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Unit 12 Fact and fantasy.docx

1、Unit 12 Fact and fantasyUnit 12 Fact and fantasy考纲要求: 考纲规定的考试范围:重点单词与短语impressive;agency;supercomputer;league;distance;balloon;fiction;servant;whale;hunter;guest;voyage;abroad;prisoner;gentle;matter;phenomena;attention;labour;hesitate;butcher;curtain;lip;throw light upon句型Try the quiz below to see i

2、f you know any better. any 修饰比较级的用法Readers have wondered about the character of Captain Nemo ever since the book was published. since 用法:I collected my instruments around me, with which I would light the flame of life in the dead thing that lay at my feet. 介词+关系词”引导的定语从句 语法:构词法() 复习本章要达到的目标1. 掌握impr

3、essive;agency;supercomputer;league;distance;balloon;fiction;servant;whale;hunter;guest;voyage;abroad;prisoner;gentle;matter;phenomena;attention;labour;hesitate;butcher;curtain;lip;throw light upon等重点单词及短语的用法。2. 掌握any 修饰比较级的用法; since 用法; “介词+关系词”引导的定语从句的用法。教材知识归纳知识归纳1. Try the quiz below to see if yo

4、u know any better.any 修饰比较级的用法:Any修饰比较级时主要用于否定句、疑问句和条件状语从句中。Do you feel any better?你感觉好多了吗?I wont love you any less because you have had your hair cut.我不会因为你把头发简短了而对你的爱变得更少一些。He doesnt live here any longer.他不再在这里生活了。If you feel any stronger, can we go for a swim?如果你感觉身体好一些的话,我们可以去游泳吗?相关归纳:修饰比较级的词(1)

5、a bit, a little, rather, much, far, by far, many, much, a lot, a great deal, any, still, even, slightly等(2)还可以用表示倍数的词或度量名词作修饰语。3)以上词(除by far)外,必须置于比较级形容词或副词的前面。2. Why does Sam need to know the time.need 的用法:(1) 实义动词:有事态变化、人称变化、能用于各种句型主要有以下两种结构:1 sb. need(s) to do sth. 某人有必要去做某事(主语与不定时的动词之间是主动关系)I do

6、nt think you need to worry about this.我认为你不必为这事担心。He doesnt need to go to work today, because it is Sunday.他没有必要去上班因为今天是周日。sb./sth. need(s) +to be done/doing 表示主语有必要被怎么样。(主语与动词之间是被动关系,必须注意要用不定式的被动式或动名词主动表示被动)The garden needs watering.= The garden needs to be watered.花园该浇水了。The roof needs to be repai

7、red.= The roof needs repairing.屋顶需要修葺了。(2)情态动词:没有事态变化、没有人称变化、只能用于疑问句和否定句中。后接没有to的不定式;need not缩写为neednt)主要有以下两种结构- Need l go? 我必须去吗? - Yes, you must. (No, you neednt.)是的,你必须去(不,你不必去)。He neednt go to work today, because it is Sunday.他没有必要去上班因为今天是周日。注意didnt need to do sth. 与need not have done 的区别:need

8、not have done表示某一个已经发生的动作实际上不必发生,常译为“不必也行”等。didnt need to do sth. 是指没有必要做也没有做(3) n. 需要;必要;需求;要求; 贫穷;困窘;危急We have no need to be afraid of them.我们不必怕他们。My neighbors helped me in my time of need.我的邻居在我困难的日子帮了我忙。相关归纳:(1)be / stand in need of 需要We are badly in need of help.我们急需帮助。(2)There is no need for

9、sb. to do sth. 某人做某事是不必要的。There is no need for you to be anxious. 你没必要焦虑的。(3)meet/satisfy ones needs满足某人的需求。10 a month will meet my needs. 一个月10英镑可满足我的需要。3. Doctors may find a way to keep us young forever.名词后的定语形式(1)在chance,way,opportunity等名词后,既可用不定式,又可用“介词 + 动名词”作定语.Can you think of a way to settle

10、/of settling the problem?你能想出一个解决这个问题的方法吗?Im glad to have the opportunity to talk / of talking to you. 我很高兴能有这个机会跟你谈话。(2)在ability,plan,step, wish, effort, tendency等名词后,通常用不定式作后置定语。Does he have the ability to do the work? 他有做这项工作的能力吗? Our efforts to finish the job ahead of time paid off.我们提前完成工作的努力取得

11、了回报。She has a tendency to become weak. 她身体有变坏的趋势。(3)当被修饰的普通名词前有序数词修饰时,该名词的后置定语也须用不定式而不是“介词 + 动名词”。 He is always the first one to come and the last one to leave. 他总是第一个来,最后一个离开。He is the last person to say such things.他是最不可能说这样话的人。He is the last man I want to see.他是我最不想见到的人。(注意:the last 在以上两个例句中是表示最不

12、乐意、最不可能的意思。)(4)在habit,idea,intention,method,purpose 等名词后,通常只跟“介词+动名词”作定语。I formed the habit of taking a nap after lunch. 我养成了饭后睡午觉的习惯。He had no intention of keeping his promise.他不想遵守诺言。He went to Beijing with the purpose of visiting his friend.他去北京是为了看望他的朋友。4. and it is believed to be caused by a se

13、a monster.cause 的用法:vt. 导致,使发生,引起;带来 构成以下搭配cause sb. to do sth. 致使某人做某事What caused him to quit his job?是什么原因使他辞职的?cause sb. sth 给某人带来什么Im afraid Im causing you much trouble.我怕给你增添很多麻烦。n.原因;起因 (+of) ;目标,理想,事业What was the cause of the accident?造成这一事故的原因是什么?World peace is a cause we should all work for

14、.争取世界和平是一项我们都应该为之而努力的事业。注意cause与 reason的区别:(1)cause 是造成一种事实或现象的“原因”,常和介词of 连用。Thecauseofthefirestillremainedamystery. 这场火灾的起因仍旧是个谜。Heat is the cause of the expansion of matter.热是物体膨胀的原因。(2)reason 是说明一种看法或行为的“理由”。常和介词for连用。You must tell him the reason why you wont accept his offer. 你必须告诉他你为何拒绝他的提议。Ib

15、elievethatMonicamusthavegoodreasonsforwantingtostudyabroad. 我相信莫妮卡想要出国念书一定有好理由。(3)excuse“辩解,借口”;指为某一行为所做的解释,可以是真的,也可以是推托之辞。grounds“根据,理由”;指有根据的理由。Too much work is no excuse for not studying. 工作太忙不能成为不学习的理由。We have good grounds to believe his story. 我们有充分的理由相信他的话。5. and huge glass windows that can be

16、 opened and closed give a view of the underwater world.View 的用法: n. (1)视界;视野Victory is in view. 胜利在望。The land has come into view.已经看到陆地了。The valley was hidden from view in the mist.山谷笼罩在雾中,看不见。(2) (画片、照片) 风景;景色Theres a fine view of the lake from our hotel window.从我们旅馆的窗口可以看到湖的美丽风光。(3) 看;观察,眺望If you

17、stand on the top of the building, you will get a good view of the procession.如果你站在这个楼房的顶部,你会比较清楚地看到行进的队伍。(4) 意见;观点;见解In my view=From my point of view, hes a fool. 在我看来,他是个傻瓜。I hold the view that he wont be able to come.In view of this, well start earlier.考虑到这点,我们将提早开始。vt. 观看,查看,察看;看待,考虑,将.看成是These p

18、eople were viewed as their most dangerous rivals.这些人被视为他们最危险的对手。注意scenery, scene, view, landscape的区别这一组名词都有景色的意思。scenery n.风景,景色,舞台布景,强调从美的角度看,某个国家或地区的总体外貌。Each year, we spend our vacation in the mountains and enjoy the scenery.我们每年到山区渡假,并欣赏那里的风景。scene n.指从远处看到的某一具体景色、景象,也可以指人物的活动场面;(犯罪的)地点,现场。They

19、stood gazing the happy scene of children playing in the park.他们站在那里,注视着孩子们在公园里玩耍的场景。view n.指从远处或窗户看到的视野范围内的风景;观点,看法。Our house has a view of the park.我们的房子可以看到公园的景色。landscape n. (自然的)风景,景色;风景画。The landscape seen from the mountains is green and beautiful.站在群山之巅看到的是一片美丽的绿色。6. Readers have wondered abou

20、t the character of Captain Nemo ever since the book was published.wondervi.纳闷;想知道(+about)觉得奇怪;不明白(+at)I wonder at her rudeness.我对她的粗鲁感到惊讶。vt.想知道+wh-I wonder whether you like her.我不知道你是否喜欢她。对.感到奇怪+(that)We wonder that the little boy is a university student.我们很惊奇这小男孩是大学生。n.惊奇;惊异;惊叹UThere was a look of

21、 wonder in his eyes.他眼中露出惊奇的神色。奇迹;奇观;奇事CThe Great Wall is one of the Seven Wonders of the world. 长城是世界七大奇观之一。It is a wonder that he remained alive after dropping from the roof of a ten-storied building.他从一幢十层楼房子的屋顶上摔下来,但仍然活着,真是奇迹。(It is) no wonder (that) 怪不得,难怪,不足为奇He is clever and works hard. It is

22、 no wonder that he won the first place.他很聪明并且学习努力,难怪他得到了一等奖。7. I read all the books I could find that threw light upon these matters.read的用法:vt.读,阅读;朗读I read a good article in todays paper.我在今天的报纸上读到了一篇好文章。读懂;觉察 read ones mind/ thoughts 体会出某人的想法 read ones lips 读唇语 read between the lines 看出言外之意She re

23、ad his thoughts.读到;获悉+(that从句)/+ about/of +n. I read in a magazine that drinking a lot of tea could be a preventive against cancer.我从一本杂志上读到,大量喝茶有可能是预防癌症的一种措施。I read about the accident in the local newspaper.我在当地的报纸上读到了这次事故。显示;标明;读数为What does the thermometer read?温度计的读数是多少?写着;内容是The sign reads “No a

24、dmittance”.标牌上写着“禁止入内”。vi. 读起来Your compositions read well.你的作文读起来很不错。light的短语总结:(1)come to light 显露,众所周知UThe mystery has now come to light.这个秘密现在已被揭开了。(2)throw light upon 阐明;解释清;启发Perhaps you can throw some light on the matter.或许你能给这件事提供一些情况。(3) bring sth. to light 使某事被理解What the teacher said brough

25、t the problem to light.老师讲的话使这个问题极易被理解。(4) 使容光焕发;变亮A smile of triumph lit up her face.她的脸上闪耀着胜利的微笑。Her face lighted up at the good news.她听到这好消息脸上露出了喜色。8. However, I found all that was taught at university very disappointing and disappointdisappointing adj. 使失望的;令人扫兴的;不起劲的disappointed adj. 失望的,沮丧的(+a

26、t/about/in/with);+to-v; +that从句We are disappointed that you will not be able to come.你不能前来,我们很失望。She was disappointed to learn that she had failed the course.她沮丧地得知那门课没有考及格。We were disappointed at the results.我们对结果感到失望。Disappointment n. 失望;扫兴,沮丧U;使失望的人;令人扫兴的事CHe left the station in great disappointm

27、ent, for she wasnt on the train.他极其失望地离开了火车站,因为她不在火车上。The picnic was a disappointment.那次野餐真令人扫兴。vt.1. 使失望He was disappointed that other guests were not coming.其他客人没有来,他感到失望。Im afraid youre very disappointed with me.恐怕你对我是非常失望的。2. 使(希望等)破灭,挫败This disappointed his plans.这件事打乱了他的计划。概念提示重点/热点1:Readers h

28、ave wondered about the character of Captain Nemo ever since the book was published.since 用法:(1)adv.(常用于现在完成时或过去完成时)此后;从那时到现在She left school three years ago and has worked as a nurse ever since.她三年前毕业,从那时起便一直当护士。(2)prep. (常用于现在完成时或过去完成时)自.以来,从.至今I havent heard from him since last year.我自去年以来未曾收到过他的信。

29、(3)conj.引导时间状语从句(常用于现在完成时或过去完成时)自.以来,从.至今Its been ten years since they married.他们结婚到现在已经十年了。She has been living a hard life since her husband died.她自从丈夫死后,一直过着艰苦的生活。引导原因状语从句,既然;因为,由于He must have taken the book since it isnt here.他一定是把书拿走了,因为书已不在这里了。Since it is so hot, lets go swimming.既然天气这么热,我们去游泳吧

30、(4)It is/has been +一段时间+since从句(用一般过去时) It was +一段时间+since从句(用过去完成时)It is two years since I became a postgraduate student. 我考上研究生有两年了注意1:含有since从句的句子的翻译方法:(1)若since引导的状语从句的谓语动词是终止性的过去时,则从句表示的时间是“从动作开始的那一时刻起”。 He has studied very hard since he came to our school.自从他来到我们学校,他学习就非常努力。We have been missin

31、g them since they left here自从他们离开这里,我们就一直很想念他们。(2)若since引导的状语从句的谓语动词是持续性动词或表示状态的动词的过去时时,则从句表示的时间是“从那持续动作或状态结束时算起”。 I havent heard any noise since I slept. Sleep 为持续性动词,sleep的动作结束时,即“醒来”时,这句应译为“我醒后还未听到任何声音”。John is now with his parents in New York, it is already three years since he was a teacher约翰现在和父母一起住在纽约,他不当教师已经三年了。比较:He has written

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