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1、5种基本句型翻译练习1 我的电脑已经坏了一个月了。2 你觉得冷吗?3 这件衣服摸着又柔软又平滑。4 赵氏一家都是本地人。5 那个孩子似乎对故事书一点兴趣都没有。6 他妈妈上个月突然生病了。7 他比他的哥哥矮很多。8 你将来想当发明家吗?9 你们的梦想最后实现了吗?10 你长得比以前壮实多了。11 比赛将持续一个半小时。12 我的工作是照顾三个小孩。13 现在你最好保持安静。14 他在战争中证明了他的英勇。15 他总是表现得很完美。16 我对这本小说一点都不感兴趣的,它很无聊。17 这是李华的书,你的书在哪里啊?18 交通灯什么时候会变绿灯啊?哦,现在已经是绿灯了啊。19 这就是你昨天缺席的原因

2、吗?20 电影院里真安静啊,现在在演什么电影啊?21 现在已经五月二十五号了,你们都准备好即将到来的高考了吗?22 什么时候该我啊?我已经准备好表演了。23 你们什么时候能准备好开始工作啊?24 我最近一直忙着参加考试呢。25 我很久没有见你哥哥了,他在忙什么啊?26 孩子们,现在该是你们上床睡觉的时间了。27 昨天晚上广场上有很多人。28 你到实验室的时候,谁在里面啊?29 你根本没必要给他道歉的。30 我们今天晚上会有一个访客来。31 爸爸昨晚来看我的时候我刚好和好友出去买东西了。32 最近我的电脑运作不怎么良好。33 你们去年旅游了几个月啊?34 我们必须好好学习,天天向上。35 铃声响

3、了,孩子们冲出了教室。36 昨晚这里发生了一起车祸。37 树叶通常在秋天的时候掉落。38 他们等了几天就是为了买一张火车票。39 这个钢笔书写流利吗?40 他们已经谈了几个小时了?41 六年前我在西安外国语大学读书。42 很抱歉,但是我们的会议将不得不再持续一个半小时。43 我说话的时候你们最好看着屏幕。44 1776年,英国伦敦爆发了一种严重的疾病。45 不管别人说什么,我从来不在意的。46 他过去常常落后于班上其他学生。47 我不知道要如何处理这样的事情。48 他把自己的画作展示给观众看。49 丽萍拒绝接受我的邀请。50 你介意我在这里吸烟吗?51 谁昨晚目击了那场事故?52 当妈妈进来的

4、时候,琼假装正在阅读。53 他们觉得没必要花这么多钱买一个照相机。54 你知道哪里有洗手间吗?55 我们孩子们在夏天的时候总是期待着冬天的来临。56 你明天打算做什么啊?57 我想享受我的生活,但是太难了。58 你下次去镇上时能不能帮我买一袋大米啊?59 太阳给了我光和热。60 他们使村民们相信了所谓的女神的智慧和能量。61 你们下课后把作业交给班长。62 这个新的机器可以为我们节省很多的时间和精力。63 我五年前借给吉姆500英镑,他从没还过我。64 那个老人指引我们去古森林的路。65 为了你, 我可以做任何的事情。66 我想给儿子买一份生日礼物,你能给我点建议吗?67 你上次是什么时候写信

5、给你的爸爸的?68 千万不要跟他说实话,否则你会受罚的。69 祝你好运!70 我们要使我们的生活变得更加精彩有趣。71 没有人觉得他是个好人。72 他们警告我们那里可能存在的危险。73 千万不要把你的孩子单独留下。74 什么时候灯会变绿啊?75 他们并没有把墙漆成白色。76 你能想象他是个老师的情形吗?77 他的行为证明了他是个真正的英雄。78 我们如何能保持身体健康呢?79 我们学校定了一条规定,开始上课时学生要起立。80 我认为和他那样的人多说无益。81 明天记得要找个人来修理我们的空调。82 我从来没有见过房子这样盖的。83 学校不允许学生晚上外出。84 我认为你们乘飞机回家更快一点。8

6、5 父母总是感觉很难和自己的孩子沟通。86 每天早上我们都能听见学生在大声地朗读英语。87 为了使得自己被理解,他说了很简单的英语。88 他叫我晚上十点之后不要给他打电话。89 小明酷爱体育运动,每天下午踢足球。90 我们正准备出门呢,就在那时天忽然开始下雨了。91 快点吧,否则又要迟到了。92 他不仅会说英语,也会说法语。93 当时正下着大雨,我们只好打的去火车站了。94 他很有钱,但他没什么朋友,因而他常常不开心。95 李东没有参加校运会,因为他的腿受伤了。96 小河擅长游泳,而他的姐姐擅长滑冰。97 他长得很帅,但没有女孩子喜欢他,因为他总瞧不起别人。98 我们班有50多个同学,大家相处

7、得很融洽。99 他通常在睡觉前洗洗脚。100我父亲每天起床后就去公园散步。 五种句型翻译参考答案1 my computer has been broken for a month.2 Do you feel cold?3 This clothes touches soft and smooth.4 The Zhaos are local residents.5The child seems to be not interested in story books6 His mother suddenly fell ill last month.7 He is much shorter than

8、his brother.8 Do you want to be an inventor in the future?9 Did your dream finally come true?10 You grow much stronger than before.11 The competition will last an hour and a half.12 My work is to take good care of three children.13 Youd better keep silent now.14 He proved his bravery in the battle/w

9、ar.15 She always appears perfect.16 Im not interested in this novel at all. Its boring.17 This is Li Huas book. Where is yours?18 When will the traffic lights turn green? Well, its green light now.19 Is this the reason that you were absent yesterday?20 How quiet it is in the cinema! Whats putting on

10、 now?21 It is May 25th. Are you ready for your coming College Entrance Examination?22 When is it my turn? Ive got ready for my performance.23 When will you be ready for your work?24 Im busy having exams.25 I havent seen your brother for long. Whats he doing?26 Children, its time for you to go to bed

11、.27 There were a lot of people on the square last night.28 Who was in when you entered the lab?29 It isnt necessary for you to say sorry to him.30 There will be a visitor for us tonight.31 I happened to go out with my friend when father came to see me last night.32 Our computer doesnt work well rece

12、ntly.33 How long did you travel outside last year?34 We should work hard and make progress every day.35 The bell rang and all the child rushed out of the classroom.36 An accident happened here last night.37 Leaves often fall in fall.38 They have been waiting here for many days in order to get a trai

13、n ticket.39 Does this pen write smoothly?40 They have been talking for several hours.41 I studied in Xian Foreign Language University six years ago.42 Im terribly sorry, but our meeting will have to last another one and a half hour.43 Youd better look at the screen when I speak.44 A serious disease

14、broke out in London in 1776.45 No matter what others say, I never care.46 He used to fall behind other students in his class.47 I dont know how to deal with such a matter.48 He showed his pictures to the audience.49 Li Ping refused to accept my invitation.50 Do you mind my /me smoking here?51 Who wi

15、tnessed the accident last night?52 John pretended to be reading when mother came in.53 They thought it unnecessary to buy such an expensive camera.54 Do you know where I can find a washroom?55 We children always look forward to the coming of winter in summer.56 What do you plan to do tomorrow?57 I w

16、ant to enjoy my life, but its too hard.59 Would you please buy me a bag of rice next time you go to the town?60 The sun gives us light and heat.62 They convinced the villagers of the wisdom and power of the so-called Goddess.63 Please hand in your homework to the monitor after class.64 The new machi

17、ne can save you a lot of time and energy.65 I lent Jim 500 pounds five years ago, but he never gave it back to me.66 The old man led us the way to the ancient forest.67 I can do anything for you.68 I want to buy a birthday gift for my son. Can you give me some advice?69 When did you last write a let

18、ter to your father?70 Dont tell him the truth, or you will be punished.71 I wish you good luck!72 We want to make our life more interesting and wonderful.73 Nobody considers him a good man.74 They wore us the possible danger there.75 Never leave your child alone.76 When will the light turn green?77

19、They didnt paint the wall white.78 Can you imagine him a teacher?79 His action proved him a real hero.80 How can we keep our health in condition?81 Our school makes it a rule that the students should stand up at the beginning of a class.82 I think it no use talking too much with such a man.83 Dont f

20、orget to have our air-conditioner repaired tomorrow.84 I have never seen a house built so.85 The students are not allowed to go out at night.86 I think it more quickly for you to go back home by air.87 Parents always find it hard to communicate with their children.88 Every morning we can hear studen

21、ts reading English loudly.89 He spoke simple English to make himself understood.90 He asked me not to call him after ten at night.91 Xiao Ming loves sports very much and he plays football every afternoon.92 I was about to go out when it suddenly began to rain.93 Be quick, or well be late!94 Not only

22、 can he speak English, but also he can speak French.95 It was raining heavily at that moment, so we had to take a taxi to the railway station.96 He is very rich, but he has few friends, so he is always unhappy.97 Li Dong didnt take part in the school sports meeting, for/because his leg was hurt/injured.98 Xiao he is good at swimming, while his sister does well in skating.99 He is handsome, but no girls like him because he always looks down upon others.100 There are 50 students in our class and we get on well with each other.

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