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1、高一下册英语期末复习试题带答案必修三四2013年高一下册英语期末复习试题(带答案必修三四) B 3 Unit 1 Festivals Arund the rldI 根据句子的意思,写出正确的单词,并注意词的正确形式。 1 An apple falls dn instead f up beause f g 2 There are seven in the rld: Eurpe, Asia, Afria, Nrth Aerian, Suth Aerian, Australia and Antartia3 The shpeeper ed a lt f ne and uld nt pa all his

2、 d 4 Henr felt _ hen he sa the fd n the brthers table -hat are the t languages in anada?-Frenh and English6 The prud an said he uld rather s_ than beg fr fd7 hat he said uldnt s_ his parents, s the ept asing hi8 A b l_ us t the ld ans huse, s e had n truble in finding hi9 He is a faus p_ and his pes

3、 are ppular ith the uth10 It is nt his ust t d_ his sadness in ine11 She entered the lab ithut _ (许可)12 There is n n _ (可能) that she es t aplgise t us13 D u n hen India gained its _ (独立) fr Britain14 He is the st _(英俊) an Ive ever et1 He gt a lt f _ (奖状) fr his exellent studII 根据中意思完成句子 1 _ _ur pan

4、is large, it an still _ _ truble b gring t quil 即使你们公司很庞大,如果发展太快也会陷入困境的。2 He quil _ _ t r beause he has a _ _ ring ith ther peple 他很快就安定下专心工作了,因为他很擅长与人合作。3 It is _ that he as tring t _ _ _显然,他在尽力屏住气息。4 He graduall _ _ _ f this ethd f researh after an ears pratie 通过多年的实践,他逐渐掌握了这种研究方法。 e shuld be _ an

5、d get _ f the habit f _ _ 我们要诚实待人,坚决去掉说谎的习惯。6 e shuld find se as t _ the _ gas _ _ 我们应该想办法防止有害气体的蔓延。7 an u _ _ the ttal nuber _ ten inutes? 你能在十分钟之内计算出总数吗?8 I sa the ld lad _ _ the b h had bren her ind 我看见那个老奶奶怒视着打破她家玻璃的小男孩。9 Id _ sta at he _ g ut at the ent 我宁愿呆在家里也不愿这个时候出去。10 Ever ear an peple in

6、the rld _ _ _(饿死)11 Drining and sing ill _ _ (有害) t ur health12 Drining and sing an _ _ (导致) health prbles13 In rder t plete the tas n tie, the r _ _ _(日夜)14 The anager said he uld e t the eeting but he hasnt _ _()B 3 Unit 2 Health eatingI 单词拼写 请根据汉语提示或首字母写出单词的正确形式1 Fds, suh as rie, sugar, butter, i

7、ls and s n an give us e_2 e shuld tr ur best t eep the b_ f nature r ell be punished b nature3 I t_ f this ind f fd ant e hange a different ne?4 Being an hnest an u shuldnt tell l_ In rder t sta s_, she eats ver little ever da6 This ind f fish desnt need t be ed It an be eaten r_7 hildrens _ (好奇心) i

8、th everthing plas an iprtant part in their stud8 It a tae a fe ees fr u t build up ur _(体力) again9 This fatr ill bring _(好处) t the peple arund it10 Its iprtant t n ur n strengths and _(缺点)II 完成句子 1 u _ _ _ (不应该) g n living this a2 He has been _ _ (厌烦了) ring fr this bss3 I nt have u _ _ _ _ (作弊而不受惩罚)

9、 in the exa4 She hurried ba he, _ _ _ (不料发现) she had left the es in the ffie _ _ _ (为什么不) help ur ther ith the huser? B 3 Unit 3 The illin Pund Ban-NteI 单词拼写 请根据汉语提示或首字母写出单词的正确形式1 He is ver rih thugh he is alas in r_2 The treat their ther lie a s_ She des everthing fr the3 The shuldnt treat their th

10、er in a rude _ The shuld respet her4 He led ba ver his s_ and fund the ere running after hi Her parents dnt p_ her t g ba he late in the evening, s she had t leave the part earl last night6 This ind f r needs _ (耐心) and arefulness7 Dzens f _ (狼) are raised in this z8 He has a gd sense f _(幽默)9 She l

11、ies t read detetive _(小说)10 The little b as urius abut the ants ring in the field He _ (专注地看着) at theII 完成句子1 I afraid it ill rain trr _ _ (假如下雨的话), e nt be able t hld ur ftball ath2 D u ind asing a fe questins? _ _ (问吧)3 _ _ _ (说实话), I dnt lie this an4 The serve ell in this restaurant _ _ (至于) dish

12、es, the taste terrible He _ _ (不可能是) a heat He _ _ (一定是) a ver strange but ver rih anB 3 Unit 4 Astrn: the siene f the starsI 单词拼写 请根据汉语提示或首字母写出单词的正确形式1 hat uld happen if there ere n _ (大气层)2 A bb as _ (爆炸) at a gas statin this rning and five persns ere illed3 The gvernent is enuraging the _ (发展) f

13、sall businesses4 Fruit uies an be _ (有害) t hildrens teeth Beause f the _ (到场) f the faus ftball star, everne heered up6 ithut _ anials ant live7 The disease is s_ quil, s e ust d hat e an t stp it8 The ere d_ at the result f the gae, s the led unhapp9 I didnt ant t tell hi the seret but he f_ e t d

14、s10 At first she didnt lie English but g_ she is interested in itII 完成句子1 u ill understand indness _ _ (最终)2 hat he said as quite _ _ _ _ _ (与他做的不一样)3 u are nt alled _ _ _ _ (在这里踢足球)4 The b is _ the hle _ _ (正往洞里灌沙子) hen the ar _ _ (爆发), he as ring in the navIII 翻译下面的单词和短语 1太阳系 _ 2及时,迟早 _3阻止,制止_ 4依靠

15、,信赖 _感到高兴 _ 6既然,由于 _7传播,蔓延 _ 8 强暴的、猛烈的 _9发展 _ 10 作一次太空旅行_11熟悉,掌握, 理解_ 12突发,爆发 _13猛烈的,强暴的_ 14大气层,气氛 _1流逝,经过_ 16与不同 _17冷却_ 18表面 _19生命的开始_ 20地心引力,重力 _IV 用以上单词和短语的正确形式填空1 It as alst idnight hen a fire _ in the neighbrhd2 _ everbd is here, Lets start 3 -Did u ath ur plane? -es, e gt there ust _4 As tie _

16、, everthing ill be The sa the fire s_ fr the fatr t the huses nearb 6It is bad fr hildren t see t an fils ith _ 7 The dish tastes gd after it _8 -ill u g fishing this afternn? -ell, it all _ the eather9 After a hile I _ it and e began t en urselves10All the peple present _ hen the sa the teas arrive

17、V 完成句子1他以前是靠画画为生的。 He used t _his living _2那爆竹在他手里爆炸了,他伤得很严重。The firer _ and he hurt seriusl3乡村生活与都市生活是非常不同的。untr life is _ it life4玛丽没有通过这次考试,那是因为她此前病了两个星期。 ar _ in the exa _ she had been ill fr t ees 第二次世界大战是年爆发的。 rld ar II _in 19396我担心是否伤害了她。 I _ I hurt her feelings7为使她高兴起,她丈夫带她去听音乐会。 Her husband

18、 t her t the nert _8他们乘坐宇宙飞船穿越太空到月球上去。 The _ t the n in a spaeship9我们应找到法子阻止有害气体的蔓延。 e shuld find se as t _ the harful gas _10随着科技的发展,人们越越多地_, peple depend re and re n the puter t deal ith all inds f thingsVI翻译句子1幸运的是我们都能及时赶到火车站。(in tie) _2我们看着太阳一点一点地落在树后,夜幕降临了。(athding)_3在未的数百万年中,生命能否在地球上延续取决于这个问题能

19、否得到解决。(depend n) _4 既然你已得到一个机会,你最好充分利用它。(n that; ae use f ) _关于新校长要的消息很快传遍了全班。(arrival; spread) _6经过十天的培训(training),工人们逐渐掌握了使用机器的技能。(get the hang f) _7我们邻居有一座跟我们家一样大的房子。(asas) _8 什么也不能阻止他们的计划得以实施。(preventfr) _9最使我们感到惊奇的是他竟然通过了所有的考试。(surprise)(使用名词性从句) _10当神州六号飞船往太空发射时,我们马上欢呼起。(heer up) _B 3 Unit ana

20、da“The True Nrth”I 单词拼写 请根据汉语提示或首字母写出单词的正确形式1 H an _ are there n the earth? Seven2 During the ar this village as s_ b the ene and re than 200 peple ere illed3 He ent t Aeria in the 1980s and s_ dn there4 hat she sa t_ her and she had bad dreas ever night after that He is a _ and ind an He gives a lt

21、 f ne t the pr ever ear6 u run first and I an easil ath up ith u _ 0 eters7 He raises a lt f _ (羊) and an ae uh ne ever ear8 He tried t flee arss the _ (边境) but as aught9 Several gvernent _ (官员) have been sentened t death s far10 This an prevent air fr _ (流入) freel t the lungsII 完成句子 1 很多人宁愿租房子,也不愿买

22、房子。 an peple uld _ rent huses _ _ a huse2 我不觉得它很贵,我花了不到100美元。I _ _ it is t expensive It st e _ _ $1003 百分之三十的学生赞成这项计划,其余的人都反对。Thirt perent f the students are fr the plan The rest _ _ it4 他和家人安顿下务农。 He _ _ as a farer ith his fail 温哥华的北面和东面都被大包围着,而西面濒临太平洋。 Vanuver is surrunded b untains _ _ _ and east

23、 and the Paifi ean _ _ _B 4 Unit 1 en f ahieveentsI 单词拼写 请根据汉语提示或首字母写出单词的正确形式1 Ive a nl half f hat Id hped t d2 u an g ut n that u ear an verat3 She d all her effrts t her tas4 The plie the an enter the ban e a ith the aiter abut the prie f the eal6 ill u (支持) e in apaign fr eletin?7 Hes invlved in the (组织)f a ne lub8 She as ashaed f her hildrens bad (举止)9 He fell in the ater, uh t the (开心) f

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