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1、期末提分必看初二下册全部重点短语和句型大汇总外研版期末提分必看!初二下册全部重点短语和句型大汇总!(外研版)学习外研版英语教材的同学终于盼到啦!今天,老师为大家分享的是外研版八年级下册重点短语和句型的归纳总结,希望对你们的英语学习和考试有帮助。好好学吧,少年!Module1 Feelings and impressions【重点短语】1. look sb. in the eye 正视某人2. look+形容词 看上去3. be afraid that +从句 恐怕be afraid to do sth 害怕做某事be afraid of doing sth 害怕4. thank (sb ) f

2、or doing sth 因某人做某事而感谢thank(sb) for sth 因感谢某人5. cant wait to do sth 迫不及待做某事6. spend 时间/金钱+(in)doing sth. 某人花时间/金钱做spend 时间/金钱+on sth. 某人在某方面花时间/金钱7. be proud of 以为自豪8. be proud to do sth. 为做某事而感到自豪9. be proud that 为感到自豪10. hear from/ receive a letter from. 收到.的来信11. each other 互相,彼此12. arrive in/at

3、到达13. be good at 擅长,善于14. have a try 尝试15. on top 在上面,处于优势16. in the middle 在中间17. as well 也;还18. in the right way 以正确的方式19. be excited about 对.兴奋20. shake hands 握手21. close to 离.近【重点句型】1.它闻起来不新鲜。Itdoesntsmellfresh.2.每种东西都(尝起来)甜滋滋的。Everythingtastessosweet.3.多好闻的味道啊!Whatadelicioussmell.4.你想来点尝尝吗?好的,谢

4、谢。-Wouldyouliketotrysome?-Yes,please.5.我喜欢甜食。Ihaveasweettooth.6. 顶部是什么?Whats that on top?7. 我恐怕不喜欢奶酪。它闻上去不新鲜了。Im afraidI dont like cheese. It doesnt smell fresh.8. My chocolate cookies are done. Have a try! 我的巧克力曲奇做好了。尝一尝!9. 我幸运的一天。Its my lucky day!Module2Experiences【重点短语】1.invitesb to do sth 邀请某人做某

5、事2.think about 考虑3.make up编造4.stop doing sth 停止做某事e with 和.一起去 6.the first prize 一等奖 the moment 此时,现在 far 到目前为止9.ask sb to do sth 要去某人做某事10.enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事11.a fifteen-year-old boy 一个十五岁的男孩 of the+形容词最高级+名词复数 最.之一 different from 与.不同 14.count down 倒数15.send sb to do sth 把某人送

6、去做某事16.enter a competition 参加竞赛17.write about 编写;写作 around the world 环游世界 for 效力于21.for example 例如22.look forward to doing/sth 期盼;期待23.have a wonderful time 玩得开心24.a pair of 一双25.the rest of 剩余的【重点句型】1.Icantaffordit. 我负担不起。2.Whatdoyoumean? 你什么意思?3.Iveenteredlotsofcompetitions,buthave

7、ntwonanyprize.Ivestoppedtryingnow. 我参加过许多比赛,但从未获过奖。我已经不再尝试了。4.Theyhavebeentomanyinterestingplaces. 他们去过许多有趣的地方。5.Theyarecountingdownthedays. 他们在进行倒计时。2.Itll help you improveyour speaking.Maybe you will win a prize. 我会帮助你提高口语能力。可能你会得奖。5.Have you ever thought aboutother kinds of competitions? 你考虑过其他种类

8、的比赛吗?7.I will invite you to comewith me. 我将邀请你来跟我一起。Module3 Journey to space 【重点短语】1.What are you up to?你在干什么?2.the latest news 最新消息 3.get information 获得信息 for 寻找,搜索 order to 为了6.much+比较级 .得多7.on earth 在世界上,在人间,究竟,到底municate with sb 与某人交流9.hundreds of 数以百计的10.go around 绕着.走11.billions of

9、 数十亿的12.take photos 拍照 把.送到. problem 没问题 far away(from) 离.远16.go online 上网 for 搜索18.more than 超过;多余19.look for 寻找20.look like 看起来像21.finish doing sth 做完某事【重点句型】1.还没有人过去火星。NoonehasbeentoMarsyet.2.对于.感觉如何?Howdoessb.feelabout?3.无法想像. Itsimpossibletoimagine.4.我刚刚做了一个飞船模型。

10、Ivejustmadeamodelspaceship.5.它已经到达了吗? Hasitarrivedyet?6.宇航员已经过去了月球。Astronautshavealreadybeentothemoon.7.我们尚未在任何其他的星球上发现生命。Wehavenotfoundlifeonanyotherplanetsyet.Module4 Seeing the doctor【重点短语】1.catch a cold 感冒 much exercise 经常锻炼 harmful to 对.有害4.such as 例如5.three times a say 一天三次6.have got/t

11、ake a stomachache 胃痛7.take ones temperature 量体温 food 快餐 front of 在.前面10.look after 照顾,照料11.take sb for a walk 带某人散步12.feel fit/health 感觉健康 underground 乘地铁on the underground14.ride to work 骑车去上班15.decide to do sth 决定做某事16.take part in 参加 the last few years 在过去的几年里 too+形容词+to

12、do sth 太.以至于不能.19.from time to time 时地20.set up 建立 ill 生病22.go for a run 去散步 23.feel awful 感觉不舒服24.all over 浑身; 遍及25.turn off 关掉26.have a pain in.(某身体部位)疼痛【重点句型】1. 你哪里不舒服?HowcanIhelpyou?/Whatswrongwithyou?/Whatsthematterwithyou?2. 我肚子疼。Ivegotastomachache.3. 我头疼。Myheadhurts.4. 你这个样子多长时间了?Howlon

13、ghaveyoubeenlikethis?5. 我病了大约三天了。Ivebeenillforaboutthreedays.6. 我量一下你的体温吧。Letmetakeyourtemperature.7. 这/那就是问题所在。Thatstheproblem.8. 自从去年我有了电脑我就不大运动了。IhaventdonemuchexercisesinceIgotmycomputerlastyear.9.多好的主意啊!Whatagreatidea!10.我觉得不舒服。Imnotfeelingverywell.11.这狗我买了三个月了.Ihavehadthedogforthreemonths.Modu

14、le5 Cartoon stories【重点短语】1.cant help doing sth 情不自禁做某事2.keep doing sth 一直做某事3.its time to do sth 到做某事的时间4.make a terrible mess 弄得一团糟 well as 也,还6.more than 多于7.all over the world 全世界8.even since 从那以后9.the same as. 和.相同10.learn from 向.学习 the heart of sb. 赢得某人的心e out 出版;发行【重点句型】1. Hehasbeenp

15、opularforovereightyyears.他流行了八十多年了。2. TintinappearedinChinainthe1980s.丁丁在20世纪80年代出现在中国。3.Snoopy lives in his ownprivate world and finds real life hard to understand. 史努比生活在自己的世界里,感觉现实生活难以理解。4. BothNemoandShrekhavewontheheartsofyoung peopleallovertheworld.Nemo和Shrek赢得了全世界年轻人的心。5.Its time towatch a ca

16、rtoon. 到时间看动画片了。6.He can fly through the sky and fight bad people. 他能在空中飞翔,和坏人作战。7.I want to besomeone likehim. 我想要成为像他一样的人。8.Superman is brave. He keeps fightingbad people. 超人是勇敢的。他一直和坏人作战。9.I cant help laughingwhen I watch them. 当我观看的时候忍不住大笑。10.Sometimes they protecteach otherand work together. 有时

17、候他们保护彼此,一起作战。11.I dont think we agree.Spiderman is more modern. 我不同意。蜘蛛侠更现代。12.He is brave, clever and humorous. 他勇敢、聪明和幽默。13.Parents and children laugh together asMonkey King makes a terrible messin heaven. 当美猴王大闹天宫的时候,父母和孩子在一起大笑起来。14.Snoopy, a cute dog, celebratedhis 60thbirthday in 2010. 史努比,一只聪明

18、的狗,在2010年庆祝了他60岁生日。15.He drew the cartoons to satisfyolder people as well aschildren. 他画漫画来满足老年人和孩子们的需要。Module6 Hobbies【重点短语】1.a bit of 一点儿2.collect stamps 收集邮票3.have a look 看一看4.such as/for example 例如5.look after animals 照顾动物 well as 并且,还 the future 在将来e out 出版9.a sixteen-year-old boy 一个六岁的

19、男孩 a result 结果;因此 interested in 对.感兴趣12.spend time in doing sth 做某事花费 .时间13.tidy up 使整洁;使整齐14.take up 占据;占用15.something important 重要的事16.enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事17.make sb do sth 让某人做某事18.not only.but also. 不仅.而且 sb. Sth. 向某人展示某事20.stop doing sth. 停止做某事 out of 用完;用光22.go sailing

20、 去航行【重点句型】1.-Tony, can you tidy upyour room, please?-OK, Ill do it right away. 托尼,你能整理一下你的房间吗?好的,我马上做。2.You need to find a place to put all those toy cars. 你需要找一个地方放所有那些玩具。3.Did you collect anythingwhen you were young?你年轻时收集东西吗?4.Come in and find somewhere to sit down. 进来,找个地方做吧!5.Sorry, its a bit o

21、f mess. Let me have a look. 抱歉,有点乱。让我看看。6.Coins? They mustbe really valuable. 硬币?他们一定非常有价值。7.Ill show you my stamps too.Ive collected stamps from all over the world. 我也会给你看我的邮票。我从全国各地收集邮票。8.My hobby doesnt costas much asyours.我的爱好不会像你的一样花费很多钱。9.People usually collect things justto remembersomething

22、importantin their lives. 人们通常会收集东西,仅仅是为了纪念他们生活中一些重要的事情。10.Many students have hobbies, such asreading, painting and looking afteranimals. 很多学生都有爱好,比如阅读、绘画和照顾动物。11.Somehobbies are relaxingand othersare active. 一些爱好是令人放松的,其他一些是活跃的。12.Hobbies can make you growas a person, develop your interestsand help

23、you learn new skills. 爱好能够帮助你成长、发展你的兴趣和帮助你学习新技能。13.One of his hobbies is writing. 他的爱好之一是写作。14.Duringthe summer of 2010, he spentfour weeks at a summer camp. 2010年夏天,他花四周进行了一次夏令营。15.As well asthe usual activities, there was a writing class. 除了通常的活动,还有一节写作课。16.Heasked us to talk about our lives and t

24、ell interesting stories. 他让我们讨论我们的生活,讲有趣的故事。17.She encouraged us to writeabout our experiences at the camp. 她鼓励我们写我们在夏令营的经历。18.As a result, David has become a successful young writer. 结果,大卫成为了一名成功的青年作家。19.His bookcame outin 2012. 他的书再2012年出版了。20.His hobby has brought him pleasure and success. 他的爱好给他

25、带来了快了和成功。21.Heisalso interested inmany other things. 他也对很多其他的事情感兴趣。22.I spendsome of my free time playingvolleyball.我花费一些业余时间打排球。Module7 Summer in Los Angeles【重点短语】 long 多长时间 the end of 在.的末端 for 为.付款4.had better do sth 最好做某事5.have a great time 玩得高兴6.write to 给.写信 the way 顺便说一下

26、ke a list 列清单9.forget to do sth 忘记做某事10.four hours a day 一天四次11.stay in touch with 与.保持联系 the beginning of 在.的起初13.depend on 依赖,相信,随而定 least 至少15.fill out 填写16.would like to do sth 愿意做某事 able to do 能够做某事18.get close to nature 接近大自然19.try out new ideas 尝试新的主意20.grow up 长大21.summer camp

27、 夏令营22.prepare for. 为.做准备 the same time 同时24.make progress 取得进步25.take part in 参加26.go sightseeing 去观光旅行27.add to 增加 28.agree/disagree with. 同意/不同意.【重点句型】1.HowcanIhelpyou? 我怎么帮你呀?2.Canyouhelpme? 你可以帮我吗?3.Idontknowwhattotake. 我不知道带些什么。4.Yourbagmustntweightoomuch.你的包一定不能太沉。5. Therearemanyexciting

28、thingstodo.有许多激动人心的事可以做。Module8 Time off【重点短语】1.listen to 听.2.walk along 沿着.走3.allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事4.climb up 爬上 famous for 因.而著名6.take up 占用;占去7.point out 指出 the top of 在.的顶部 如此.以至于.10.time off 放假期间11.look like 看起来像12.wake sb up 叫醒某人13.have a wonderful time 玩得高兴 back to 返回15.make some noise 制造一些噪音16.look for 寻找17.

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