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1、七年级英语上册ReviewofUnits12019七年级英语上册ReviewofUnits1词句精讲精练词汇精讲1. no和not (1) no作副词,意为“不,不是”,常用于对一般疑问句的否定回答,可单独使用,其反义词为yes。例如: Is this your chair? 这是你的椅子吗? No, it isnt. 不,它不是。 (2) not作副词,意为“不”,不能单独使用,通常放在系动词be或助动词、情态动词后构成否定形式,并且有缩写形式,如isnt; arent; dont; cant等,但am和not不能缩写。例如: Are you a student? 你是学生吗? No, Im

2、 not. 不,我不是。 It isnt my book. 它不是我的书。2. one和a; an (1) one是数词,侧重指数量,常与two; three等对比运用。例如: How many pens do you have? 你有多少支钢笔? One. 一支。 (2) a是不定冠词,侧重指种类;a用在以辅音音素开头的名词前。例如: This is a book 这是一本书。 (3) an是不定冠词,侧重指种类,用在以元音音素开头的名词前。例如: That is an apple. 那是一个苹果。3. well; good; fine; nice和great (1) well作形容词,意为

3、“气色好的,健康的”,多指身体状况;作副词,意为“(做得)好”,用来修饰动词。例如: You look very well, Jim. 吉姆,你看上去很健康。 He plays the guitar well. 他吉他弹得好。 (2) good作形容词,常指质量、品质及问候等方面的“好”。例如:Is this egg good? 这个蛋新鲜吗?Good morning, Jenny. 詹尼,上午好。 (3) fine作形容词,常指天气或人的气色方面的“好”以及人对某种事情的美感。例如: They look fine. 他们看上去气色很好。 What a fine view! 好美的景色啊! (

4、4) nice作形容词,常指取悦于人的感觉等方面的“好”。意为“好的”,“漂亮的”,“愉快的”等。例如: Lucy is a nice little girl. Lucy是一位漂亮的小姑娘。 Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴。(5) great作形容词,有“伟大的,很大的”意思。在口语中,great常表示说话人的赞扬、兴奋和惊喜的感情。例如: He is a great musician. 他是一个伟大的音乐家。 How do you like the film? 你觉得这部电影怎么样? Great! 棒极了!4. with和and (1) with是介词,后面常跟名词或宾格代

5、词,在句中一般作状语;with短语位于主语之后时,谓语动词应与with前面的主语在数上保持一致。例如: Go with us.和我们一起去。 My mother with me often goes shopping on Sunday. 我和我母亲常常在星期天去买东西。(2) and是连词,用来连接两个表示并列关系的词、短语或句子,多用于肯定句;连接两个人或物作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。例如: I have a pen and a pencil. 我有一支钢笔和一支铅笔。 My mother and I often go shipping on Saturday. 母亲和我经常在星期六去买

6、东西。5. put on; wear; dress和in (1) put on表示穿的动作,后面接衣服、鞋帽等,可以用于进行时态。例如: Look! Tom is putting on his clothes. 看!汤姆正在穿衣服。 (2) wear表示穿戴的状态,wear较正式,可用于进行时态,其宾语可以是衣帽,也可以是饰物、奖章等。例如:She was wearing a flower in her hair. 她头上戴了一朵花。(3) dress既可以指穿衣的动作,后面接人作宾语,又可用其系表结构be dressed in来表示穿的状态,后面可接表示衣物或颜色的名词。例如: He was

7、 dressed in a dark suit at the meeting.他在会议上穿了一套深色的西装。(4) in表示穿戴的状态,后面可接表示颜色的词或衣物名词作宾语。例如: She looks beautiful in the clothes. 她穿这件衣服看起来很漂亮。6. speak; say; talk和tell (1) speak意为“说”,既指零星的、不连续的说话,也指正式的谈话、演说或说某种语言的能力。例如: Please speak in a loud voice. 请大声讲话。 Can you speak Chinese? 你会讲汉语吗? (2) say意为“说”,指用

8、言语表达自己的意思,着重于连贯的有内容的讲话;后面接to的间接宾语表示“对某人说什么”。例如: He said, “I can pass the exam.” 他说:“我能通过这次考试。” He said to his friend, “Its very kind of you to help me.” 他对朋友说:“谢谢你帮助我。” (3) talk意为“谈话”,或是一方说,一方听,或是相互交谈。例如: Our teacher is talking to us about it. 我们的老师正在和我们谈论这件事。 (4) tell意为“告诉”,把某件事转告他人;告诉某人关于某事或某事的情况、

9、消息;告诉某人某事。例如: The old man is telling us a very interesting story. 这个老人正在给我们讲一个非常有趣的故事。7. too much和much too (1) too much作“太多”讲,有三种用法: 1) 作名词词组。例如: You gave me too much.你给我的太多了。 2) 作形容词词组,修饰不可数名词,表示数量。例如: Eating too much meat is bad for your health. 吃太多的肉有害你的健康。 3) 作副词词组,修饰动词。例如: Dont speak too much.

10、不要讲得太多。 (2) much too意为“太、非常”,作副词词组,修饰形容词、副词,相当于very。例如: The old man walked much too slowly. 这位老人走得太慢了。8. every day和everyday(1) every day是副词词组,作状语,意为“每天,天天”。例如: Bob goes to the Childrens Palace every day except Sunday. 除了星期天,Bob每天都去少年宫。You should exercise your body every day. 你应该天天锻炼身体。(2) everyday是形

11、容词,意为“每天的,日常的”,只作定语。例如: everyday English每日英语 everyday routine每天的例行工作词汇精练I. 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。1. This is Tom. He is a s_ of Grade Eight.2. He is from _(加拿大).3. She looks _(真的) pretty.4. He wants to travel around the _(世界).5. Dont _(忘记) your new jacket.6. Whats the m_ of this word?7. They are in d_ sc

12、hools.8. My sister is _(十四) years old.9. May I b_ your ruler? Yes, you can.10. Would you like some _(牛肉)?II. 汉译英。1. 怎么样?_2. 出现_3. 在天上_4. 三条白色的连衣裙_5. 我最喜欢的衣服_6. 让我们走吧。_7. 不同的感觉_8. 感到累_9. 使某人做某事_10. 不得不_III. 用括号中单词的适当形式填空。1. How many _(tomato) do you have?2. _(she) favorite colour is white.3. My dad _

13、(have) a big nose.4. This pair of pants _(be not) Jennys.5. He has two big _(foot).6. We like these _(baby) very much.7. Tom has a _(head) today.8. Let me _(see).9. My mom wears a pair of red _(glass).10. Im hungry. How about _(eat) some food?11. Tom wants to _(drink) some water.【参考答案】I. 根据句意及首字母或汉语

14、提示完成单词。1. student 2. Canada 3. really 4. world 5. forget 6. meaning 7. different 8. fourteen 9. borrow 10. beefII. 汉译英。1. What about? 2. come out 3. in the sky 4. three white dresses 5. my favorite clothes6. Lets go. 7. different feelings 8. feel tired 9. let sb. do sth. 10. have toIII. 用括号中单词的适当形式填

15、空。1. tomatoes 2. Her 3. has 4. isnt 5. feet 6. babies 7. headache 8. see 9. glasses 10. eating 11. drink句式精讲1. let sb. do sth.let sb. do sth.表示 “让(允许)某人做某事”。例如:Let me help you. 让我帮助你。His mother doesnt let him go out at night. 他母亲不让他晚上出去。【拓展】“lets”是表示建议或请求的祈使句句型,“lets”是“let us”的缩写形式。例如:Lets go to sch

16、ool. 咱们上学吧。Lets play basketball after school. 咱们放学后打篮球吧。2. May I? May I?表示“我可以吗?”,用来比较委婉地向对方表示请求许可。肯定回答用“Sure. / Certainly.”或“Yes, please. / Yes, of course.”等;否定回答多用“No, you cant.”等。May是情态动词,意为“可以”,后面接动词原形,没有人称和数的变化,常用于主语是第一人称的句子中。例如: May I know your name? 我可以知道你的名字吗? Sure. My name is Lucy. 当然,我叫Luc

17、y。 3. Here you are.和Here it is. (1) Here you are.意为“给你”。表示所指的东西不是特指的,而只是某类中的一个/些。不论东西是单数还是复数,都是“Here you are.”例如: Could you find me a dictionary? 你能帮我找一本字典吗? Here you are. 给你。(拿出一本时说) Can I have a look at your glasses? 我能看一下你的眼镜吗? Here you are. 给你。 (2) Here it is. 意为“给你”。表示所指的东西是问者所指定的东西,且为单数。例如: Wh

18、ere is my book? 我的书在哪里? Here it is. 在这里。4. Thats right./ Thats all right和All right. (1) Thats right.用于对对方的话加以肯定,意为“对,正确”。例如: Is this your telephone number? 这是你的电话号码吗? Thats right. You can write it down in your notebook. 对,你可以记在你的笔记本上。 (2) Thats all right.用于对对方致歉或感谢的应答语,意为“不用谢,没关系”。例如: Im sorry. Im l

19、ate. 对不起,我迟到了。 Thats all right. 没关系。 (3) All right.表示赞同对方的意见,意为“好吧,行”,相当于OK。例如: Lets go to school! 咱们去上学吧!All right.好吧。5. Are you OK? OK常用在口语中,意为“健康,身体好”时,相当于fine。对其回答有两种情况:肯定回答用“Yes, Im OK. Thanks.”,否定回答用“No, I feel sick.”/ No, I have a headache. OK意为“好,行,不错”时,可以作形容词、副词或叹词。它在不同的语境中,含义也不同: (1) 当别人向你

20、道歉时,你可以回答“Thats OK”,此时意为“没关系”,相当于“It doesnt matter.” (2) 当别人向你表示谢意时,你还可以回答“Thats OK.”,此时意为“不客气”,相当于“Youre welcome.” (3) 当你同意对方的观点时,你可以说“OK!”,此时意为“行、可以”。 (4) 当表示身体好时,你可以说“Im OK.”,此时意为“我很好。”句式精练I. 完成句子,每空一词。1. 见到你很高兴。_ to _ you.2. 她的名字叫刘梅,她是我的朋友。_ name _ Liu Mei. _ is my _.3. 这是谁的毛衣?_ sweater _ this?4

21、. 这顶帽子对我来说太大了。The hat is _ _ for me.5. Jenny, 你有多高?Jenny, _ _ are you?6. 我们的教室有十米长。Our classroom is _ _ _.7. “to feel down”是什么意思?_ _ “to feel down” _?8. 你今天感觉如何?_ _ you _ today?9. 那太严重了。我们一起去看医生吧!It looks _ _. Lets go to _ _ _.10. 出了什么事? 我弄破了脚趾。Whats the _? I _ my toes.11. 是吃早饭的时候了。Its _ _ _.II. 对划线

22、部分提问,每空一词。1. I have two pens. (对划线部分提问)_ _ pens _ you have?2. The apple is red. (改为复数句)The _ _ red.3. They are her coats. (对划线部分提问)_ coats _ they?4. The coat is old. (用new改为选择疑问句)_ the coat old _ new?5. Is your sweater new? (作否定回答)_, _ _.6. She looks beautiful in red. (对划线部分提问)_ _ she _ in red?7. I

23、can make noodles for you. (对划线部分提问)_ _ you _ for _?8. We use our mouth to talk. (改为同义句)We talk _ our mouth.9. Danny wants to eat some meat and fish.(改为同义句)Danny _ _ to eat some meat and fish.10. Would you like some soup? (作肯定回答)_, _.III. 连词组句。1. the, do, I, my, in, homework, evening(.) _2. for, you,

24、 like, what, would, supper(?) _3. have, dont, or, meat, we, rice, any(.) _4. eraser, is, this, whose(?) _5. twelve, are, there, glasses(.) _IV. 从对话后面的七个选项中选出五个完成对话。A: May I help you?B: Yes, please. I want to buy a coat for my daughter.A: Oh, we have a lot. Which one would you like, please. 1 B: Oh,

25、she doesnt like black. Do you have any other colours?A: Oh, we have red, blue, yellowB: 2 A: Look at this one, please. Its yellow and its very nice.B: I think its too big.A: 3 B: Well, this one is good. 4 A: Fifty yuan.B: OK. 5 Heres the money.A: Thank you.A. Ill take it.B. I like this one.C. That o

26、ne is small. Here it is.D. My daughter likes yellow very much.E. How much it it?F. What about the black one?G. See you later.【参考答案】I. 完成句子,每空一词。1. Nice; meet 2. Her; is; She; friend 3. Whose; is 4. too big 5. how tall6. ten meters long 7. What does; mean 8. How do; feel 9. too serious; see the docto

27、r10. matter; hurt 11. time for breakfastII. 对划线部分提问,每空一词。1. How many; do 2. apples are 3. Whose; are 4. Is; or 5. No; it isnt6. How does; look 7. What can; do; me 8. with 9. would like; 10. Yes; pleaseIII. 连词组句。1. I do my homework in the evening.2. What would you like for supper?3. We dont have any meat or rice.4. Whose eraser is this?5. There are

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