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1、视听说教程第三版2答案视听说教程(第三版)2答案Unit 3LessonA2i ste ningActivitylA.mississippi mud pieB.1.delicious,crispy,juicy 2.bla nd3.oily,good 4.tasty,too sweetActivity2A.we should support and celebrate local food traditi 4.Europe 5membersActivity3A.1.buttery 2.spicy 3.sweet 4.healthyB.1.

2、He wan ted to lose weight because he was 20 pounds overweight2.Because she has spe nt six mon ths in Thaila nd and comes to like spicy Thai means that Abby likes to eat sweet foods 4.because Minh is training for a swimming competiti on and he has to eat healthy foods .And now he prefers hea

3、lthy foods to sweet orbuttery foodsActivity4A.1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.F 6.T 7.T 8.FB. capsaicin:a chemical in chili peppers that produces heat and makes your mouth feel hot.It has no flavor or smell .Habanero:the hottest chili pepper in the world . It is bright orange and grows in the Carbbean.massageB.1.

4、34 centen aria ns per 100000 Okin awa ns2.The Okinawans secret:first,theyeat a healthy die t; sec on d,they don t do hardexercise ;third,the older Okinawans have a good attitude about agi ng.Speak ing and Comm uni cati onActivity1A. Why don twe go to the pizza place on thecornerHow about that new Ja

5、pa nese restaura nt dow ntow nLessenBParti1.Before you watchi.b 2.d 3.c 4.e 5.a2.while you watch5. false 6A.1.ture 2. ture 3.false 4. ture false 7. falseB.1. some salsa tortillaPart21Preiew2 WhileA 1.tureyou watch2. ture 3. ture 4.fasle 5. ture 6.ture 7. fasle 8. fasle1.M 2.T 3.R 4.M 5.C 6.C 7.M8.C

6、C I.Mike suggests they make the plate look better because they are attending a cooking con test and they want to win2.Robert says that the food looks delicious,andhe says mmmD about some more hot n3.1s it hote on5.Oh my goshE 1.Step away 2.The taste test ing3.Buttery4.Quite tasty 5.A

7、 littlesweet,but still crunchy 6.Try some chicken7.Hot and spipy 8.Born and raised 9.thewi nners10told youFThe judge Chef Dupree,liked the food they prepared because he was born and raised in Louisia na where the food is hot spicy.3after you watch1.e ntered a cook ing con test 2.suggested addi ng so

8、me hot sauce to make the chicken spicier3.wasn tso sure 4.the cover came off thebottle accide ntally 5.he tried to remove someof the sauce 6.The judging began 7.her chicken was the oiliest he had ever tasted8.they extremely nervous 9.they thought thechef would not not like it,but to their surprise,h

9、e liked it 10.quite un exepectly Unit 4 Today s Trend1Vocabulary LinkA a.15 percent b.fourd.two-thirds e.A majority of2Liste ningActivity 1A In terview 1(v )()In terview 2(V )(V )B 1.true 2.true 3.truetimes c.guadrupled()(V )(v )(V )4.falseActivity 2Ele naA GioVickiMila nNew YorkHong Kongbrothera st

10、ore in then eighborhood casualmotherretro,old.fashi onedclassicActivity 3A b.3 c.2 f.1B 1.You could look for frie nds on the Internet2.You shouldn Wear pants.You definitely ought to wear a dress3.You had better get some help or you will fail the rest. You had better not delay tak ing the restActivit

11、y 4A 1.b 2.aB 1.Sorry,but I have to side withwant to show off in your free time2.have a serious talk style and taste too much about appeara ncesActivity 5B I.She was nervous and didn t know what toexpect2.She had to report to a recording studio by10 a.m3.They had to decide which songs were“ YeAll th

12、e way ! ” , ” It s OK” ,or ! “No way4.They just talked about the covers they liked5.They are going to look at some new fashi onsC 1.has a good salary f doesn pay2.m on th f week 3.o nly one CD cover f six CD covers 4.a n “It s OK ” card f a “ No way ” card3Pronun ciati onB 1.Most of 2.Some of 3.All

13、of 4.Noneof4Speak ing and Comm uni cati onActivity 1B Welcome to our debate please begin what do you thi nkSo Exactly I don t agreeActivity 2E 1.AII 2.A couple 3.None 4.Most5.Some 6.AII 7.A lot 8.MostLesson BPart 11 before you watchl.full-time 2.males 3.traditi onal4.pare nts2while you watchA 1.c 2.

14、e 3.b 4.a 5.f 6.dGlobal Viewpoi nts1before you watch1.c 2.d 3.a 4.e 5.b2while you watch1.independent 3.cowboy boots4.stylish 5.admire 6.cha nge 7ose weight8.appeara nee 9.i nstead ofPart 21PreviewB 1.b 2.c 3.b 4.a 5.c2while you watchB 1.No,Mike didn tthink running was enjoyable2.Roberto sa

15、id it was good for Mike(good forhis health);he also said it was a trend nowadays to exercise3.No,Mike didn t agree with Roberto.He saidthat most people he knew did n years ago5.28 perce nt or almost one third of Roberto co-workers go to the gym now6.They go to the gym three or more times a week1.Jus

16、t because 2.doesnmtake it a trend3.that means 4.Not necessarily 5.Such golf 7.that trse 8.None e on10.AII of 11.most of 12.not this one 13.ought to 14.we d betterD know what 2.What 3.What 4.You know 5.Yeah,r ight 6.No,I m serious3after you watchA 1.Such as 2.You know what 3.Not n eces

17、sarily 4.more and moreUnit 5 Un solved MysteriesLesson A1Vocabulary LinkA arrest a criminal D break alaw C commit a crime Ccatch a criminal D have analibi C make a con fessi on Cquestion a criminal D solve acrime DC The man is breaking a law.He isThe detective is catchi ng a crimi nal.Committi ng a

18、crimeThe detective is arresti ng the crimi nalThe detective is questi oning the crim in al.The criminal is not making a con fessi on2ListeningActivity 1A the most famous detectivesever known imaginary detectivesixty Scottish author moneyB 2.1887 3.i ntellige nt4.Dr.Wats on 5.E ngla ndActivi

19、ty 2A 4 13 5 2local peopleC 1.Mike thinks the lights could be the same as those in a local lege nd2.Alexa thi nks the lights are a hoaxActivity 3A 1.A young girl sta nding in the middle of the road2.Because it was raining heavily3.He stopped the car quicklyy quietly4.She said ” I m fine ” and walked

20、 awa5.He said the girl was Marry Anne and she was killed in a car accide nt five years agoB 1.heavily 2.clearly 3.slowly 4.n eatly5.quickly 6.stra ngely 7.happily 8.quietly9.Nervously 10.calmlyActivity 4A 1.a terrible explosion eastern2.n ear Eearth a part of it broke off3.crashed into the grou

21、ndits engineexploded 4.destroy the earthset fireto the forest 5.used electricitya testof his gunActivity 5A 2 7 8 4 6 15 3C 1ots of damagehuge explosionB 1.Differe nt people see differe nt lights2.Robert Ellison saw the lights in 18833.The Native America ns thought the lights were stars falli ng to

22、Earth4.A team from Japan studied the lights,but couldn t solve the mysteryC 1.Ball lighting is lighting in the shape of a ofte n appears just after a rain storm2.Some people call the lights “ ghost lights3.No,th ey aren t.Actually,they hold a townfestival every September to celebrate themy

23、stery lights3PronunciationA 1./z/ 2./s/ 3./s/4./iz/ 5./iz/ 6./z/Lesson BPart 11 before you watchA1.ThePyramids2.UFOs3.m on sterB1.b 2.d 3.g4.c 5.f6.e7.a2while you watchA1.e 2.d 3.b4.c 5.f6.aB1.fall 2.astrong 3.s 6.offC 1.wit nessed a very stra nge eve nt2.make the rai n fall 3.was h

24、aun ted 4.late atnight 5.turned off 6.very strange and quite scaryPart 21PreviewB 1.a 2.b 3.b 4.b 5.a2while you watchA 4 2 1 6 5 3B 1.Tara asked them to come because shewan ted to solve a crime7.Note the weap on 8.I have an alibi are a frie nd ofD 1.What2.C on fess 3.too busy to go shopp ing 4

25、.we nt to bed 5.made sure 6.carefully took this spoon 7.No ! No ! It not true8.Hey 10.What s upafter you watchI.Who knows 2.go on 3.Note 4t esrylikelyB3.without notice 2.solve this “ was very likely 4.Tara got serious about the matter 5.if it were not checked at the start6.though in a humor

26、ous way 7.he had an alibi and hadn tdone it 8.Just as Claudia was protecting that it wasn t true 9.Finally every one came to know who the “ thief really wasUnit 6 The Mi ndLesson A1Vocabulary LinkB 1.My memories of school are mostly happy/un happy because e 2.My favorite song is ,and it reminds me o

27、f3.1didn t believe it when 4.1usually remember/forget things such as5.I find it helpful to when 1 am tryingtomemorize new En glish words2Liste ningActivity 1ArememberB()( )()(v :)C1.Two tips.Oneis tolabel thingsinEnglish.The other is to make a note of related words2.You can rent a film and see it at

28、 homeActivity 2A 23 1B one2.could nriin3.can swimActivity 3A1.pi nk2.pillars3ivi ngroomkitche n4.large5.stereosystem6.wasn tB1.true2.spoke tome andsmiledf didn t speakor smile3.a few f all4.sta ndingf sitt in g5.trueC1.Thestorytellerheard avoicesaying. ” welcome home ” and he realized dream hou

29、se was his2.He thought his dream was turning into a ni ghtmare because his frie nds sudde nly disappeared and it was scary3.He liked the food processor most because it makes life much easier4.He saw the stove was broke n and that there was no electricity.He also saw the childre n werecrying because

30、they were hungry.He feltm bad and wan ted to help prepare a meal but bega n to despair when he found the refrigerator was emptyActivity 4A 1.Stage 2 2.Stage 5 3.Stage 1 4.Stage3and 4B 1.Four or five times 2.Stage 3 and 43.Fiftee n to sixtee n hours a day4.Sleep is very important for learningActivity 5A 1.many times 2.don tremember3.very active 4.gods 5.Greek and Roma ns

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