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1、高一英语外研版必修一重要词组知识点总结汇总高一英语外研版必修一重要词组知识点汇总 学案Module 11. be similar to 与 . 相似(1) My new dress is similar to the one you have.我的新衣服和你的那件相似。(2) Marys hat is similar to Janes.玛莉的帽子和珍的差不多。(3) This plan is similar to that one in many ways.这个计划和那一个在很多方面相像。2. attitude to/towards doing 做某事的态度(1) The man had an

2、 unfriendly attitude.那个人态度不友好。(2) What is your attitude to/towards this idea?你对这个主意有何看法?(3) He shows a very positive attitude to his work.他的工作态度非常积极。3. far from 远离;远远不;完全不(1) She lives far from school.她住得离学校很远。(2) Far from reading his letter, she didnt open it.别说看他的信了 ,她连信都没拆开。(3) He is far from ric

3、h.他一点也不富有。4. as. as. 和. 一样(1) Tom is as tall as I,汤姆和我一样高。(2) This pencil is half as long as that one.这支铅笔的长度是那支铅笔的一半。(3) He is twice as old as I.他的年龄是我的两倍。(4) Their room is four times as large as ours. 他们的房间是我们的4倍大。5. introduce. to. 把介绍给(1) The chairman introduced the lecturer to the audience. 主席向听

4、众介绍演讲人。(2) Allow me to introduce Mr Green to you.请允许我向你们介绍格林先生。(3) He introduced his friend to me.他把他的朋友介绍给我。6. fun(1) have fun 开心They had great fun at the park yesterday.昨天他们在公园玩得很开心。 What fun the children had at the seaside! 孩子们在海边玩得真开心! The children had a lot of fun playing with the blocks.孩子们玩积木

5、玩得很开心。(2) make fun of 嘲弄;取笑 Its cruel to make fun of a cripple.取笑一个跛子是很残忍的。 Making fun of others is not polite. 取笑别人是不礼貌的。7. give sb. instructions to do sth.指导某人做某事(1) He gave us instructions to finish the workas soon as possible. 他指示我们尽快完成工作。(2) The boss gave me so many instructions at one I time t

6、hat I got muddled up. 老板一下子给了, 我那么多指示,把我弄得糊里糊涂。(3) He gave us instructions to arrive early.他命令,们早点来。8. in other words 换句话说In other words when the wind is blowing at 120 kilometers per hour, most waves will be about twelve meters.换句话说,当风速为每小时120千米时大部分波浪的浪高约为12米。* in a/one word 简言之;总之 In one word, you

7、r decision is wrong. 一句话,你的决定是错误的。 9. look forward to 期望(1) Were looking forward to seeing you again.我们期望着再次见到你。(2) We are all looking forward to our holiday. 我们都在期待着我们的假期。(3) All the children look forward to the Spring Festival.所有的孩子们都期待着春节的到来。10. be impressed with/by 对. 印象深刻(1) The audiences were

8、impressed with what he said strongly. 他所说的话使听众们印象深刻。(2) We were impressed with his courage.他的勇敢给我们留下了深刻的印象。(3) Her friend was impressed with her sense of humour.这女孩的幽默感给她的朋友留下了深刻的印象。11. make progress 取得进步(1) The disease makes rapid progress. 病情迅速好转。(2) She has made progress in her studies recently.她

9、最近在学业上取得了进步。(3) Tom is now making much progress at school.汤姆在学校进步很大。12. be disappointed with 对 . 失望(1) My parents will be disappointed with me if I fail inthe exam.要是我考试不及格,我父母会对我感到失望的。(3) When he was young, his mother was verystrict with him. 当他小的时候,他妈妈对他非常严格。* be strict in sth. 对某事严格He is strict i

10、n his work. 他对工作很严格。(2) I was disappointed with the result.3. admit doing 承认做某事 我对结果感到失望。(1) John has admitted breaking the window.(3) Im afraid youre very disappointed with my bike.恐怕你对我的自行车很不满意吧。13. mind doing 介意做某事(1) Do you mind giving me a glass of water?请给我一杯水,好吗?(2) Would you mind not smoking

11、?请你别抽烟,好吗?(3) Would you mind changing places with me so that I can be nearer the fire?你能不能与我换一换位置?这样我可以离炉火近一点。14. go to college 上大学(1) Going to college is every students dream.上大学是每个学生的梦想。(2) He went to college because of his hard work.由于他的努力学习,他上了大学。(3) She went to college after she graduated from

12、the middle school.她中学毕业后上了大学。15. be divided into 被分成(1) The class is divided into two groups. 全班被分成两组。(2) The house was divided into four flats. 这栋房子被分成4套公寓。(3) The world is divided into five continents. 世界上有五大洲。Module 21. avoid doing避免做某事(1) I crossed the street to avoid meeting him, but he saw me

13、and came running towards me. 我橫穿马路以便避开他,但他看到我了并朝我跑过来。 (2) To avoid the city centre, we may turn right here andtake the belt highway. 从这里往右拐走环行道可以避开闹市中心。 (3) Are you trying to avoid me? 你是不是想躲开我?2. be strict with sb. 对某人严格(1) Father is strict with us children.父亲对我们这些孩子很严格。(2) The teacher is strict wi

14、th her students.这个老师对学生们很严格。约翰已承认打碎了窗子。 (2) He admitted his crime. 他承认了罪行。 (3) He never admits that he is wrong.他从不承认自己错了。 4. as a result (of) 作为 .的结果(1) People destroyed a lot of trees, as a result,they suffered a lot.人们毁掉了好多树,结果他们自己遭罪。(2) As a result of their hard work, they achieved a lot.在他们的努力工

15、作下,他们取得了很大 成就。(3) I got up late, as a result, I missed the earlybus.我起床晚了,结果错过了早班车。 * result in 导致(1) Hard work results in success.努力终会成功。(2) Their carelessness resulted in failure.他们的粗心最终导致失败。(3) The accident resulted in the death oftwo passengers.这次事故导致两名乘客死亡。* result from 因 Success results from h

16、ard work. 成功来自努力。 His illness resulted from eating bad food 他的病是吃了变质食物引起的。 Floods resulted from heavy rains. 洪水因大雨造成。 5. prefer to do. rather than do宁愿做而不愿做(1) He preferred to die rather than steal.他宁死也不愿偷窃。(2) I prefer to work rather than sit idle. 我宁愿工作,不愿闲坐。(3) I preferred to stay at home rather

17、than go shopping.我宁愿待在家里也不愿去买东西。* would rather dothan do宁愿做 . 而不愿做The soldiers would rather die than surrender. 士兵们宁死不降。6. encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事(1) My parents encouraged me to study abroad.父母鼓励我出国留学。(2) I encouraged her to work hard and to try for theexaminations. 我鼓励她好好学习并为考试做努力。(3) The

18、headmaster encouraged the candidates for the(3) When he saw Jim, he was telling jokes.当他看见吉姆时,他正在讲笑话。 * play a joke on sb. 取笑某人(1) He always plays a joke on his classmates. 他总是取笑他的同学。(2) He was punished because he played ajoke on his brother.由于取笑弟弟,他受到了惩罚。national maths competition to strive for the

19、 best Module 3results. 校长鼓励参加全国数学竞赛的选手们争取1. get on上(车、船) 最好的成績。7. a couple of 两三个(1) I found a couple of socks in the bedroom but theydont make a pair.我在卧室找到了两只袜子,但配不成对。 (2) He went out shooting and came back with a coupleof rabbits. 他出去打猎了 ,猎了两只兔子回来。 (3) He will come back in a couple of days. 他两三天后

20、回来。8. Its up to you. 你决定。get on the bus 上公交车 get on the train 上火车 get on the ship 上船 2. get off下(车、船) get off the plane 下飞机 get off the ferry 下渡船 get off the tram 下电车 3. get into 上(车)get into the taxi 上出租汽车 get into the car 上汽车get into the helicopter 上直升机(1) Can you tell me when to start? Its up to

21、you. 4. get out of 下(车)get out of the taxi 下出租车 你能告诉我什么时候开始吗?你来决定。 (2) Shall we go out for a walk now? Its up to youget out of the car 下汽车get out of the helicopter 下直升机 我们现在去散步吗?你来决定。(3) Its up to us to give them all the help we can, 5. take off (飞机)起飞;脱下;取消;去掉(1) The plane will take off at ten past

22、 nine. 我们理应竭尽所能给他们提供帮助。飞机将在9:10起飞。 9. have problems with 与 . 有问题(2) Take off the coat脱下外套。 Do you have any problems with the relationship(3) The doctor took off his leg. with your students?大夫切掉了他的腿。 你与学生间的关系有什么问题吗? 10. make sure 确保;确信(1) Make sure that the windows are closed before youleave.离开前确保关窗。

23、(2) She made sure that she had turned off the gas. 她确定她已关掉煤气。 (3) You must make sure of the time and place of theconference. 你必须把会议的时间、地点查清楚。11. in fact 实际上I think so, in fact, Im quite sure.我想是如此,实际上,我十分相信是如此。 12. tell jokes讲笑话(1) She told some very funny jokes.她讲了几个很有趣的笑话。 (2) You shouldnt tell jo

24、kes in class.你不应该上课讲笑话。* take in接纳;吸收;包括;领会 You can also take in some of the notable j I architectural monuments.你也可以将一些著名的纪念性建筑包括进来。 He had nowhere to live in, so we took him in.他没地方住,所以我们让他在我家住。 Its difficult to take in the meaning of thisword.理解这个单词的含义很难。 * take over 占据;接任(职位)(1) Our chairman has

25、 left, so Peter willtake over his job. 我们的主席走了,皮特将接任他的工作。(2) She took her child over to her mothers. 她把孩子带到外婆家去。6. be short for 是 . 的简写 (1) Bob is short for Robert.鲍勃是罗伯特的简写。 (2) TV is short for television.TV是television的简略形式。 7. not. any more=no more不再(强调动作不再重复出现) (1) She doesnt live here any more.

26、她不再住这儿了。(2) You wont see him any more. 你再也不会看见他了。(3) I shall not go there any more, ever again. 我再也不去那儿了。 * notany longer不再(强调动作的不再延续)They will not talk with each other any longer. 他们不再谈下去了。 8. out of date 过时(1) These machines are out of date.这些机器过时了。 (2) Will jeans ever go out of date? 牛仔裤会过时吗?(3)

27、Isnt this textbook out of date? 这教材不是已陈旧了吗?9. refer to参考;查阅;指的是(1) Dont refer to this matter again.别再提这事了。(2) When I said some people are stupid I wasntreferring to you. 当我说有些人很笨时,我不是说你。 (3) This rule refers to everyone. 这条规则适用于任何人。 10. supply sb. with sth. /supply sth. to sb.提供某人某物(1) The school su

28、pplies the children with books.学校提供给孩子们书籍。(2) How to supply the soldiers with enough food in the war is very important.战争中怎样供给士兵足够的食物非常重要。(3) He supplied the poor with food and clothes. 他给穷人们提供了食物和衣服。* offer sb. sth. /offer sth. to sb.提供某人某物 She offered him a cup of tea. 她给他一杯茶。 He offered his help

29、to me. 他向我提供了帮助。 Someone will offer you 10000 yuan for your house. 有人出10000元买你这套房子。* provide sb. with sth. /provide sth. to/for sb. 提供某人某物They provided food and clothes for the suffers. 他们提供食物和衣服给受难者。 11. pass a law 通过一项法律They passed a law which allowed people to shoot the animals.他们通过了一项法律允许人们射杀动物。

30、 * break a law 违反法律 His behavior broke the law. 他的行为违反了法律。12. allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事(1) The nurse allowed him to remain there, though it was not permitted.护士让他留在那儿,虽然这是不允许的。 (2) People are not allowed to smoke in the reading room. 人们不允许在阅览室吸烟。(3) Students are not allowed to eat in class.学生不允许在

31、课堂上吃东西。 * allow doing sth.They dont allow smoking in the reading room. 他们不允许在阅览室抽烟。 13. on the coast 在海滨Qingdao is a city on the coast. 青岛是座海滨城市。14. the first visit to到某地的第一次参观 I never forget my first visit to the zoo. 我忘不了第一次去动物园的情景。 15. try to do设法、努力做某事(1) He tried not to worry, but he found itdifficult他试图不着急,但他发现这很难。 (2) Try to finish the work as soon aspossible. 尽可能快地完成工作。 (3) He tried to pass the exam, but he failed. 他想努

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