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1、英语国家概况总结重要Part one the United Kingdom of Britain and North Ireland p3 1 Whats the differences between Britain and the British Isles, Great Britain, England, the UK and the British Commonwealth? 2 tell 3 geographical names of the UK 3 tell the 3 political divisions on the island of Great Britain p4 1

2、 the British Empire gradually disappeared and it was replaced by the British Commonwealth of the Commonwealth of Nations in 1931 2 the Commonwealth 3 Describe the geographical position(features) of Britain 4 it is separated from the rest of Europe by the English Channel in the south and the North Se

3、a in the east 5 the English Channel p5 1 Chunnel 2 the north and west of Britain are mainly highlands. 3 England occupies the largest, southern part of Great Britain with Wales to its west and Scotland to its north. 4 Whereabouts in Great Britain are mostly highland and lowland p6 1 the Pennines2 te

4、ll the 3 natural zones in Scotland 3 Ben Nevis, the highest mountain in Britain is located Scotland. p7 1 in Britain, the longest river is the Seven River 2 Thames River p8 the largest lake in Britain is the Lough Neagh in Northern Ireland p9 1 What factors influence the climate in Britain 2 tell th

5、e characteristics of Britains climate p11 1 Describe the distribution of Britains population 2 Britain has a population of 57,411,000 3 Britain is a densely populated country with an average of 237 people per square kilometre and it is very unevenly distributed. p12 1 What is the difference between

6、ancestors of the English and Scot, Welsh and Irish 2 During the fifth century when the Roman Empire fell, the Germanic Angles and Saxons invaded and conquered Britain. 3 It was from the union of Norman conquerors and the defeated Anglo-Saxons that the English people and the English language were bor

7、n. p13 1 What are the differences in character and speech between southern England and northern England 2 in Britain, southerners speak the type of English closer to BBC English 3 Cockney 4 the ancestors of the Welsh were the ancient Britons p14 1 Eisteddfodau 2 How do the Welsh keep their language

8、and culture? 3 Whats the main problem in North Ireland? p15 1 the immigrants came from the West Indies, India and Pakistan(排除型选择) 2 Which part of Britain has the most rainfall and which part is the driest? p16 1 the first known settlers of Britain were the Iberians 2 Why do we say that English natio

9、n is a mixture on nationality of different origin? p17 1 Earliest invasion of England is by Celts 2 the Celts began to arrive about 700 BC and kept coming until the arrival of the Romans. p18 1 the Celtss religion was Druidism 2 British recorded history begins with the Roman invasion 3 Julius Caesar

10、 4 for nearly 400 years Britain was under the Roman occupation p19 1 Hadrians Wall 2 Antonine Wall 3 York had been created as a northern stronghold p20 1 the first Christian Emperor, Constantine, was proclaimed in AD 306 2 tell why the Roman impact upon the Britons was surprisingly limited 3 Who wer

11、e the Anglo-Saxons, how did Heptarchy come into being? p21 1 Angles 2 seven principal kingdoms 3 Heptarchy 4 when the Northumbrians submitted to him and took him for their master in 829, Egbert actually became an overlord of all the English 5 the Anglo-Saxons brought their own Teutonic religion to B

12、ritain p22 1 a monk called Columba established a monastery. 2 St. Augustine 3 What contributions did the early Anglo-Saxons make to English state? p23 1 Witan2 Anglo-Saxons also established the manorial system 3 Anglo-Saxons created the Witan 4 Alfred 5 the Danelaw 6 Alfred is known as “the father o

13、f the British navy” 7 Alfred the Great p24 King Edward, the “Confessor”, seemed more concerned with the building of Westminster Abbey than with affairs of state. p25 1 tell the reason of the battle on Hastings 2 1066, William was crowned King of England in Westminster Abbey by the Archbishop of York

14、 p26 1 the Norman Conquest of 1066 is perhaps the best known event in English history. 2 William the Conqueror 3 the Norman Conquest 4 the modern names of England English derive from the Angles 5 Who were the Vikings? 6 What do you know about St Augustine? p27 1 under Williams system, at the bottom

15、of the feudal scale were the villeins or serfs, unfree peasants who were little better than slaves. 2 William replaced the Witan, the council of the Anglo-Saxon Kings, with the Grand Council of his new tenants in chief p28 1 Domesday Book 2 Domesday Book completed in 1086, was the result of a genera

16、l survey of England made in 1085 p29 1 William, known as William Rufus because of his red complexion 2 Henry II was the first king of the House of Plantagenet. 3 How did King Henry II consolidate the monarchy? p30 1 How did Henry II reform the courts & law? 2 In Henry IIs reign a common law, was gra

17、dually established in place of the customs of the manor. p31 1 What was the qurrel between King Henry II and Thomas Becket? 2 exceptional privileges enjoyed by the clergy that brought King Henry into collision with Thomas Becket 3 the Great Council of Henry II drew up the Constitutions of Clarendon

18、in 1164 p32 Geoffrey Chaucer p33 1 What was the contents and significance of Great Charter? 2 the Barons charter 3 Magna Carta 4 with the utmost reluctance, the king was forced to put his seal to the Great Charter on June 19, 1215 5 Magna Carta had altogether 63 clauses 6 a committee of 24 barons pl

19、us the Mayor of London was chosen to help the king carry out the Great Charter p34 1 Why and how did the English Parliament come into being? 2 in 1242 HenryIII undertook an expensive war with France which ended with the loss of the whole of Poitou. 3 Simon de Montfort 4 Provisions of Oxford 5 Simon

20、de Montfort summoned in 1265 the Great Council to meet at Westminster. p36 1 handreds years war between England and France lasted from 13371453 2 What were the causes of Handreds Years War? 3 Battle of Argencourt 4 Joan de Arc 5 By 1453, Calais was the only part of France that was still in the hands

21、 of the English. 6 Why the expulsion of the English from France is regarded as a blessing for both countries? p37 1 Black Death 2 as a result of the black death, much land was left untended and there was a terrible shortage of labour. 3 during the black death period, in 1351, the government issued a

22、 Statute of Labourers p38 1 What do you know about Wat Tylers Uprising? 2 the Peasant Uprising 3 the Lollards p39 during the peasant uprising, many hundreds of rebels were put to death by King Richard. p40 1 Wars of the Roses 2 the instablility was caused by the two branches of the Plantagenet famil

23、y,the House of Lancaster and the House of York between 1455 and 1485. p41 1 on Aug 22, 1458 at Bosworth Field in Leicstershire the last battle of Wars of the Roses was fought between Richard III and Henry Tudor, Henry Tudor won. 2 although the Wars of the Roses were waged intermittently for thirty y

24、ears, ordinary people were little affected. p42 1 What was the effect of Wars of Roses? 2 the English Reformation began with Henry VIII 3 Henry VIII p43 Why and how did Reformation happen in England? and What was the effect? p44 Bloody Mary p45 1 Elizabeth I 2 Elizabeths religious reform was a compr

25、emise of view. She broke Marys ties with Rome and restored her fathers independent Church of England 3 How did Queen Elizabeth deal with the religious problem after she became Queen of the country? p46 tell Elizabeths foreign policy p47 1 Renassance was the transitional period between the Middle Age

26、s and modern times, covering the years c1350-c1650 2 in England, the Renaissance was usually thought of as beginning with the accession of the House of Tudor to the throne in 1485. 3 tell the characteristics of the English Renaissance. p49 1 Christopher Marlowe 2 Ben Jonson 3 William Shakespeare p50

27、 1 Edmund Spenser 2 Francis Bacon p51 1 Gunpowder Plot 2 on Nov.5 1605, a few fanatical Catholics attempted to blow King James and his ministers up in the Houses of Parliament. p52 1 in 1620 a small group of the Puritans, called the Pilgrim Fathers, sailed from Plymouth in the Mayflower. 2 Charles I

28、 was the son of James I 3 Charles Is relations with the Parliament were from the start disastrous. p53 Petition of Right p55 1 Cavaliers 2 Roundheads p56 1 What were the consequences of the Civil Wars? 2 the English Civil War is also called the Puritan Revolution 3 Puritan Revolution p57 1 after Kin

29、g Charless execution in 1649, there was public outrage in England 2 the “Rump” p58 1 when Oliver Cromwell died in 1685, and was succeeded by his son, Richard. 2 Parliament passed a series of severe laws called the Clarendon Code against the Puritans, now known as Nonconformists p59 1 tell the 2 of t

30、he most famous literary works of the late 17th century 2 John Bunyans Pilgrims Progress 3 John Miltons Paradise Lost 4 How did the “glorious Revolution” break out? What was the significance of it? p60 Bill of Rights (1689) p61 1 What was the absolute rule of James I of England? 2 Give a brief accoun

31、t of Henry VII p62 1 the Whigs 2 the Tories 3 the Tories were the forerunners of the Conservative Party. p63 the Tories were greatly influenced by Jeremy Benthams ideals known as “Utilitarianism” p65 1 Enclosure Acts 2 in England, the 18th century also saw selective breeding of cattle, sheep andhorses by Robert Bakewell 3 Whats your comment on land enclosures in England? p66 1 What was the industrial rev

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