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1、届泰州姜堰中考英语二模试题含答案2014届泰州姜堰中考英语二模试题(含答案)2014届泰州姜堰中考英语二模试题(含答案)考试时间:120分钟 满分:120分 第一部分 选择题(共70分) 一、单项选择 从下列每题所给的选项中,选择一个最佳答案。(15分) 1._Browns are going shopping this Saturday. They are going to buy _ useful umbrella. A ./; a B. The; a C./; the D. The ; an 2. -Wish you a pleasant journey! -Thanks ! I ll

2、give you a _as soon as I arrive in Paris. A. ring B. hand C. ride D. present 3. My mother has a habit of jogging _the Qinhu Lake for two hours in the morning. A. between B. along C. over D. through 4. -We must act now because time is _. -Yes, lets start. A. coming out B. giving C. cutting out D. run

3、ning out 5. -How often does he write emails to his friend? -_. A. Once a month B. In a week C. For ten minutes D. Last Monday. 6. -We couldnt find you anywhere around 8:00 yesterday evening. -Im sorry for it. My mother and I _in the square. A. danced B. will dance C. were dancing D. are dancing 7. W

4、e prefer to watch them_ basketball rather than _TV. A. to play, to watch B. play, watch - C. playing, to watch D. to play, watching 8. -Will you come to my party next week? - _. Ill fly to Shanghai for a meeting. A. Id like to B. I hope not C. I dont think so D. Im afraid not 9. -What do you think o

5、f the bridge? -I have never seen _ before. A. so a long one B. so long one C. such a long one D. a such long one 10. Traditionally, Chinese people _ the Chinese characters Double Happiness and stick them onto walls or doors at the weddings. A. look out B. cut out C. give out D. come out 11. -Just a

6、minute, Tom. Is this the report you need to hand in today? -Oh, yes, Mum. I thought I had put _in my schoolbag. Thank you. A. everything B. something C. nothing D. anything 12. “Wechat”(微信) really makes a great _ to peoples life. Its easy for us to keep in touch with others. A. choice B. surprise C.

7、 progress D. difference 13. - Do you have any plan for this summer vacation, Mary? - Sure, I d like to be a volunteer and help to _ the Central Park. A. put up B. call up C. clean up D. cheer up 14.The main job of the supporting team is to _the runner _drinking water and food. A.provide;with B.prote

8、ct;with C.prevent;from D.prefer;to 15. -Could you tell me _? -Quite well, thank you. A. what do you do B. are you good at maths C. what you think of the film D. how you are getting on with classmates二、完形填空 阅读短文,从每题所给选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(15分) There was once a young man who began to feel self-satisfied

9、after some small achievements. One day, the young man took a walk with a _16_ man from the town. On the way the young man was bragging(吹嘘) about himself, _17_ the wise man didnt say a word. When they _18_ a peak(山峰), the wise man asked, “Look down. What do you see ?” “I see trees, farmland, houses a

10、nd people as _19_ as ants working in the fields,” the young man said. “What do you feel?” the wise man asked. “Everything is _20_ me. I feel I rule the world,” the young man answered. The wise man said _21_. After a minute, he asked the young man to look _22_ “What do you see this time?” the wise ma

11、n asked. “I see _23_ flying around high mountains, the white clouds on the mountains and the _24_ sky above the white clouds,” the young man answered. Then he asked the wise mans _25_. “I feel small and powerless,” the wise man answered . ”A person who knows to look upward can _26_ understand his po

12、sition(位置). When a person knows the blue sky is always overhead, he wont be so _27_ as to believe he rules over the world or other people.” The young man felt foolish(愚蠢的) for his _28_. From then on , _29_ he began to feel as if the world owed(亏欠) him something, he looked up at the sky and remembere

13、d _30_ small he really was. Try to look upward when you feel too good about yourself. 16.A. busy B. lazy C. wise D. hard-working 17.A. if B. but C. so D. or 18.A. got to B. got off C. arrived in D. got up 19.A. fat B. light C. small D. strong 20.A. below B. above C. between D. against 21.A. everythi

14、ng B. anything C. something D. nothing 22.A. up B. down C. out D. after 23.A. monkeys B. tigers C. chicks D. birds 24.A. red B. blue C. green D. black 25.A. ways B. name C. feelings D. address 26.A. badly B. angrily C. hardly D. clearly 27.A. clever B. smart C. silly D. useful 28.A. pride B. success

15、 C. luck D. smell 29.A. whatever B. whenever C. wherever D. however 30.A. why B. where C. how D. what 三、阅读理解 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容选择最佳答案。(40 分) A In Lynch, an American businessman, had been going on vacation to a small Mexican fishing village for a number of years. One morning while going for a walk along t

16、he beach, he saw his friend Pablo Perez, a local fisherman. Martin watched Pablo unload his boat and pack the fish in a box. Martin noticed Pablo was smiling and looked very happy. He could also see several large fish in the boat. Martin greeted Pablo and asked how long it took to catch the fish. “J

17、ust a new hours,” replied Pablo. Martin asked, “Why didnt you stay longer and catch more fish?” “I have enough for my family,” Pablo said. “And what do you do with the rest of your day ?” asked Martin. “I take a nap, play with my children, spend time with my wife, and go into the village to see my f

18、riends and play cards. I have a full and busy life.” Martin explained that if Pablo worked longer hours and caught more fish, he could make more money. With the extra money, Pablo could buy more boats and catch many more fish. By selling the fish, Pablo could open his own factory and sell direct to

19、supermarkets. “Then what?” asked Pablo. “Well, you would probably have to move to Mexico City to run the business. Finally, you would be able to sell your business and make millions of dollars,” replied Martin. “How long will that take ?” asked Pablo. Martin thought for a while and said it would pro

20、bably take at least 15 years. “And then what?” asked Pablo. “Well, thats the best part,” Martin said. “You will be able to retire, buy a house near the ocean, sleep longer, play with your children, spend more time with your wife, see your friends, and play cards.” 31. What is the story mainly about

21、? A. A businessman and a fisherman have become friends. B. A businessman learns how to fish form a fisherman. C. A fisherman wants to become a businessman. D. A businessman gives advice to a fisherman. 32.What makes the Mexican fisherman happy is _. A. many friends to visit him B. a full and busy li

22、fe C. more boats and more fish D. the house near the ocean 33.How can the fisherman make more money in the businessmans view ? A. By buying a supermarket. B. To move to Mexico City. C. By selling his own business. D. To work longer and catch more fish. 34.The underlined word “unload” in the passage

23、means _. A. putinto B. takeaway from C. break down D. set off 35.We can infer from the passage that _. A. the fisherman will stay the same with his life B. the fisherman will leave the village for Mexico City C. the businessman will buy the fishermans boat D. it takes all day for the fisherman to ca

24、tch large fish B (Renee-a beautiful princess; Broo-a blue bear; Nahloo-a magical place) When the Princess Renee heard about Broo, she came down from her castle. She found Broo while he was busy eating honey. “Mr. Bear,” the Princess said, “you are welcome in Nahloo. Here we share with each other. We

25、 dont take things from each other.” Broo thought about it for a moment and realized that he had made a mistake. “Well,” he said, “maybe drinking all that milk wasnt the best idea.” The Princess continued, “Mr. Bear, you can drink and eat, but you wont feel good because you have never made any contri

26、bution to anyone else. I think youll find that it is better to be full in your heart, not just in your stomach.” After saying this, the Princess went back to the castle, leaving Broo alone. One day, Broo was going to take lots of cookies from the rabbits, then he remembered what the Princess said to

27、 him. So Broo decided not to eat the cookies. The rabbits were surprised and said, “Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Bear. Now these cookies will taste sweeter because they are given by you, my friend. If you like, come back tomorrow and we can have the cookies together.” Broo was filled with joy an

28、d went through the land. He gave back everything he had taken. In return, he received a promise from everyone to share their food with him. Broo was so delighted that he started dancing in the moonlight with the Princess as his partner. 36. When the Princess Renee came down, Broo was _. A. dancing w

29、ith rabbits B. eating honey C. giving everything back D. having cookies 37. In Nahloo, _. A. the Princess Renee stayed with Broo all the time B. everyone was happy to share with each other C. Broo took a lot of cookies from rabbits D. Broo never realized his mistake 38.Broo felt _ after he gave the

30、cookies back to the rabbits. A. sad B. surprised C. happy D. hungry 39.The passage is probably from _. A. an advertisement B. a tour guide C. an application D. a story book 40.What can we learn from the passage ? A. Its better to give than to receive. B. Every dog has its day. C. The early bird catc

31、hes the worm. D. Many hands make light work. C Everything that humans hear is in the form of waves(波). Just as the eye sees light waves in the form of colors, the ear hears sound waves in the form of noises. The ear and the eye turn these different waves into signals that the brain(大脑) can make sens

32、e of. The ears and brain have an amazing ability to recognize(识别) particular sounds. For example, a mother often can tell when her baby is crying even if there are other crying babies in the same room. This is because the sound of her babys cry has special meaning to her and the brain has recorded its importance. The ability to recognize sounds improves with experiences. As the brain receives inf

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