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1、扬州市梅岭中学九年级英语质量检测扬州市梅岭中学九年级英语质量检测(试卷满分:140分 考试时间:100分钟) 第卷 选择题 计90分一、听力(20分)第一部分 听十段对话,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话听两遍。1. Who are they talking about? A B C2. What does the boy begin to do at five? A B C3. What kind of programme does the girl like best? A B C4. What competition does Simon think Kitty s

2、hould enter for? A B C5. A. At a library. B. At the doctors. C. At a bookshop.6. A. $ 50. B. $ 35. C. $70.7. A. 20 minutes. B. A quarter. C. 5 minutes.8. A. Twelve. B. Nine. C. Fifteen.9. A. It will be rainy. B. It will be cloudy. C. It will be sunny.10. A. Go window shopping. B. See a moving. C. Go

3、 to a park.第二部分 听对话和短文答题 你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。听一段对话,回答1112题11. When will the man have the party?A. This Saturday evening. B. Next Friday evening. C. This Sunday Evening.12. What did the man want the woman to bring for the party?A. A present. B. Nothing. C. Her friend.听短文,回答第1315小题 QQ is students favou

4、rite letterThe ways of using QQ To talk about 13 and chat;To exchange test answers and chat;To 14 good articles and pictures on it; To make a record of their lives The reasons of using QQ Its 15 to their friendship and they can relax and talk freely.13. A. housework B. homework C. hobbies14. A. put

5、B. make C. search15. A. helpful B. harmful C. thankful听短文,完成1620题(听两遍)16. How do most people go to their workplaces in Nanjing? A. By bus. B. By underground. C. By car.17. How much is the ticket for the bus? A. Only 1 yuan. B. More than 2 yuan. C. 1 or 2 yuan.18. What will a person do when he doesnt

6、 want to help the elderly on the bus? A. He will stand up and look out of the window. B. He will sit on the seat and look at the elderly. C. He will listen to music with eyes closed.19. Why should we help each other? A. Because we know each other. B. Because we will need others help one day. C. Beca

7、use we are students.20. How can we help a person in need when taking a bus? A. Buy the ticket for him. B. Let the elderly get on the bus first. C. Make the children give their seats to you.二、单项选择(每小题1分,计15分) 在下列各题A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个能填入题干空白处的最佳答案。21. -Look! There is beautiful rainbow in the sky -Take th

8、e books for me, Id like to take a photo of rainbow before it disappearsA. a; the B. the; a C. the; the D. a; a22. -Its clever _ you to help me work out this difficult maths problem. Thanks.- You are welcome. Now its easier _ you to understand it. A. of; of B. of; for C. for; of D. for; for 23. -Ther

9、e was hardly anything left after the earthquake, _? -_. People had to rebuild their houses. A. wasnt there; Yes B. was there; No C. wasnt there; No D. was there; Yes 24. -Will you go to Lucys birthday party this Sunday, Li lei? -_ I if you _.A. So do; go B. So will; go C. Neither do; will go D. So s

10、hall; will go25. -Would you like some salad ? -Yes , please . Its my favourite . I think _ is more delicious than salad .A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything26. _Jimmy knows he may fail, _he will still try. A. Though; but B. Though; / C. But; though D. But; /27. These broken pieces of p

11、lates dont fit together, they _ parts of different ones.A. cant be B. can be C. mustnt be D. must be28. Nobody except Li Ping and Liu Ying _ at school this time yesterday . A. are B. has been C. was D. were 29. Green represents _. When you feel tired, you can wear green.A. sadness B. purity C. joy D

12、. energy30. I wanted to buy a copy of The Youth, but there was _ left in the bookshop. _has just bought the last one.A. no one; Everybody B. something; Nobody C. anyone; Somebody D. none; Somebody31. -I dont know _. Can you help me? -I think you should calm down and read texts. A. how to do B. what

13、to do it C. what to do D. when to do32. - How do I look white, Mike?-Well, I would choose grey. White looks bad a boy with dark skinA. in; in Bon; on Con; in Din; on33. What _ great difficulty they had _ a living in old days!A. /, made B. /, making C. a, made D. a, making 34. -Would you mind me turn

14、ing on the TV?-_. Dad is sleeping. A. Of course not. B. Certainly C. Youd better not. D. No, I wouldnt.35. -Thank you, Mille and Kitty. It was kind of you to help me with my lessons. - _ A. With pleasure. B. Better not. C. Of course not D. Its our pleasure.三、完形填空 从每题所给选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(每小题1分,计15分)I

15、 still remember my kindergarten(幼儿园) teacher, Mrs, White. She looked just like Snow White, _36_she had the same bright eyes and short dark hair. We used to _37_ a lot. And I would show what I wrote to Mrs. White for correction(批改). She would look at my writing and see many mistakes in it. But she _3

16、8_ made my red correction and she always gave a star. I was feeling _39_ of my writing each time I got a star. But it _40_ my mother. So one day, when she met Mrs. White at a parent- teacher meeting, Mum asked her why she never corrected my _41_ and why she never said no to her child. Mrs. White sai

17、d, “The children are just beginning to get _42_ about using words .Spelling and grammar can wait. We cant _43_ that interest with a red pen” As it was a long time ago, my mother could only remember the main idea of _44_Mrs White said about my writing. However, I grew up learning to use words with lo

18、ving care and _45_ like that. If Mrs. White had used her red pen more often, I _46_ wouldnt be telling you about this now. Whenever I look back on those encouraging (鼓励的) _47_ from Mrs. White, I feel they just look _48_ real ones in the night sky-bright, shiny, and guiding me on my way somewhere. I

19、do believe she was such a _49_ teacher, who tried to use a red pen less to keep the joy, wonder and excitement in a childs _50_. Thanks to Mrs. White, I have no fear about writing. Also, Im not afraid of any mistake in my life!36. A. because B. though C. if D. but37. A. run B. cry C. write D. speak3

20、8. A. always B. never C. often D. sometimes39. A. lonely B. tired C. helpless D. proud40. A. protected B. worried C. pleased D. attracted41. A. spirits B. designs C. mistakes D. messages42. A. nervous B. excited C. afraid D. bored43. A. stop B. keep C. save D. show44. A. that B. when C. which D. wha

21、t45. A. sadness B. fear C. confidence D. pains46. A. probably B. gently C. hardly D. luckily47. A. dreams B. stars C. gifts D. pens48. A. at B. through C. for D. like49. A. careless B. strict(严格) C. wonderful D. common50. A. mind B. hand C. arms D. eyes四阅读理解(每小题2分,计30分)阅读下列内容,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个

22、最佳答案AGood news! For the coming film festival, there are some promottons(优惠)in Tzmes Cinema. This festival lasts seven days, from Friday, June 20th, 2014 to Thursday, June 26th, 2014. Here is the poster.5l. You can find the following information in the poster except _. A. the price of films B. the pl

23、ace of the cinema C. the time of the film festival D. the phone number of the cinema52. If you are a middle school student, you want to watch Captain America with your father and your five-year-old brother, you need to pay _. A.¥80 B.¥160 C.¥120 D.¥24053. Which of the following is TRUE about the pos

24、ter? A. All the people can be offered a free bottle of soft drink. B. All the people will pay for the tickets during the film festival. C. People will not be allowed to enter the cinema without student ID. D. People without student ID can also enjoy the special price on Tuesday.BOne Sunday evening,

25、it was quite dark when old Stanley went for his walk. He was walking along the sidewalk, Suddenly, he saw a white car coming the corner at high speed. It was going too fast and crashed into a red car in the street where he was walking. He rushed up to the cars to see if anyone was hurt and needed he

26、lp. The two drivers were arguing(争论). “You came around the corner too fast,” one man said. “No!” said the driver of the white car, “Thats not true! Your car was parked in a wrong place.” Stanley listened to their argument and then said the white car driver was wrong to drive too fast. The driver of

27、the red car asked Stanley to prove(证明) he was right in court (法庭). Stanley gave the driver his name and telephone number. Next Thursday morning. Stanley was asked to go to the court. The lawyer(律师) for the driver of the white car asked him a lot of questions about what he had seen. Then he asked Sta

28、nley how old he was. “Im eighty-two,” answered Stanley. “Do you usually wear glasses?” asked the lawyer. “Yes, I do,” answered Stanley. “Were you wearing them on the night of the accident?” the lawyer asked. “No,” replied Stanley. Then the lawyer said, “Why should the court believe you? You are eigh

29、ty-two years old, you were not wearing your glasses, and it was dark. How far can you see in the dark?” Stanley thought about it for a minute. “ Well”, he said,” when it is dark, I can see the moon .How far is that?54. The cause of the accident is that _. A. the red car was going too slowly B. the w

30、hite car was going too fast C. the drivers were sleepy D. Stanley was in their way55. Stanley was asked to go to the court because _. A. he wanted to make money B. he promised to be a witness (目击者) C. he was a lawyer D. he was badly hurt in the accident56. Maybe the red car driver contacted(联系) Stanley by _. A. writing a letter to him B. sending an email to him C. paying a visit to him D. making a phone call to him57. We can learn from the story that _. A. Stanley was a clever and humorous man B. Stanley wore glasses when th

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