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1、xx市英语中级口译资格证书第一阶段考试上海市英语中级口译资格证书第一阶段考试口译资料无限网 试卷十六 (20XX年9月)SECTION 2: STUDY SKILLS (50 minutes)Directions: In this section, you will read several passages. Each passage is followed by several questions based on its content. You are to choose ONE best answer, (A), (B), (C) or (D), to each question.

2、Answer all the questions following each passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage and write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Questions 1-5Last year more than a million and a half foreign tourists visited the United St

3、ates. In order to understand intercultural problems better, and perhaps to find ways to improve the American image abroad, a reporter recently interviewed some of these visitors as they were leaving to return home. He especially wanted to find out their first impressions of the United States, what p

4、laces they most enjoyed visiting, and some of their likes and dislikes.As far as first impressions are concerned, almost all of the foreigners were impressed by the tremendous size of the country. The United States, of course, is a large country. The distance between San Francisco and New York is ab

5、out the same as that between Gibraltar and Baghdad. Indeed, the entire Mediterranean Sea could easily fit within the countrys borders. Even expecting this, foreigners who visit the United States for the first time are overwhelmed by the vast distances. Apparently to be believed, such distances have

6、to be traveld.The foreign visitors were also impressed by the range of climate and the variety of scenery in the country. Many were amazed to discover that, in the same day, they could travel from the snowy cold of New England winter to the sunny warmth of Florida sunshine. Even in the single state

7、of California, they could find sandy beaches, rocky shores, tropical vegetation, hot dry deserts, redwood forests, and towering snow-capped mountains.They were also impressed by the informal friendliness of Americans. Whether on buses, trains, planes, or at vacation or scenic resorts, there visitors

8、 generally agreed that they had been greeted warmly. On the other hand, some reported that hotel clerks, waiters, and taxi drivers were often unsympathetic, impatient, and rude. The most xxmon xxplaint of all was that so few Americans can speak any language but English, and some foreign visitors cla

9、imed that they had difficulty understanding the American accent.1. What does (A) The distance between San Francisco and New York. (B) The vastness of the country.(C) The size of the Mediterranean Sea. (D) The countrys borders.1口译资料无限网 of the following statements is NOT true according t

10、o the passage (A) New England winters are cold. (B) Some taxi drivers are impolite.(C) The is a popular place for tourists. (D) Hotel staff are often sympathetic. New England is located _. (A) in the south west of the US (B) to the south of California (C) in the northeast of the US (D) to the west o

11、f FloridaWhat made the most negative impression on foreign visitors (A) The countrys vastness.(B) The informal friendliness of Americans.(C) The fact that the American accent is hard to understand.(D) The fact that not many Americans can speak a foreign language. The overall purpose of this passage

12、is to _.(A) demonstrate the cultural differences between America and Europe (B) indicate ways to improve the American image abroad(C) describe the general impression of foreign visitors on America (D) criticize some behaviors of American taxi driversQuestions 6-10A million motorists leave their cars

13、 full up with petrol and with the keys in the ignition every day. The vehicles are sitting in petrol stations while drivers pay for their fuel. The Automobile Association (AA) has discovered that cars are left unattended for an average three minutes and sometimes considerably longer as drivers buy d

14、rinks, sweets, cigarettes and other consumer items and then pay at the cash till. With payment by the credit card more and more xxmon, it is not unusually for a driver to be out of his car for as long as six minutes, providing the car thief with a golden opportunity.In an exclusive AA survey, carrie

15、d out at a busy garage on a main road out of London, 300 motorists were questioned over three days of the holiday period. Twenty four percent admitted that they always or sometimes leave the keys in their car. This means that nationwide, a million cars daily bexxe easy targets for the opportunist th

16、ief.For more than ten years there has been a bigger rise in car crime than in most other types of crime. An average of more than two cars a minute are broken into, vandalized or stolen in the UK. Car crime accounts for almost a third of all reported offences with no signs that the trend is slowing d

17、own.Although there are highly professional criminals involved in car theft, almost 90 percent of car crime is xxmitted by the opportunist. Amateur thieves are aided by our own carelessness. When AA engineers surveyed on town center car park last year, ten percent of the cars checked were unlocked, a

18、 figure backed by a Home Office national survey that found 12 percent of drivers sometimes left their cars unlocked. The AA rexxmends locking up whenever you leave2口译资料无限网the car and for however short a period. A partially open sun-roof or window is a further xxe-on to thieves.There are many other t

19、raps to avoid. The Home Office has found little awareness among drives about safe parking. Most motorists questioned made no efforts to avoid among drives about safe parking. Most motorists questioned made no efforts to avoid parking in quiet spots away from street lights just the places thieves lov

20、e. The AA advises drivers to park in places with people around thieves dont like audiences. Leaving valuables in view is an invitation to the criminals. A Manchester Probationary Service research project, which interviewed almost 100 car thieves last year, found many would investigate a coat thrown

21、on a seat. Never leave any documents showing your home address in the car. If you have a garage, use it and lock it a garage car is at substantially less risk.6. Which of the following statements is NOT true(A) The use of credit cards may increase the risk of car theft. (B) It is advised that the dr

22、ivers take car keys with them. (C) Most cars are stolen by professional thieves.(D) The AA advises that motorists leave their cars locked.7. Where in the passage does the author mention leaving valuables in view is an invitation tothe criminals(A) The first paragraph. (B) The second paragraph. (C) T

23、he third paragraph. (D) The last paragraph.8. The car theft is due to all of the following EXCEPT _. (A) peoples carelessness(B) unawareness of safe parking (C) coat left on the car seat (D) poor quality of a car lock9. In order to prevent car theft, people are rexxmended to _. (A) park cars in quie

24、t places (B) use a garage and lock it(C) leave a spare car key at home (D) bexxe a member of AA10. The main purpose of this passage is to _. (A) analyse the car theft rise in Britain (B) report the survey results by AA(C) suggest the ways to investigate car theft (D) xxpare car crime with other type

25、s of crimeQuestions 11-15Travellers arriving at Heathrow airport this year have been met by the smell of freshly-cut grass, pumped from a discreet corner via an aroma box, a machine which blows warm, scented3口译资料无限网air into the environment. It can scent the area of an average high street shop with t

26、he smell of the chocolate, freshly-cut grass, or sea breezes, in fact any synthetic odours that can be made to smell like the real thing.Heathrows move into sensory marketing is the latest in a long line of attempts by businesses to use sensory psychology the scientific study of the effects of the s

27、enses on our behaviour to help sell products. Marketing people call this atmospherics using sounds or smells to manipulate consumer behaviour. On Valentines Day two years ago the chain of chemists Superdog scented one of its London shops with chocolate. The smell of chocolate is supposed to have the

28、 effect of reducing concentration and making customers relax. Chocolate is associated with love, said a marketing spokeswoman, we thought it would get people in the mood for romance. She did not reveal, though, whether the smell actually made people spend more money.However, research into customer s

29、atisfaction with certain scented products has clearly shown that small does have a xxmercial effect, though of course it must be an appropriate smell. In a survey, customers considered a lemon-scented detergent more effective than another scented with coconut despite the fact that the detergent used

30、 in both was identical. On the other hand, a coconut-scented suntan lotion was rated more effective that a lemon-scented one. A research group from Washington University reported that the smell of mint or orange sprayed in a store resulted in customers rating the store as more modern and more pleasa

31、nt for shopping than other stores without the smell. Customers also rated the goods on sale as better, and expressed a stronger intention to visit the store again in the future.Music too has long been used in supermarkets for marketing purposes. Supermarkets are aware, for example, that slow music c

32、auses customers to stay longer in the shop (and hopefully buy more things). At Leicester University psychologists have found that a specific kind of music can influence consumer behaviour. In a supermarket French wine sold at the rate of 76% xxpared to 20% German wine when French accordion music was played. The same thing happened in reverse when German Bierkeller music was played. In one American study people even bou

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