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1、初中九年级期中考试试题附答案王家鑫11月份试卷第一部分 选择题(共80分)一、听力(共二节,计25分)第一节(共9小题;第小题1分,满分9分)听下面9段对话。每段对话后面有一个小题,从题后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. A. At a library. B. At the doctors. C. At a bookshop.2. A. $ 50. B. $ 35. C. $70.3. A. Electricity. B. Coal. C. Gas.4. A. He thought its bori

2、ng. B. He thought its moving. C. He thought its interesting.5. A. 20 minutes. B. A quarter. C. 5 minutes.6. A. Buying a birthday present. B. Learning English. C. Having a birthday party.7. A. Twelve. B. Nine. C. Fifteen.8. A. It will be rainy. B. It will be cloudy. C. It will be sunny.9. A. Go windo

3、w shopping. B. See a moving. C. Go to a park.第二节(共16小题;每小题1分,满分16分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后面有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各题将给出5秒钟的答题时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第10段材料,回答第1011小题。10. Where is the railway station? A. On the left of the street. B. At the end of the street. C. Behind a red

4、 building.11. How will the man get there? A. On foot. B. Take a bus. C. Take a taxi.听第11段材料,回答第1214小题。12. Who will have dinner with the man? A. Jack. B. Jane. C. Joe.13. What will they have for dinner? A. Sichuan food. B. Guangdong food. C. Hunan food.14. When will they meet? A. At 7:00. B. At 7:30.

5、 C. At 6:30.听第12段材料,回答第1517小题。15. Wen did the boy lose his schoolbag? A. While he was playing soccer. B. When he watched a football match. C. When he bought a football.16. How long has he had the schoolbag? A. About 15 days. B. Half a week. C. 30 days.17. Whats NOT in the schoolbag? A. Some pictures

6、. B. A pencil-box. C. An MP3.听第13段材料,回答第1821小题。18. Why does the woman make the phone call? A. Because she hopes to find a job. B. Because she wants to know more about the club. C. Because she plans to go to evening classes.19. On which day dont the people have a language evening? A. On Monday. B. On

7、 Tuesday. C. On Wednesday.20. What language does the woman speak besides English? A. Spanish. B. Japanese. C. Chinese.21. Why does the man ask the woman for her name and e-mail address? A. He wants to visit her. B. He wants to send her some information. C. He wants to know more about her.听第14段材料,回答第

8、2225小题。22. Why did the mother lock the door with three locks every night? A. Because the door was not strong enough. B. Because her daughter asked her to do so. C. Because she thought a thief would come in.23. Why did the daughter leave home one day? A. Because she didnt love her mother. B. Because

9、she thought her life was boring. C. Because her mother didnt lock the door that day.24. How did the girl feel when she came back? A. Tired and surprised. B. Afraid and surprised. C. Tired and afraid.25. What can we know from the passage? A. The daughter knew the door wasnt locked before she came bac

10、k. B. The mother loved her daughter very much. C. The daughter liked the outside world best.2009年黄冈市普通高中招生考试听力材料及参考答案听力材料:Text 1W: How shall I take this medicine?M: Three times a day. Im sure youll be all right soon.W: Thanks a lot.Question: Where can the woman be?Text 2W: Excuse me. How much is the

11、 dress?M: Its 35 dollars.W: Its OK. Ill take two.Question: How much will the woman pay?Text 3W: Hello, Li Ming. Do your family burn coal to cook?M: No, its bad for your health, though its inexpensive. Now we use electricity. It has no pollution.Question: Which energy does Li Mings family use to cook

12、?Text 4M : Did you go to Guangming Cinema last night?W: Yes, I did. That film was very sad. It made a lot of people cry.M: I went to see the film, too. But the film didnt make me cry. It just made me leave.Question: What did the boy think of the film?Text 5M: Excuse me, but when is the next bus?M: T

13、he bus comes every 20 minutes. The last one left 5 minutes ago.Question: How long should the man wait for the next bus at least?Text 6M: Id like to get my sister a nice gift for her birthday.W: Well, shes learning English. What about an English dictionary?M: Is it useful to her?W: I think so.Questio

14、n: What are they talking about?Text 7W: How old are you, Jack?M: Im twelve, Mrs. Turner.M: You are 3 years younger than my son.Question: How old is Mrs. Turners son?Text 8M: What bad weather! I dont like the rain!W: The rain wont last long. The radio says it will be fine later on.Question: What will

15、 the weather be like?Text 9W: What are we going to do now?M: Since there is no ticket for the movie, lets go window shopping. Its more interesting than going to the park.Question: What do they plan to do? Text 10M: Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the swimming pool, please?W: Oh, just go down

16、 this street.M: Turn left or right?W: Neither. Its just at the end of the street, across from a red building.M: Do I need to take a taxi?W: No. Its only five minutes walk.M: Thanks a lot.W: Youre welcome.Text 11M: Hi, Jane. Would you like to have dinner with me?W: Sure, Jack.M: I know theres a good

17、restaurant nearby. What would you like to have?W: I like Sichuan food best, but I dont want to have it this time.M: How about Italian food?W: Good.M: Well, lets meet at 6:30 in your office.W: OK.Text 12M: Excuse me. Ive lost my schoolbag. I wonder if anyone has brought it in here.W: When did you los

18、t it?M: I lost it on the playground when I watched a football match.W: Well, Id better write down the information so that we can return it to you if someone hands it in. Your name, please?M: My name is Li Dong.W: What class are you in?M: Class 6, Grade 8.W: Is there a telephone number?M: Yes, 890052

19、7.W: Whats your schoolbag like?M: Its new. Ive just had it for half a month. The color is blue.W: Whats in it?M: Some books, a pencil-box and an MP3.W: All right. Li Dong, if it comes, well call you.Text 13M: Hello, Red Star Club. Can I help you?W: Yes, I want to get a job. I read the ads in yesterd

20、ays newspaper. It says you want some language teachers. I think I can do something for you.M: OK. But where are you from?W: Im from America and I came to Beijing about 2 weeks ago. I can speak English, French and Chinese.M: Thats great. We need a French teacher.W: When can I have an interview?M: Wel

21、l, every evening except Wednesday evening. On that day we dont have any lessons.W: OK. Ill come this Tuesday evening.M: Good. And could you please give me your name and e-mail address? Ill send you some information about the French lessons.W: Sure. Anne Brown. Anne5252.M: Thank you. Goodbye.Text 14A

22、 mother and her daughter lived in a village. Every night, the mother would lock the door with three locks, because she was afraid that a thief might come in.As time went by, the daughter became tired of her boring life there, and dreamed to go to the city to see the outside world. One day, she left

23、home without telling her mother. “Forget me, Mom.” She thought.But the outside world wasnt as good as she thought. Ten years later, she came back home with a tired body and mind.When she got home, it was dark. She knocked at the door, but nobody answered. Surprisingly, she found that the door was un

24、locked. She came in and saw her mother lying in bed, sleeping. Tears ran down her face. Hearing the cry of her daughter, the mother awoke. They hugged and cried. Later, the daughter asked, “Mom, why didnt you lock the door since you left. I was afraid you wouldnt be able to get in when you came back

25、.参考答案:15 BCAAB 610 ACCAB 1115 ABBCB 1620AAACC 2125 BCBAB( )26 Its quite common in Britain to say “Thank you” to the drivers _ people get off the bus.A. after B. since C. until D. when ( )27. Lets play table tennis _ Tuesday morning, shall we?A. on B. in C. to D. at( )28. Keep practicing and you _ yo

26、ur English.A. improve B. will improve C. improved D. were improving( )29. The news _ very interesting! Tell me more!A. is B. are C. were D. was( )30. Good morning, madam. Can I help you?Sure, Id like _ for cooking vegetables.A. two cups of tea B. three pieces of breadC. one bowl of dumplings D. five

27、 kilos of oil( )31. Would you like to go to the concert with me tonight?Id love to, but _ of us couple has tickets. Do you have some?A. both B. all C. neither D. none( )32. Where was your brother at this time last night?He was writing an e-mail _ I was watching TV at home.A. as soon as B. after C. u

28、ntil D. while( )33. The new-designed car is on show now. I wonder _.A. how much it cost B. how much did it costC. how much it costs D. how much does it cost( )34. May we leave the classroom now?No, you _. You _ to leave until the bell rings.A. mustnt; are allowed B. dont have to; are supposedC. need

29、nt; arent allowed D. cant; arent supposed( ) 35.Its time to say goodbye to my school. Ill always remember the people _ have helped me.A. who B. what C. which D. where( )36. Im very tired these days because of studying for physics.Why not _ muisc. It can make you _.A. listen to; relaxing B. to listen

30、 to; to relaxC. listening to; relax D. listen to; relax( )37. I hearYang Yan made an English speech at the graduation ceremony yesterday._, and _.A. So she did; so did I B. So did she; so I did C. So she was; so I was D. So was she; so I was( )38 She always does her homework _ than her brother. A. more careful B. careful C. more carefully D. carefully( )39. Helen loves to talk about travel. She _ many places.A. has gone to B. has been to C. has gone for D. has been from( )40. Sally, _ your sunglasses. The sun is so bright.A. put on B. put up C. put away D. put down2630CCDAB 3135

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