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1、专四语法专四语法一注:所有注有的都表示是重点,需熟练掌握。一、 虚拟语气反事实假设1 if 引导的虚拟if从句主句与现在事实相反动词过去式 (be 动词变为were)would/should/could/might+do与过去事实相反had donewould/should/could/might +have done与将来事实相反(1)should+do; (2)were to+dowould/should/could/might+do考点:(1) 省略if的虚拟倒装;在if引导的虚拟从句中,如含有助动词had, should, were时,可以省略if, 将三个助动词提到主语前形成倒装:H

2、ad+主语+done Had+主语+ not doneShould+主语+do Should+主语+not doWere+主语+to do were+主语+not to do(2) 含蓄虚拟:用介词或介词短语代替if从句引导的虚拟形式。读出意思即可确定答案。如:without, but for;(3) 错综虚拟(混合虚拟):主从句动作不在一个时间段上发生,解题方法:对号入座主句时态套主句,从句时态套从句。2 其他形式虚拟:(1)wish/wished +主语+过去式 与现在事实相反+would do/could do 与将来事实相反+would have done/could have don

3、e 与过去事实相反Eg: I wish I would set out tomorrow. 时态以从句时态为主。如果从句没有时态标志,看句意。(2)as if, as though同wish(3)if only同wish 2006年52题(4)would rather同wish (但would rather do不同,注意区别)(5)用在表示建议、命令、要求等动词后名词从句(主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句,同位语从句)中:Demand, urge, move, suggest, request, order, command, propose, recommend, advise, requir

4、e, desire, insist+ that +主语+(should) do / (should) be done解题方法:1 划出标志词;2选出动词原形。宾语从句:主语+谓语(建议、命令、要求)+that +主语 + (should) do主语从句:It is/was+ adj/Ved+ that+主语+ (should) doDone: proposed, requested, suggested, advisable, recommended, desired, desirable, urgent, imperative, important, vital, essential, ne

5、cessary;表语从句/同位语从句:suggestion, proposal, advice, requirement, request, command, recommendation, desire, motion, demand.表语从句:主语(表示建议、命令、要求)+系动词+表语Eg: My suggestion is that he go with us tomorrow.同位语从句:主语(表建议、命令、要求)+that+谓语+宾语Eg: My suggestion that he go with us is right. (6)It is/was time/high time/a

6、bout time +主语+did 早该做某事了。(7)lest/for fear/in case that + 主语+should do (此处should一般不省略): 以免,万一。(8)跳层虚拟:真实+ or/otherwise+虚拟 虚拟+ but+真实跳层虚拟常考过去式,跳层虚拟一般用could have done, would have done. Eg: I did not study hard. Or I could have passed the exam. I could have passed the exam but I did not study hard. I wo

7、uld have called you but I did not know your telephone number. 3 情态动词+have done: 对过去事情的推测;Must have done 对过去事情的肯定猜测Eg: It must have rained last night. (mustnt have done )Should/ought to have done 该做而未做(含责备)Eg: You should have come and attended the meeting. Should not/oughtnt to have done 不该做而做了(含责备)E

8、g: You should not have gone to see the movie. Neednt have done 做了不必做的事Could have done 能够做而没做May have done(弱语气)或许,不肯定的猜测Need do, 作情态动词;need to do 作实义动词Need doing=need to be done 专四语法二二、 非谓语To do/not to doDoing/not doingDone考点:固定搭配及固定句型,按单词记;非谓语常考成份:非谓语作状语的区别,和作定语的区别。(一)to do/ not to do1 时态、语态vtvi主动被动

9、主动一般式To doTo be doneTo do完成式To have doneTo have been doneTo have done进行式To be doingTo be doing完成进行式To have been doingTo have been doing注:to do一般式表示动作将要发生或同时发生;不定式完成式表示动作要先于主句谓语动作之前发生。不定式完成式不能做定语。2 常考固定搭配和固定句型(1)V+to do: to do做宾语常跟不定式做宾语的谓语动词有:aim, ask, agree, claim, bother, fail, pretend, tend, plan

10、, refuse, prepare, volunteer, be said to do, be believed to do,常用不定式的句型:It takes sb some time to do. It is adj. for sb/of sb to do. (adj修饰to do时用for;adj修饰sb时用of)(2)V+do: 使役动词:常考主动: let, make, have;感官动词:常考被动。(变为被动语态时,原来省略的to要加上。)Let, make, have + sb+ doThe boss made him work day and night. He was mad

11、e to work day and night. Have sth done 遭遇不幸;让某人做某事He has his wallet stolen. I have my hair cut. Get sth done/ make sth done; get sb to doI got my bicycle repaired. 感官动词:See/ hear /notice / watch / feel +sb + doing(强调正在进行)/do(强调动作的全过程或表示将要)3 成份:除谓语外的所有成份:主语,宾语,表语,定语,状语,补语。(1)不定式作主语与动名词作主语区别:to do表具体的

12、,一次性的动作;而动名词表示一般的,抽象的,多次性的动作。(2)不定式作表语。be to do计划好,规定好的事,表将要的动作。I am to study English abroad.=I am going to study English abroad. (3)作定语。名词+to do/to be done 表示将要 名词+doing/being done 表示进行 名词+done 表示完成,表被动。 The meeting to be held/ the meeting being held/ the meeting held(4)作状语: To do, 主谓宾 (表目的)= In or

13、der to do, 主谓宾。To pass the exam, we came here.=In order to pass the exam, we came here. 主谓宾 + to do/in order to do表目的 主谓宾 + so as to do 不能用于句首We came here to study English/ in order to study English/so as to study English. 主谓宾, to do/ in order to do表结果He studied hard, to pass the exam. I picked up t

14、he phone, only to find that it was a wrong number. 注:作状语时,一般用to do,而不用doing/done。(二)doing/not doing 动名词/现在分词1时态、语态vtvi主动被动主动一般式doingBeing donedoing完成式Having doneHaving been doneHaving done注意:doing一般式表动作同时发生; having done表示动作先于主句谓语动作之前发生; having done不做定语。2 doing成份:动名词:主、宾、表、定 现在分词:状、定、补、表动名词与现在分词作表语区别

15、:I am standing.Standing is I. (分词)My hobby is standing.=Standing is my hobby. (动名词)定语区别:只表示用途为动名词;a sleeping cara car which is sleeping =a car used for sleeping能转成定从的为分词;a sleeping girl=a girl who is sleeping.3 动名词考点:固定搭配及固定句型;ones doing; (one是doing的逻辑主语)宾格代词+doing: my doing; me doing常考动词:mind, risk

16、, appreciate, resist, escape (vt.逃避 vi escape from逃跑), enjoy, admit, suggest (suggest当建议讲时,后面的that从句用虚拟,谓语用should do; suggest当暗示讲时,=indicate后面的从句用普通时态。), consider to do认为/consider doing考虑, delay=postpone=put off=set back(指时间)推迟, hold up(指具体)耽误, abandon=give up=part with=quit, acknowledge, advocate,

17、tolerate=put up with=stand=bear, Somebody spend time/money on sth/ (in) doing sth. There is no point in doing sth.It is useless /no use /no good doing sth.Sb have difficulty/ trouble in doing sth.Be worth doingV+to do与V+doing区别:Remember to do未做/ remember doing已做;forget to do/forget doing; regret to

18、do未发生遗憾/regret doing已发生后悔I regretted not joining your party last week. (动作已发生,所以用doing)I never regretted not accepting the offer, for it was not where my interest lay. (1993.42)Mean to do打算;mean doing/ N/ that 从句:意味着Try to do试图,努力;try doing试一试,尝一尝Stop to do停下来去做;stop doing禁止做Continue to do继续做另外一件事;c

19、ontinue doing接着做同一件事Go on to do/ go on doing (与continue一样)(三)现在分词与过去分词区别Done+N已完成;doing+N正在进行现在分词四种形式:doing, being done, having done, having been done过去分词一种形式:done (及物动词的过去分词表示被动,不及物动词的过去分词表示完成。)Eg: a retired worker, fallen leaves, bloomed flowers.1 作定语与不定式区别(见不定式)2 作状语与不定式区别;(1) 分词,主谓宾:表示时间,原因,条件对比

20、:to do,主谓宾:表目的。Be+adj/n: 永远没有被动形式。_ a teacher, one has to be a student first. (2) 主谓宾,分词(表示伴随,方式,结果)选择结果状语时,不定式优先考虑,其次再考虑分词。解题方法:1 先判断主被动关系。即分词与句子主语之间如果是逻辑上的主谓关系时,分词用主动式doing, having done;如是逻辑上的动宾关系时,分词用被动:being done, having been done, done. Seen from the top of the hill, the city looks beautiful. S

21、eeing from the top of the hill, I find the city beautiful. 2 再判断动作先后,即分词动作发生在主句谓语动作之前时,分词用完成时:having done, having been done. 3 Having been done 强调正在进行;done强调已完成4 避免非谓语悬垂,即避免非谓语动词没有逻辑主语。 Leaving the room, the door was locked. Leaving the room, he locked the room. 连词+分词,主谓宾 (时间,原因,条件)(句子主语为分词的逻辑主语或宾语)

22、主谓宾,连词+分词 (伴随,方式,结果)(句子主语为分词的逻辑主语或宾语)注:连词+to do After/before: after/before doing/being doneAfter/before done after/before to do(3) 分词独立主格:名词+分词,主谓宾。(需判断名词与分词之间的逻辑主谓、动宾关系。) With + 名词+分词,主谓宾。 主谓宾,名词+分词。主谓宾,With +名词+分词。A woman came in, with a baby (being) in her arms. (being分词可省略。)在英语句子中,逗号是不能连接两个独立完整的

23、句子的。主谓宾,主谓宾。连词+主谓宾,主谓宾。非谓语,主谓宾。非谓语考点:固定搭配;for there to be; of there being作成份:状语,定语; 作状语形式:分词状语;连词+分词;独立主格。专四语法三三、 三大从句 名词性从句:主从,宾从,表从,同位语从句 (重点关联词:that, which, what, as) 形容词性从句:定语从句 副词性从句:状语从句(一) 状语从句只要读懂意思即可选答案,考的频率较高。1 让步状从:(1)although, though, even if, even thoughEven adv 只能修饰句子,不能连接句子。 despite/i

24、n spite of prep.只能接名词。(2) as引导的让步倒装:Adj / adv / n (无冠词) / 分词 + as + 主谓,主谓宾Although I am busy/ Busy as I am, Although he is a child/ Child as he is,考点:AS + 固定搭配 如:be defined as, regard as 时间状语从句:主从句主语要一致,主从句动作同时发生。 原因状语从句:在说话人看来很明显的理由。方式定从:限定性定语从句与非限定性定语从句比较状从:He is as tall as I (am).让步倒装介词:与like区别(3

25、) while引导的让步状从 句首,相当于although, though; 表转折,放在句中,相当于but; 当。时候;while从句谓语动词用延续性,而when从句动词为非延续。(4) no matter+疑问词(what, where, how)=疑问词+ever引导的让步状从: However=no matter how 两者都可以引导让步倒装,但只有疑问词+ever可引导名词从句。 However + adj/ adv +主谓,主谓宾。 However strong he is, 主谓宾。 However fast he runs, 主谓宾。2 比较状从一般由as, than引导 (

26、见形容词、副词比较结构)3 条件状从:(1)if, unless(=if not), provided, providing, suppose, supposing 倘若If: 条件状从: 真实条件 虚拟条件 宾从:“是否”Whether: 让步状从:“无论如何”,“无论是否”名从:主从 “无论是否” 宾从 表从 同位从If和 whether只有在引导宾从时可以互换。whether可加or not,而if不可。(2)条件状从:as long as, so long as, on condition that, in the event that, in case (连词),in case of

27、 + N (介词词组)4 时间状从(1)when, while, as (主从句主语一样,动作同时发生)(2)hardlywhen刚。就。 Scarcelywhen刚。就。 No soonerthan刚。就。 Notuntil直到。才。(3)the minute=the moment=the instant=as soon as The first time/second time/ third time/ last time / next time/ each time/ every time / the day/ by the time (4)since, till, until (til

28、l一般不放在句首), once, before, after Notuntil(主句动作非持续) Till, until (主句动作可持续)I did not have supper until he came. I waited till he came. 5 结果状从: so adj/advthat Such (a/an) adj + N + that With the result that(as a result 是副词词组,不引导句子) So that以便,in order that为了6 原因状从 Because=in that, since=now that:强调人们已知的理由;

29、as:强调在说话人看来很明显的理由;for:表示推理得出的理由,表理由时不放在句首。7 地点状从: where, wherever8 方式状从: as, just as, much as 正如。Eg: They try to conceal the fact just as I did. (二)名从:主从,宾从,表从,同位从解题方法:抓连词:连接词:that, whether, if; 连接代词:what, which, who, whom连接副词:when, where, how, why抓连词在名从中的成份: 连接词:只起加接作用,不充当从句中成份; 连接代词:既连接从句,又在从句中充当主

30、、宾、表、定语; 连接副词:既连接从句,又在从句中充当状语。连接词词义是否在从句中充当成份能否省略That无不充当作宾语时可省Whether“是否”不充当不可省if“是否”不充当(引导宾从)不可省连接代词词义是否在从句中充当成份能否省略what“什么”主宾表不可省Which“哪一个”定语不可省who“谁”主语不可省whom“谁”宾语不可省连接副词词义是否在从句中充当成份能否省略How方式状语不可省Where地点状语不可省when时间状语不可省Why 原因状语不可省That的考点:代词:主宾表 连词: 名从中的连接词:与what区别;限定性定从中的关系代词:与which区别; 强调句式;状从中的连接词:in order that;so that(1)that引导的名从:主从,宾从,表从,同位从,只起连接作用,不在从句中充当成份。That+完整句子。 that引导的主语从句:It is/was adj

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