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人教版高中英语选修7 Unit 4《Sharing》综合技能测试.docx

1、人教版高中英语选修7 Unit 4Sharing综合技能测试Unit 4综合技能测试时间:120分钟,满分:150分第一部分:听力(共两节;满分30分)第二部分:基础知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21Tom was about to close the windows _ his attention was caught by a bird.Awhen BifCand Dtill答案:Awhen表示“正在那时,突然”。22The incomes of skilled workers

2、went up. _, unskilled workers saw their earnings fall.AMoreover BThereforeCMeanwhile DOtherwise答案:C句意:熟练工的收入上升了,同时,非熟练工发现他们的收入下降了。moreover“而且”;therefore“因此”;meanwhile“同时”;otherwise“否则”。23The school shop, _ customers are mainly students, is closed for the holidays.Awhich BwhoseCwhen Dwhere答案:B根据句子结构可

3、知先行词shop在定语从句中作customers的定语。24When I arrived, Bryan took me to see the house _ I would be staying.Awhat BwhenCwhere Dwhich答案:C解析:考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,该定语从句修饰house,从句中缺少的是地点状语,故选择where。what不能引导定语从句;when在定语从句中作时间状语;which在定语从句中作主语或宾语。25Hello, a roundtrip ticket to London, please?_Cash, please.AWhen do you w

4、ant to go?BHow do you want to pay?CHow much is it?DWhich flight?答案:B根据后面的“Cash,please(用现金)”判断,所提问的问题应该是“如何付账”,因此选择B项。26With two children attending colleges, he found it really hard to live within his own _.Areach BpowerCincome Dloan答案:C句意:因为有两个孩子上大学,他发现很难靠自己的收入生活。within ones reach“触手可及”;within ones

5、power“在某人权力范围内,力所能及”;income“收入”;loan“贷款”。27Education should not be considered to be a _ in the modern society for everyone has the right to do so.Aprivilege BpowerCusage Didentity答案:A句意为“在现代社会中,不应该把受教育看成一种特权,因为每一个人都有权接受教育”。privilege“特权,特别优待”;power“能力,力量,权力”;usage“使用,用法”;identity“本身,本体,身份”。由题意可知A项正确。

6、28As a result of the continuous heavy rain,many people in Guangdong are greatly _ help now.Ain need of Bin honor ofCin case of Din praise of答案:A句意为“由于连续大雨,现在广东很多人急需帮助”。in need of“需要”。29If you want to take a good picture in such cloudy condition, your camera needs _.Aadjusting BabusingCapproaching Da

7、ssessing答案:A句意为“如果你想在这样的阴天里照一张好的照片,你的照相机需要调整”。adjust“调整,(使)适合”;abuse“滥用,虐待”;approach“接近,靠近”;assess“评估,评定”。此处need doing“某物需要被做”,主动表被动。由题意可知A项正确。30It was reported that a Chinese American had _ some teaching equipment for a mountain school.Adesigned BoperatedCpurchased Dsold答案:C句意为“据报道一位美籍华人为一个山村学校买了一些

8、教学设备”。purchase“买,购买”;design“设计,构思”;operate“工作,运转,操作”;sell“卖,销售”。由题意可知C项正确。31As the competition is coming to an end, all the people present are _ to know who will win.Adoubting BdyingCdreaming Ddesiring答案:B句意为“当比赛就要结束的时候,所有在场的人都急于知道谁会胜出”。be dying to do sth.“极想做某事”;doubt“怀疑,不信”;desire“渴望,渴求”,后可接动词不定式,

9、但不用于进行时;dream of“梦见,梦想”,后接动名词。由题意可知B项正确。32A sports meeting took place _ in the small town, which people from all over the town attended.Asome day Bto this dayCday after day Dthe other day答案:D句意为“不久前的一天,小镇举行了一场运动会,全镇的人都参加了”。the other day“不久前的一天”,和一般过去时态连用。some day“将来不久的一天”,和一般将来时态连用;to this day“直到如今”

10、,和现在完成时态连用;day after day“日复一日”。由题意可知D项正确。33The water in this well is unfit _.Ato drink Bto be drinkCto drinking Dfor drinking答案:A考查固定句型。句意:这口井里的水不适合饮用。在句型“主语beadj./ do”中“to do”主动形式表示被动意义。故A项正确。34The reason _ at the meeting for being late was not reasonable.Awhy he gave Bwhat he gaveChe gave Don

11、which he gave答案:C考查定语从句。give是及物动词,后面要带宾语,所以选择he gave,其前省略了用来指代先行词the reason的关系代词that或which。35Can I look at the menu before I make an order?Of course. _, madam.ATake your time BDont mention itCNever mind DHelp yourself答案:A考查情景交际。句意:我点菜前先看看菜单好吗?当然,请您慢慢看,女士。A项为“不急,慢慢来”;B项为“不要提”;C项为“没关系”;D项为“请自便”。故选A。第二

12、节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,理解大意,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。Back when I was in university, I had to take a computerprogramming course. I had failed the first time. Exam day came, and I was extremely _36_. When the exam started, I noticed that everyone was focusedeveryone _37_ me and the guy ne

13、xt to me.An hour later, I still hadnt _38_ a word. That guy next to me had left the exam room, _39_ the exam, which meant he would fail. I started to panic and think about what was going to happen if I _40_ again. At that time, I heard one little voice in my head. It said, “If I fail the exam, then

14、I will fail this _41_. If I fail this course, I will be _42_ to move back home and work at a _43_, but I wonder if there are any good jobs I could get. ”I glanced up at the _44_. It was halfway through the exam. It was at that _45_ that I suddenly realized something. An image of my _46_ flashed into

15、 my head. “Steve, youll be _47_. Youve spent much time preparing for this exam, ”he _48_ me the previous night. “If you were able to do the assignments(作业), youll be able to do this exam.” That was when things began to turn for the _49_. After that, I started to ask myself _50_ questions. Ive done t

16、his before, so why couldnt I do it now? I kept _51_ what my roommate had said until that tiny weak voice grew into a loud _52_ voice in my mind. Suddenly, everything was _53_ and I was writing. I began with the first question and then continued to the next. I completed the entire exam _54_.Weeks lat

17、er I received my _55_ and I had passed. It was better than working at a gas station.文章大意:当人处于关键时刻时,难免会紧张不安,此时消极的想法只会使情况更糟。但是,如果积极调整状态,便会转危为安。36A.confident BrelaxedCnervous Ddisappointed答案:C背景常识题。根据后文内容可知,作者在考试的日子来临时,感到极其“紧张(nervous)”。confident“有信心的”,relaxed“放松的”;disappointed“失望的”。37A.including Bexce

18、ptCabout Dlike答案:B逻辑推理题。根据第二段的内容可知,此时,“除了(except)”作者和他旁边的一个考生,其他人都在集中精力做题。38A.written BcopiedCsaid Dheard答案:A逻辑推理题。一个小时后,作者的心情还没有平静下来,因此一个字儿也没“写(written)”。根据后面的内容也可得到提示。39A.checking over Bgiving outChanding in Dgiving up答案:D逻辑推理题。根据“which meant he would fail”可知,作者旁边的那个考生最终离开考场,“放弃(giving up)”了考试。che

19、ck over“仔细检查”;give out“分发,用尽”;hand in“上交”。40A.suffered BfailedCfinished Dmissed答案:B逻辑推理题。此时,作者开始惊慌,思索着如果这次还“不及格(failed)”将会怎样。41A.job BcourseCvoice Dcollege答案:B词汇复现题。如果作者再不及格,就通不过这门“课程(course)”。下一句是提示。42A.prepared BhonouredCforced Dscared答案:C逻辑推理题。此时作者脑海里全是消极的想法,如果他不能通过这门功课,就得(终止学业)回家,这种结果不是他想要的,而是“被

20、迫(forced)”做的。 Bgas stationCfactory Duniversity答案:B词汇复现题。根据文章最后一句话可知,作者如果考不好的话,就得到“加油站(gas station)”工作了。44A.teacher BwallCboard Dclock答案:D逻辑推理题。根据“It was halfway through the exam.”可知,作者应该是抬头瞥了一眼“钟表(clock)”,看时间。45A.moment BexamCglance Dpaper答案:A词语搭配题。就在那“一刹那(moment)”,作者突然意识到了什么。at the mome

21、nt“在那一时刻”。46A.story BphotoCcolleague Droommate答案:D词汇复现题。“室友(roommate)”的形象进入到作者脑海中。倒数第二段中“.what my roommate had said.”为提示。47A.helpful BupsetCfine Dcreative答案:C逻辑推理题。根据空格后面的句子“你已花了许多时间为考试作准备,你会考得很好的”,故用fine表示“好的”。48A.warned BinformedCencouraged Dchallenged答案:C逻辑推理题。“你已经准备这么久了,肯定能行(fine)。”室友说这些话的目的是“鼓励

22、(encouraged)”作者,相信自己能够考好。warn“警告”;inform“通知”;challenge“挑战”。49A.fairer BbetterCclearer Dworse答案:B逻辑推理题。就是从回忆起室友对他说的这些话的时候开始,情况往“较好的(better)”方向发展了。50A.positive BdifficultCcomplex Dcommon答案:A逻辑推理题。根据下面的句子可知,作者开始问自己一些“积极向上的(positive)”问题来给自己鼓劲。51A.speaking BrepeatingCremembering Dasking答案:B逻辑推理题。根据句中的unt

23、il可知,作者不断地向自己“重复(repeating)”着室友所说的那些鼓励他的话。52A.familiar BformalCdetermined Dactive答案:C词汇复现题。直到内心深处的那个微小软弱的声音变得响亮而又“坚定的(determined)”。tiny weak与loud determined相对应。familiar“熟悉的”;formal“正常的,正式的”;active“积极的,活跃的”。53A.moving BpassingCdisappearing Dflowing答案:D逻辑推理题。突然,作者所有的智慧灵感开始变得流畅,便开始动手做试卷。flow“指(思路等)流畅”,

24、即“才思泉涌”。54A.immediately BsmoothlyCfrequently Dexactly答案:B词语辨析题。作者回答了一个接一个的问题,最后“顺利地(smoothly)”完成了整份试卷。immediately“立即”;frequently“经常地”exactly“确切地”。55A.marks BrepliesCbenefit Dsupport答案:A逻辑推理题。几周后,作者知道了考试“成绩(marks)”他通过了考试。reply“回应”;benefit“利益”;support“支持”。第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下面的短文,从每题所给的四个选项

25、(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。AAlthough Ripton Rosen was a white boy living in a luxurious penthouse (豪华公寓), he liked to play baseball with his black teammates of the same street. Ripton sometimes invited the boys to his home to play video games. As time went on, several of them became frequent visitors to the

26、16thfloor penthouse. In time, the group developed into five regulars(常客) :Will and Kindu, Philippe Medina, Juan Carlos Robinson and Carlos Suarez.“In the beginning, it was just a lot of kids moving all over the place,” says Michael, Riptons father. Things then began changing in small ways. When the

27、Rosens realized Carlos wasnt attending school because he didnt have suitable clothes, they bought him some. Then one night, they took the group to a bookstore after a Chinese dinner and realized there were other_needs. “The boys had no interest in books at all,” Michael says. Back at the penthouse,

28、he insisted they sit down to read aloud and start a halfhour reading period before video games or television every day.Slowly the five black boys became a necessary part of the Rosen family. Housework was assigned, including cleaning, loading the dishwasher and walking Mr Jenkins, the family dog.The

29、 boys own families were puzzled by what was happening. “My mom didnt believe me when I told her about the penthouse,” says Kindu. “She thought I was involved with something bad.” Juan Carloss mother, Esther Ruiz, wondered, “Why would the Rosens be doing this?” But as time went on, she noticed change

30、s in her son. “He was geting responsible. The Rosens are the best”56The Rosens bought Carlos some clothes so that _.Ahe would study harderBhe would feel comfortableChe could go to schoolDhe could serve the family答案:C细节理解题。 由第二段第三句可知,Rosen夫妇给Carlos买衣服是为了他能去上学。57The underlined words “other needs” in Paragraph 2 probably refer to the need of _.Aknowledge BtextbookCcatalogue Dpaperwork答案:A细节理解题。第二段指出Michael带孩子们去书店,发现他们对读书没有一点兴趣,回家后,他便要求孩子们开始学习。这说明孩子们需要知识。textbook“教科书;课本”;catalogue“目录”;paperwork“文书工作”。58We learn from the passage that the Rosens _.

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