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1、小学三年级英语练习题小学三年级英语练习题小学三年级英语练习题小学三年级英语练习题 一、连线red 黑色的 cat 狗black 白色的 dogpink 橙色的 pandaorange 粉红色的 monkeybird 老鼠 waterduck 鸟 cakebear 鸭子 ninemouse 熊 car二、请你来当翻译官plane seven six one bread juice chicken elephant white arm hand penMay I have a look? Here you are.三、 把下列单词排列成一句通顺的话 猫 猴子 熊猫 蛋糕 水 小汽车 九like I

2、 hamburgerhow you arehave I rabbit a 一、听音,选择正确的字母。(10分)( )1. A.O B.P C.R ( )2.A.D B.H C.I( )3.A.F B.V C.S ( )4.A.T B.Y C.W( )5.A.m B.n C.p ( )6.A.f B.d C.t( )7.A.u B.y C.e ( )8.A.t B.o C.q( )9.A.g B.d C.h ( )10.A.n B.u C.p二、听音,判断你听到的与所给的数字是否相符,在括号内打V或打。(15 17 19 13 18 20 14 16 11 12( )( )( )( )( )(

3、)( )( )( )( )三、听音,选出你听到的单词。(10分)( )1. A.breakfast B.lunch C.supper( )2. A.chicken C.meat( )3. A.dumplings B.fruit C.juice( )4. A.noodles B.rice C.soup( )5. A.drink C.tea 10分)( )6. A.morning B.afternoon C.evening( )7. A.eleven B.twelve C.fourteen( )8. B.banana C.melon( )9. A.donu

4、t B.milk c.pop( )10. A.hamburger B.sixteen dog四、听音,选出你听到的句子。(10分)( )1. A. Im hungry. B. Im thirty! C. Im LiMing.( )2. A. I want to eat. B. I want go drink. C. Lets eat!( )3. A. Would you like some soup, Jenny? B. No, thanks! C. Yes,please.( )4. A. I like fish. B. I like chicken. C. I like frui

5、t.( )5. A. I dont like fish. B. I dont like meat. C. Ill take two, please.( )6. A. I like dumplings. B. Rice is okey. C. Noodles are delicious.( )7. A. How many bottles of pop? B. How many bottles of mild?C. How many bottles of water?( )8. A. I dont like pepper. B. I like salt on French fries.C. Do

6、you like pepper,too?( )9. A. Thanks! B. Thank you! C. Youre welcome.( )10. A. How much is it? B. How many pens on the desk?六、连线。(28分)1. fish 肉 2. 15 nineteen meat 汤 19 twentyrice 鱼 20 fourteen soup 米饭 16 fifteen dumplings 面条 12 sixteennoodles 鸡肉 14 twelvechicken 饺子 13 thirteenjuice 果汁 18 eighteen3.

7、Im hungry!I want to eat.Yes, please.No, thanks.I like chicken.Youre welcome.How much is it?What would you like, please?Sure. 我想吃。我饿了。不要了,谢谢。好的。多少钱? 不用谢。我喜欢吃鸡肉 当然可以。你想要点儿什么? Unit 1练习题 练习一根据所给情景,选择恰当的句子( )1.你想打扰别人,询问一个问题前,应说:A.Excuse me. B.Come here. C.Good morning.( )2.你想问那个电视上是什么时,你问:A.Whats this on

8、 the TV? B.Whats that on the TV?C.Whats this in the TV? D.Whats that in the TV?( )3.当你想叫别人过来时,你说:A.Oh,I see. B.Excuse me. C.Thank you. D.Come here.( )4.当你想知道卷笔机用英语怎么说时,你问:A.Whats this on the desk? B.Whats that on the table?C.Whats this in English? D.Whats this on English?( )5.通过别人的回答,你弄明白了,如何说:A.Com

9、e here. B.Oh,I see. C.Thank you. D.Excuse me.( )6.翻译句子:在书桌上的那是什么?A.Whats this on the desk? B.Whats that in English?C.Whats that on the desk?二、划出下列句子的错误之处,并在括号内改正1.Whats this on English? ( ) 2.Whats that in the table?( )3.Whats this in the school bag?Its copybook.( )4.Whats in that English?( )5.Whats

10、 that at the pencil-box?Its a rubber.( )三、给下面句子排序(用数字表示)1.Its a knife. 2.Whats this in English?3.Excuse me,Wang Bing. 4.Thank you._1.Whats that in your pencil-box? 2.Oh,I see.3.Its a pencil sharpener. 4.Come here,Yang Ling.练习二一、从每组中找出不同类的单词:( ) bag C.copybook( )2.A.desk B.sofa

11、nda( )3.A.cinema B.storybook C.supermarket( ) B.stapler )5.A.toy train B.shirt C.blouse二、情景匹配( )1.Come here. A.Red( )2.Whats this in English? B.Fine,thank you.( )3.How are you? C.No,thanks.( )4.What colour is it? D.OK.( )5.An ice cream? E.Oh,I see.( )6.Its a crayon. F.Its a tape.三、将下

12、列句子排列成一段对话,将序号写在横线上:1.Come here,Wang Bing. 2.Whats this on the desk?3.All right. 4.Oh,I see. 5.Its a banana._四、选出恰当的译句:( )1.那个用英语怎么说? A.Whats this in English?B.Whats that in English? C.Whats that on English?( )2.Come here,please.A.请过来。 B.请进来。 C.请坐下。( )3.它是一个文具盒。A.Its a pencil sharpener. B.Its a penc

13、il box.C.Its a pencil.( )4.I see.A.我明白了。 B.我不知道。 C.对不起。 Unit 2 练习题 练习一一、将下列内容译成汉语:1.have a look_ 2.Come in._3.on the desk_ 4.How nice! English_ 6.Here you are._7.Come here._ 8.Thank you._二、将下列句子排列成一段对话,将序号填在横线上:.No,it isnt.Its a watch. 2.How pretty!3.Sure. 4.Is this a key?5.Can I have a look?_三

14、、选择填空:( )1.What _ this in English? B.are )2.Is this your T-shirt?_,it is.A.Yes B.No C.Not( )3.Can I have a look?_.A.Thats all right. B.Yes.Here you are. C.Thank you.( )4.Its _ orange.A.a C.the( )5.What _ telephone!A.good a B.a nice C.nice四、情景匹配:( )1.Whats this in English? A.Yes,its a

15、radio.( )2.Is this a radio? B.Oh,I see.( )3.Is that a clock? C.A tape is on the desk.( )4.Its a computer. D.Its a key.( )5.Whats that on the desk? E.No,it isnt.Its a watch.练习二一、找出不同类的单词:( ) ) C.clock( )3.A.crayon B.telephone C.tape( ) B.on )5

16、.A.desk B.chair C.cake二、选择( )1.May I come in? A.Come in,please.B.Here you are. C.Thank you.( )2.Is that a radio? A.Yes,it isnt.B.No,it isnt. C.No,it is.( )3.Can I have a look? A.Come in,please.B.Sure,here you are. C.Thank you.( )4.What a nice watch!_.A.Come in,please. B.Thank you. C.Sure.Here you ar

17、e.( )5.Whats that_English?A.on C.or三、小小翻译家:1.一个书包_ 2.一把钥匙_3.这卷胶带_ 4.那本书_四、判断对错:This is Nancys pencil box. Its new. Whats in it?Lets open it and have a look. Oh,a ruler,a pen and a key.Is this your key?.( )1.The pencil box is new.( )2.There is a ruler in the pencil box.( )3.There is a ball pen i

18、n the pencil box.( )4.The key is Helens key. 英语补全单词专项练习 _uck(鸭) _ nt (蚂蚁) _og (狗) _ilk (牛奶)_ at(猫) _oose(鹅) _ather(爸爸) _ump(跳)_ pple(苹果) _gg (鸡蛋) _ight(夜晚) _ce(冰)_ion (狮子) _angaroo(袋鼠) _other(妈妈) _oy(男孩)_ey(钥匙) _ock(锁) _ouse (老鼠) _est(鸟窝)_otdog (热狗 _lephant(大象) _ce-cream(雪糕)_ag(书包)_ish(鱼) _irl(女孩) _

19、rother(弟弟) _oke(可乐)_amburger(汉堡包) _offee(咖啡) _iss(小姐) _RC(中国)_AN(加拿大) _K(英国) _ister(妹妹) _r(先生)_each(桃) _ear(梨) _range(橙子) _atermelon(西瓜)_pple(苹果)_anana(香蕉)_rape(葡萄) _trawberry(草莓)_ueen(女王) _axi(出租车) _indow(窗户) _oo(动物园)_uiet(安静的) _fruit(水果) _ainbow(彩虹) _esk(课桌_nake(蛇) _iger(老虎) _iolin(小提琴) _n(上面)_us(

20、公车) _ike(自行车) _hair(椅子) _ox(狐狸)_amp(台灯) _ig(大的) _all(高的) _ed(红色)_nder(下面) _oy(玩具) _ox(盒子) _ain(雨)_est(背心) _ind(风) _ellow(黄色) _irraffe(长颈鹿)_o-yo(溜溜球) _ebra(斑马)_hort(矮的) _reen(绿色)_onkey(猴子) _urple(紫色)(小的) _ong(大象)(吉普车)(长的) (鹿) _mall _lepant _eer _eep 第一学期期中试卷 一、写出下列字母的小写形式。(26分)A B C D E F GH I J K L

21、M NO P Q R S TU V W X Y Z二、将单词和汉语意思连线。(10分)teacher 女孩 book 铅笔boy 椅子 marker 水彩笔chair 课桌 pen 钢笔desk 男孩 pencil 学校girl 教师 school 书三、写出下列单词或词组的汉语意思。(16分)one two three fourfive six seven eightnine ten red yellowone book two chairsfive pens six pencils四、选择题。(24分)1. Whats your name? .A. Hello B. My name is

22、Li Ming C. Hi2. How are you?A. Hello! B. Thank you. C. Im fine.3. Whats this? Its a .A. book B. boy C. girl4. Nice to meet you.A. How are you? B. Hi! C. Nice to meet you, too.5. May I have two ,please?A. books B. book C. desk6.Good-bye.A. Hi! B. Hello! C.Bye!7. How many books do you have? .A. pen B.

23、 Three C. Thanks8. Where is my book?A. On the desk B. Pink C. Pencils9. What colour is it? .A. Yellow B. Six C. Thanks10. the door.A. Open B. Three C. Chairs11. the window.A. Fine B. Close C. Two12. This is a .A. boy B. pink C. thanks五、画一画。(16分)1. one book 2. two apples3. five books 4. three chairs5

24、. six pencils 6. two boys7. two markers 8. one girl六、涂一涂。(8分)red green yellow blue 小学三年级英语试题 一. 判断下列字母划线部分的读音是否相同,相同的用表示,不同的用表示。( )1. me meet( )2. tie tip( )3. good go( )4. coat boat( )5. is has二. 找出一个划线部分的读音与其他两个不同的来,将其标号填入括号内。( )1. A. make B. wait C. cat( )2. A. cake B. cap C. glad( )3. A. too B.

25、fox C. zoo( )4. A. thin B. five C. time( )5. A. but B. mum C. usually三. 按单词的中文意思填入所缺字母。1. cl_ _n (清洁) 2.r_ _m (房间)3. th_n (瘦的) 4. s_hoolbag (书包)5. u_u_lly (通常) 6. h_m_ (家)7. sl_ _p (睡觉) 8. M_s (女士)9. n_w (新的) 10. t_ll (高的)四. 将下列单词或词组和对应的中文意思用直线连接。wait for 停止at home 当然of course 寻找look for 非常very much

26、 在家stop 等待五. 从下列情景中找出正确的英语表达形式,将序号填入题前括号内。( )1. 当你询问对方什么时候写作业时说:A. What are you doing ?B. When do you do homework ?C. Who are you ?( )2. 当你告诉别人我正在跳舞时,说:A. I am singing .B. I am writing .C. I am dancing .( )3. 当你询问这个男孩是什么样子的时候,说:A. Whats his name ?B. Whats the boy doing ?C. What is the boy like ?( )4

27、. 当你询问他们正在干什么时,说:A. What are they doing ?B. When do they go home ?C. Where are they going ?六. 根据问语找出答语,并用直线连接起来。What are you doing ? She is working .What is she doing ? I am drawing .What is your bike like ? She is tall .When do you get up ? I get up at 6:00 .What is Mary like ? It is white and red

28、.七. 将下列对话补充完整。A:_ _ _ _ ?B:Im reading .A:_ _ _ _ home ?B:I go home _ _ (根据实际情况)八. 联词组句1. lunch have when do you_ ?2. are playing football we_ .3. he is doing what_ ?4. the bus is what like_ ?5. tall is and fat she_ .试题答案一.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 二.1. C 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. C三.1. e a 2. o o 3. i 4. c 5. s a 6. o

29、 e 7. e e 8. r 9. e 10. a 四.wait for 停止at home 当然of course 寻找look for 非常very much 在家stop 等待五.1. B 2. C 3. C 4. A六.What are you doing ? She is working . What is she doing ? I am drawing . What is your bike like ? She is tall . When do you get up ? I get up at 6:00 . What is Mary like ? It is white an

30、d red . 七.A:What are you doing ?A:When do you goB:(略)八.1. When do you have lunch ?2. We are playing football .3. What is he doing ?4. What is the bus like ?5. She is tall and fat . 三年级英语学习小能手练习题(新)三 年 级 英 语 练 习(一) 姓名 _ 班级_ 得分_ 一、根据所给情景圈出正确的答案1. Mike想对新朋友自我介绍时,说:( )A. Hello, Mike. B. Hello, Im Mike.2. 当对方问你是不是苏海时,你回答说是,可以说:( )A Yes, I am. B. No, Im not.3. 客人到你家,你询问他要不要吃个派,你会说:( )A. Would you like a cake? B. A pie?4. 想祝别人元旦快乐时,你可以说:( )A. Happy Birthday! B.

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