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1、完整word版考研英语作文指导考研写作笔记 整理版一写作概述 1. 写作题型 大作文 小作文 2.评分原则 卷面工整: 语言第一:单词语法正确准确多变 结构第二:三段乐,多用逻辑代词 内容第三:二写作的满分表达 一简单句 1被动句 我们、人们、很多人、越来越多的人等人称代词做主语都可以改写成被动句。例句: 1.parents should be respected by us. Should: ought to be supposed to be obliged to Us: the public private individuals teenagers and youngsters Exp

2、erts and professor all children and adults All men and women 2。superstars should not be pursued blindly by us . Not: never seldom by no means fail to 3.Confidence is taught very important by all children. Children : kids offspring Think: hold argue contend assert claim assume presume insist maintain

3、 be of the opinion that have been convinced that cling toVery: pretty quite rather distinctly outstandingly remarkably exceedingly especially extraordinary enormously Important : vital essential crucial critical consequence Indispensable significant be of great significance Play an essential role in

4、 something /our daily life 本句型推荐写在第一段最后一句引出中心。 2 there be 句型 推荐句型: 1.there is strong evidence to show that 2.there is a growing worldwide awareness around the world that 3。there is absolutely no reason for us to believe that a bright future for the world is an impossibility 4。there is little doubt t

5、hat 5.there are those who claim that 例句: There are many reason to explain the phenomenon。 Be: look smell taste feel sound became get seem prove appear exist keep remain Many : a sea of a host of a multitude of a army of Immerse amounts of numerous abundant plentiful Causes: factors elements Phenomen

6、on: problem issue current situation Explain : account for lead to give rise to contribute to be responsible for 本句型推荐写在第二段的第一句话,或第三段的最后一句话。3比较结构 1。Asas句型 句型:As +adj/adv +as+比较对象 例句: 1.I keep as beautiful as a red rose ,which can take breath of a sea of people 。 2.English is an essential as air and w

7、ater ,which play a key role in our daily life。 3.Pollution keeps as serious as the cancer ,which can threaten parents health or even take their live away。 本句型推荐写在第一段最后一句,或第三段第一句。 2.The more,the more.句型 句型:the +adj/adv(比较)+句子,the +adj/adv(比 较)+句子. 例句: 1.The higher one climbs,the farther he will look。

8、 2。The harder all children and adults keep,the more fortunate they will became. 3。The more confident we are,the easily they will achieve success. 4.The more frequently culture is communicates,the faster economy will develop。 本句型推荐写在第二段分析原因。二并列句1 and/but句型 And: likewise similarly equally at the meanw

9、hile at the same time But : conversely by contrast on the contrary contrarily unexpectedly unfortunately nevertheless 例句: 1。in the former picture ,the flower in the room is growing healthily.on the contrary,in the latter one ,it is dying. the picture ,the eldest son is kicking out his father 。m

10、eanwhile,other there kids are refusing the senior citizen。 Picture: cartoon drawing painting caricature photograph 本句型推荐写在第一段描述俩幅图或一幅图。2 Not only but also 句型 例句: 1。keeping pats not only can reduce loneliness but also can bring happiness for senior citizen. 2。Respecting parents not only keeps the Chi

11、nese conventional virtue but also prove duty of their offspring 。 3。The pollution not only makes children and adults lost the blue sky but also makes them lost fresh air. Make/have/get somebody do something. Enable somebody to do something。 本句型推荐写在第二段分析原因使用. 描述图画的分类: 一、一幅图 1.1个主题2个动作; 2。2个主题2个动作; 二、

12、二幅图三复合句 1 主语从句 句型:it is that It is common knowledge that /it is my belief that/It is self-evident that /it has been found that /it is beyond dispute that /it is universally acknowledged that/it has been widely accepted that /it is generally agreed that 更好的主语从句的变体:what+is +that (主(主语从句)系表); 万能表语:that

13、 you never fail to fascinate me is obvious. 例句: What is worse is that i forget my book。 本句型推荐任意一句话前,拉长句子,一次即可;第一段的第一句话前,引出描述图画. 2同位语和同位语 一、名词的同位语 例句: boyfriend ,a rich businessman ,really has no much time to accompany me ,a university student. B。environmental pollution,a problem threaten humans

14、 existence,has became increasingly serious。 C.a man ,a crazy fan ,is writing the name ,the symbol of some one ,of B.A superstar in Britain,on his face,some part of the body。 本句型推荐写在在文中出现名词,或图加名词作为同谓语,同谓语前后用“,”隔开。 二、同位语从句的表达 例句: 1。The evidence that she has a pair of big eyes manifests that she looks

15、like a beauty. 2.The evidence that sea of girls wear dress manifests that summer is coming. 3。The evidence that abusing phones affects communication of families manifest that the current situation became increasingly serious. Serious: severe grave fearful be of great severity 本句推荐写在第二段分析原因。 3.定语和定语从

16、句 一定语的成分 1。形容词修饰名词;2。介词短语修饰名词;3.名词修饰名词;4.非谓语修饰名词;5.从句句子修饰名词。 二定语的位置 当一个词修饰名词通常放在前面,当俩个以上修饰时放在定语后;但是,如果是过去分词修饰名词即使是一个词也放在名词之后. 三定语在文中的作用 只要在文中出现名词,都可以试图加定语,拉长句子;但是,在第一段描述图画的时候,只要见到名词就要加定语,使语言生动。 例句: 1。An American girl cute as well as graceful is wearing Chinese of the minority which seem exceeding po

17、pular in north of china. 2.Immerse amounts of graduates who fail to have goals/standing on the road are facing four choices including hunting for jobs and going aboard。 3。The hot pot / something not only delicious also nutrition is full of a host of cultures from china and western nations . 万能定语: 1.

18、好的 cute/lovely/little/graceful/elegant/confident/energetic/enthusiastic/passionate/who looks distinctly impressive to the reader 2.坏的 Fat/cruel/ugly/negative/dispassionate/terrible/disgusting/who looks less impressive to the readers 四定语从句的满分表达 在整个句子的定语从句和句子前要用“,隔开. 例句:He proves a lady killer which s

19、eems beyond dispute. Which可以修饰引导前面:which leaves us a deep impress/which provokes publics widespread concerns /which brings us the unnecessary trouble/which gives rise to dreadful consequence. 4.状语和状语从句 一何为状语 副词;时间;地点;原因;条件(if);方式(by,through,as,as if ,as through);让步(although,while);伴随(to);目的(in order

20、 to);结果(so that)。 二定语的位置 为插入语最;在主谓之间作;首或句末放;但通常在句;状语位置灵活。 三状语在文中的使用 作文的任何一句话都可,以加状语拉长句子。 例句:I love you for my whole life . 描述图画的万能状语:in the center of vivid picture。 四描述原因的万能状语(主谓之间,插入语) as everyone can see it /with the rapid advance of science and technology/in our contemporary society/in the genera

21、l routine of everyday living/throughout the whole world./although quite a few of adults fail to focus on it。 例句:Pets,although quite a few of adults fail to focus on it,will pollute the environment of our homes. Focus on :pour attention into ;attach great importance to 四状语从句的满分表达 1.让步状语从句(although) 例

22、句:pursuing stars will waste the time of their fans although they keep exceedingly /kind/although their singing sounds enormously touching。 本句型推荐写在任何一个陈述句旁边,或第二段描述短原因。 2.So that 句型 该句型就是替换“very”的一个句型,只要在文中出现形容词或副词就能用so that ,写成倒装句更佳。 例句:Something is so significant /fearful that it is time to pay much

23、 attention to the issue. 本句型推荐写在第一段最后一句,或第三段第一句引出主题。 3。分词做状语 把分词写在主谓之间,作为插入语使用。 模板:somebody(定语,同位语),doing something (次要)+定语/状语,is doing something (主要)+宾语/状语。 例句:I,hating you ,will kill you . 本句型推荐写在第一段描述一幅图一个主体俩个动作。四英语特殊结构 1.插入语 用在主谓之间,用“,”或“-隔开。万能插入语:needless to say(不用说),in ones judgment,to ones kn

24、owledge,strictly,to tell me truth,to put it in another way,i am sure, as i see it ,as we all know 本句型用在主谓之间第一段最后一句,或第二段和第三段第一句。 2。双重否定 万能用法:never fail to/nothing but /cannot have failed to do something/it is not beyond dispute that /it is not impossible to do/there is hardly a man or a woman in Chin

25、a who does not desire to have a happy life ./there never fail to prove many reason to explain 本句型推荐写在第三段具体措施。 3.修辞 比喻:something to 人as precious sunshine is creatures throughout the world ;something seems to 人as senior earthquakes are to helpless natives.例句: 1。as the clear sky is to flying larks 。 2。

26、as solid fundamental is to skyscrapers。 排比:we were in the midst of shock-but we acted .we acted quickly ,boldly ,decisively. (Franklin D。 Roosevelt) 本句型推荐写在第三段最后一句,喊口号。 4.强调句 句型:it isthat例句: 1.I met my old flame in the street yesterday 。 2.It was yesterday that I met my old flame in the street . 本句型

27、推荐用在任何位置,强调句强调状语最佳。5.虚拟语气 把不虚拟的变成虚拟的句子只需把已经写好的时态变成过去式就完成了。 例句: 1.if you are a tear in my eyes ,i will never shed it 。 2。if you were a tear in my eyes ,i would never shed it 。 3.If you travel to a remote place ,i will close all my windows。 4.If you traveled to a remote place ,i wound close all my win

28、dows. 5。If every person is busy pursuing stars ,he will be confronted with a dim and gloomy future。 6.If every person were busy pursuing stars ,he wound be confronted with a dim and gloomy future. 本句型推荐写在第二段最后一个原因,反面论证。6.倒装句 1。否定词放在句首倒装 例句: 1.I am never a woman tough and outgoing.Never am i a woman

29、tough and outgoing。 2.Not only does keeps respecting parents keep a Chinese. 2.So that 倒装 本句型只要把so引导的部分放在句首即可。例句:So significant is something that it is time to pay much attention to the issue 。 三段落 一、段落写作原则 二、段落论述方式 在写作过程中如果可以用中文表述,可用以下句型:The more,the more ;not only ,but also ;the evidence that ;alt

30、hough ;if。 如果三个原因短,可用非限制性定语从句;或用定语、状语加长。 1。定义/解释法 本方法如果确定使用,一定用在第一、二个理由。 模板:something(中心词) is something(解释(下)) which means that+三个并列的简单句+when引导的时间状语从句。 解释:a Chinese conventional virtue /a severe global issue /a pervasive social trend /an active /negative mentality /a hot social topic 例句: 1.a beauty

31、is a woman who has long hair ,who has a pair of big eyes and who has a sexy figure。 2。Respecting parents is a Chinese conventional virtue which means that we often accompany them ,we cook meal for them and we wash clothes for them when they became older。 3。A pursuing stars is a hot social topic which means that them at the airport when we fall in love with them。 2.引用名人名言法 Once,there seemed a writer who has gained great reputation in Japan,who named_,starting that:as as句型/so that句型,可用倒装/比喻/虚拟语气 3.举例法 一举小例子(复数名词或抽象名词后) 例句: 1。I love

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