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1、英语高考必刷题英语代词题【英语】高考必刷题英语代词题一、单项选择代词1When shall we go to see the movie The Hunger Games together?Make it _ day you like; its all the same to me.Aone Bany Canother Dsome【答案】B【解析】试题分析:考查形容词辨析。本句中的any意为“任意一个”,another另外一个;some一些;one一个;句意:我们什么时候一起去看饥饿游戏这部电影啊?你喜欢的随便那一天都行,我都没关系的。根据句意可知使用any day,表示任意一天都可以。故B正

2、确。【名师点睛】本题要特别注意any意为“任意一个.”,语气很强烈;another作形容词时,是指在原有的基础上再加一(些),表示“再一(些)”或“另外一个(些)”的意思,在心理上至少有三个.another还可作代词,意思与作形容词时一样.它前面不能加任何冠词,后面也不能加s【举一反三】The medicine is on sale everywhere. You can get it at _ chemists.A. other B. some C. another D. any答案D试题分析:考查代词:A. other其他,B. some一些,C. another另一个,D. any任何一

3、个,句意:这个药到处都在卖,你可以到任何一家药店买到它。选D。考点:考查形容词辨析2The foreign Minister said “ _ that the two sides will work towards peace”AIt is no doubt BThere is our hopeCThere is no wonder DIt is our hope【答案】D【解析】考查it作形式主语。句意:外交部长说:“我们的希望是双方朝着和平的方向发展”。 通过分析句子结构,可知引号中的句子把主语从句放在句末,故前面需要 it作形式主语,构成it + 系动词 + 名词 + that从句结构

4、。故选D.3In my eyes ,Miss Green is a strict but kind teacher, everyone will show respect and love to.A. it B. which C. one D. those【答案】C【解析】考查代词:句意:在我看来,格林小姐是个严格的但是善良的老师,一个每个人都尊敬的爱戴的老师。这里用one代指a teacher,做同位语,it指代物,which引导非限制性定语从句,修饰物,those指代可数名词复数。选C。4Li Huas parents hold different opinions on whether

5、they should have _ child.Aanother Bother Cothers Dthe other【答案】A【解析】试题分析:考查不定代词。句意:李华的父母在是否应该再有一个孩子的问题上持不同的看法。another指不定数目中的“另一个,又一个;other意思是“另外的,其他的”,修饰复数名词;others泛指“另外的人或物”;the other通常指两个中的“另一个”。根据句意,故选A。考点:考查不定代词5Which driver was to blame?Why, _! It was the childs fault. He suddenly came out betw

6、een two parked cars.Aneither Beach Ceither Dboth【答案】A【解析】试题分析:考查不定代词。问句问的是“是哪一个司机的错”,答语中后面一句说“很明显是那个孩子的错”,所以两个司机都没有责任,选neither,表示“两者之中任何一个都没有”。【知识拓展】neither两者都不;both两个都;either两者之一;none三者或三者以上没有。考点:考查不定代词6-Have you heard about Apple iPhone 6s?-SureIt is a hit these daysI am thinking about getting _Ao

7、ne BthemCthat Dit【答案】A【解析】试题分析:考查代词用法。one 是泛指,同名异物,相当于a/an + 名词;that 是特指,同名异物,相当于the + 名词;it 同名同物。句意:你听说过苹果6s吗?当然了,这些日子非常流行。我正考虑买一个呢。one在这里相当于an Apple iPhone 4,所以选A。考点:考查代词用法7To their great surprise, they found _ in the meeting.Athey were not understanding Bthemselves not understoodCthey had not und

8、erstood Dthemselves not understanding【答案】B【解析】B 考查语态。这里oneself和后面的动词是被动关系,所以应该用过去分词。find oneself done发现自己被,故选B。8If the product is significantly different from _ described in the ad, you have every right to complain to the local authority.Aone BonesCthat Dthose【答案】C【解析】考察指示代词用法。当上文的名词被第二次提到,通常用指示代词th

9、at(代指单数名词和不可数名词)或those(代指复数名词)来替代,本句中,用that代指前面提到的the product,为特指,故选C。9Whos that at the door? is the milkman.AHe BIt CThis DThat【答案】B【解析】试题分析:考查代词的用法。句意:谁在门外?是送牛奶的。因为不知道门外的是什么人。故用it指代不清楚的人。故选B。【知识拓展】it 的用法it 词小本事大, 人称代词包括它; 不明身份和性别,模糊指代就用它;距离日期和时间,天气环境全靠它;形宾形主惯用法,强调句型它当家。1)指代姓别不明的人Look at the baby.I

10、snt it lovely?2)指天气、时间、距离、自然现象、环境等。Its twenty miles to the zoo.3)作形式主语或形式宾语代替不定式、动名词、名词性从句。Its of great help to learn English well.I find it quite necessary to make some changes.4)特殊的形式宾语it。enjoy, like, dislike, love, hate, prefer, appreciate等表示“喜欢、恨”等心理方面的动词后接if 从句或when 从句,通常应先在动词后接it 作形式宾语。如:I wil

11、l appreciate it if you can give me a hand.5)用于强调句中:It iswasthatwho。Its from the sun that we get light and heat.考点:考查代词的用法。10While e-book sales this year have declined, it is still important for us to remember that the figures are still higher than _ five years ago.Aone BthatCthose Dthey【答案】C【解析】句意:尽

12、管今年电子书的销量已经下降,但是对于我们来说记住数字仍然高于五年前的销售量仍然很重要。这里用代词those指代上文出现过的可数名词复数figures,故选C。【名师点睛】代词that和those用法:一、代词that 的用法 :代词that 的指代为特指,并且我们通常归纳为 “同物异指”,即代词that 指代的物体与前文中的物体是同样的名称,但是有不同的内涵,另外代词that 可以指代前文中的不可数名词,TheclimateofJilinisnotsomildasthatofJiangsu.吉林的气候不如江苏温和。代词that指代前文中climate,同样都是climate,前文中为吉林的气候


14、特先生和太太宁愿要一座农村里的房子也不愿要一座大城市里的房子。二、代词those的用法that可代替不可数名词,也可代替可数名词单数,代替可数名词单数时等同于theone,表示特指意义;those只能代替可数名词复数,等同于theones。Thedaysinsummerarelongerthanthoseinwinter.夏天要比冬天长一些。此句中代词those指代前文中的复数thedays。Despite the negative image of nuclear energy, actually its public safety risks are no greater than tho

15、se of fossil fuels.代词those指代前文中的publicsafetyrisks,指代前文中的复数名词用those符合题意,句子意思为:尽管核能的形象比较负面,但是实际上核能的公共安全危害性还不如矿物燃料的公共安全危害性大。11Everyone may depend on _ wont happen again with these reassuring measures.Ait that it Bthat it Cthat Dit【答案】A【解析】试题分析:句意:每个人都可以相信,有了这些可靠的措施这种事不会再发生了。句中第一个it是形式宾语,that引导宾语从句后面是真正

16、的宾语。故选A.考点:考查宾语从句。12The exam was easy, wasnt it?Yes, but I dont think _ could pass itAsomebody BanybodyCeverybody Dnobody【答案】C【解析】本题考查不定代词的用法,somebody某人;anybody任何人;everybody每人;nobody没人。根据句意,可知选C。句意:-这场考试很简单,不是吗? - 是的,但我认为不是每个人都能通过。13- Daddy, do you like _ if I buy a purse for my moms birthday?- It c

17、ouldnt be better.Athis Bone Cthat Dit【答案】D【解析】在此句中,it是一个形式宾语。根据句意,可知选D。句意:-爸爸,我买给妈妈一个钱包作为生日礼物你喜欢吗?-那最好不过了。考点:代词不定代词14-Will $ 1,000 _ the cost of the trip? -Im afraid not. Perhaps I need _ $500.Apay; another Bcharge; more Ccover; another Dafford; more【答案】C【解析】句意“1000美元够旅行的费用吗?”“恐怕不够,也许还需要500美元。”charg

18、e“收费”;cover“包括”;afford“买得起”。根据句意可知,用cover;在原来的基础上再多一些用“another+数词”或“数词+more”表示,这里用another。故选C。15The Olympic Games makes _ possible for people to live side by side in peace.Athis Bit Cthat D不填【答案】B【解析】本题的含义是奥运会使人们能够和平的生活在一起成为可能,本题make后的真正宾语位于句尾用动词不定式,那么在英文中通常用形式宾语it来代替真正的主语,故本题选B。16Do you consider _

19、any good doing many scientific experiments?Athere Bthis Cit Done【答案】C【解析】 it是形式宾语,代替doing;good是形容词,因此选C17The manager was very angry, for he had sent his business partner two thousand machines yesterday, half of _ unqualified.Athem Bwhat Cwhich Dwhom【答案】A【解析】本题考查独立主格结构。句意:经理很生气,因为昨天他给他的生意伙伴寄去了2000台机器

20、,其中一半不合格。题中的unqualified为形容词。此题容易误选C。C项前缺少谓语动词。18Miss Green thought _ a great honor to be invited to speak to all of us.Athat Bthis Cit Dher【答案】C【解析】试题分析:考查形式宾语用法。it 是形式宾语,后面的to be invited to speak to all of us是真正的宾语,great honor是宾补。句意:格林小姐认为被邀请为我们所有人演讲是一件很光荣的事情。故选C。考点:考查it用法。19We have many summer cam

21、ps for your holidays. You can choose _ based on your own interest.Athem BeachCone Dit【答案】C【解析】【详解】考查代词。句意:我们有许多暑期夏令营,你可以根据自己的兴趣选择一个。A. them它们;B. each每一个;C. one一个,为泛指,泛指同类事物或人中的某一个;D. it为特指,特指上文提到的某人或者某事物。根据语境可知,此处应是表示泛指的某一个,在此泛指上句提到的many summer camps中的某一个,故选C。20I hate _ when people eat with their mo

22、uths full.Athat Bthese Cit Dthem【答案】C【解析】【详解】考查代词。句意:我讨厌人们吃东西时嘴里塞满东西。表示爱憎类的动词如:like/love/hate/dislike或appreciate, rely on和see to等其后加宾语从句时,此时一般先用it做其形式宾语,其后再接that/when等引导的宾语从句。故选C。【点睛】it作形式宾语一般有以下三种情况1. 谓语动词appreciate, dislike, like, hate, love, make (按时到达,成功)等后接由if或when 等引导的宾语从句时,往往在前面加上形式宾语it。 I wo

23、uld appreciate it if you could come to my birthday party.2. 动词have(表明,坚持说),take(认为,猜想),hide(隐藏),publish(公布),put(表达,写出来)等后接由that引导的宾语从句时,往往在从句的前面加上形式宾语。I take it that you will be leaving Shanghai soon.我认为你不久就离开上海。We published it that we had finished the project ahead of time. 我宣布我们已经提前完成了这项工程。 3.动词短语

24、allow for(担保),count on(期待),depend on(依靠),insist on(坚持),see to(确保)等后接that引导的宾语从句时,必须冠以形式宾语it。如:I am counting on it that you will come.我们期待着你的到来。21Is this school _ we visited 3 years ago?Athat Bwhere Cwhich Dthe one【答案】D【解析】【详解】考查定语从句。句意:这所学校是我们三年前参观的那所吗?分析句子可知,主句中缺少表语the school,故应用the one来代指。故选D。22Ho

25、w do you like the Japanese film Your Name! Dont you just love _ when the hero comes across the girl again after 8 years?Athis Bthat Cit Dthem【答案】C【解析】【详解】考查固定句型。句意:你觉得日本电影你的名字怎么样?难道你不喜欢男主角8年后再遇到那个女孩吗? 固定句式“sbhate / dislike / love / likeitwhen从句”为固定用法,故选C。【点睛】it作形式宾语的用法。当不定式(短语)、动名词(短语)或从句在某个句子中作宾语时,

26、为保持句子结构平衡,避免句式结构的混乱,常用it作形式宾语,而将真正的宾语放在句尾。此时it仍只起先行引导作用,本身无词义。其基本结构为“动词+it+宾语补足语+不定式(动名词或从句)”。 当不定式(短语)、动名词(短语)或从句在复合宾语结构中作某些动词的宾语时(如think, make, find, consider, feel, suppose等);基本句式结构一、动词+ it + that-从句。如:(1)sb find/ believe/ think/ feel/ consider/ make + it +n+to do/that从句,如:I take it (that) he wil

27、l come on time. 我认为他会准时来的。He makes it a rule never to borrow money.(他立志决不向别人借钱。)I think it no need talking about it with them.(我认为没必要跟他们谈。)(2)sb find/think/make + it + adj. + to do sth/that 从句(宾语从句)如:I dont feel it difficult to understand the Special English.(我觉得理解英语特别节目并不难。)I find it interesting to

28、 learn English.二、动词 + prep + it + that-从句。如:I cant answer for it that he will come. 我不能保证他会来。You may rely on it that hell come to meet you. 你放心,他会来接你的。You may depend on it that we shall always help you.(尽管放心,我们会随时帮你的。)说明:能用于此结构的动词不多,常见的有see to, look to, insist on, stick to, depend on, answer for 等。注

29、意: that引导的宾语从句不能直接作介词的宾语三、动词 + it + 介词短语+ that-从句。如:We owe it to you that there wasnt a serious accident.(多亏了你才没有发生严重事故。)I took it for granted that he would help us. 我认为他会帮助我们的。注意:由及物动词与介词组成的固定搭配中,宾语从句若作该动词的宾语时,须借用it。常见的有take it for granted, bring it to sbs attention, owe it to sb 等。四、动词 + it + when

30、 /if/that-从句。如:(1)sbhate / dislike / love / likeitwhen从句I hate it when my mother asks me to eat eggs.(我讨厌母亲要我吃鸡蛋。)I dislike it when you whistle. 我不爱听你吹口哨。(2)sbappreciate/preferitif从句I really appreciate it if you could help me with my math.Id prefer it if I didnt have to do so much work. 要是我不必做那么多工作,好就太好了。23Among the ashes were not the bones of a beast, but _ of a bird.Aones Bthat Cthose Dwhat【答案】C【解析】【详解】考查代词用法。句意:在灰烬中的不是野兽的骨头,而是鸟的骨头。

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