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1、Vosoka英语六级训练之完形填空汇总Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- ShakespearePartV cloze (15 minutesPublic image refers to how a company is viewed by its customers, suppliers, an

2、d stockholders, by the financial community, by the communities 62 it operates, and by federal and local governments. Public image is controllable 63 considerable extent, just as the product, price, place, and promotional efforts are.A firms public image plays a vital role in the 64 of the firm and i

3、ts products to employees, customers, and to such outsiders 65 stockholders, suppliers, creditors, government officials, as well as 66 special groups. With some things it is impossible to 67 all the diverse publics: for example, a new highly automated plant may meet the approval of creditors and stoc

4、kholders, 68 it will undoubtedly find 69 from employees who see their jobs 70 .On the other hand, high quality products and service standards should bring almost complete approval, 71 low quality products and 72 claims would be widely looked down upon.A firms public image, if it is good, should be t

5、reasured and protected. It is a valuable 73 that usually is built up over a long and satisfying relationship of a firm with publics. If a firm has learned a quality image, this is not easily 74 or imitated by competitors. Such an image may enable a firm to75 higher prices, to win the best distributo

6、rs and dealers, to attract the best employees, to expect the most 76 creditor relationships and lowest borrowing costs. It should also allow the firms stock to command higher price-earnings 77 than other firms in the same industry with such a good reputation and public image.A number of factors affe

7、ct the public image of a corporation. 78 include physical 79, contacts of outsiders 80 company employees, product quality and dependability, prices 81 to competitors, customer service, the kind of advertising and the media and programs used, and the use of public relations and publicity.62. A which

8、B what C where D whom63. A in B within C on D to64. A attraction B attachment C affection D generalization65. A and B with C as D for66. A converse B diverse C reverse D universe67. A satisfy B treat C amuse D entertain68. A so B then C thus D but69. A support B identification C compliment D resista

9、nce70. A ensured B promoted C threatened D unemployed71. A because B while C though D when72. A false B fake C artificial D counterfeit73. A fortune B asset C possession D property74. A countered B defeated C repelled D compelled75. A pay B get C order D charge76. A favorite B prosperous C favorable

10、 D prospective77. A rate B ratio C ration D interest78. A These B They C That D It79. A appliances B equipment C devices D facilities80. A on B with C in D along81. A relative B related C reliable D reconcilablePart T ranslation (5 minutesDirections:Complete the sentences by translating into English

11、 the Chinese given in the brackets. Please write your translation on Answer Sheet 2.82. As for Williams, (他宁愿死也不愿意做这件事.83. Only under special circumstances, (学生才被准许提前毕业.84. It has been proved that (我们的肤色取决于遗传.85. No other reproduction in any form is permitted (未经出版社书面同意.86. The environmental effect

12、of this new factory (完全可以从周围的田地和河流看出来.参考答案及解析:Part Cloze62. C。【解析】连接词辨义。在词组by the communities 62 it operates中,名词communicates后有主语it和谓语动词operates,因此判断该从句为定语从句。而先行词在定语从句中作状语,即it operates in the communities,于是选择Cwhere。63. D。【解析】考查固定搭配。to.extent或者to the extent of.表示达到.的程度,因此答案为D。in, within, on 均不能与extent

13、搭配。64. A。【解析】名词辨义。由第一段我们得知,公司的公共形象,也就是来自社会各方面的对公司的关注,也即公司的大众吸引力。所以,空格处应选择Aattraction。attachment附件,附加装置,配属;affection友爱,爱情,喜爱;generalization 一般化,普遍化,概括,广义性。65. C。【解析】考查语义和固定搭配。因为stockholders, suppliers, creditors, government officials等都属于outsiders,是outsiders的下义词。而词组就是这种用法。因此答案为C。66. B。【解析】形近词辨

14、义。as well as 连接意义相近的词,前面stockholders, suppliers, creditors, government officials等都是各不相同的群体,那么后面special groups也应是多种多样的。diverse表示不同的,多种多样的,因此选择B。converse相反的,颠倒的;reverse相反的,倒转的,颠倒的;universe宇宙,世界,万物,领域。67. A。【解析】动词辨义。根据后面的例子我们得知,高度自动化的工厂可能迎合了公司债权人和股东的想法,但是却会遭到公司员工的反对,因为他们可能面临失业的危险。因此,公司不可能满足所有公众的愿望。所以选择

15、Asatisfy。treat视为,对待,论述,治疗,款待;amuse使发笑,使愉快;entertain娱乐,招待,接受。68. D。【解析】考查句际关系。由上题可知,两句之间是转折关系。因此D正确。so因而,所以,那么,这样看来;then当时,那么,因而,然后,于是;thus因而,从而,这样,如此。69. D。【解析】名词辨义。本句中,两个分句是转折关系,而且作为利益对立双方creditors and stockholders 和employees,他们对待工厂自动化的态度也是对立的。前者有单词approval(赞成表明态度,后者的态度就应是resistance(抵抗,反对。support支撑

16、,支持,支援,维持,赡养;identification辨认,鉴定,证明,视为同一;compliment称赞,恭维,致意,问候,道贺。70. C。【解析】动词辨义。由上下文得知,工厂高度自动化遭到了工人们的抵制,而他们抵制的原因就在于他们的工作岗位受到威胁,他们将面临下岗。因此see their jobs threatened或者see themselves unemployed。故选择C。ensure保证,担保,使安全,保证得到; promote促进,发扬,晋升为;unemployed失业的,未被利用的。71. B。【解析】考查连词。本句话中空格前的从句的主语是high-quality pro

17、ducts,空格后的从句的主语是low quality products,很明显,两句之间是对比关系,while表示和.同时,表示对比关系,因此B正确。because表示因果关系,意为由于,因为;though表示转折关系,意为虽然,尽管。72. A。【解析】近义词辨析。根据句义,72 claims意为不良的、不切实际的、或者虚伪的主张和要求。false错误的,虚伪的,假的,无信义的,伪造的,因此,false符合题意。fake假的,伪造的,冒充的;artificial人造的,假的,矫揉造作的,不自然的;counterfeit伪造的,假冒的。73. B。【解析】名词辨义。根据句义我们判断,具有良好

18、的公众形象是一个企业珍贵的财富。这里财富一词并不指代拥有的金钱或财产,而是指代一种长处和优势。asset财产(anything owned,可取之处(a desirable thing,优势(advantage,因此B正确。fortune财富,好运,命运;possession拥有,占有,着迷,领土,财产(常用复数;property财产,所有物,所有权,性质,特性。74. A。【解析】动词辨义。这句话的意思是:如果一个企业有良好的形象,那么对手就很难与之抗衡或者效仿。本句中空格一词应能与imitate并列,如果选择打败或者抵制,那么竞争者效仿这一获得良好形象的企业就无从谈起。counter反对,

19、反击,抗衡,因此A正确。defeat击败,战胜,使失败,挫折;repel击退,抵制,使厌恶,使不愉快;compel强迫,迫使。75. D。【解析】考查语义与词组搭配。在上下文中,由于企业具备了良好的形象,因此它就可以把价格定得更高,可以与最好的发行商和经销商合作等等。charge price (索价,要价符合题意。pay, order, get均不与price搭配。76. C。【解析】形容词辨义。在诸多由良好的形象带给企业的好处中,企业有望能与债权人建立的关系应是对双方有利的,起促进作用的。favorable赞成的,有利的,讨人喜欢的,起促进作用的,因此C正确。favorite喜爱的,宠爱的,

20、中意的;prosperous繁荣的; prospective预期的。77. B。【解析】固定搭配。price-earnings ratio(股票市场上的市盈率,价益比。rate比率,速度,等级,价格,费用;ration定量,配给量,定量配给;interest兴趣,关心,利息,利益。78. B。【解析】考查代词。在上下文中,我们判断空格是代替a number of factors的,因此They正确。79. D。【解析】近义词辨析。根据语境,有很多因素影响了一个企业的公共形象,这些因素包括物理设备等等。因为这些设备会影响企业的公共形象,所以这些设备应该是公众能够接触到的设备、服务等硬件和软件的设

21、施,facilities指为某一特殊活动或目的所提供的种种便利,包括设备、建筑物和服务等等,因此D正确。appliance用具,器具,一般指电器设备,通常需要动力才能操作的家用电器和装置等;equipment装备,设备,器材,装置,一般指机械设备;device装置,设计,图案,策略,既可以是抽象的,也可以是具体的。80. B。【解析】固定搭配。contact无论作动词还是名词,都与with搭配表示与.联系。81. A。【解析】搭配与语义。首先判断空格一词能与to搭配,再通过句义判断词组prices81to competitors的意义为能与同行竞争者相抗衡的价格,relative to相对于,

22、因此答案为A。relative有关系的,相对的,比较而言的;related叙述的,讲述的,有关系的,related to与.有关的;reliable可靠的,可信赖的;reconcilable可和解的,可调和的。Part T ranslation82. he would sooner die than do such a thing【考点】主语+would sooner+动词原形+than+动词原形表示两者比较宁愿做.,也不愿意做另一件,语气比较含蓄委婉,所以动词前不定式不必带to;sooner是soon 的比较级,表示宁愿早点做.也不愿意做.,强调意愿。该句型还有另外一种形式:Sooner t

23、han +动词原形.,(主句主语+would+动词原形,主要是用于强调所比的对象,主句虽然放在后面,但不用倒装;do such a thing表示做这样的事。83. are students permitted to graduate in advance【考点】句首是Only +介词短语,后面应用倒装句式,属于部分倒装,系动词+主语+其它;are permitted to表示被允许做.;in advance表示提前。84. the color of our skin is due to heredity【考点】the color of our skin表示肤色;due to表示取决于.;he

24、redity表示遗传,特指生物遗传;heritage 使用最广泛,不仅指一般的遗产,也指世代相传的具有特色的精神财富或物质财富;inheritance 指继承这一行为,不指继承的东西,为抽象名词。85. without written permission from the publishing house【考点】介词短语:without written permission表示未经允许;written permission 表示(书面允许;the publishing house表示出版社。86. is most clearly observable in the surrounding f

25、ield and river【考点】is most clearly observable表示完全可以看出来,句型The.effect表示.的效果是可以看出的;surrounding field and river表示周围的田野和河流。2008年英语六级完型填空模拟试题一According to BTs futurologist, Ian Pearson, these are among the developments scheduled for the first few decades of the new millennium(a period of 1

26、,000 years, when supercomputers will dramatically accelerate progress in all areas of life.Pearson has _1_ together to work of hundreds of researchers around the world to produce a _2_ millennium technology calendar that gives the latest dates when we can expect h undreds of key _3_ and discoveries

27、to take place. Some of the biggest developments will be in medicine, including an _4_ life expectancy and dozens of artificial organs _5_ into use between now and 2040.?Pearson also _6_ a breakthrough in computer human links. By linking _7_ to our nervous system, computers could pick up _8_ we feel

28、and, hopefully, simulate _9_ too so that we can start to _10_ full sensory environments, rather like the holidays in Total Recall or the Star Trek holodeck, he says.But that, Pearson points _11_, is only the start of man-machine _12_:It will be the beginning of the long process of integration that w

29、ill _13_ lead to a fully electronic human before the end of the next century._14_ his research, Pearson is able to put dates to most of the breakthroughs that can be predicted. However, there are still no _15_ for when faster-than-light travel will be _16_, or when human cloning will be perfected, o

30、r when time travel will be possible.But he does _17_ social problems as a result of technological advances. A boom inneighborhood surveillance cameras will, for example, _18_ problems in 2010, while the arrival of synthetic _19_ robots will mean people may not be able to _20_ between their human fri

31、e nds and the droids. And home appliances will also become so smart that controlling and operating them will result in the breakout of a new psychological disorder-kitchen rage.1.Ataken Bpieced Ckept Dmade2.Acomplicated Bdelicate Csubtle Dunique3.Abreakthroughs Bfindings Cevents Dincidents4.Aexpanded Bextended Cenlarged Denriched5.Abeing Bbecoming Ccarrying Dcoming6.Aschedules Bplans Cpredicts Ddesigns7.Adirectly Binstantly Cprecisely Dautomatically8.Athat Bhow Cwhat Dall9.Athinking Bhearing Csight Dfeeling

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