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1、江苏省启东市东南中学届高三英语高考考前辅导21页启东市2016届高三英语考前辅导材料 2015届高三学子们:高考的钟声即将敲响!经过较为系统且全面的复习,你们在英语方面已取得了很大的进步。其实,复习到现在,你们已经准备得相当充分了,只要你充满信心走进考场,胜利就在向你招手。 下面请跟随我进入模块复习的指导。第一部分:听力(善于抓住要素)预测技巧 :充分利用听前时间和停顿时间,浏览题目和全部选项,预测可能涉及的内容 如果是独白,一定要听好第一句和最后一句。在听语篇时要抓住要素即人物,事件,时间,地点, 以便较好地理解和回忆全“篇”故事,保持良好的心态,切忌因急躁而影响听后面的内容。识别关键词的技

2、巧:透露说话人身份的关键词 透露地点场合的关键词 捕捉数字 理解意义,在听录音时要注意转折、让步、否定和虚拟语气的特殊句型以及时态的转换,以便把握说话者的真正意图。自上而下关注整篇内容的理解速记技巧:许多材料中涉及数字,如年代、日期、价格、数量、并且会以基数词、序数词、分数、小数、百分数等形式出现,有的听力题中还设置简单的计算,所以要求学生熟悉各种数字形式并弄清其间关系,如:减价20% off; special offer, special price, 25% discount, sale原价:regular price, normal price增长:10% increase in, 1/

3、3 climb in sth., 下降: 10 decrease / fall in.打七折at a 30% discount,one third off the normal price 时间运用技巧:切记对于没有听清的题目(尤其是第一部分)采取及时放弃的原则,即随便选择一个然后把注意力集中到下一题,抢在下一题播放之前看完下一题的三个全部选项,千万不可以纠缠于已播放完的前一题。第二部分:英语知识运用一、单项选择考点冠词、代词、形容词和副词、语义辨析(名词、介词和介词短语)、动词和动词词组、动词的时态和语态、非谓语动词、情态动词和虚拟语气、定语从句和名词性从句、并列句和状语从句、特殊句式、情景

4、交际二、单项选择的应对措施1提取时间信息根据语境定时态 当考察谓语或非谓语动词的时态时,往往不给时间状语。应对方法是在试题中提取与时间相关的信息,判断动词动作发生的先后关系,从而确定时态。(1)- Is there anything wrong,Bob? You look sad.-Oh, nothing much. In fact, I _ of my friends back home.A. have just thought B. was just thinking C. would just think D. will just be thinking 解析:由对话语境可知,一方发觉另

5、一方不对劲,故问“怎么了?你看上去不高兴。” 对方在思念家乡的朋友,故回答时用过去进行时与just搭配,表示“刚才正在.” (2 ) At the end of the meeting, it was announced that an agreement _.A. has been reached B. had been reached C. has reached D. had reached解析:an agreement 与reach 构成逻辑上的被动关系,故先确定用被动语态。再由语境可知,协议达成的动作在was announced 之前,故用过去完成时。【一试身手】1).Jim, wh

6、at a surprise! I _ you _ here.A. dont know; are B. didnt know; were C. hadnt known; had been D. havent known; were 2).- This is Zhao Hua speaking. - Im sorry. I _ your voice. A. dont recognize B. didnt recognize C. havent recognize D. hadnt recognize3).-Have you moved into the new flat? - Not yet. T

7、he rooms _. A. are being painting B. are painting C. are painted D. are being painted 2. 识别语气信息与事实相反虚拟探英语句子均含有语气信息:句子表示的意义与事实相反,或是不可能实现的愿望,谓语动词一般用虚拟语气。语气往往隐藏在前后句子的信息中,或由某些关键词语(but,otherwise等)来实现。 I didnt know your mobile number; otherwise I _ you the second I got to Changsha.A. had rung B. would rin

8、g C. should have rung D. would have rung解析: 根据句子意义,otherwise前的分句为客观事实,使用一般过去时,而otherwise后的分句则表示与过去事实相反的一种假设,句中实际省略句If I had known your mobile phone number, 故答案应选与过去事实相反的虚拟结构。【一试身手】1).When a chopstick is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it_.A. breaks B. has broken C. were broken D. has been

9、 broken2).I didnt meet Mr. Smith at the station. How I wish I _ him.A. had seen B. saw C. have seen D. was seeing3).But for your advice, I_ out of the trouble last week.A. wouldnt get B. wouldnt have got C. couldnt get D. wont get3. 鉴别语态信息-及物无宾被动看当选项中既有不同的时态形式,又有不同的语态形式时,先判断语态, 后判断时态。因为语态容易判断:当所给动词是

10、及物动词,后面没有带宾语且句子的主语承受该动词表示的动作时,就可先选定被动形式的选项。接下来根据所给时间状语或语境暗示的时间判断时态。若所给动词是不及物动词, 就不需要考虑被动语态问题。The flowers were so lovely that they _ in no time.A sold B had been sold C were sold D would sell解析: 所给动词sell在此是及物动词,其后没有宾语,主语they是sell的承受者,一优先考虑被动语态选项B和C。再判断时态:sell动词表示的时间不会再were之前发生, 故只能考虑一般过去时。故选择were sol

11、d.但需注意有些动词,如上面提到的sell 既可以用作及物动词也可以用作不及物动词,这就需要具体情况具体分析。如sell表示销售状况并跟有相应的副词时,一般用作不及物动词。如:The ticket cost so much and sold badly.When asked why he went there, he said he was sent there _ for a space flight.A training B being trained C to have trained D to be trained解析: 非谓语动词train是及物动词,后面没有宾语,先考虑被动语态选项

12、B和D.又从非谓语动词的作用可知,这里应用不定式作目的状语。故选择不定式的被动式。【一试身手】1)Gold _ in California in the nineteenth century.A was discovered B discovered C had discovered D was being discovered2)The girl went to the party without_.A inviting B being invited C to be invited D invited3) _ from the tower at night, the city looks

13、more beautiful/A To be seen B Seeing C Being seen D Seen4. 搜索明暗信息-综合推理作判断在考查语境的试题中,总会提供一些有助于解题的相关信息:明示信息由关键词直接提示;而暗示信息需要理解和体验语境意义才能得到。明示信息为解题提供参考和方向,暗示信息最终决定选项。因此遇到此类试题,要善于搜索明示信息,以排除与题意无关的选项;再深刻理解语境含义以获取暗示信息,进行综合推理,作出正确的选择。【例题】 He and his wife are of the same _; they both want their son to go to col

14、lege.A soul B spirit C heart D mind解析:答案为D. 本题考查名词的区别。明示信息为:soul灵魂、心灵、精神;spirit灵魂、心灵、精神;heart心境、心情、内心;mind头脑、精神、愿望、看法。四个名词均可放入空格处。暗示信息:他们想让他们的儿子上大学,暗示了一种想法,故与mind意思相同,那么前面一句的意思就是“他和 他的妻子有一样的愿望想法。”【一试身手】1).Mr. Li hesitated for a long time. But he decided to lend me a help _.A finally B immediately C

15、gradually D slowly2). - Good morning, Green Hotel.- Hello, Id like to book a room for the night of the 18th and 19th.-_. Ill check.A Ten dollars for each room B Just a minute C No problem D At your service3). Lin Tao _ lies. No one seems to like him.A. has never told B. is always telling C. has just

16、 told D. tells5. 分析句子成分 移位变通结构显一般说来,英语句子的各个成分的位置事比较固定的。但有时为了表达不同的情感,态度或语气,会通过某些语法手段,或添加某些次要成分,或把句子的某些成分进行移位。移位现象常出现在特殊问句、强调句、从句、倒装句等句型中。应对方法是认真分析试题的各个成分之间的关系,把移了的位的成分放回到它原来应在的位置,这样一来,判断正确选项就容易了。The village has developed a lot _ we learned farming two years ago.A. when B. which C. that D. where解析: 由t

17、he village 和two years ago 可知本题由时间或地点。故不太可能出现时间或地点状语从句。通过移位,把从句放在village 的后面就可以应由where引导的定语从句。【一试身手】1)The play brought the hours back to me _ I had worked in a faraway farm.A. until B. that C. when D. where 2)The young man has spent as much time as he could _ English.A. learn B. to learn C. learning

18、D. done 3)My aunt was disappointed to see the washing machine she _ went wrong again. A. has repaired B. had had repaired C. repaired D. had had repairing6. 补全缺失成分-省略替代原句现试题有时创设一定条件,使之符合某一省略或替代规则,以增加判断正确选项的难度。应对方法是按照某一省略或替代规则补全被省略的缺失成分,再现完整的句子,这样有助于判断信选项是否正确。 -Do you have idea what Paul does all day

19、? -As I know, he spends at least as much time playing as he_.A. writes B. does writing C. is writing D. does write解析:由试题结构可知“as he_” 为比较状语从句,这样的从句常省略和前面相同的词语。本题用does替代谓语spends, 省略time 和in。 把从句还原为完整的句子为:as he spends time in writing。 【一试身手】1).The research is so designed that once _ nothing can be done

20、 to change it. A. begins B. beginning C. is begun D. begun2).-Why did you take a taxi ? -I _. I was late. A. have to B. have to do C. had to D. had to do3).-Dont forget to buy me a stamp when passing the post office. -_. A.I dont. B.I cant C.I havent D.I wont7.去掉次要成分-呼语插入语不见当试题中有称呼语,插入语或其他次要成分时,可采取视

21、而不见的方法,将其去掉,从而使句子结构清晰,易于判断触正确的选项。Help others whenever you can _you will make the world a nicer place to live in.A. and B. or C. unless D. but解析:句中的whenever you can 为次要成分,可忽略不看,一个 “祈使句+and+分句”的结构就清晰可见了。Mary,_ here - everybody else, stay where you are.A. come B. comes C. to come D. coming解析: Mary 和eve

22、rybody else 作为呼语出现, 后面的句子为祈使句,省略了第二人称主语you, 故选动词原形come【一试身手】1). -Ruth, look after your sister this afternoon,_? - But I have to do a lot of exercises. A. will you B. do you C. have you D. dont you 2).The lady is always saying that her daughter is the cleverest student in the class,_, of course, made

23、 the other ladies unhappy. A. when B. that C. what D. which3).The woman shouted in the shop with great anger , as you expected, _her hand at the assistant.A pointed B pointing C to point D had pointed8.强调句型优先疑似强调还原看当试题(包括选项)中有 it is / wasthat/who时,应先作强调句型来考虑,将此疑似强调句型还原为普通句型。若去掉it is / was和that/who之后

24、句子结构依然完整,就证明是强调句。反之,若有句子结构问题,就不是强调句型,就要考虑是否是其他句型。1).It _we had stayed together for a couple of weeks _ I found we had a lot in common. A was until ; when B was until; that C wasnt until ; when D wasnt until ; that 解析: 去掉it is/was和that之后本句可还原为 I didnt find we had a lot in common until we had stayed t

25、ogether for a couple of weeks. 故是强调句型。 2). It was after he got what he had desired _ he realized it was not so important. A. that B. when C. since D. as 解析: 题干中有it was,选项中由that,疑是强调句型。去掉it和was之后还原为普通句型After he got what he had desired he realized it was not so important。其结构完整,证明是强调句型。【一试身手】1)Was it _

26、 the professor regarded as the brightest ones?A. them that B. they that C. them which D. they whom2)_ you were born ? A. Was it where that B. It was where that C. Where it was that D. Where was it that3)_ she realised it was too late to go home. How hardworking she was!A. It was not until dark that

27、B. Hardly did it grow dark whenC. No sooner it grew dark than D. Scarcely had it grown dark than9查看主宾表定-缺啥补啥句健全当考察名词性从句或定语从句时,依次优先观察从句中是否缺主语,宾语,若缺某一成分,就得选择能够充当该成分的选项。若主语、宾语、表语或定语都不缺,就再观察句子是否缺哪类状语,选择能够充当该状语的选项,以补全句子结构。Choosing the right dictionary depends on you want to use it for.A. what B. why C ho

28、w D whether解析: what 引导的名词性从句作介词on的宾语,what在从句中又充当介词for的宾语. We shouldnt spend our money testing so many people, most of are healthy.A that B which C what D whom解析: 本题考察非限制性定性定语从句,介词of后面缺宾语,能够作宾语且能够引导定语从句的关系代词which 和whom, 由于非限制性定性定语从句用来说明前面指人的名词people, 故用whom充当介词of的宾语。【一试身手】1)._ I said at the meeting m

29、ust be kept secret.A. Whatever B. However C. Wherever D. Whenever2).One of the blind men held the view _ he felt was right.A. that B. what C. what that D. that what3).The promise _ was made by my father was _ he would buy me a computer if I studied harder than before.A. that; that B. what; that C. w

30、hat; what D. that; what10. 细辨句子结构-留意连词与标点在试题中,用连词或用标点符号可以决定句子的结构,因此,解题时不可忽视小小的连词和标点符号。The owner of the cinema needed to make a lot of improvements and employ more people to keep it running, _ meant spending tens of thousands of pounds.A. who B. that C. as D. which解析: 空格前面是逗号,意味着后面的句子应为从句。由句子结构可知,此处缺

31、失主语,指代前面整个句子的内容。The children went home from the grammar school, their lessons _for the day.A. finishing B. finished C. had finished D. were finished解析: 由于中间有逗号, 意味着后面的部分是状语。由于该部分前面没有连词,故不能用谓语形式。 因此要用finished构成独立主格结构。【一试身手】1)._ is reported on TV, another two American soldiers were killed in the bomb exp

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