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北京外国语大学入学测试机考模拟题及答案 高起点 高中英语.docx

1、北京外国语大学入学测试机考模拟题及答案 高起点 高中英语1、If he had not been ill and missed many classes, he _ in the exam(1.79)( ) Awould fail Bwould have failed Cwould not fail Dwould not have failed标准答案:D2、He has already received the message _ Flight 321 to New York is delayed.(1.79)( ) Athat Bwhen Cwhich Dwhether标准答案:A3、I

2、really regret _ with him last night. I couldnt control myself.(1.79)( ) Ato fight,to have fought Bto be fighting Chaving fought标准答案:D4、In the 2008 Olympic GamesAmerica beat Argentina _mens basketball by 101:81(1.79)( ) Afor Bwith Cin Don标准答案:C5、Smith said we _ him this morning, but we did not see hi

3、m.(1.79)( ) Apassed by Blooked at Cpicked up Dpaid off标准答案:A6、Kate, the girl I know, is clever _.(1.79)( ) Ain my thought Bin my head Cin my idea Din my opinion标准答案:D7、The novel became even more popular _ it was made into a movie.(1.79)( ) Aunless Buntil Cbefore Dafter标准答案:D8、The players tried their

4、 best despite the fact that there was no hope of _ winning the game.(1.79)( ) Atheir Btheirs Cthem Dthey标准答案:A9、It is a pity that we have to stay at home when we have _ weather.(1.79)( ) Aso fine Bso a fine Csuch a fine Dsuch fine标准答案:D10、The room is in a terrible mess; it _ cleaned(1.79)( ) Ashould

5、nt have been Bmustnt have been Cwouldnt have been Dcant have been标准答案:D11、They must try to get the _ number of workers in the street. That is to say, they must get as many workers as possible.(1.79)( ) Asmall Blarge Cmaximum Dhuge标准答案:C12、_ we go to him or he comes to us will not make any difference

6、.(1.79)( ) AWhether BThat CIf DWhat标准答案:A13、? What a wonderful meal! Ive never eaten _ one before.(1.79)( ) Aa better Ba best Cthe better Dthe best标准答案:A14、Lincoln was born _ poor farmers boy and died _ President of the United States.(1.79)( ) Athe, the Ba, 不填 Cthe, 不填 Dthe, a标准答案:B15、There is alway

7、s _ traffic in the city center at rush hour.(1.79)( ) Astrong Bheavy Cmany Dhard标准答案:B16、It is generally believed that teaching is _ it is a science.(1.79)( ) Aan art much as Bmuch an art as Cas an art much as Das much an art as标准答案:D17、The players tried their best despite the fact that there was no

8、 hope of _ winning the game.(1.79)( ) Atheir Btheirs Cthem Dthey标准答案:A18、The girl was standing by the sea, her long hair _ in the wind.(1.79)( ) Adancing Bdanced Cto dance Dwas dancing标准答案:A19、 How did you _ the football match yesterday? _.(1.79)( ) Athink,Very boring Blike, Very bored Cfeel, Very b

9、ored Dfind, Very boring标准答案:D20、When I said some students were lazy, I _ to you.(1.79)( ) Aam not referring Bwasnt referring Chavent referred Dhadnt referred标准答案:B21、This book is said to be a special one,which _ many events that cannot be found in other history books.(1.79)( ) Acovers Bwrites Cprint

10、s Dreads标准答案:A22、He lifted a rock only _ it on his own feet.(1.79)( ) Adropped Bdrop Cto drop Dto have dropped标准答案:C23、A _ number of boys and girls love doing morning exercise in this school.(1.79)( ) Amany Bmuch Cbig Dlarge标准答案:D24、Your classmate sent you a letter yesterday. Did you _ her letter?(1

11、.79)( ) Aaccept Bobtain Creceive Dhave标准答案:C25、Glad to meet you. _.(1.79)( ) AYou too BMe too CIm glad DSee you标准答案:B26、I _ piano lessons every two weeks for a year, but I will make it every week from next month.(1.79)( ) Ahave Bam having Cwould have Dhave been having标准答案:D27、No one wishes to be _ w

12、hen doing something important.(1.79)( ) Alooked Bdisturbed Cseen Dglanced标准答案:B28、Its six oclock now. Its time _ .(1.79)( ) Aget up Bgot up Cto get up Dgetting up 标准答案:C29、I believe that the efforts to improve the working conditions, _ taken by the manager, will be welcome.(1.79)( ) Alike Bas Cthat

13、Dwhat标准答案:B30、Kitty talks as if she _ on the spot.(1.79)( ) Ais Bwere Chas been Dbe标准答案:B31、I dont like talking on _ telephone; I prefer writing _ letters.(1.79)( ) Aa, the Ba, 不填 Cthe, the Dthe, 不填标准答案:D32、There was a small room into _ we put all the books.(1.79)( ) Awhich Bwhere Cthat Dit标准答案:A33、

14、She looked at me _ she did not know me.(1.79)( ) Aif only Bif Cas though Das标准答案:C34、Nobody was badly hurt in the traffic accident, _?(1.79)( ) Awasnt he Bwerent he Cwere they Dwerent they标准答案:C35、The doctor suggested that your mother _ her right hand.(1.79)( ) Amust avoid using Bmust avoid to use C

15、avoid using Davoid to use标准答案:C36、They had discussed the problem for a long time, but came to no _.(1.79)( ) Aresult Bconclusion Cend Dopinion标准答案:B37、Only after you have obtained enough data _ reach a sound conclusion.(1.79)( ) Acan you Byou can Cwill you Dyou will标准答案:A38、The children had been _ o

16、f the danger, but had taken no notice.(1.79)( ) Aasked Badvised Cwarned Dexplained标准答案:C39、Only after you have obtained enough data _ reach a sound conclusion.(1.79)( ) Acan you Byou can Cwill you Dyou will标准答案:A40、It was such a difficult problem_ few students in our class worked out(1.79)( ) Athat

17、Bwhat Cas Dwhich标准答案:A41、_ terrible weather weve been having these days!(1.79)( ) AHow a BWhat the CHow DWhat标准答案:D42、The first time I saw her, Mary was standing still in the wind, her long hair _in the air.(1.79)( ) Ais flying Bflying Cto fly Dflew标准答案:B43、The novel Gone with the Wind is one of the

18、 best-_.(1.79)( ) Asellers Bsells Csales Dsellings标准答案:A44、Dont just look on the dark side._, you are a good student.(1.79)( ) AAbove all BIn fact CTo be honest DBy accident标准答案:A45、Although they had only been invited for lunch, they _ until dinner time.(1.79)( ) Astayed away Bstayed on Cstayed over

19、 Dstayed up标准答案:B46、Betty went out _ the fact that she had a bad cold.(1.79)( ) Aexcept for Bin spite of Cinstead of Dbesides标准答案:B47、Nobody believes that _ many things have happened in _ a small house in the countryside.(1.79)( ) Aso, so Bso, such Csuch, so Dsuch, such标准答案:B48、I hope there are enou

20、gh apples for each student to have got _.(1.79)( ) Ait Bone Cthem Dthose标准答案:B49、It was already dark _ I got home.(1.79)( ) Aas soon as Bas long as Cno sooner had Dby the time标准答案:D50、A genius is someone who can achieve something that few people are _.(1.79)( ) Acapable of Bable to Clikely to Dpossi

21、ble of标准答案:A51、Tom remembered _ there with his father several years ago.(1.79)( ) Ahaving been Bto be Chad been Dto have been标准答案:A52、Tom remembered _ there with his father several years ago.(1.79)( ) Ahaving been Bto be Chad been Dto have been标准答案:A53、_is very little possibility that the global fin

22、ancial crisis will end in a very short time(1.79)( ) AThere BIt CThat DThis标准答案:A54、The lift is _ by electricity.(1.79)( ) Aoperated Bworked Cperformed Ddone标准答案:A55、This performance at the concert _ her as a singer of great talent.(1.79)( ) Acreated Bfounded Cestablished Dsupported标准答案:C56、About 20

23、% to 30% of American children are either over-weight or at risk of becoming _.(1.79)( ) Athis Bsuch Cit Dso标准答案:D57、The teacher told the boys to _ all the waste paper lying about after the dinner.(1.79)( ) Agather Bget Cobtain Dcollect标准答案:D58、If nobody has anything more _, lets call it a day.(1.79)

24、( ) Ato be adding Badded Cto add Dadding标准答案:C59、We must do something to stop the pollution, and _ we must make all the people realize how serious the problem is.(1.79)( ) Aafter all Babove all Cin all Dat all标准答案:B60、Your advice on this issue is of great _ to us.(1.79)( ) Aprice Bcost Cusefulness D

25、value标准答案:D61、The operation of the patient will cost more money than _ available now.(1.79)( ) Aare Bwill be Cis Dbeing标准答案:C62、After a years hard work, he won the first _ in the national contest.(1.79)( ) Areward Baward Cprize Dprice标准答案:C63、_Obama was elected president of the USA is a big success

26、for the blacks in America(1.79)( ) A BThat CWhat DAs标准答案:B64、 How did you _ the football match yesterday? _.(1.79)( ) Athink,Very boring Blike, Very bored Cfeel, Very bored Dfind, Very boring标准答案:D65、This book is said to be a special one,which_ many events that cannot be found in other history books

27、.(1.79)( ) Acovers Bwrites Cprints Dreads标准答案:A66、? Would you repeat your name and address? I didnt quite _ it.(1.79)( ) Acatch Bsay Cunderstand Dlisten to标准答案:A67、_ I prefer the film camera, I have decided to buy a digital camera this time.(1.79)( ) Asince BAlthough CIf DBecause标准答案:B68、All the buses from here go to Star Square. You can take _ bus.(1.79)( ) Aany Bsome Ceither Dall标准答案:A69、Scarcely had her husband arrived home _ his wife started complaining.(1.79)( ) Awhen Bthat Cthan Dand标准答案:A70、You _ go

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