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1、妇产科学专业英语术语汇总 妇产科学专业英语术语汇总 妇产科学术语 妇产科学 obstetrics and gynecology 产科学 obstetrics 妊娠 pregnancy 幼女妊娠 precocious pregnancy 妊娠年龄小于或等于 12 岁者。 青春期妊娠 teenage pregnancy, adolescent pregnancy 孕次 gravidity 未孕妇 nulligravi Tags: 术语 妇产 科学 妇产科学 obstetrics and gynecology 产科学 obstetrics 妊娠 pregnancy 幼女妊娠 precocious p

2、regnancy 妊娠年龄小于或等于 12 岁者。 青春期妊娠 teenage pregnancy,adolescent pregnancy 孕次 gravidity 未孕妇 nulligravida 孕妇 gravida 初孕妇 primigravida 经孕妇 multigravida 假孕 pseudocyesis 前次月经 past menstrual period,PMP 末次月经 last menstrual period,LMP 月经龄 menstrual age 受精龄 fertilization age 孕龄 gestational age 早孕反应 morning sick

3、ness 妊娠剧吐 hyperemesis gravidarum 妊娠纹 striae gravidarum 妊娠溢液 hydrorrhea gravidarum 黑加征 Hegar sign 胎动感 quickening 四步触诊法 four maneuvers of Leopold 脐带杂音 umbilical souffl 子宫杂音 uterine souffl 妊娠期 trimester of pregnancy 妊娠早期 early trimester of pregnancy 妊娠中期 mid trimester of pregnancy 妊娠晚期 late trimester o

4、f pregnancy 过期妊娠 postterm pregnancy,prolonged pregnancy 单胎妊娠 singleton pregnancy 双胎妊娠 twin pregnancy 单羊膜囊双胎 monoamnionic twin pregnancy 双羊膜囊双胎 diamnionic twin pregnancy 单绒毛膜双胎 monochorionic twin pregnancy 双胎交锁 locked twins,interlocking twins 多胎妊娠 multiple pregnancy 三胎妊娠 triplet pregnancy 四胎妊娠 quadru

5、plet pregnancy 五胎妊娠 quintuplet pregnancy 同期复孕 superfecundation 异期复孕 superfetation 产前 antepartum 产时 intrapartum 产后 postpartum 产前保健 antenatal care,prenatal care 预产期 expected date of confinement,EDC 胎方位 fetal position 产妇 parturient,puerpera 未产妇 nullipara 初产妇 primipara 高龄初产妇 elderly primipara 妊娠年龄大于或等于

6、35 岁者。 经产妇 multipara 多产妇 grand multipara 分娩次数大于或等于 5 次者。 产次 parity 初产 primiparity 经产 multiparity 胎先露 fetal presentation 胎势 fetal attitude,fetal posture 胎产式 fetal lie 纵产式 longitudinal lie 横产式 transverse lie 胎头浮 floating head 胎头入盆 engagement of head 胎儿下降感 lightening 见红 bloody show, show 自然流产 spontaneo

7、us abortion 先兆流产 threatened abortion 难免流产 inevitable abortion 不全流产 incomplete abortion 完全流产 complete abortion 稽留流产 missed abortion 习惯性流产 habitual abortion 早期流产 early abortion 晚期流产 late abortion 人工流产 artificial abortion,induced abortion 流产感染 septic abortion 流产儿 abortus 葡萄胎 hydatidiform mole,vesicular

8、 mole 异位妊娠 ectopic pregnancy 联合妊娠 combined pregnancy 宫颈妊娠 cervical pregnancy 输卵管流产 tubal abortion 输卵管妊娠 tubal pregnancy 输卵管间质部妊娠 interstitial tubal pregnancy 宫 角 妊娠 cornual pregnancy 卵巢妊娠 ovarian pregnancy 阔韧带妊娠 broad ligament pregnancy 腹腔妊娠 abdominal pregnancy 子宫残角妊娠 pregnancy in rudimentary horn 输

9、卵管妊娠破裂 rupture of tubal pregnancy 盆腔积血 pelvic hematocele 阿-斯反应 Arias-Stell reaction 简称A-S 反应.宫外孕时子宫内膜上皮细胞及核呈肥大改变。 蜕膜管型 decidual cast 假临产 false labor 先兆临产 threatened labor 临产 in labor 产程 labor 总产程 total stage of labor 第一产程 first stage of labor 第二产程 second stage of labor 第三产程 third stage of labor 生理性缩

10、复环 physiologic retraction ring 颈管消失 effacement of cervix 宫口扩张 dilatation of cervix 胎头拨露 head visible on vulval gapping 宫缩时胎头露于阴道口, 宫缩间歇时又缩回阴道内。 胎头着冠 crowning of head 胎膜破裂 rupture of membranes 胎膜破裂 rupture of membranes 胎膜早破 premature rupture of membranes 临产前胎膜破裂。 胎膜先破 early rupture of membranes 临产早期,

11、 宫口开大不到 5cm 时, 胎膜破裂。 分娩 delivery, parturition 足月分娩 term labor, 胎膜破裂 rupture of membranes 胎膜早破 premature rupture of membranes 临产前胎膜破裂。 胎膜先破 early rupture of membranes 临产早期, 宫口开大不到 5cm 时, 胎膜破裂。 分娩 delivery, parturition 足月分娩 term labor, term delivery 顺产 spontaneous delivery 分娩机制 mechanism of labor 衔接 e

12、ngagement 下降 descent 俯屈 flexion 内旋转 internal rotation 仰伸 extention 外旋转 external rotation 娩出 expulsion 早产 premature delivery 产力异常 abnormal uterine action 宫缩乏力 uterine inertia 高直位 sincipital presentation 面先露 face presentation 胎头过度仰伸 hyperextension of fetal head 额先露 brow presentation 颏前位 mentoanterior

13、position 颏后位 mentoposterior position 持续性枕横位 persistent occipitotransverse position 持续性枕后位 persistent occipitoposterior position 肩难产 shoulder dystocia 肩先露 shoulder presentation 忽略性肩先露 neglected shoulder presentation 复合先露 compound presentation 头盆不称 cephalopelvic disproportion, CPD 骨盆入口 狭窄 contracted p

14、elvic inlet 中 骨 盆狭窄 contracted midpelvis 骨 盆出 口 狭窄 contracted pelvic outlet 扁平骨盆 flat pelvis 漏斗骨盆 funnel shaped pelvis 均小骨盆 generally contracted pelvis 滞产 prolonged labor 全产程大于 24 小时。 难产 dystocia 产科出血 obstetric hemorrhage 产前出血 antepartum hemorrhage 低置胎盘 low-lying placenta 前置胎盘 placenta praevia 完全性前置

15、胎盘 total placenta praevia 部分性前置胎盘 partial placenta praevia 边缘性前置胎盘 marginal placenta praevia 胎盘早剥 placental abruption 胎盘嵌顿 placental incarceration 侵入性胎盘 placenta accreta 植入性胎盘 placenta increta 穿透性胎盘 placenta percreta 子宫内翻 inversion of uterus 产道裂伤 laceration of birth canal 会阴裂伤 perineal laceration 会阴

16、阴道裂伤 colpoperineal laceration 产后出血 postpartum hemorrhage 晚期产后出血 late postpartum hemorrhage 产褥期 puerperium 初乳 colostrum 哺乳 lactation 母乳喂养 breast feeding 产后宫缩痛 after-pains 恶露 lochia 血性恶露 lochia rubra 浆液恶露 lochia serosa 白色恶露 lochia alba 产褥感染 puerperal infection 子宫复旧 involution of uterus 子宫复旧不全 subinvolution 围生医学 perinatology 又称围产医学.高危妊娠 high-risk pregnancy 妊娠水肿 gestational edema 妊娠蛋白尿 gestational proteinuria 妊娠高血压 gestational hypertension 妊娠高血压综合征 pregnancy-induced hyper

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