ill do what you order me, but it is against my own will.我照你的命令做,但这是违背我的意志的。 4引伸意义:防备;准备。例如: 1)We must get prepared against war.我们必须备战。 2) They save

12、 fire wood against the winter.他们储存木材过冬。 (六)along表示动作方向,位置:顺着;沿着。例如: 1)They walked along the river.他们沿着河走。 2) “Pass along the car, please”. said the conductor.售票员说“:请往里走” (七)among表示位置等;在。中间;在。之中(在三者或三者以上之中)。例如:1) The village lies among the hills.村庄位于群山之中。2) Divide it among you three.你们三人把它分了。3) Shell

13、y is among (=one of)the worlds greatest poets.雪莱是世界上最伟大的诗人之一。4)Leaders should go in among the masses as often as possible in order to get acquainted with their working and living conditions.领导应该尽量多到民众中去,以便了解他们的工作和生活状况。6) Dont be afraid, you are among friends.别害怕,你在朋友中间。 (八)at 1表示时间:在。时刻;在。点钟;在。岁 (时)

14、例如: 1)I will see you at school at nine tomorrow.我明天九点在学校见你。 2) Begin at the beginning of the story.从故事的开头开始。 3) Children begin schooling at the age of five.孩子们五岁开始上学。 2表示速度,价格等:按。速度;值(卖)。钱。例如: 1)The car runs at a speed of 50 miles an hour.汽车以每小时50 英里的速度行驶。 2) The book is sold at two dollars. 这本书卖两块钱

15、。 3表示地点:在。(地点);在。之上。例如: 1)Please enter at the front door. 请从前门走。 2) I had my hair cut at the barbers and bought a writing pad at the stationers. 我在理发店理了发,又在文具店买了拍纸簿。 4表示状态:在。之中。例如:1)The two countries are at war.两国正在交战。 2) We are at meeting .我们在开会。 3) He is at the desk.他在读书(或办公) 5表示原因:因为;由于(说明某种情绪)。例

16、如: 1)We are surprised at your success.我们对你的成功感到非常惊奇。 2) They were sad at hearing such bad news.他们听到这样的坏消息很难过。 3) She felt glad at what he had said.她听了他的话感到高兴。 6表示动作方向;针对着;朝;向(某一目标移动)。例如:1)He threw a stone at the dog.他朝狗扔了一块石头。2) He aimed at the bird。他向鸟瞄准。3) He had to guess at the meaning。他不得不猜测这是啥意

17、思。 7引伸意义:在。(号召,召集,请求)下。例如: 1)The committee met at the call of the chairman.在主席的召集下,委员会举行了会议。 2) He wrote the letter at our request.他在我们的请求下,写了信。(九)before1表示时间:在。以前。例如:1)Pride goes before a fall. 骄者比败。2) I met him yesterday, but I knew of him long before that.我昨天见到了他,不过我很早以前就听说过他。2表示位置:在。前面;当着。的面;例如:

18、1)Harder tasks are before us.我们面前还有更艰巨的任务。3表示次序:先于;在。之前;例如: 1)Ladies before gentlemen.男先女后。2) Make an outline before you start writing.你先拟个提纲再写。4) Think carefully before you act.你在行动之前,必须仔细想一想。 (十)behind 1表示地点:在。背后;在。后面。例如: 1)Never say anything behind a persons back that you wouldnt say to his face.

19、 你不愿意当者一个人的面说的话,也不要在他 背后说。 2) The garage is behind the house.汽车房在屋子的后面。 3) He came out from behind the door.他从门后出来。 2表示时间:迟于;晚于。例如:1)The train is behind time.火车误点了。 2) His ideas are behind the times.他的思想落后于时代。 3引伸意义;落后于;不如。例如: 1)He is behind other students in English.他的英语不如其他学生。 2) It is far behind

20、its neighboring countries.那个国家远远落后于其邻国。 (十一)below1 表示位置等:在。之下。例如:1) The sun sank below the horizon。太阳落到地平线以下。2) The temperature today is below freezing point.今天的温度在冰点以下。2 表示数量,程度,年龄,能力等:低于;在。以下。例如:1) He is below me in the class。他在班上的程度不如我。2) He is below her in intelligence.他的知识比她差。 (十二)beside1 表示地点:

21、在。旁边;在。附近。例如:1) He sat beside me at dinner.他吃饭时坐在我身旁。2) He kept sentry beside the house.他在这所房子附近站岗。2 引伸意义:与。相比。例如:1) My work is poor beside yours.我的工作和你相比太差。2) You are quite tall beside your sister.跟你的妹妹相比你可真高。3 引伸意义:在。之外;与。无关;不中(目标);离(题)。例如:1) That is beside the question/point那是离题了。2) He was beside

22、 himself with anger.他气得难以自制。(十三)besides 除。以外(相当于“+”)例如: There are many others besides me who disagree with what you say.除了我以外,还有许多人不同意你的说法。(十四)beyond1 表示位置:在(或向)。那边。例如:1) The woods go far about two miles beyond the river.这片森林延伸到河的那边大约两英里。2) They came from beyond the seas.他们从海外来。2 表示时间:迟于。例如:1) Some

23、shops keep open beyond midnight.有些商店营业到半夜以后。2) She came back beyond the fixed time.她过了约定的时间才回来。3 表示范围,限度:超出,越出。例如:1) The explanation is quite beyond me这个解释我完全不懂。2) Good advice is beyond price.有益的劝告是无价之宝。3) He lives beyond his income .他入不敷出。4) That is going beyond a joke.那玩笑可开大了。 (十五)but 除了。 例如:1) He

24、 eats nothing but fruit.除了水果他啥也不吃。3) I havent told anybody but you.除了你我谁也没有告诉。4) None but the brave deserve the fair.(prov).(十六)by1 表示地点:在。旁;在。身边。例如:1) Come and sit by me。坐到我身边来。2) There is a house by the river.河边有一所房子。2 表示方式,手段;靠;用;通过。例如:1) The sawing is done by machine.锯木头的活儿由机器来做。2) She angered h

25、er father by refusing to continue her studies.她不肯继续学习,她父亲生气了。3)She earns her living by selling matches.她靠卖火柴生活。 4) Did you come by train/sea/air?你是乘火车?3 表示程度,尺寸,数量:按;以。例如:1) He is paid by the hour.人家按小时付给他钱。2) He won the race by about two yards.他以大约两吗的距离领先而在赛跑中取胜。2) Sugar is sold by the pound.糖论磅出售。

26、4 表示时间:到。时候(为止);不迟于。例如:1) He will certainly come by three oclock.他到三点钟肯点回来。2) By the end of last year, they had learned 2000 words.到去年底,他们已学会2000个单词。5 表示动作方向,位置:经过;沿着。例如:1)I go by his office every day.2) He passed by me without saying anything. 3) He went by the hill road.(十七)down1 表示动作方向:沿着。往下。例如:1

27、) The boy fell down the stairs and broke his arm.这个男孩从楼梯上摔下来,摔断了胳膊。2) He went down the hill.他下了山。3) The boat sails down the river.小船顺流而下。2 表示动作方向:(由北)往南;(由郊区)往市区;(由住宅区)往商业区。例如:1) They went down town together that afternoon.那天下午他们一起进城。2) I was down Wangfujing Street doing a bit of shopping.我刚才去王府井大街买

28、了一点儿东西。 (十八)during 表示时间:在。期间;在。时候。例如: We gave a lot of trouble during our stay here.我们待在这里的时候,给你添了许多麻烦。 (十九)except 除。之外(相当于“)例如: 1)We have lessons every day except Sunday.我们除了星期天之外,每天都有课。 2) Everyone was present except me.除了我,每个人都在场。 (二十)for1 表示行为目的,对象:为。;替(代);对于。例如:1) He is the man for the job.他是做这

29、事适当的人选。2) I wrote a letter for him.我替他写了一封信。3) The company has 1000 men working for it.这个公司有一千人。4) That will be dad for your health.那将有损于你的健康。2 引伸意义:赞成;支持。例如:1) Who says for a picnic?谁赞成出去野餐。2) The decision was for a strike.决议赞成罢工。3 引伸意义:限定于;供。用的。例如:1) These tickets are for tomorrow. 这些票是明天的。2) Here

30、 is a letter for you. 这儿有你一封信。4 引伸意义:至于;就。而言。例如:1) It is cold for September.就九月份来说,这天气是过冷了。2) He is big for his age.就他这个年龄来说,他算个子大的。3) So much for today.今天就讲(做)到这里。5 表示目标,去向:向;去;往。例如;1) The train for Shanghai leaves from No.6 platfrom.去上海的火车从六站台开出。2) Lets go out for dinner.我们出去吃饭吧。6 引伸意义:当作;作为。例如:1)

31、I took him for an honest man.我把他当做一个诚实的人。2) Most of the houses are now for offices.大多数房子都当作办公室用的。3) I hold it for certain.我以为那是确实的。7 表示原因:因为;由于。例如:1) He was sent to prison for stealing.他因偷窃被捕入狱。2) She could not speak for tears.她泣不成声。8 表示时间,距离,数量:计;达。例如:1)I wont be here for long.我不打算在这儿长住。2) I havent seen her for a year or so.我有一年左右没有看见他了。 (二十一)from1 表示起点,来源:自。;从。起;从。来。例如:1) The train st

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