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1、小学英语资源与评价三年级上参考答案1三年级Module 5Unit 1 Can I have an ice cream?基础过关1. 听课本第18页录音,判断下面描述是()否()与录音一致。2. 把方框中的单词抄写在相应的图片下。dumplings hamburger rice sweetsice cream cake biscuits noodles3. 读一读,圈出正确答案。a can t of these ice cream Thanks4. 回忆一下课文的内容,把方框中句子的代号写在横线上。 E A D C B能力提升5. 根据冰箱中剩余物品的情况,想一想妈妈会怎样回答孩子的问题和请求

2、,试着写一写。 No,you cant. Look , no eggs. Yes, here you are. Yes, you can. Yes, here you are.6. 根据所给的情景提示用Can I 或Can you填空。 Can I Can you Can I Can you Can IUnit 2 Can I come in?基础过关1. 听课本第20页活动1录音,按照听到的先后顺序给下列句子排序。 【 2 】【 3 】【 1 】【 5 】【 6 】【 4 】2. 读一读,选一选,圈出正确答案的代号。 A A B B B B3. 从所给单词中选出正确的填在横线上。for in

3、 on in for on in to4. 从所给动词中选出一个合适的,填在横线上,组成正确的词组。have a drink read a book go to bed go to the shop listen to music have a cakeread a letter go to the park listen to my CDshave a sweet listen to the radio have a biscuit 5.将下面单词重新排列,组成正确的句子。Can I have an ice cream? Can I go to bed? But you can have t

4、hese biscuits. We can do it together. You can read all these books now.6. 睡前,Amy 向妈妈提出几个请求,看图照例子把答案的代号写在横线上。A.B.B.A.A.B.能力提升7. 读一读,根据生活中的实际情况回答问题。不懂的词查一查字典。 No, I cant. Yes, I can. No, I cant.No, I cant. Yes, I can. No, I cant.8. 阅读短文,用can或cant填空。 Its snowing. I am staying at home. Grandma and grand

5、pa are sleeping. So I cant watch TV, but I can draw a picture. I cant sing a song, but I can do my homework. Now I want to(想要) go out. I can wear my coat, but I cant wear my shorts. I cant wear my T-shirt, but I can wear my sweater. 期中自我检测1. 听句子,给下面的图片编号。 2 1 6 5 3 42. 听一听Amy向妈妈提出的请求,根据妈妈的回答,在方格里划“”

6、或“”。 3. 读一读,选择左侧方框中的词语填空。 making playing rowing listening using writing4. 读一读,选择左侧方框中的词语填空。ill hard instead Chinese naughty throw5. 照例子,把方格中的动词变成现在分词形式,再分别填到下面的表格中。eat-eatingrun-runningmake-makingsing-singingget- gettingride -ridingwatch-watchingswim -swimmingwrite -writingdraw -drawingstop -stoppin

7、gdance -dancing6. 看图,照例子造句. What is she doing? She is listening to the radio. Hes playing volleyball. She is watching TV. What is she doing? Hes playing basketball. What is she doing? She is running.7.读一读,看一看。把句子的代号填在相应图片的圆圈里。 g h b c f a e d 8.根据所给情景回答下列问题。把答案的代号写在问题后的方格里。 B B A B A A 9. 看图,用This i

8、s / That is / These are / Those are 填空。This is That is These are That is These areThis is Those areThese are Those are Those are10. 阅读短文,按要求答题。1 在横线上填上are或is。are is is are are 在方格中填上小朋友的名字。footballbasketballhide-and-seekclapping gamesrunningSam and DamingAmyFangfang and XiongyongLucy and LilyLinglin

9、g11. 阅读短文,然后回答问题。 Yes, he can. No, she cant. Yes, it can. Yes, he can. Yes, she can. No, it cant.听力原文1. 听句子,给下面的图片编号。 She is eating meat and chips. And she is using a knife and fork. Mmm. The noodles are good. -Oh, no! Look at the mess. I cant jump far. But I can swim in the puddle. Mum, can I have

10、an ice cream? No. But you can have these biscuits. What are those? They are dragon boats. What are you doing? Were making a cake.2. 听一听Amy向妈妈提出的请求,根据妈妈的回答,在方格里划“”或“”。 Mum. Can I have a cake? No, you cant. Can I fly my kite? Yes, you can. Can I have some rice? Yes, you can. Mum. Can I have some sweet

11、s? No, you cant. Can I watch TV? No, you cant. Mum, can I read a book? Yes, you can.Module 6Unit 1 Ive got a new kite.基础过关1. 听本册教材第22页录音,圈出说话者的名字。 ( Sam / Daming ) ( Sam / Daming ) ( Sam / Daming ) ( Sam / Daming ) ( Sam / Daming ) ( Sam / Daming ) 2. 读一读,把英语同相应的汉语意思连起来。3. 读一读,想一想,把下列玩具的英文名抄写在四线格内。略

12、 4. 第3题中提到的玩具,你一定也有几个。想一想,照例子写一写。Ive got a car. 略能力提升5. 和同伴比较一下第4题的结果,哪几种玩具是你们都有的,再照例子写一些。 Weve got a kite.略6. 阅读短文,选择方格里的单词填空。 Hamburger, bike , CD , dress, kite ,book Unit 2 Shes got a pet cat.基础过关1. 听本册教材第24页录音,照例子把宠物的代号写在圆圈里。 D A C B2. 照例子写一写四位小朋友各有什么宠物。 Shanshan has got a fish. Wangfei has got

13、a dog. Tingting has got a cat.在班级中找出有宠物的两位小朋友,写一写他们有什么宠物.略3. 读句子,选择正确答案,圈出have或has。have have have have has has 4. 读短文,给图片中小丑涂上相应的颜色。略 能力提升5. 读一读,把图片的代号写在句子后的横线上。ADFBE CModule 7Unit 1 Have you got a headache ?基础过关1. 听本册教材第26页录音,圈出正确的选项。No, I haventNo, I haventYes, I havedoesnt Fridays 2. 照例子分别从A栏和B栏中

14、各选一个词,组成一个新词。然后抄写四线格内,并写出汉语意思。Fridaygoodbyesunglassesclassroomfootballheadache3. 照例子改变句子。 Have you got a headache? Have you got a new kite? Have you got a test?4. 按照自己的实际情况回答下列问题。略能力提升5. 读对话,看看Mary都有哪些物品,照例子划“”或“”。 Unit 2 Shes got a cold.基础过关1. 听本册教材第28页录音,圈出正确的选项代号。Yes, she is. No, he isnt. cough c

15、old No, he hasnt.2. 看图片,在四线格中写出表示病痛的单词。cough cold stomach ache headache3. 读一读,想一想,给方格中的单词分类。knife chopsticks spooncold headache stomach acheshorts trousers sweatersweet biscuit dumpling4. 读一读,照例子改变句子。 Has Sam got a cold? No, he hasnt. Has Amy got a test today? Yes, she has. Has Wangfei got a pet dog

16、? Yes, she has.能力提升5. 看表格,读短文,在横线上写出小朋友的名字。Kate Linda Betty6. 阅读短文,回答问题。 No, he isnt . Yes, he is. No, he hasnt. Yes, he has. No, he cant.Module 8Unit 1 There are stone animals.基础过关1. 听本册教材第30页录音,判断句子对错,对的在括号里写“”,错的写“” 2. 重新排列所给的字母,组成正确的单词,再和汉语意思连起来。stone石头 camel骆驼 horse马 scary吓人的3. 读句子圈出正确的选项。 are

17、an are there is Is it Beijing 4. 照例子,写句子。There is a ruler. There are three bags.There are four erasers. There are two books.能力提升5. 照例子,写问句。 How many pencils are there? How many rulers are there? How many erasers are there? How many books are there?6. 你知道吗?练一练:请用there is / there are / have got / has

18、got 填空。There are have go There are has got There is Unit 2 How many people are there in your family?基础过关1. 写出下列单词的复数形式,然后试着朗读出来。boys women girl men animals cats2. 读短文,用there are或there is 填空。 There are;There is;There is;There are;There are;There is3. 看课本33页活动4中的图片,照例子回答问题。There are six. There is one.

19、 There are four.4. 照例子写问句。 How many boys are there in your classroom? How many pencils are there in your pencil-box? How many monkeys are there in the zoo?能力提升5. Amy要搬到新家了。读一读,想一想她的房间都有些什么,你认为怎样摆放好,帮她设计并画一画!略6. 照例子在括号里填上适当的单位名数,使等式成立,再参考单词表中所列的词汇把等式用英语写出来。 1( year ) = 4 ( seasons ) There are 4 seaso

20、ns in a year. 1(year ) = 12 ( month )There are 12 monthes in a year. 1( week ) = 7 (day )There are 7 days in a week. 1(day ) = 24 ( hour )There are 24 hours in a day. 1( hour ) = 60 ( minute )There are 60 mintues in a hour.Module 9Unit 1 Im going to do long jump.基础过关1. 听本册教材第34页录音,圈出正确的选项。Friday hig

21、h jump long jump run a race Daming 2. 把表示运动项目的词语抄写在相应的图片下。long jump high jump table tennis football basketball running3. 选词填空。run a race play basketball do long jump do high jumpgo swimming play football4. 用is, am, are或be填空。am is Be are Be5. 阅读短文,在图片下的方框里写出相应的名字。Amy Daming Lingling Sam Ms Smart能力提升6

22、. 读一读,选择方框中的句子填空,把代号写在横线上。C E D A B F 7. 照例子抄写练习6中的句子。 Mike is going to swim.Lingling is going to swim.Daming is going to run a race.Amy is going to do high jump.Sam is going to do long jump.Maryis going to play ping-pong.Unit 2 Im going to be a driver.基础过关1. 听本册教材第37页的小诗,照例子连线。2. 把方格中的单词抄写在正确的图片下。t

23、eacher nurse pilot farmer driver policeman3. 照例子,从A栏和B栏中各选一词,组成词组,抄写并标出汉语意思。 computer game电子游戏long jump跳远train driver火车司机fast food 快餐Sports Day运动日ice cream 冰激凌4. 看表格,照例子写句子。 Im going to be a farmer. Im going to be a driver.What are you going to be, Mike?What are you going to be, Peter?能力提升5. 阅读短文,按要

24、求填写表格。 BettySamLindaMikePetera teachera pilota doctora drivera driverteach in a primary schoolfly a planehelp the illdrive a taxidrive a trainModule 10Unit 1 Are you going to go to Hong Kong?基础过关1. 听本册教材第38页录音,圈出正确的选项。 airport plane grandma Hainan bag 2. 选择方框中的词语填空。WhereWhat name lives Are sea Xiaoy

25、ongs be 3. 这个周末你打算做下面的几件事吗?按实际情况回答,把答案代号写在问题后的横线上。略4. 周末你打算去哪些地方?选一选,照例子写一写。略5. 阅读短文,判断对(T)错(F),在题前的括号写出相应的字母。 F T T T F 能力提升6. 读一读,想一想。把正确图片的代号写在句子后的横线上。D F C E B AUnit 2 What are you going to see?基础过关1. 听本册教材第41页歌曲,圈出正确答案的代号。 B B B B 2. 读一读,根据所给的动词给方格里的词语分类。fishinga newspapergoswimmingreada bookth

26、e parkfootballgo tothe cinemaplaya game3. 读一读,把问句和相应的答句连起来。 4. 看一看,想一想,照例子填表。 She Sunday visit grandparentsWhat is she going to do on Sunday? Shes going to visit grandparents. They Friday get up at 7 oclockWhat are they going to do on Friday? Theyre going to get up at 7 oclock.能力提升5阅读短文,选择方框里的词语填空。S

27、am is going to go to the zoo . Amy is going to go to the cinema.Mike is going to go to the farm. Mary is going to go to the hospital to see the doctor. Peter is going to go to the Ming Tombs . 6阅读短文,照例子写一写自己的周末计划。略Review Module1听句子,选出正确的图片,在 里画“”.中图 中图 中图 左图 右图2听句子,照例子在图片下的方框中划“”或“”。 3题目改为:根据听到的问句,选

28、出正确的答句。 B C A B C A 4. 照例子,在横线上填上适当的词。play basketballplay the fluteplay the games(打篮球)(吹笛子)(做游戏)(去公园)(去电影院)(去商店)go to the parkgo to the cinemago to the shop5. 听句子,根据开头字母,在横线上填上所缺的单词。hard making wet high men shop game animals6. 读一读,把句子和他们的汉语意思连起来。7. 读一读,圈出不属于同一类的单词。 knife chips house wet late8. 读一读,选择方框的单词填写在横线上。 feeding reading using listening to doing 把句子的号码填写在圆圈里。2 3 5 4 6 19. 读句子,圈出正确的选项。 English

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