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新课标英语词汇二轮突破 词汇突破16.docx

1、新课标英语词汇二轮突破 词汇突破16词汇归纳 五级词汇a/an, ability, able, about, above, accept, accident, across, act, action, activity, actually, add四级词汇abroad, academic, access, account, achieve, achievement, active, ad, addition, accommodation, actor, addition, address三级词汇abandon, absolutely, absorb, academy, acceptable,

2、accompany, accurate, acquire, actor, actively, acceptable, actress, actual, AD, adapt二级词汇absence, absent, abuse, accent, acceptance, accessible, accuse, accustomed, acknowledge, ache, addicted, accidentally, accountant, acceptance一级词汇abnormal, aboard, abolish, abortion, abrupt, absent-minded, absolu

3、te, abstract, abundant, adequate, accelerate, accomplish, accuracy, acid, acquaintance, acquisition, acre, acute, adaptation, accumulate, addict, absurd短语/词块ability to do sth, to the best of ones ability, (be)able to do sth, be about to do sth, What/How about? above all, in sbs absence, in the absen

4、ce of, by accident, (be) absorbed in, have access to, on account of, account for, take account of sth, take sth into account, accuse sb of (doing) sth, be accustomed to (doing) sth, act as, act on, act out, in action, out of action, put in action, take action, adapt(oneself) to (doing) sth, add to,

5、add up, add up to, in addition, in addition to, (be) addicted to (doing)sth, deliver/give an address, according to,词语辨析ability, talent, competence; be able to, can; above, on, over; accept, receive; accident, incident, event; across, through诵读经典句 1. Rome was not built in a day. 罗马不是一天建成的。2. Looking

6、back, I feel I wouldnt be able to ride a bike had I lost heart. 回想起来,我觉得如果当初自己失去信心,就不能学会骑自行车了。3. The ability to laugh and smile is actually something we are born with. 笑与微笑实际上是我们与生俱来的能力。4. I try to do my job to the best of my ability.我尽全力做好我的工作。5. Modern equipment and no smoking are two of the thing

7、s I like about working here. 关于在这里工作,现代化设备和禁止吸烟是我喜欢的两件事情。6. Id like to buy a house- modern, comfortable, and above all in a quiet neighborhood. 我要买一座房子,要现代,要舒适,最重要的是周围要安静。 7. In his absence I looked to see what was on his desk. 趁他不在时,我看了看他桌上有什么东西。8. It is generally accepted that people are motivated

8、 by success. 人们普遍认为成功催人奋进。9. Across the world, 1.1 billion people have no access to clean drinking water. 全世界有11亿人喝不到干净的饮用水。10. When deeply absorbed in work, he always forgets all about eating and sleeping. 当专注于工作时,他总是废寝忘食。11. Each floor has wheelchair accessible toilets. 每层都设有无障碍卫生间。12. I accidenta

9、lly locked myself out of the house. 我不小心把自己锁在了屋外。13. The company takes account of environmental issues wherever possible. 只要有可能,这家公司都会考虑到环境问题。14. Can you account for your movements on that night? 你能解释一下你那天晚上的行为吗?15. At the front door stood a five-year-old boy from across the street.前门站着一个来自街对面的5岁男孩。

10、16. We must take action to fight pollution. 我们必须采取行动防治污染。17. It is good for elderly people to be actively involved in community service.积极参与社区服务对老年人是有好处的。18. Add up your score and see how many points you get. 把你的分数加起来,看看你得多少分。19. In addition to reading for knowledge, we read for fun and inspiration.

11、 我们读书除了为获取知识外,还可以得到乐趣和灵感。20. -They are quiet, arent they? - Yes. They are accustomed to not talking at meals. 他们习惯于吃饭时不聊天。精炼短语1. A trained dog can _(担任,充当) a guide to a blind person.2. The engine of the ship was out of order and the bad weather _(增加) the helplessness of the crew at sea.3. A textahol

12、ic can be defined as someone who is _(着迷) sending and receiving messages.4. She was absent from school _(因为,由于) illness.5. Id like to buy a housemodern, comfortable, and _(最重要的是) in a quiet neighborhood.6. One reason for her preference for city life is that she can have easy _(使用 接近的权利 机会)places lik

13、e shops and restaurants.7. The books about harry Potter are very popular now, both _.(国内外)8. Her_ (心不在焉) during driving nearly caused an accident. 9. _(根据) a UN report, some 844 animals and plants have disappeared in the last 500 years.10. Germans are sometimes _(被指控) not having a sense of humor.掌握写

14、作句1. I try to do my job _. (ability 短语 “尽最大努力”) 2. I hope I will be _ ( accept短语“接纳”) a member of yur summer camp.3. Each room comes with its own bathroom and _. (能上网)4. I used to try effective methods to _ .(实现自己的学习目标)5. He is _ (被认为是.) one of the greatest pianists.6. I should like to _ (感谢.帮助) I h

15、ave received from my family.7. _ (要不遗余力地获取知识) and never get discouraged.8. Nelson Mandela is respected and admired _. (世界各地)9. Only when we _ (言行一致) can we make a difference in whatever we hope to accomplish.10. Regular _ (体育活动) helps to control your weight.词汇归纳 五级词汇adult, advantage, advice, afraid,

16、 after, afternoon, again, against, age, ago, agree, ahead, air, airport, all, allow, almost, alone, along四级词汇address, admire, admit, adolescent, advance, adventure, advertise, advertisement, advise, affect, afford, Africa, African, agency, agreement, aid, aim, airline, alcohol, alive, address, alarm

17、, aged, AIDS, advanced, agriculture三级词汇adjust, admission, adjust, adopt, affair, afterward(s), agent, aggressive, aircraft, airplane, alike二级词汇adjustment, administration, advocate, agricultural, album, allowance, alongside 一级词汇adequate, administrative, admirable, affordably, adolescence, adore, affe

18、ction, agenda, airmail, airspace, alcoholic, algebra, allergic, alley, allocate 短语/词块adjust(oneself) to (doing)sth, in advance, take advantage of, after all, again and again, time and (time) again, at the age of, agree on, agree to, agree with, ahead of, come to sbs aid, aim at, in the open air, on

19、the air, alarm clock, all along, all but, all over, in all, not at all, not at all, all in all, make allowance(s) for / allow for, allow doing sth, allow sb sth, afford sb. sth, allow sb / sth to do sth, afford to do sth, advocate doing sth, admit (to) (doing) sth, advocate that(should)do sth, admit

20、 (to sb) that 从句, admit sb (to/into sth)词语辨析advise, suggest allow, let, permit almost, nearly诵读经典句 1.China and Japan have mid-autumn festivals, when people admire the moon and enjoy mooncakes.中国和日本都有中秋节,过节时人们会赏月,在中国还吃月饼。2.Admission to the school is by examination only. 到此校就读的唯一途径就是通过考试。3.Thank you i

21、n advance.先行致谢。4. News came from the school office that Wang Lin had been admitted to Beijing University. 校办传来消息,王林被北京大学录取了。5. The date of the meeting was advanced from July 10 to July 1. 会议日期已从7月10日提早到7月1日。6. According to the research, being a regular and enthusiastic reader is of great advantage.

22、研究发现,经常看书并热衷于看书是大有好处的。7. The doctor advised Vera strongly that she should take a holiday.医生强烈建议维拉休假。8. It is easy for you to advise, but difficult to take advice from others. 劝告别人容易,接受别人的劝告就难了。9. Diseases affect almost everyone at some time during their lives.生活中几乎每个人都会生病。10. The room was cold , but

23、 it afforded us a fine view of the city.这个房间很冷,但是为我们提供了一个观赏城市风光的好地方。 11. It was a real race against time to get the project done. Luckily, we made it. 完成这个项目真的是与时间赛跑。幸运的是,我们成功了。12. The picture looks good against the white wall.在白墙的衬托下这幅画很好看。13. I haven t seen you for ages.我很长时间没看见你了。14. -The service

24、 in this restaurant is terrible. - I couldnt agree more./I quite agree.我完全赞同。15. His words do not agree with his actions.他言行不一致。16. This activity is aimed at improving the students ability of listening and speaking. 这项活动的目的是提高学生的听说能力。17. These science play-lands are great fun for kids and grown-ups

25、alike. 这些科学乐园能给孩子极大的乐趣,对于成人也同样如此。18. All is not gold that glitters.闪光的未必都是金子。19. The party was all but over when we arrived.我们到达时,聚会已近尾声。20. Bicicles allow people the freedom to move about that cars just cant provide. 自行车能让人随意地四处走动, 而汽车不能。精炼短语1. Of course I admire him_(毕竟), he is a great writer.2. Y

26、ouve been very nice to me_(一直).3. _(体谅)the bad weather, we should set off right.4. Too much meat doesnt _(适合) her.5. This channel comes _(正在广播)every morning at 7 oclock.6. They paid money _(预先).7. After Cai invented paper, people _(遍及)Asia used it.8. We have_(就达成一致)how to solve the problem.9. If you

27、 _(充分利用) your speech class, you will be able to develop your skills as a critical thinker. 10. When I decidend to join in Malaysian life, everything _(生动起来,活跃起来).11. _(总而言之) her mother and I are very happy with her progress.12. - Its so kind of you and your parents. - _(不客气).13. The concert was held

28、 _(在户外).14. _(反复) I warned him of the danger.15. Make sure each group member understands and _(同意) the task given to him or her.掌握写作句1. 三思而后行。_2. 事实胜于雄辩。_3. 如果你很难收集到足够的信息,那就征求一下老师的建议。If you have trouble collecting adequate information,_.4. 根据我的经验,你最好提前预定房间。Based on my experience, youd better_.5. 随着科

29、技的进步,我们身边的广告呈现形式越来越丰富。_, the advertisements around us are expressed _.6. 在信息时代,我们应该多多利用网络为学术研究服务。_, we should_ help with the academic research.7. 大家普遍承认环保购物袋的优点要大大多于塑料袋。It is universally acknowledged that _.8. 今天,我收到了大学录取通知书。Today, I got a letter _.9. 我想知道学校能否在校园摆放更多的垃圾桶并制定规则来制止该行为。I wonder if the school could _ and set up rules_.词汇归纳 五级词汇already, also, although, always, America, among, amount, and, animal, another, answer

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