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1、文娱与体育话题15. 文娱与体育一、相关短语1. compete for 为而竞争2. compete against与竞争3. break a record 打破记录4. set a new record 刷新记录5. win a gold/silver/copper medal 赢得金/银/铜牌6. folk activity 民间活动7. public figure 公众人物8. relax oneself 使某人放松9. build up ones body 强身健体10. reduce diseases 减少疾病11. have a rest 休息12. be beneficial

2、physically and mentally有益于身心健康13. science fiction film科幻片14. relieve sb. from stress 使某人摆脱压力15. be addicted to doing sth. 沉迷于做某事16. show great passion to 对表现出极大的热情17. become/be aware of sth. 意识到某事18. approve of the view 同意这个观点19. arouse a heated discussion 引起激烈的讨论20. take physical exercise 参加体育锻炼21.

3、 have a gift/talent for 对有天赋22. the source of joys and inspiration 快乐和灵感的源泉23. spare no effort to do sth.不遗余力做某事24. cultivate ones patience 培养某人的耐心25. prefer A to B 比起B 更喜欢A26. overcome difficulties 克服困难27. dragon boat racing 赛龙舟28. mass sports 群众运动29. indoor/outdoor sports 室内/室外运动30. Asian Games 亚运

4、会二、必备句型1. Nowadays, more and more people become aware of the importance and necessity of taking physical exercise. 当今,越来越多人开始意识到体育锻炼的重要性和必要性。2. Taking exercise regularly can not only build up our body but also help us relieve stress. 有规律的运动不仅可以强身健体,而且可以帮助我们释放压力。3. The survey shows that . 调查表明,4. Las

5、t week, we carried out a survey regarding the topic “who is your idol” among 200 students. 上个星期,我们在200名学生中做了一个关于“谁是你的偶像”的话题调查。5. According to the data, it can be concluded that . 根据数据可以得出结论,6. It was not until the late 1800s that shooting developed into a sport item. 射击直到19世纪末才发展成为一项体育项目。7. It is ob

6、vious that music is an essential part in our life, which is the source of joys and inspiration. 很显然,音乐在我们生活中是不可或缺的一部分,它是快乐和灵感的源泉。8. He was so addicted to playing computer games that he failed to pass the English exam. 他是如此沉迷于玩电脑游戏以至于没通过英语考试。三、典型例题例题一:基础写作你很荣幸地成为2008北京奥运会的一名志愿者,负责编写奥运比赛项目的英语介绍。写作内容请根

7、据以下中文提纲,编写射击项目的英语介绍:背景:射击最初只是生存工具,19世纪末才发展成为一项体育运动1896:第一次成为奥运项目1904:中断1928:中断1932:重回奥运会1968:第一次允许妇女参加奥运射击比赛现状:稳步发展,1896奥运会只有三项射击项目,现今有17项过程指导第一步,认真审题。1. 审文体:项目介绍。2. 审时态:以_为主。3. 审人称:以第_人称为主。4. 审要点:认真看看方框内外的信息,以便分组规划。第二步,信息分组。根据各信息点之间的逻辑顺序等将信息点分为5组,以便用5个句子来表达。(在题中用笔圈出即可)第三步,信息表达。以上每组信息点用一个英语句子来表达,必要时

8、添加恰当的主语等成分,使句子结构完整。第四步,连句成篇。将以上5个句子合并成一篇连贯的短文,必要时添加适当的过渡衔接词。第五步,检查核对。第六步,规范誊写。例题二:读写任务阅读下面短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。The ministry of Education is considering new measures to test the physical quality of students across the country each year, Beijing News reported. According to the measures, every stude

9、nt in a school is required to participate in the annual test and the results should be reported to the Ministry, which will select a specified number of students from each province each year to test their suppleness and endurance. The Ministry will select 4 pilot provinces this year and the measures

10、 are expected to expand across the whole country next year.In Guangdong province it is reported that the students in Junior 3 are required to take 100-meter swimming test and the results will be part in the total grade in 2014. Also there is a growing voice in society that NCEE (National College Ent

11、rance Examination) should include PE tests.写作内容1. 以约30个词概括两篇报道的内容:2. 然后以约120个词, 就以上新闻发表看法,要点包括:(1)体育成绩纳入总分的重要性;(2)简述你所在学校加强学生体育锻炼的做法;(3)你所喜欢的体育项目对自己的影响。过程指导写概要1. 分析文体类别:新闻报道类,第一则新闻报道了北京考虑对学生的体能进行新的测试,第二则新闻报道了广东省把高三学生的体育成绩纳入总分,最后总结了社会呼吁体育成绩应该纳入高考。2. 找出关键词句:写概要前,应在文中找出并标明以下关键句或关键词:报道一: (第一段第一句)报道二: (第

12、二段第一句)结论: (第二段最后一句)3. 组合关键词句:谈看法要点:首先写出主题句:体育成绩纳入总分很重要。然后可以从正反两方面来具体分析为什么重要:学生的体质越来越差;有了健康,学生才能肩负起建设我们国家的重担。要点:首先写出主题句:总述学校的方法措施。然后具体描述学校的做法:每个星期设置体育课,每天早上要求学生参加跑步等等。要点:首先写出主题句:我喜欢的体育项目对我的身体和学习积极的影响。然后再进一步说明:体育项目对我的身体和学习的具体影响。根据以上提示,完成自己的写作:四、摸拟演练练习一:基础写作请写一篇英语短文,介绍“赛龙舟”,内容包括:背景:端午节传统的民间活动,最初出现在战国时代

13、,后来是为了纪念溺江而死的诗人屈原。发展:1736:台湾开始举行龙舟竞渡;1976:先后传入日本、越南和英国等国家;1980:被列入中国国家体育比赛项目;2010:广州亚运会正式比赛项目。现状:不同的地方举行富有特色的赛龙舟活动,成为中国人民的娱乐方式。意义:作为中国传统与现代体育精神的水上运动项目,是中国宝贵的文化遗产,应该代代相传。战国时代Warring States Age水上运动项目aquatic sports item练习二:读写任务阅读下面短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。More than 70 million Chinese Internet users have

14、 followed Mondays news of the drug busts of Jaycee Chan, the son of superstar Jackie Chan, and Taiwan actor Kai Ko.Jaycee Chan, an actor was detained(拘留) for using drugs and hosting others in smoking marijuana(大麻)at his home, the police said on its official micro blog. Kai Ko, also an actor was also

15、 arrested for taking drugs, the police said.Sina Weibo has polled(民意调查) public opinion over the frequent cases of celebrities (名人) using drugs. The micro-blogging service found more than 64,000 respondents strongly urged celebrities to stop taking drugs, while more than 25,000 people said the pop st

16、ars disappointed their fans. Some pointed out that Jaycee Chan and Kai Ko used marijuana, which is different from stronger drugs.According to current Chinese laws, the use of marijuana is illegal and people who use it will face punishment.写作内容1. 以约30个词概括上文的主要内容;2. 以约120个词谈谈你对“明星吸毒的看法”,内容包括:(1)明星吸毒有什

17、么不良影响?(2)谈谈你对明星吸毒的看法;(3)举例说明青少年应该如何追星?(作者单位:东源县附城中学)话题15. 文娱与体育三、典型例题例题一:基础写作第一步,认真审题。2. 审时态:以一般过去式为主。3. 审人称:以第三人称为主。第二步,信息分组。第1组:背景;第2组:18961928;第3组:1932;第4组:1968;第5组:现状。第三步,信息表达。(黑体部分为添加成分,英文表达见下一步)1. 射击最初只是生存工具,19世纪末才发展成为一项体育运动。2. 1896年,射击第一次成为奥运项目,但是在1904年和1928年的奥运会中被中断。3. 就是在1932年,这项运动重回奥运。4. 直

18、到1968年,第一次允许妇女参加奥运射击比赛。5 .这项运动稳步发展,从1896奥运会只有三项射击项目到现今有17项。第四步,连句成篇。Shooting,originated as a means of survival,developed into a sport only in the late 19th century. In 1896,it first became an Olympic event officially in 1896,but it was suspended at the Olympics in 1904 and 1928. It was in 1932 that

19、the sport returned to the Olympics. However,not until 1968,were women first allowed to compete in the Olympic shooting. The sport has grown steadily from just three shooting events at the 1896 Olympic Games to 17 today.例题二:读写任务写概要2. 找出关键词句:报道一:The ministry of Education is considering new measures to

20、 test the physical quality of students (第一段首句)报道二: In Guangdong,the students in Junior 3 are required to take 100-meter swimming test and the results will be part in the total grade in 2014. (第二段首句)人们观点:there is a growing voice in society that NCEE should include PE tests.(第二段结尾句)3. 组合关键词句:According

21、 to the two reports news,measures about physical assessment among students are being considered in Beijing and Guangdong. Besides,the society calls for more attention to students physical quality.谈看法Undoubtedly,it is vital to regard the students PE test results as a part of total grades. On the one

22、hand,people pay more attention to students academic achievements,while ignoring the physical quality,which brings about many students health getting worse and worse. On the other hand,only when the students have healthy body can they qualify to undertake the reasonability to build up our country. So

23、 it is significant that PE tests should be included in the NCEE.Aiming to strengthen students health,our school has taken some effective measures. For example,we have two PE classes each week,which can relax ourselves. Besides,students are required to run 30 minutes every morning.As for me,my favori

24、te sport is badminton,which has a positive influence both on my health and study. It not only builds up my body,but refreshes my mind. More importantly,it strengthens my suppleness,endurance and perseverance to overcome the difficulties in my study.四、摸拟演练练习一:基础写作Dragon boat race,a traditional folk a

25、ctivity of the Dragon Boat Festival,first appeared in the Warring States Age and later people held it to memorialize the poet Qu Yuan who drowned himself in a river. It was held in Taiwan in 1736 for the first time and then brought into such countries as Japan,Vietnam and Britain in less than two hu

26、ndred years. Additionally,it was accepted as a Chinese national competition item in 1980 but not until 2010 was it chosen to be a formal event in Guangzhou Asian Games. Nowadays,people from different places hold their own unique dragon boat races,which have become an entertainment for Chinese people

27、. As an aquatic sports item with both Chinese traditional and modern sporting spirit,obviously it is our precious cultural heritage so that we Chinese are supposed to hand it down from generation to generation.练习二:读写任务The news that the actors Jaycee Chan and Kai Ko were arrested for taking drugs rai

28、sed public different opinions over the celebrities using drugs. Actually,the use of marijuana is illegal in China.As celebrities,their taking drugs undoubtedly will have negative influences on people especially the teenagers because many teenagers regard celebrities as their idols. Some of them wors

29、hip their idols by imitating whatever they do,including their clothes,hairstyles and hobbies. Therefore,they are likely to think it common to take drugs or even worse imitate their taking drugs.As for me,I firmly hold the view that the stars are supposed to keep themselves away from drugs for the re

30、ason that they bear more social responsibilities and it is their duty to bring more positive energy to the society.When it comes to star-worship,I think we teenagers should not follow the stars blindly. For one thing,it would be better to learn our idols inner beauty rather than their elegant appearance. For another thing,we can not imitate their bad hobbies like being addicted to taking drugs. Only in this way can we become useful persons.

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