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学年人教版选修八Unit 4 Pygmalion reading学案.docx

1、学年人教版选修八Unit 4 Pygmalion reading学案Unit 4 Pygmalion Reading学案重点单词1. _(n)情节;阴谋2. _(vi)吹口哨;发出汽笛声;(n)口哨声; 汽笛声3. _(n)皮夹; 钱包4. _(adj)光辉灿烂的;杰出的;才华横溢的5. _(vt)把分类;把归类6._(n)谈论;言论;评述(vt& vi)谈论;评论;说起7. _(vt)谴责;使注定8. _(n)身份;地位;职位9. adapt (vt)改编;使适应 _ (n)适应(性);改编本10. wool (n)毛线;绒线 _ (adj) 毛纺的;纯毛的11. uncomfortable

2、 (adj) 不舒服的;不安的;不自在的 _ (adv)不舒服地;不自在地12. hesitate (vi) 犹豫;踌躇 _(n)踌躇13. trouble (n)麻烦 _ (adj)带来麻烦的;使人心烦的14. proper (adj)适当的;恰当的 _ (adv)适当地;恰当地15. mistake (n) 错误 _ (adj)(见解或判断上)错误的;不正确的重要短语1generally speaking 2in terms of 3make ones acquaintance 4rob sb. of sth. 5a handful of 6伪装;假扮 7(把某人)改变或冒充成 8震惊;惊

3、讶 9避雨 10要是会怎么样呢 关键句型1 , he makes notes. 他一边观察,一边做记录。2But they betray themselves . 但是每次他们一张嘴就会露出马脚。3 I was? 如果我是又怎么样呢?【答案】重点单词1. plot 2. whistle 3. wallet 4. brilliant 5. classify 6. remark7. condemn 8. status 9. adaptation 10. woolen 11. uncomfortably12. hesitation 13. troublesome 14. properly 15. m

4、istaken重要短语1. 一般来说 2. 就来说 3. 结识;与相见4. 抢劫某人某物 5. 一把 6. in disguise 7. as.8. in amazement 9. shelter from the rain 10. what if.关键句型1. While watching 2. every time they open their mouths 3. What if 之重点单词1. adaptation nC改编(本);U适应(性) The TV play is an adaptation of a novel 这部电视剧是由一部小说改编的。 Your a

5、daptation to new surroundings is amazing 你对新环境的适应真是令人惊奇。【知识拓展】 make an adaptation to 适应 adapt v(使)适应;(使)适合vt改编,修改 adapt (oneself) to.适应 adapt.for 为改编 adapt sthinto.把改编成 adapt sthfrom.由改编 This novel has been adapted for radio 这部小说已被改编成无线电广播节目。 Successful businesses are highly adaptable to economic ch

6、ange 成功的企业对于经济转变的适应能力很强。【易混辨析】adapt/adoptadaptv(使)适应;(使)适合;改编;修改adoptvt采用;采纳;收集 He found it hard to adapt his way of life to the firm 他发现他的生活方式很难适应公司(的要求)。 The manager adopted my idea经理采纳了我的意见。【跟踪典例】(1)完成句子The vice headmaster_ _/_ _ _ _(适应)the new circumstances with the help of the local residentsLu

7、ckily,the adventurer Charlse from Italy has_ _ _(使自己适应)the new conditions(2)用adopt或adapt完成下列句子All his suggestions have been _The number of the _ children (领养的孩子)has risen in the past yearThis TV series is _ from one of Lao Shes famous novels2. grant v同意,准许,允许;承认 The bank finally granted a 400 loan t

8、o me/The bank finally granted me a 400 loan 银行终于同意给我贷款400英镑。 Are you ready to grant that I was right? 你是否愿意承认我是对的?【知识拓展】 take it for granted(that.) 认为是理所当然 take sb/sthfor granted(因习以为常)对不予重视; (因视为当然而)不把当回事 I take it for granted(that)you have read this book 我认为你一定读过这本书。 He never praises his wife: he

9、just takes her for granted 他从不夸妻子,只是觉得她做的一切理当如此。【跟踪典例】用恰当词语填空 I just took _ for granted that hed always be around【答案】it句意:我还想当然地以为他总能随叫随到呢。take it for granted(that.)表示“认为是理所当然的”。3. hesitate vi犹豫;踌躇 做某事犹豫不决 Dont hesitate to contact me if you need more information. 如果你需要更多资料,尽管和我联系。 He was still hesit

10、ating about whether to leave or not. 他还在犹豫是否离开。【知识拓展】 hesitation n犹豫;踌躇 without hesitation 毫不犹豫地 have no hesitation in doing sth. 毫不犹豫地做某事 Without any hesitation,he jumped into the river to save the drowning child他毫不犹豫地跳下河去救溺水的孩子。【跟踪典例】 (1)完成句子他毫不犹豫地接受了邀请。 He accepted the invitation _ _(hesitate)对于买

11、新车一事,你还在犹豫不决吗? Do you still _ _ _ a new car?(buy) (2)补全句子 我们将为你服务。如果你有其他问题,尽管来找我们好了。 We are at your serviceDont_ _ _ _ _if you have any further problems(3)We are at your service. Dont _ to turn to us if you have any further problems. A. beg B. hesitate C. desire D. seek 4. mistaken adj(见解或判断上)错误的;不正

12、确的 If Im not mistaken,thats the man we saw on the bus 要是我没认错人的话,我们在公共汽车上看见的就是那个男子。【知识拓展】 be mistaken about.对持错误的见解 mistake.for.把错认为 mistake sb/sth误解/误会某人/某事 mistake n错误 by mistake 错误地 He is mistaken about happiness他对幸福持有错误的见解。 This time we find that the bees mistake red for dark grey or black 这时我们发现

13、,蜜蜂错把红色当成深灰色或黑色。 I hope you will forgive me for opening your letter by mistake 我误拆了您的信,期望您原谅。【跟踪典例】完成句子To some extent,you_ _ _(误会)himDeep in thought,I got on the train_ _(错误地)在过去人们把信仰错认为科学。In the old days people _ _ _ _ _ _.5. classify vt编排;分类;归类把归类为 classify.into/in.把分为

14、ording to根据将分类 The books in the library are classified by subject 图书馆的书是按科目分类的。 She is classified as one of the greatest actresses of our times. 她被认为是我们这个时代的最伟大的女演员之一。 Librarians spend a lot of time classifying books into several parts. 图书馆工作人员花许多时间将书分类成几部分。【知识拓展】 classified adj分类的;归类的 classificatio

15、n nU分类;分级;C类别;等级【易混辨析】classify,sort,organize与arrange 这些动词均含“使有条理,安排”之意。(1)classify指按照事物类型、质量或是否相似进行分类。 We will classify these subjects under three topics 我们将把这些问题分成三个主题。(2)sort 通常指根据类型或种类分类或整理选择。 I sorted the shoes into pairs我把鞋一双双整理好。(3)organize 指按计划或需要把人或物安排组织成一个整体。 A search party was organized to

16、 look for the man trapped in the snow 为了寻找在雪中被困的人,我们成立了一个搜索队。(4)arrange 指按计划、秩序、需要和可能等进行安排。 A special show was arranged to admit free the family members of the miners 安排了一个专场来免费招待矿工家属。【跟踪典例】 (1)用classify的适当形式填空People who work in libraries spend a lot of time _ booksOnly eleven of these accidents wer

17、e _ as majorThe _ of fish is extremely complicatedIf you look in the _ part of the telephone book youll find plenty of hotels (2)用恰当词语填空Would you classify her novels _ serious literature or as mere entertainment?【答案】(1)classifyingclassifiedclassificationclassified(2)as句意:你认为她的小说属于文学类呢,还是属于通俗读物类?clas

18、sify sb/sthas sth表示“划分;界定”。6. remark n谈论;言论;评述 vt& vi谈论;评论;说起 make a remark/remarks on/about 就发表意见;对评头品足 make no remark 什么也不说;不加评论 remark that 评论 remark on/upon 谈论/评论 pass remarks about/at sb议论某人 She could hear the other girls making rude remarks about her. 她可以听见其他女孩在说她的坏话。 A local newspaper remarke

19、d that car accidents were on the decrease due to the forceful law 一家地方报纸评论说由于强有力的法律措施,车祸在减少。 ProfSmith remarked on the difference between the two dictionaries 史密斯教授谈到了这两本词典的不同之处。【知识拓展】 remarkable adj引人注目的;不寻常的;非凡的 The writer,Mo Yan,got remarkable(remark) achievements in writing. 作家莫言在写作上取得了非凡的成绩。【跟踪

20、典例】完成句子Please_ _/_ _ _ _(说一说/评论一下)“One World One Dream”,the theme of the Beijing OlympicsYou might engage in small talk and_ _ /_ _ _ _(谈谈,说一 说)the weather,your job or current events【答案】remark on/make a remark onremark about/make a remark about7. betray vt出卖;背叛;显露出(本来面目) betray oneself露出本来面目;原形毕露 be

21、把出卖给 betray ones trust辜负某人的信 In failing to return the money he betrayed our trust 他未能归还那笔钱从而辜负了我们的信任。 Quite a lot of people will betray themselves when tempted by money. 相当多的人面对金钱的诱惑便原形毕露。 He betrayed the news to all his friends. 他向所有的朋友透露了这个消息。【知识拓展】 betray ones country to the enemy 卖国;做卖国贼

22、 betray state secrets 泄露国家机密 betray a secret to sb向某人泄露秘密 betray oneself 暴露本来面目;原形毕露 betrayal n背叛;出卖 a betrayal of my principles 对我的原则的背弃行为 an act of betrayal 背叛的行为注意:betray的用法和意思与give away相近。如: He gave away the state secrets to the enemy他向敌人泄露了国家机密。 His accent gave him away他的口音把他暴露了。【跟踪典例】完成句子For y

23、ears,the man has been _ state secrets _ (向出卖)foreign countriesQuite a lot of greedy people will_ _(原形毕露)when tempted by moneyI dont want to _ _ all my secrets(泄露)(用give的相关词组)【答案】betraying;tobetray themselvesgive away8. condemn vt谴责,判刑,宣告有罪(与to连用) 迫使接受(困境),使注定 condemn sb/sthfor/as sth由于某事而谴责某人或某事 con

24、demn sth. 使某人注定(做)某事;迫使某人陷于不幸的境地;判处某人 condemn deathsentence death 判处某人死刑 The editor of the newspaper was condemned as lacking integrity 这家报纸的主编被指责为不够正直。 The papers were quick to condemn him for his mistake. 报纸及时地指责出他的错误。 As an old person,one is often condemned to live alone 老年人

25、常出于无奈而独自生活。 The judge condemned the killer to death(die) 法官宣判那位杀手死刑。【知识拓展】 (1)condemnation n定罪;谴责;指责 conditional condemnation 缓刑 social condemnation 社会谴责 (2)condemnable adj该罚的;接受责备的 condemned adj已被定罪的;已被定罪者使用的;受谴责的【名师点津】condemn既可以表示“使某人处于困境(或不愉快的状况)”,又可以表示“判处某人”,其中to可作介词也可作不定式符号。【易混辨析】condemn

26、/scold/blame/accuse 这些动词均含有“责备,非难”之意。(1)condemn正式用词,表示谴责,有较强的司法意味,侧重从道义或原则上的谴责。 We condemn cruelty and cruel people我们谴责残忍行为和残忍的人。(2)scold普通用词,多指上级对下级、长辈对后辈或雇主对雇员的态度粗暴、言词激烈的数落。 Did you scold her for breaking it?她把那件东西打破了,你骂她了吗?(3)blame普通用词,语气较弱,仅是一般的责难、归咎于,不含用语言责骂之意。 She blamed him for the failure of

27、 their marriage/blamed the failure of their marriage on him 她把婚姻的触礁归咎于他。(4)accuse语气比blame强,本义为归罪,可用作指非难或谴责之意。 Man often accuses nature for his own misfortunes 人类常把自己的不幸归咎于天。【跟踪典例】 (1)完成句子 The criminal _ _ _ _ (被判处死刑) His illness _ _ _ _ _ _(使他卧床) all the time (2)用恰当形式填空 He was condemned_(spend) the rest of the football season on the bench9. acquaintance n相识;熟人;了解 make ones acquaintance结识;与相识 make the acquaintance of sb have some acquaintance with熟悉/了解 have a little acquaintance with sb/sth稍微了解 h

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