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1、专业外语复习资料剖析1、In radiation, thermal energy is transformed into radiant energy, similar in nature to light.热能在辐射时转换成性质与光相似的辐射能2、The force upward equals the force downward so that the balloon stays at the same height.向上的力与向下的力相等,所以气球就保持在这一高度。3、 Apart from providing people with timber, forests help regul

2、ate climate, conserve water and soil, wall off wind, fix sands, improve water quality, keep away smoke and dust, sterilizer(purify) the air, reduce noice, beautify surroundings, maintain and improve ecological balance. Man would not be able to exist without green plants producing oxygen and absorbin

3、g harmful gases all the time. Mans health is closely related to the quality of the air, which in turn is decided by the size(extent) of forests. Many kinds of trees can absorb poisonous and cancer-causing substances in the air. The amount of bacteria in a forest area make up but 1% of that in a defo

4、rested area. While the air in a department store contains more than 4 million bacteria per cubic meter. A tree-covered area may reduce noise by a quarter. Moisture content in the air above or around a forest is 10-20% more than that of the places devoid of forest. Generally, the rainfall in a forest

5、ry area is 17% more than that of non-afforested area. The volume of water held by a 50000-mu forest is equal to a reservoir of 1 million cubic meters. The green trees are pleasant to the eye. It helps to ease the tension of mind, and enhance the sense of beauty. 森林给人们提供木材,还能调节气候、保持水土、防风固沙、改善水质、防烟防尘、

6、消毒杀菌、减少噪音、美化环境、维持及改善生态平衡。 如果没有绿色植物不断制造氧气和吸收有害的气体,人类就无法生存。人们的健康与空气的优劣有关,二空气的优劣又与森林的多少有关。 许多树木都能吸收空气中的有害物质和致癌物质。林区空气中的细菌数量只有无林区的1%。二百货商店内每立方米空气中则含有400多万个细菌。绿化区可以使噪音减弱四分之一左右。森林上空和附近的空气的含水量比无林地区多10%-20%;林区降雨量一般比非林区多17%,5 万亩 森林所涵养的水相当于100万立方米容量的水库。树木的绿使人看了舒适,有利于缓和紧张心情,给人以美的享受。4、 转基因动物生物安全研究与评价摘要: 随着转基因动物

7、在新品种培育、异种器官移植、生物反应器和疾病模型等方面的研究与发展,转基因动物的生物安全性引起了人们的广泛关注。目前,各国政府与机构已制定了相应的法律法规来规范转基因动物的研究与应用。文中介绍了转基因动物生物安全研究的内容、评价原则、评价政策与程序、上市或有望上市的转基因动物产品。最后,对转基因动物及其产品的研究与应用进行了展望。关键词: 转基因动物,生物安全,异种器官移植,生物反应器,基因水平转移,木马基因效应,非预期性效应Biosafety assessment of genetically engineered animals: a review Abstract: With the r

8、esearch and development of genetically engineered animals (GEAs) in breeding of new variety, xenotransplantation, bioreactor and disease model, biosafety issues of GEAs have attracted widespread attentions worldwide. So far, governments and agencies have established corresponding laws and regulation

9、s to regulate research and application of GEAs or their derived products. We reviewed research contents, evaluated principles, policies and procedures for biosafety of GEAs, also enumerated upcoming approved products of GEAs. Finally, we suggested perspectives of research and application of GEAs or

10、their derived products.Keywords: genetically engineered animals, biosafety, xenotransplantation, bioreactor, horizontal gene transfer, trojan gene effect, unintentional effect5、Engineering and screening of artificial riboswitch as a novel gene control elementAbstract: Various artificial riboswitches

11、 have been constructed by utilization of designed aptamers or by modification of natural riboswitch systems, because they can regulate gene expression in a highly efficient, precise and fast way, and promise to supply simple cis-acting, modular, and non-immunogenic system for use in future gene ther

12、apy applications. In this review, we present an overview of currently available technologies to design and select engineered riboswitches, and discuss some possible technologies that would allow them highly responsive to non-natural ligands, and dynamic control of gene expression in mammalian cells.

13、 Though how to bring custom-designed riboswitches as a novel and versatile tool box to gene control system is still a great challenge, the combination of structure-activity relationship information, computer based molecular design, in vitro selection, and high-through screening will serve as powerfu

14、l tools for further development of riboswitch based gene regulatory systems.新型基因表达调控元件人工核糖开关的构建及筛选 核糖开关作为一种新发现的RNA元件,可以高效、准确、快速地执行基因调控任务,且免疫原性低,有可能在将来以顺式模块的方式应用于未来的基因治疗。近年来已经成功构建了多种人造核糖开关,构建方法主要是利用人工适体元件与基因表达调控元件组装,或者是在天然核糖开关基础上进行改造。文中全面综述了涉及人工核糖开关设计及筛选的技术,讨论了可以用于哺乳细胞、响应非天然配体信号、调控特征为热力学和动力学控制的核糖开关的设

15、计新策略,并对核糖开关的筛选构建策略及其在基因治疗及新型药物开发领域的应用前景进行了展望。尽管目前将核糖开关设计成为功能强大的新型基因调控系统还面临很大的困难,但通过构效关系的研究、计算机辅助设计、体外筛选及细胞内筛选技术、高通量优化筛选等技术的综合应用,核糖开关一定可以成为有力的基因调控工具,如能成功应用则可大大促进基因治疗临床化的进程。6、 光照对辽东栎种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响 摘要: 研究了不同光照梯度55.4%自然全光照(natural sunlight, NS)、18.9%NS、5.5%NS、2.2%NS、0.5%NS和0.3%NS对辽东栎种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响.结果表明:辽东栎种

16、子的萌发率和萌发指数在55.4%NS处理达到最大,分别为72.5%和0.22,然后随着光照减弱而逐渐减小,在0.3%NS处理下最小,分别为42.5%和0.11;强光照对种子萌发进程有一定的延迟作用,萌发活力指数随着光照的减弱而增大(0.5%NS处理最大);强光下种子萌发的延迟可能是其对多种命运的权衡性选择.强光照有利于辽东栎幼苗基径和根系生长,以及幼苗干物质的积累,但株高最小(6.06 cm);不同光强处理的辽东栎幼苗具有较大的形态学可塑性,其幼苗阶段对光环境的适应性较强,0.5%NS处理的幼苗比叶面积、比枝长、比根长、叶片叶绿素b含量及叶绿素总量均最大,分别为142.57 cm2g-1、15

17、6.86 cmg-1、271.87 cmg-1、0.07 gcm-2和0.24 gcm-2,55.4%NS处理下最小,分别为44.89 cm2g-1、52.84 cmg-1、101.98 cmg-1、0.04 gcm-2和0.15 gcm-2;不同光照强度下幼苗根冠比的变化可能是光照和水分共同影响的结果.关键词: 辽东栎,光照强度,种子萌发,幼苗生长Effects of light intensity on Quercus liaotungensis seed germination and seedling growth Abstract: This paper studied the ef

18、fects of different shading (55.4%, 18.9%, 5.5%, 2.2%, 0.5%, and 0.3% natural sunlight) on the seed germination and seedling growth of Quercus liaotungensis. The seed germination rate and germination index were the highest (72.5% and 0.22, respectively) at 55.4% natural sunlight, declined with decrea

19、sing light intensity, and were the lowest (42.5% and 0.11, respectively) at 0.3% natural sunlight. Strong light had definite delaying effect on the germination. The index of germination vigor increased with decreasing light intensity, being the maximum at 0.5% natural sunlight. The delay of seed ger

20、mination under strong light could be the selective tradeoff on varied seed fates. Strong light benefited the basal stem diameter and root system growth and dry mass accumulation of Q. liaotunensis seedling, but resulted in the minimum seedlings height (6.06 cm). Effects of light intensity on Quercus

21、 liaotungensis seed germination and seedling growth Greater morphological plasticity was observed for the seedlings under different shading, which lent support to the higher adaptability of the seedlings to light environment. For example, the specific leaf area, specific shoot length, specific root

22、length, and chlorophyll b and total chlorophyll contents were the maximum at 0.5% natural sunlight, being 142.57 cm2g-1, 156.86 cmg-1, 271.87 cmg-1, 0.07 gcm-2, and 0.24 gcm-2, respectively, and the minimum at 55.4% natural sunlight, being 44.89 cm2g-1, 52.84 cmg-1, 101.98 cmg-1, 0.04 gcm-2, and 0.1

23、5 gcm-2, respectively. The variation of the root/shoot ratio of Q. liaotungensis seedlings under different shading could be the effects of the combination of light intensity and water availability. Key words: Quercus liaotungensis light intensity seed germination seedling growth 一 7、heart-warmingtou

24、gh-minedEast Chinanorth and south, east and westshare the weal and woerain and shineinconsistency of deeds with wordsthe iron and steel industryquick of eye and deft of handfood, clothing, shelter and transportationyou, he and Iback and forth, to and froevery means possible暖人心的意志坚定的华东东南西北祸福与共无论晴雨言行不

25、一钢铁工业手疾眼快衣食住行我、你、他前前后后,来来去去一切可能的手段8、They often talk horse.That woman walks the streets.Ill report that official.The machine is in repair.Well stand up to the project.Dont make a fuss of them.She is in the dock.The boss gave her the sack.That girl student is in the green.The old lady has gone to her

26、rest.That young man has lost his heart.The old man often takes his medicine.That fellow did hard labor for 3 years.The woman in labor is his wife.Im not a little afraid of snakes.We charged him to do it.They surprised him doing it.I have seen him through.He is the Speaker.Where is the Book?Do you kn

27、ow anything about japan?I bought some salts yesterday.The man is in the dumps.Dont call him names!The little boy is a love child.He is a confidence man.He is a medicine man.What he bought is invaluable.This is a disused machine.He is disinterested in the affairs. 他们常常吹牛。 那个妇女是妓女。 我要检举那位官员。 那台机器状况良好。 我们将抵制这个计划。 别讨好他们! 她在被告席。 老板解雇了她。 那女学生正值豆蔻年华。 那个老太太安息了。 那个青年人处于热恋之中。 那老人常忍受不愉快的事。 那个家伙服过三年劳役。 分娩的妇女是他得妻子。我很害怕蛇。 我们责令他干那事。 他们撞上他做那个事。 我帮助他过难关。 他是议长。 圣经在哪? 你了解日本漆吗? 我昨天买了一些泻药。 那个人神情沮丧。 别骂他! 那个小男孩是私生子。 他是个骗子。 他是个巫医。 他买的东西价值连城。 这是一台废弃的机器。 他在此事上公正无私。

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