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福建莆田荔城区八年级英语上学期期末考试试题 人教新目标版.docx

1、福建莆田荔城区八年级英语上学期期末考试试题 人教新目标版福建莆田荔城区八年级英语上学期期末考试试题 人教新目标版 (满分150分;考试时间120分钟)题号第一部分第二部分总分Part OnePart TwoPart Three得分第一部分听力(四大题,满分30分).听音选图 听句子 根据你所听到的内容选择正确的图画顺序。每个句子读两遍。(6分) A B C D E F1._ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6. _ II听对话 根据你所听到的内容,选择正确的答案。每段对话读两遍。(12分) 第一节 听下列4段对话,每段对话后有1个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳选项。(6

2、分)( )7. Does Jim play basketball on weekends?A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesnt. C. We dont know. ( )8. What does the boy think of Maria?A. She was careful. B. She was interesting. C. She was careless. ( )9. How will they go to West Lake?A. By bus. B. By bike. C. On foot. ( )10. What was the boy doin

3、g at nine last night?A. He was listening to the radio. B. He was sleeping. C. He was doing some washing. 第二节 听下面2段对话,每段对话后有2个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳选项,每段对话读二遍。(6分)听第5段材料,回答11、12题。( )11. What is Peters pet?A. A tiger. B. A pig. C. A cat. ( )12. Why doesnt Peter like Janes pet?A. Because its big. B. B

4、ecause its dirty. C. Because its noisy. 听第6段材料,回答13、14题。( )13. What kind of disease they are talking about?A. The flu. B. A fever. C. A toothache. ( )14. Which cant we do?A. Open the windows. B. Stay with animals. C. Do more exercise. .听短文 根据你所听到的内容,选择正确的答案。短文读两遍。(6分)( )15. Where are they going for

5、a trip?A. The countryside. B. A new park. C. A big zoo. ( )16. How much does the trip cost each?A. Ten yuan. B. Eight yuan. C. Five yuan. ( )17. When will they get back to the school?A. At a quarter to eight. B. At three oclock. C. At five oclock. ( )18. What can the students do there? A. They can t

6、ake some photos. B. They can draw some pictures on the wall. C. They can throw litter about.听对话填表格 根据你所听到的内容,按要求填写表格,每空填一词。对话读两遍。(6分)QuestionsAnswersWho are they?Betty and Nick are friends, Mike is Bettys 19_.Wheres the show?Its near the 20_ on Meiyuan Road.The shows timeIt starts at 21_ and finishe

7、s at five thirty.What to buyA 22_ and pants.第二部分 笔 试 (满分120分)Part One:语言知识运用(40分)I. 选择填空 从A.B.C三个选项中选出能填入句中空格的最佳答案。(15分)( )23. Li Ying is _ 8-year-old girl, but she can play _ drums pretty well.A. an, the B. a, / C. an, / ( )24. He was so sorry _ what he did last night.A. at B. to C. for ( )25. Ther

8、e is going to _ a school meeting this Friday.A. has B. be C. have ( )26. With the teachers help, he does much _ in his Chinese study now.A. well B. best C. better ( )27. Eating _candy is bad for your teeth.A. too much B. much too C. too many ( ) 28. If it _ tomorrow, they will go to the park for a p

9、icnic. A. rains B. doesnt rain C. wont rain( )29. A (H1N1) flu spreads _ among people, so we shouldnt go to crowded places.A. easy B. easier C. easily ( )30. -Must we finish the work today? -_. But you must finish it tomorrow.A. No, you neednt. B. Yes, you have to. C. No, you mustnt. ( )31. The old

10、granny is too old to take care of _. A. her B. hers C. herself ( )32. She could hardly speak a word when she saw her son again, _?A. cant she B. couldnt she C. could she ( )33. He put his coat on the desk and _ out quickly. A. go B. goes C. went ( )34. _ beautiful music it is!A. How B. What a C. Wha

11、t ( )35. Last year, I liked playing volleyball, but now I get used to _.A. going swimming B. playing guitar C. listen to music ( )36. -Do you know the Great Pyramid in Egypt? -Of course. It is _ building in the world.A. the old and greatest B. old and great C. the oldest and greatest ( )37. _ animal

12、s died because of the bad weather.A. Thousand of B. Thousands of C. Two thousands II. 口语应用 (15分)(A) 情景反应 从栏中选出栏中相对应的答语。(5分) I ( )38. Would you mind putting your things away? A. Twice a week. ( )39. When will the race begin? B. Hold the line, please. ( )40. How often do you play football? C. At a qua

13、rter to ten, I think.( )41. Can I speak to Mary, please? D. You are welcome. ( )42. Thanks for your delicious food. E. Sorry, Ill do it in a minute. B )补全对话 从方框中所给的选项中选择正确句子补全以下对话。(10分) M: Hello! Alice, tell you good news. We can go to Beijing for holidays this year.W: Great! 43 M: Next Sunday. And

14、well get to Beijing by plane.W: 44 M: By taxi. Well arrive in Beijing on Monday morning and well stay there for two weeks.W: What are we going to do in Beijing?M: 45 W: Are we going to visit the Great Wall?M: 46 Well spend a whole day there.W: When shall we be back home?M: I dont know. 47 W: Wonderf

15、ul, Im sure well have a great time this year!A. How are we getting to the airport? B. Maybe well go somewhere else. C. When are we leaving?D. Yes, were going to take a bus there on Tuesday. E. Were going to see the Palace Museum. 43. _ 44. _45._ 46._47._.完形填空 从每小题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择能填入相应空白处的最佳答案。(10分)He

16、llo, everyone! Im David. Im really very happy to be here with you to 48 my lifestyle and job. I love pop music and listen 49 it all the time, even when Im out 50 . In my free time, I enjoy playing computer games. Im very 51 in reading, too. I often read some newspapers after supper. On weekends, I o

17、ften spend three hours doing 52 a day. I dont like to eat meat. So I always have fresh fruit and vegetables instead. Sometimes if I dont feel good, I go straight to bed and have a rest. 53 my energy up, I usually try to get 54 eight hours sleep a night. As for my job, its 55 hard and boring. As a ve

18、t (兽医), I must be very patient 56 sometimes I have to try for hours before I get the work right. It always makes me feel tired. To relax, whenever I get a holiday, I go straight to a 57 beach. Its the best way to relax myself. ( )48. A. talk toB. talk aboutC. think overD. worry about( )49. A. inB. o

19、nC. toD. at( )50. A. runB. runningC. runsD. to run( )51. A. interestB. interestsC. interestingD. interested( )52. A. exerciseB. homeworkC. sportD. shopping( )53. A. KeepB. KeepsC. To keepD. Kept( )54. A. at lessB. at leastC. mostD. a little( )55. A. muchB. realC. reallyD. many( )56. A. untilB. whenC

20、. because ofD. because( )57. A. sunnyB. windyC. coldD. snowyPart Two:阅读理解。(45分)A Hello, boys and girls, please listen to me carefully. Theres something important for you to remember. Its about our geography trip. First, on Friday, well meet at the school gate because thats where the bus will be. Wel

21、l start out at seven thirty, but I want you to be there at a quarter past seven, so well have enough time to put the luggage on the bus. Talking of luggage, dont bring too much-well only be away for two nights! Just take a small bag. That should be enough. For the project work itself, youll need to

22、take photos, so you can take cameras with you. You also need a notebook, so you can write down what you find. Now weve booked into the Knellsmere Hotel, thats K-N-E-double L-S-M-E-R-E and, by the way, they have a public phone if you want to ring your parents and dont have a mobile phone. When we sta

23、y in the hotel, we should get back to the hotel before 9:00 p.m., so after dinner youd better not go far away from the hotel. In the hotel theres a gym and I know lots of you will enjoy using that. Its free for you. Well, I wish all of you can have a wonderful time.根据短文内容,判断句子的正误,正确的在括号内写“T”,错误的写“F”

24、。(10分)( )58. Wed better get to the school gate at 7:30 on Friday. ( )59. It isnt necessary for us to take too much luggage. ( )60. You must take a mobile phone with you if you want to call your parents up.( )61. We can return to the hotel at 10:00 in the evening.( )62. You dont spend any money if yo

25、u want to go to the gym. B Wanted: Babysitter Are you free in the afternoon? Do you like children? We need a babysitter for our daughter. She is only five years old. We need a babysitter to look after her every afternoon from Monday to Friday, 2:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Sometimes you will work the whole

26、 day at the weekend. Pay is ¥10 per hour. For the job, you should do: .Play with the girl .Watch her.Read to herYou will work in the house. We live in Fuzhou, near No. 2 Middle School.Please call: Mrs. Lin. Tel: 54568952 根据表格内容,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳答案。(10分)( )63. Mrs. Lin wants to ask a babysitter

27、 to look after her _. A. grandfather B. grandmother C. daughter D. son( )64. The babysitter will work _ hours a day. A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7( )65. The babysitter will usually work _. A. in the afternoon B. in the morning C. in the evening D. the whole day( )66. Mrs. Lin will pay _ for the babysitters wo

28、rk from Monday to Friday. A. ¥10 B. ¥50 C. ¥200 D. ¥250( )67. Which of the following is TRUE? A. The baby is only four years old. B. The babysitter neednt cook for the child. C. Mrs. Lin wants to get the job. D. The babysitter has to work seven days a week. CNot long ago, China decided to build a br

29、idge to link Zhuhai, Hong Kong and Macao. People will finish building it in 2016. It will be the worlds longest sea-crossing bridge! The Y-shaped bridge is about 50 kilometers altogether. 35 kilometers of it will be over water. Officials say the bridge we use will last in good condition for 120 year

30、s. It can handle big earthquakes as well as strong winds. And it will be all right even if it is hit by a 300,000-ton ship. With six car lanes, a car can go as fast as 100 km per hour on the bridge. It will only take 30 minutes to drive from Zhuhai or Macao to Hong Kong. Some people worry that the building of the bridge will pollute the sea and hurt sea animals. Officials say they will protect the

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