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1、雅思口语真题大全2012年1月-2月口语最新调整1.Part 1/3 Whats your favorite sound? what kind of sound do you like in the nature?What noise do you dislike most? Why or why not? Whats the source of city noise? What health effects may noise cause?2.Part2 Describe your favorite park/garden.You should say:Where it isWhat can

2、 be seen thereHow often you go thereAnd explain why you like it.3.Part 2 Describe your favorite photographYou should say:Where was the photo taken?Who took the photo?What can be seen from the photo?Explain why it is the favorite photograph forPart 3 why do u think that people like taking photos? Wha

3、t kind of people do u think do not like taking photos? What is the advantages of taking photos?4.Part 2 describe one of your favourite family photographs.You should say:who took the photowhen it was takenwhere it was takenand explain why you like it.5. NewsPart 2 Describe a person in the news that y

4、ou want to meet most.You should say:who the person is?what do you know about him or her?why he or she is in the news?and explain how you feel about the person.Describe a piece of good news that you received by phone.You should say:what the news was?where you were when you received this news?who gave

5、 you this news ?and explain why you felt this was good news.or explain what you did after you received this good news.Part 3Whats your opinion towards todays news report?What types of news do you like?What are the different ways people get news nowadays and in the past?How does the news affect peopl

6、e?Is it a positive or a negative development?6.Part 2 Describe a street that you know well.You should say:where it is what the main buildings are on that street what you usually do in (on) that street and explain how you feel about this street. 7.Part 2 Describe a person you know who has a healthy l

7、ifestyle.You should say:who he /she ishow you know this personwhat sort of person he/she isand explain why you think he/she has a healthy lifestyle8. Part2 Describe a sports event that you took part in or watched.You should say:what the event waswhere it waswho was competingwhat happened during this

8、 competitionand explain how you felt about this event.9.Part 2 Descrribe the oldest person you knowWho he or she is?How you got to know him or her?What is/are his /her/their present situation?What is your feelings towards him/her/them?Describe an old personPart 3 How often do you invite the old pers

9、on?whats the role of old person in the family?how children treat with old person?Part2 Describe an old person who you like to talk to.You should say:who this person ishow you know them what you usually talk aboutand explain why you like to talk to him or her.10. Describe a musical event you have see

10、 in some place or on TVYou should saywhat kind of musical event it washow you knew about itwhy you saw itand explain what you thought of it2011年12月-2012年1月口语最新调整(二)1.Part 1 colourWhat colour do you like?What is your favourite colour? Why?Do different colours have different meaning to you?What do dif

11、ferent colours stand for?2. ClothesPart 1 What do you think of clothes? What clothes do you like?What clothes do you wear when you are working/in school?what is the difference between the older and younger people on clothes? what are the differences between cloths worn in the past and at present?Wha

12、t are advantages of wearing uniform?What are disadvantages of wearing uniform?Part 2 Describe the clothes you wear on special occasionsWhat type of clothes will you choose to wear on special occasions?What will you look like when you wear them?How do you feel when you are wearing them?Describe an it

13、em of clothing that was bought for you.You should say:what it iswhat it looks likewhy it was bought for youand explain how you feel (or felt) about it3.TravelPart 1 Do you like traveling? How do you usually travel? Where have you traveled to lately? What kind of places do you like to visit?Part 2 De

14、scribe an interesting place you would like to visitWhere is this placeWhat is it likeWhy you like to visitAnd how interesting it isPart 2 Describe a travel/journey you like to go to with your friend/ Describe a journey/ long travel you madewho you would like to travel withwhere you would gohow you w

15、ould go thereand explain why you would like to make this trip.or explain why you would choose to travel with this person.4.Part2 Describe a special gift that you received or you gave to someone.You should say:what the gift waswho the gift was for (= who you gave it to)when and where you bought itand

16、 explain why it was special.Part 3 In China, when will people send the present? Compare the gift which people have received 10 years ago to the present that people now are receiving, whats the difference between them?5.Part 2 Describe one of your favorite festivals .Part 3 What are some important fe

17、stivals in your country? How do people celebrate Festivals?How do people celebrate Spring Festival?2011年12月-2012年1月口语最新调整(一)1.Part1,3 Town and cityDo you live in a city or a town? Do you like to live in the city or in a town? Why?我喜欢住在城市,引文城市交通发达,生活便利,而且可以更快的接收到新鲜的事物。开阔眼界。除此之外,住在城市里有很多工作机会,选择性更大。这样我

18、的发展会更好。另外,城市生活方式丰富,我可以交到更多的朋友,生活会因为这些朋友而变得更加美好。 Part 2 Describe a walk you madewhere and when you walkwhat you see on this walkwho you walk withand explain your feelings about this walkPart 3 How do you think walking is beneficial to health?当今社会,环境问题愈益严峻,我们每天呼吸的空气也在不断的被汽车排放的尾气污染着,所以,不管你是上班或是上学,步行是最环

19、保也是最有益身体健康的一种方式。当我们步行在路上时,不仅可以呼吸新鲜的空气,欣赏沿途优美的风景,而且可以锻炼自己的身体,这是一种很好的有氧运动,如果我们每天能坚持做到步行上班或是上学,者将对我们的身心健康有着非常大的帮助和益处。 2.Part2 Describe a good student you studied with/you know某某某是我非常要好的朋友,不仅心地善良,而且非常乐于助人,有一次,我由于生病落下了许多的功课,而那时因为正临近期末考试,大家都忙于复习,根本没有时间为我补习,可是她却主动找到我,表明他很愿意帮我补习功课,经过她的帮助,我以优异的成绩通过了期末考试。她在学习

20、上总是认真刻苦,每次都给自己定下目标,一直坚持为目标而努力。 Part 3 What are the gualities of a good student?我认为一个好学生首先要有独立学习的能力和创新的精神 其次要有和别人合作的能力 再次有乐于助人的精神 最后也是最重要的,要有好的品德做一个good student之前应该做一个好的人 。我作为一个学生,还没有把以上那些点做到完美,但我一直在努力中,做一个好学生 好人3. Part 2 Describe something expensive you want to buy in the futureWhat will want to buy

21、What it will look likeHow much it will costAnd explain why youd like to buy it( place/house/apartmentPart 1,3 Do you live in a house or a flat/apartment? What is your house/flat like? What furniture or appliances do you have in your home? which part of the apartment do you want to make a cha

22、nge? What kind of house or flat do you want to live in in the future? Do you like the decoration in your home? Why or why not? Will you move to another house or flat in the near future? What do you think of the neighhood where you live? How long have you lived there?How do you like it? What are your

23、 neighbors like?我在大连的奥林匹克广场附近有个小公寓,不大,但是五脏俱全。电视,冰箱,洗衣机等等。事实上我暂时不想对它进行改动,一切都很合理,很温馨,我很喜欢它现在的样子如果非要的话换张餐桌吧,因为我们很多人吃饭的时候会比较拥挤。我希望未来就住在这样的公寓里就好了,不必很大,不必很华丽,但是什么都不缺,和自己的家人温馨的呆在一起。我很喜欢它现在的装饰,都是我和我女朋友一起装扮的,很有feel(我是有多能够臆想,为了你这狗屎的考试,晕死)我暂时还没有搬家的打算,因为不论是地理位置还是空间大小它都非常的合适。周围的邻居也都非常友善,有呼必应。我在这里住了3年了,对这里非常有感情,这

24、个房子满载了我很多美好的回忆。Part 2 Describe an ideal house/ place you want to live inWhere your ideal house should be?What will it be like?Why do you like to live in such a house?我理想中的房子最后是靠着海边,大概百平左右吧,最好是地中海风格的装饰。家里有大片的落地窗,阳台上有大盆的绿色植物,餐厅还有和小吧台,偶尔和美女小酌一下,哈哈,还有床,最好是个大大大大的圆床我觉得住在这样的家里会很舒服,早上起床推开窗,看看海,晚上的时候看看日落,偶尔还

25、能去海边走走。有句话特别好:面朝大海,春暖花开2011年12月口语最新调整1.Part 2 Describe a song/decribe your favorite songYou should say:when and where you learned ithow you learned this songwhat the song is aboutand explain how you felt when you used to sing this song.someone like you是我现在很喜欢的一首歌,我几天前是在朋友的博客里偶然听到了它,一开始就觉得这个歌非常的好听,然后

26、就很想知道它的故事。它讲的是一个女孩心爱的男人弃他而去,她对他的想念,想说的话,以及祝福。这真是一首美丽的歌曲,我最喜欢的一句歌词是never mind ill find someone like youi wish nothing but the best for you too。这是多么真挚的感情。每当我唱到这首歌都会联想(联想这个词好啊,要不我怕他让你阐述你自己的爱情,虽然这也不是什么事)到心碎的爱情,心有点疼。2. Part2 Describe an important family event/A Recent Happy EventYou should say: what the

27、event was?when and where it happened ?who participated in this event ?what you saw or did?and explain why this event was so important/enjoyable?Or and explain why you remember this event so well?大概两个月以前,我哥哥订婚了。家里的亲戚,朋友都参加了订婚仪式。很多人,大家穿的光鲜亮丽。新娘很漂亮。仪式上,他们交换了订婚的戒指,新娘给未来的爸妈到了茶水,给朋友们敬了酒。人的婚姻都是一种承诺,他们彼此找到了

28、未来的伴侣,所有在场的人都觉得非常开心,羡慕,温暖。那个幸福的瞬间感染了我,让我久久不能忘记。3. Part 2 Describe your personalityPart 3 Does personality influence ones success/happiness?What character will attract people?Who can better get alone with, people with similar peronality or different personality?我这个人很外向的,很爱说话,和谁都能聊,和不同的人聊不同的话题,因此也结交了很

29、多的朋友。很要强,希望什么都做到最好,无论是学习 ,工作,还是感情问题,我都想它们能更完美点。很独立,很承担什么事情都可以自己尽全力去完成,对自己要求很严格。我的朋友偶尔也会说我很自私,可能有的时候我的一些话,一些做法有伤害到他们。但是我也真的有告诉他们,对不起,我很爱你们,可能方式不对。我觉得一个人的个性真的影响他得一生,个性决定了他得环境,比如朋友圈子。决定他做事的态度,很多消极的个性就会带来不好的影响。所以我们要从小培养我们的个性。可能个性更相近的人更能好的相处吧,因为不过比较不同的话就会有很多矛盾,而如果有很多的相似点就会有很多的共同爱好,共同话题。我和我朋友们已经一起7,8年了,我们

30、性格相近,一起相处的非常愉快,或许这就是个非常好的例子。4.Cellphone Do you have your cell phone? Do you think cell phone is important?When did you use cell phone for the first time?part 2 Describe an important conversation on the phone/you had in the past.You should say:In what situation you had the conversationwho you talked

31、to (or, who you talked with)what you talked aboutand explain why this was an important conversation to you.Part3:Inoursociety,what do people usually talk about in their conversations? what are the different content between different genders?2011年11月-12月口语最新调整(二)1.WeatherPart 1 What type of weather do you like? When are there best weather in China?What kind od weather is suitable for work?How does weather affect people?Part 2 Descr

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