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初中英语初中八年级上册英语教学案例设计60份 仁爱版13.docx

1、初中英语初中八年级上册英语教学案例设计60份 仁爱版13Unit 1 Playing SportsTopic 3 The school sports meet is coming教学内容分析及课时分配建议:本单元以Playing Sports 为主题。第三话题以学校运动会及奥林匹克运动会为中心,在复习前两个话题所学的基础上,引入新内容的学习。Section A通过Yu Ting 和Li Ming关于各自在即将举办的学校运动会中参加的项目的讨论,学习will表示一般将来时的用法,学习询问和表达意愿和打算以及鼓励他人的功能用语,主要句型有:Which sport will you take par

2、t in ? Ill be in the long jump and the high jump.I believe you will win等;Section B 通过Kangkang 和Michael打电话约定一起参加学校运动会的见面时间、地点等相关事宜,学习shall表示一般将来时的用法,学会有关约会的表达式,主要句型有:What shall we take?When shall we meet ? Where shall we meet ?,同时通过对辅音连缀和弱读的发音规则的学习形成正确的发音; Section C通过阅读的输入,学习有关奥林匹克运动会的词汇,并在提示词的指引下用一般

3、过去时叙述学校运动会的情况。Section D 通过阅读Kangkang的日记,复习巩固所学有关运动会的词汇和表达法,同时要求他们结合课本内容和已有的有关奥运会的知识,写一篇有关奥运会的文章。Topic 3的的内容可以用5个课时来完成。第一课时:Section A-1a, 1b, 3,2a, 2b,第二课时:Section A-4, Section B-1a,1b,1c, 2第三课时:Section B-3a,3b,1d, ,Section C-2第四课时:Section C-1a,1b,3,4第五课时:Section D-Kangkangs diary, Grammar and Functi

4、ons, Project第四课时(Section C-1a,1b,3,4)教学设计思路:本节课为本单元第四课时,主要活动为1a和4。首先让学生欣赏亚特兰大奥运会主题曲的视频,之后主动汇报从报纸、杂志、网络搜寻的有关奥运会的相关信息,然后通过阅读1a了解更多现代奥运会知识,做好1b的7 个问题的笔记。读后做3部分填空练习,将新旧知识进行整合。最后在4部分提示问题的指引下用一般过去时叙述学校运动会的情况。. Teaching aimsKnowledge aims:(1) 能正确拼读下列单词:modern, Olympics, ring, stand, least, chance, whether,

5、 gold;(2) 能明白下列单词或短语的含义:motto, symbol, stand for, at least, nowadays, compete, host, beginning, medal.(3)能在英语对话或文章中听懂、读懂下列短语:stand for, every four years, become more and more popular, have the chance to do sth.等。(4)能正确地理解下列句子并能加以运用:In the future, more cities will have the chance to hold the Olympics

6、.The Olympic Games will be more exciting. The Olympics are becoming more and more popular.2. Skill aims: (1) 能听懂有关奥运会的对话及类似的英语文字材料。(2) 能用英语和同学朋友简单谈论奥运会。(3) 能读懂有关奥运会的对话或文章。(4) 能介绍自己参加运动会的经历及意义。3. Emotional aims:发扬奥运精神,积极锻炼,强身健体。4. Culture awareness:了解奥林匹克运动会和世界著名运动员。. The key points and difficult poi

7、nts1. Key points:(1)重点句子:In the future, more cities will have; The Olympic Games will be more exciting.(2)对every four years, become more and more popular, have the chance to do sth.等短语的理解及运用。2. Difficult points: 理解下列句子:They are held every four years.The Winter Olympic Games are usually held two year

8、s before the Summer Olympic Games.Nowadays, the Olympic Games are held by different cities in turn. . Learning strategies能够充分利用杂志、报纸、书籍和网络等资源获取信息、进行学习。. Teaching aids计算机多媒体投影仪,一首亚特兰大奥运会主题曲的视频。V. Teaching proceduresStage 1(5mins):Warming up and leading in StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning

9、 purpose1(Pair work)Greet and warm up. Ask students to report their homework.T: Well, nice to see you again. Who can show us your dialogs of making appointments?Focus their attention on the teacher. Report their dialogues about making appointments.S1:Hello,is Li Hong in?S2:Speaking.S1:Li Hong, would

10、 you like to go to school together with me tomorrow morning?S2:Yes Id like to. When shall we meet?S1:Lets make it seven.S2:Where shall we meet?S1:At your house.S2:Ok.See you tomorrow.S1:See you.该部分目的在于复习Section B所学的重要语法项目,检查学生的掌握情况,为本节课的学习做好准备。2(Class activity)Play the short video of a Atlanta Olymp

11、ic Theme Song named The Power of the Dream. T: Would you like to listen to a beautiful song? Introduce some information about this song.T: Atlanta Olympic Theme Song is sung by Celion Dion.It is the meaning of the power of the dream and the peak of perfection. The song is so strange and Im quite sho

12、cked. Do you have the same feeling? Watch the short video of a Atlanta Olympic Theme Song.Ss:Yes!该部分旨在结合本课学习内容,帮助学生放松心情,以积极的状态进入到新课的学习当中。Remark:教师在介绍这首主题曲的信息时可用汉语作简单说明。Stage 2(5mins):Pre-readingStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose 1(Class activity)Ask the students to share informati

13、on about Olympics in their group. Write “Olympics “on the blackboard. Ask two or three students to say something about Olympics.Share information about Olympics in groups, trying to understand as much as possible. Volunteers will introduce something about Olympics to the whole class.S1:The Games of

14、the 29th Olympiad in 2008 were awarded to the city of Beijing. its a great time for the world to know more about China.S2:The Olympic Games, first held in 776BC, has a history of more than one thousand years. The Games is held every four years. S3:In 2000, the city of Sidney held the 27th Olympic Ga

15、mes. Over one hundred countries all over the world took part in it. We won 28gold medals that year.该部分的任务主要是检查学生作业完成情况、强调充分利用各种资源查找资料进行学习的重要性,以提高学生的学习策略意识。2(Group work)Finish the pre-reading task of 1a.Finish the pre-reading task of 1a.Remark: 教师要告知学生充分利用杂志、报纸、书籍和网络等资源获取信息、进行学习。Stage 3(14mins):While

16、-reading StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1( Class work )Let students skim 1a quickly and answer the seventh question in 1b.Read the passage quickly and show their answers.2( Individual work )Ask the students to scan 1a and find out the answers to questions1-3.Scan 1a quickly.S1:

17、 In 1896.S2:Athen. S3:The motto of the Olympic Games is “Faster,Higher,Stronger”. 该部分训练学生通过阅读获取细节信息的能力以及根据上下文猜测词义的能力,提高学生的阅读水平。3( Individual work )Ask the students to scan 1a and answer the questions 4-6T:Read the passage carefully and then answer the questions4-6: Scan the passage to find out the a

18、nswersS4Tthe symbol of the Olympic Games is the Olympic rings. S5:The five rings stand for the five parts of the world.S6:The colors of the rings are blue, yellow, black, green and red.4( Class work )Let the students communicate with others about the ways inwhich they find the answers.Find out the f

19、ollowing information from Line 1 to Line 7 in Paragraph 1.Ss:A volunteer group tells:(1) the firststart(2) host cityAthens(3) mottoFaster Higher, Stronger(4) symbolOlympic rings(5) five ringsstand for(6) the colors of five rings(7) the Winter Olympic Games/the Summer Olympic Gamestwo years before5(

20、Class work )Show something on the computer screen and help students understand:(1) In the future, more cities will have the chance to hold the Olympics.(2) The Olympic Games will be more exciting.(3) The Olympics isbecoming more and more popular.Ask the students to make sentences by imitating the ex

21、amples. Show some language points on the screen.(1) start/ begin(2) a symbol of (3) stand for(4) at least(5) every four years(6) are becoming more and more popular(7) will have chance to do sth.(8) will be more excitingAsks the student to read 1a the last time.Try to understand the sentences.Make se

22、ntences in groups:S1: We will have the chance to visit Australia.S2: Our school sports meet will be more exciting.S3: This song is becoming more and more popular.Underline the language points in the books and try to understand.Read and look for something they dont understand yet.Remark:建议学生在遇到不认识的词汇

23、时,可根据上下文猜测词义,而不要过分依赖单词表或字典,否则会打断阅读的思路并降低阅读速度。Stage 4(12mins):Post-reading StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Class work)Start on 3.Ask the students to finish 3. And add something about China in the Olympic Games.Ask the students to read 3 aloud.Finish 3.Students read 3 aloud.该部分结

24、合多种练习形式,帮助学生巩固所学词汇、表达式、语法、句型等,并进一步提高学生读和写的能力。2(Class work)Ask the students to answer the questions in 4.Check the students answers.Lead the students to form a passage:(1) time: when(2) person: who(3) what: the thing(4) significance: what we can learn fromLet the students connect all the answers toge

25、ther to form a passage.Write down the answers. Volunteers read their answers.Finish writing the passage.Remark:学生进行4部分写作之前,可先查看之前所学的听力和阅读部分,复习所学句型,模仿进行写作。完成写作之后,学生互相改正错误。Stage 5(4mins):Summarizing and assigning HMKStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Class activity)Show the summary

26、 to the students:Students summarize Section C with the teacher 通过总结本节课所学知识点让学生及时巩固新知识,加深印象。2 (Class activity)Assign HMK.Review the summary after class.Read through Sections A-C, and prepare for Section D.Do the following tasks:Memorize the summary after class.Review Sections A-C to Prepare for Secti

27、on D. 通过家庭作业的布置培养学生课后复习和课前预习的良好学习习惯。Remark:VI. Blackboard design第四课时(Section C-1a, 1b, 3,4) In the future, more cities will have the chance to hold the Olympics. OlympicsThe Olympic Games will be more exciting. The Modern Olympics The Olympics are becoming more and more popular. motto Phrases: a symbol of stand for every four years become more and more popular have the chance to do sth.

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