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1、三水中学高一英语备课组Module1Unit1LifestModule One Unit 1 Warm up & Lesson 1 (Period 1)教学案(总第一课时)第一部分(课前预习) 请学生自主学习教材unit 1 Warm up 和Lesson One 中的关键信息,并做以下几道题。I. 课文理解:仔细阅读课文,回答下列问题1 What kind of lifestyle do you think the people in the pictures on Page 7 have? Use the key words to help you. 2. What does Brian

2、do after he wakes up?_3. What does he do in the evening? 4. Who does the man depend on for his life? 5.What does a couch potato mean? 6. How long does it take Bob to get ready for work? 7. Who is always the first person to get to the office? 8. What does he do after he gets home? 9. Why does his fam

3、ily complain? 10. What does the word workaholic mean? 第二部分 课堂教学I.根据 Lesson 1 的课文内容填空( 见双语报B1版 语篇结构)II. 根据Lesson 1 的课文内容判断句子的正误。(见双语报B1版走进课文)III. 归纳主旨1.The first passage mainly tells us_ 2. The second passage mainly tells us_ 第三部分 课堂检测 完成下面的课文摘要Brian Blakey is a _ _. He spends 16 or 17 hours a day _

4、_. But he also does exercise such as _ his dog outside. He always takes his _ TV with him. Bob Black is a _, instead. He is busy every day trying to make more _ for his family. Sometimes he even takes some work _ to do. In fact he is too busy to find much _ to stay with his family.第四部分 拓展, 作业I. 用适当的

5、词填空,或用所给词的适当形式填空。When I wake up I dont get up 1_ (immediate). I turn on the television and watch the childrens programmes and old movies 2_ about half past ten. Then I get up, go downstairs 3_switch on the TV in the living room. 4 _lunch, I have biscuits and 5_ glass of milk, and I watch the news. I

6、n the afternoon, I often watch another old film-they 6_ (show) some good ones at the moment. In the evenings, I often watch TV series sport and the news again. I like the main news at six oclock. At nine thirty, there is a good play on BBC 2, I switch over and watch 7_. Then at night, I watch 8_(man

7、y) films and I usually switch off the TV at about two oclock. I never watch TV all night. Of course, I couldnt live this lifestyle 9 _a good wife. She always makes my meals. We havent got much money, you know, 10_ were happy.II. 写一篇100字左右的短文,谈谈你心目中最理想的生活方式Lesson 1 (Period 2) 语言知识点 (总第二课时)一 课前预习学生自读第

8、一课的词汇和朗读课文二 课堂教学 重点词汇学习1) 在课文中找出含有下列词组的句子Wake up, switch on, have for lunch, at the moment, switch over, switch off, do some exercise, take Tina for a walk, make my meals ,at his desk, work his way through his paperwork Take up, be filled with, have time for fun, complain about,get bored, livelife2)

9、用以上的词组的正确形式填空。1.People always _ high housing price.2. Study _ most of her time.3.Her eyes _ tears.4.At weekends he often _ the computer as soon as he goes home and _ until midnight.5.The road to success _ difficulties.6.She got up early this morning before the alarm clock _.7.He _ by her boring spee

10、ch.8.They are healthy because they often _.9.Now farmers of China _.10.It is not easy _ college.三 重点,难句分析把下列句子翻译成中文并分析其句子成分1.I turn on the television and watch the childrens programmes and old movies until about half past ten.2.Of course, I couldnt live this lifestyle without a good life3.It takes m

11、e less than fifteen minutes to wash, get changed, have breakfast, leave home and get on a bus.4.I am always the first person to get to the office.5.But I try to work so that I can make more money for them.四检测练习翻译下列的句子1.他昨天早上8点醒来,8点半起床,然后早餐吃两块面包。2.很不幸,他父母目前都下岗了。3.周末,他常常一早就把计算机打开,直到半夜才关掉。4.如果中央八台没有好节目

12、,我就换到7频道5.他太胖了大家都劝他多锻炼身体。6.你常常带你的狗散步吗?7.我妈妈每天给我做饭。8.别打扰她。她在工作。9.我整天忙于我的设计。10.那新沙发占据了客厅的许多空间11.那瓶子装满了油。12.她总是向父母抱怨学校的伙食。13.你真的忙得周末都没有时间玩乐吗? 14.整天在学校学习,学生觉得很闷。 15.我的闹钟今早没有响。四课后练习步步高(P5)II Lesson 2 Relaxing 教学案学习目标:本节课之后,1. 学生应该学会缓解压力的方法。2. 学生应该掌握本课核心的单词短语的搭配用法。第一部分 课前自主学习学生自主预习第二课单词,并完成教材P10的Ex1&Ex2.1

13、. 理解句型:I find painting and drawing very relaxing.(Ex1)2. 新单词理解辨析,以及在语境中的使用(Ex2)第二部分 课堂教学Read aloud(listen to the following short story and then imitate)My old friend, Harrison, had lived in the Mediterranean(地中海) for many years before he returned to England. He had often dreamed of retiring in Engla

14、nd and had planned to settle down in the country. He had no sooner returned than he bought a house and went to live there. Almost immediately he began to complain about the weather, for even though it was still summer, it rained continually and it was often bitterly cold. After so many years of suns

15、hine, Harrison got a shock. He acted as if he had never lived in England before. In the end, it was more than he could bear. He had hardly had time to settle down when he sold the house and left the country. The dream he had had for so many years ended there. Harrison had thought of everything excep

16、t the weather.Brainstorming/prediction (making dialogues)请根据汉语提示进行两人对话练习。1. 什么人会遭受压力?2. 什么可能导致压力?3. 人们做些什么可以缓解压力?Listen to check your predictions/1st listening (Ex4 on P11)Now listen again and answer these questions/2nd listening (Ex5 on P11)1. When do students suffer from stress?2. What social situ

17、ations can be difficult for shy people?3. What is a good way of organizing work or studies?4. Who can people talk to about their problems?Listen to Mark and complete the following short passage.Things Mike finds _. Well, he really hates _. He gets very nervous the night before. He is also shy and he

18、 doesnt like_. He prefers meeting people in small groups. He cant stand _ in front of class in French lessons. Things he finds _. Well, he likes a lot of things. He loves _. And when he is tired and wants to relax he enjoys _. And he quite likes _. 第三部分 课堂检测根据汉语提示完成下列句子。1 .郎咸平是经济学专家。Lang Xianping is

19、 _ economics.2. 所有衬衫都减价至50元。/所有衬衫都降价了20%。All the shirts were_ 50 yuan.All the shirts were _ 20%.3. 数学与英语相比,她更喜欢英语。She _ English _ Maths.4. 我宁愿在电影院看电影。I _ watch movie in the cinema. =I _ movie in the cinema.5.我宁死也不愿意屈服。I _ die_ give up.6. 那场火灾的原因是什么?What was _ of the fire?7. 干旱造成植物枯萎。The drought _ th

20、e plants _ die.8. 没有事情能够阻止我娶她。Nothing will prevent _.9. 恶劣的天气使我不能出席会议。The bad weather _ me _ attending the meeting.10.马克正遭受胃痛的折磨。Mark _ stomachache.11.我们每天轮流擦黑板。We _ cleaning the blackboard every day. = We _ clean the blackboard every day. = We clean the blackboard every day _.12.我可受不了坐着整天无事可做。I _ s

21、itting and doing nothing.13. 我在节食。I am _.14.他们发现他被刀刺伤了。They _ him _ by a knife.15.警察发现他在屋子里死了。The police _ him _ in the room.第四部分 课后巩固提高1. 整理核心词汇短语的用法。2. 整理表达喜好的句型。3. Language Power(教材P57 Ex4)4. 步步高P9 Ex1, Ex2 and Ex 3Lesson 3 A Volunteer Teacher 教学案 (总第四课时)学习目标:3. 听取具体信息 4. 学会表达观点 5. 关注be going to

22、be doing 表将来的用法第一部分 课前预习I 背景预测Where is the girl?_Of all the Chinese provinces and autonomous regions自治区,_ is the third largest after Xinjiang and Tibet.II 预习Lesson3新词1.关注课文P12 Ex.2 关键词用法 【完成词义连线】to pass your final exam at universityto get help and encouragesth new, exciting, or difficult to do below

23、 zero degreesa choice that you makesb who does a job without being paidminuschallengesupportgraduatevolunteerdecision2.完成P12 Ex.5 练习第二部分 课堂教学1.P12 Ex.3 Listen and answer 1.听前预测答案 1.What is Wang Shus future plan?2.How does she feel about her work in Inner Mongolia?3.Why did she decide to go there?4.W

24、hat is she going to do in Inner Mongolia?5.What do her parents think of her decision?2. listen and check your prediction 预测 【listen twice】3.retell the story according to the answers in Ex.3【 dont just give the answers one by one, add some linking expressions if necessary.】4.listen and fill the blank

25、.WS: Good morning.I: WS, tell us about your plan, please.WS: 1_work as a volunteer teacher in a small country town in Inner Mongolia.I: But why did you make this decision?Wang Shu: Well, Ive just2 _university. As a teacher, I feel 3_something for the students in 4_.I: But life very hard and qu

26、ite different from that tin Beijing. 5_that?Wang Shu : Yes, I know life there will be especially 6_for me. You know, I am the only child in my family and Ive always lived in Beijing. So teaching in Inner Mongolia 7_a great challenge for me. Maybe it will be 8_ and maybe but I really 9_ new challenge

27、s. Thats why I made the10_ to go.I: What are you going to do there as a teacher?WS: 11_teach middle school students. Ill have .Ill be very busy.I: What do your parents think of your plan?.Wang Shu: To tell you the truth, they didnt like . But we had a long talk and I finally 12_.I: And when are you leaving?Wang Shu: The train13 _at 9 tomorrow morning. So Im 14_ at about 6 to15_. The new school term begins. I cant wait to meet the students there. They16 _ very good student.I: Im sure were going to

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