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新目标初中英语七年级上册Unit 3《This is my sister》教案.docx

1、新目标初中英语七年级上册Unit 3This is my sister教案新目标初中英语七年级上册Unit 3This is my sister教案 Plan for the whole unitTeaching objectives学完本单元后,学生应能:1、学会认知家庭成员,了解家庭关系。(掌握14个家庭亲属称谓的单词读音及拼写)2、学会介绍人,识别人。(This is . That is.)3、通过认知家庭成员及关系学会使用指示代词复数these , those 的用法。包括一般疑问句和否定句式。(These are. Those are. Are these/those?Yes./No

2、)4、能写一封书信。(Dear )5、能比较熟练的使用目标语言写一份介绍家庭成员或他人的短文。Period arrangement PeriodContents & pages or sourcesTOSATextbookExercises(Source)Supplementary(Source)SectionPage1A 1a, 1b, 1c,2a,2b13,14P.101, 2, 352 2c,2d,3a,3b,3c,414,15Ps. 10,11人教版长沙市教科院组编 课程基础训练七年级上册1,2,353B 1,2a,2b,2c16P. 111,2,354 3a,3b,4a,4b17P1

3、23,4,545Self Check18Ps. 12-14 学习自检,学习拓展1-65TotalAll651-696 Very confident Quite confident Confident Slightly confident Not confident(单元教学效果采用百分制表示,公式为100实际课时数5各课时自评等级分之和。)Feedback本单元教学自评96分,表明教学目标达成度较高。整个单元教学回归教材,紧紧围绕“介绍他人,确认人物”这一主题,由浅入深、由简单到复杂,从学习称谓到最终以书信交流展开,教学活动形式多样,教学步骤步步递进、环环相扣,形成合力,从听、说、读、写诸方面


5、学情调整教学活动,因而教学收到了事半功倍的效果。但课后在不增加学生过重课业负担的前提下,如何指导学生复习、对七年级新生如何牢固记忆单词,语速加快,语调纯正,理解简单的阅读文章等方面还有待研究。毕竟刚刚开始,我还是很有信心让这些兴趣盎然的新生一步一个脚印掌握生活英语。Plan for every periodPeriod 1 Section A 1a,1b,1c,2a,2b Teaching aims学完本课后,学生应能:1. 1 熟记本页9个新单词并灵活运用:sister n. 姐;妹parent n. 父或母brother n. 兄;弟grandmother n. 祖母;外祖母grandfa

6、ther n. 祖父;外祖父grandparent n. 祖父/ 母;外祖父/母these pron . & adj.这些those pron . & adj.那些friend n.朋友2. 用指示代词介绍“用指人或物”的句子结构的单数形式、一般疑问句形式及其问答。3. “用指示代词介绍人或物”的句子结构的复数形式、一般疑问句形式及其问答Teaching aidsCAITeaching proceduresChart视频引入谈论家庭成员听录音圈人物结对活动听录音圈单词将名字与人物匹配巩固与拓展布置作业听录音谈论体育明星看图说话听录音填空两人对话巩固与拓展Step 1 Leading-in (5

7、) 1. Warmin-up and revision (1) Daily greetings to the students T: Hello, what is you name?S: My name is .T: Nice to meet you!S: Nice to meet you, too!(2) Revision (复习)T: Whats this in English?2S: This is / It is a pencil.T: How do you spell “pencil”? S: P-E-N-C-I-L, pencil.T: Thank you.T: Whats thi

8、s /that in English?S: This/That is a pen / book / eraser / ruler / dictionary / backpack /Baseball / watch / key / computer game / notebook / ringT: How do you spell -?S: -Step 2 Presentation(10)1.Presentation : T: Whats this in English?S: Its a picture /photo.3T: Yes, this is a picture of my family

9、.T: Can you see the woman? This is my mother4. Read after me, mother.S: Mother.T: Do you know which one is my father? This is my father4. Do you think he is old? Please read after me, father.S: Father.T: If we want to call our father and mother together, we can call them parents.T: Father is my pare

10、nt,5 Mother is my parent, too. They are my parents. T: Now look at these two old people. They are my Grandparents. One is my grandfather, the other one is my grandmother. They are old but they are healthy. T: I have a brother and a sister. And I have an uncle and an aunt. They are my fathers brother

11、 and sister. Look, they are here. 2.Work on 1a: T: Now, please open you books, and turn to page 13. look at part 1a. You can see a picture of Daves family and some words we have learned just now. Please match the words with the people in the picture.7 Check the answer.3.Drill :T: Now, you are Dave.

12、Please cover the answer of 1a by using a piece of paper then listen to me carefully. I will give you a letter, and you must tell me this letter means which member in your family. For example, I say “c”. You should say “This is my mother”.Understand?T: OK, lets begin. The first one is -, your letter

13、is “d”.S: These are my grandparents.T: Good job. Next one -S: -match。1bStep 3 Listening practice (10)The next task is very easy for you. I will play the tape.Please listen carefully, and circle the people the boy talksabout in the picture9.T: Do you get the answer? Who does the boy talk about?S: His

14、 brothers and sister.T: Good!录音原文This is my family.Those are my two brothers .And thats my sister.1cStep 4 Pair-work (4)T: I think everyone has known Daves family. Two students a group, please introduce Daves family10 to each other. Please use “ This is his-.” “These are his-.”S1: This is his father

15、.S2: These are his parents.S: -Step 5 Work on 2b (10)T: Today, I would like to introduce an American festivalto you, it is called “Family Day” . Now look at the picture in 2b. These are Daves family members.Can you tell me who they are?Listen! T: Can you give me your answer? S: - T: OK, now we know

16、Dave, Lin Hai, Mary and Jim But T: Look at this woman. Is this Daves mother? S: Yes, she is / No, she isnt. T:Are those Daves grandparents? S: Yes, they are. / No, they arent. -Step 6 Work on 2c T: Two students a group. Ask and answer by using your own pictures Please use these sentences:“Is this yo

17、ur uncle?”“Are those your parents?” S1: Hi, XXX. Is this your grandfather?。 S2: Yes, he is. S1: Are those your parents? S2: No, they are my uncle and aunt.Step6 homework(1)1.Copy the new words ,and recite them.2.Recite P85Unit3 SectionA 2a 2b3 Preview Section A 3a4on P.15.“Feedback 个人认为本堂课教学目标达成,学生学

18、习积极主动,热情投入,课堂氛围非常热烈。就其成功原因主要在我找到我的很多家庭照片贴近生活地介绍亲人,操练灵活,反复运用一般疑问句及其单复数形式。这课堂紧紧围绕教学目标 “介绍他人”的用法,创设情境并结合学生的实际,由浅入深展开多种形式的教学活动,学以致用,收效很好。 但在语速加快方面还有待加强。Period2 SectionA 2d,3a,3b,3c, Teaching aims1. 学会说家庭成员的称谓2继续学习含有be的动词的基本句。3. 学会向别人询问、介绍家庭成员4要求学会以下句式:(1) Thats (2) -Is he/she -Yes, he/she is.(No, he/she

19、 isnt.)5.要求掌握以下词汇:she, he6. 要求掌握以下缩写:hes=he is, shes=she is(上述句式、词汇和缩写应在第二课中出现过,在本课中作为重点可渗透到课堂各个活动中,加深学生对所学知识的印象,使之能被更灵活地运用。)C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorLocal SettingsTempLocal SettingsTempRar$DI00.078课件 石峰区 冯昱 Unit 9 When was he born 第二课时 课件.pptTeaching aidsCAI Teaching proceduresChart 自由对

20、话学新句型阅读巩固句型听力练习口头运用句型 写作练习布置作业Step 1 Warming-up (3)(1) Daily greetings to the studentsT: How are you today?1S: I am (fine/great/OK/very good). How about you?T: I am (fine, too/not bad/pretty good/awful/terrible).How is your father / mother / grandfather /grandmother / uncle / aunt / brother / sister

21、? How are your parents / grandparents -?S: He/She isT: Whats your name, please?S: I am (My name is) T: (to the whole class) So thats . 2 Step 2 Leading-in (7)2. Work on 3a T: Now lets look at this picture. There are four people in the picture, and the boy and the girl playing basketball are Anna and

22、 Paul. Lets read the words aloud and fill in the blanks with the words from the box. . T: Lets check the answers: -Is she your sister?-Yes, she is.-And is he your brother?-No, he isnt. He is my friend.3. Step 3 Pairwork(10) Work on 3b T: Well done! Now read the dialogue in3a with your partner, then

23、change your roles. Ss read it in different roles.T: Oh look, here are some beautiful photos.Is she Cai Yilin?/Coco? Is he Jack Chen?/Yao Ming?Can you make a dialogue like 3a? Step 4 Warm up.(8) T: I have a friend. His name is Mike. Do you have a friend? S: Yes. T: Whats his/her name?S: His/Her name

24、is Peter.T: Thanks very much.I think he must be a good boy(to another student) Is Peter your friend too?S: No, he isnt.T: Who is your friend?S: Work on 3c T: I want to know more about your friends or family members. (to the whole class)Do you want to know them too?S: Yes.T: Id like a student to writ

25、e down your mothers, fathers, or friends name on the board. The other students guess who the person is. Whod like to come here? Wei Hua, please. S1: Is your brother? S2: Is your friend? S3: Is your uncle?Step 5 Groupwork (6)Work on 4- group work T: Please take out your family photos. Put them in you

26、r group S1: Is she your grandmother? S2: Is he your father? S3: Is she your cousin? (After practicing,ask several pairs to act them.)Step 6 P ractice (7)课程基础训练Unit3课时二Step 7 Homework (1)Oral work:(1) Listen to 3a, read and recite it. (2) Go on making up your dialogue with your group members and poli

27、sh it. Written work:(1) Copy the sentences in 3a. (2) Write about the pictures on P15 using the sentence structures Period 3 Secton A 1 2a 2b 2c Teaching aims学完本课后,学生应能:1学会说家庭成员的称谓。2. 学会谈论家庭成员3要求熟练运用以下句式:(1) These are(2) This/ That is (3) He/She is4要求掌握以下词汇:son, cousin, daughter, uncle, aunt5家庭成员单复数

28、的运用 (上述句式在前几课中已学过,在本课中要将这些单词和句型渗透到综合性活动中,加深学生对所学知识的印象,使之能被更灵活地运用。)Teaching aidsCAI, students worksheetsTeaching procedures Chart自学教材实践语言听录音结对活动家庭作业Step1 Leading-in (3)a) Daily greetings to the studentsT: Good morning/afternoon. Who is on duty today?S1: I am.T: Is everyone here today?S1: Yes, Everyon

29、e is here./No, is not here.T: Thank you/Well done. 1b) Revision(复习)T: Here are some pictures . Guess who he is?2 S1: Is he s father? S2: Is he s brother? S3: Is he s friend?S4: Is he s uncle? 3T: Yes, you are so clever.Step2 Presentation (6)T: Here are some photos. Do you know who he is? S: He is Li

30、u Xing.T: Yes, he is a lovely boy in TV. Who is his father?T: Here are also many people in his family. Lets guess who they are. Are you ready?S1: Is he?T: You are so wonderful. He is Liu Xings grandfather.S2: Is he Xia Yus brother? S3: Is he Xia Xues uncle?S4: Is she Xia Yus aunt? 6T: Thanks. You are so clever (good/wonderful/). Step3 Working on 1 (10) T: Every family has a family tree, can you finish the family tree8Step 4 Working on 2a (15)T: Well done! Now lets

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