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外研版九年级英语上册Module 11Photos单元测试题无答案.docx

1、外研版九年级英语上册Module 11 Photos单元测试题无答案 Module 11.完形填空(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分2n加油2.5分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A、n加油B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。On 2n加油8 of March Richard Byrd stood outside tn加油he small house. He shook hands with tn加油he men that were leavingn加油. They were heading ban加油ck to the main camp on the coast of n加油An

2、tarctica(南极洲). He wouldn加油 _1_ to work at the base camp.“I don加油nt like leaving you here alon加油ne,” Pete Demas said. “In加油ll be _2_,” Byrd replien加油d. He was looking forwan加油rd to the challenge of spenn加油ding the winter at the base camn加油p. He would be recording the weathn加油er. There was plenty of f

3、ood and fuen加油l(燃料)in the tiny housn加油e. He felt sure _3_ woun加油ld go wrong.But somen加油thing did go wrong. Byrd was burning n加油the fuel for heat. But the fumes(n加油有毒气体) were not leaving the housn加油e. Slowly he was being poisonedn加油(下毒). _4_ May 31 he broke down. When加油n he came to, he made himself i

4、nto hisn加油 sleeping bag. Three days later he n加油_5_ it was a Sunday. The n加油men would be _6_ his rn加油adio message. Byrd moved hard out of bedn加油 and _7_ the call. He din加油dnt want the men to know how n加油_8_ he was. It was toon加油 dangerous for them to cn加油ome to save him.By willpower alone, n加油Byrd m

5、anaged to stay alive.n加油 He was so _9_ that he could hn加油ardly walk. But he forced hin加油mself to do the basics. He _10_ foodn加油 and made himself eat. He took n加油_11_ of weather ann加油d sent radio messages. But by late Junen加油, the men _12_ that somethinn加油g was wrong. Most of the time, Byrdn加油s messa

6、ges made no sense.Onn加油 August 11 Demas and two othen加油rs reached the base camn加油p. They _13_ recognised(认出) Byrd. He n加油was very thin and looken加油d terrible. Byrd _1n加油4_ them and then fell to the groundn加油. The men had arrived inn加油 time. After two months of care,n加油 Byrds good _15_ returned.n加油 H

7、e and his men worked togen加油ther again.()1.A.regret Bleave Can加油gree Dstay() Bn加油fine Clonely Dnervous()3.n加油A.something BeverythingCanythin加油ng Dnothing()4.A.On Bn加油In COf DAt()5.A.hoped Bimn加油agined Clearnt Drealised()6.An加油.expecting Bsending Cleavinn加油g Dtesting()7.A.ren加油turned Bmade Ct

8、ook n加油 Dmissed()8.A.brave Bsorryn加油 Csick Dcalm()9.A.hunn加油gry Bweak Ctired Dcold()n加油10.A.cooked Bservedn加油 Ctasted Dstored()11.A.phon加油tos Bnotes Creports Dn加油lessons()12.A.hearn加油d Bcomplained Cguessen加油d Ddiscovered()1n加油3.A.never Beven Chardly Dalmost(n加油)14.A.greeted Bston加油pped Cthanked Dvis

9、ited()n加油15.A.luck Bmemory Cdream Dhn加油ealth.阅读理解(共11小题;每小题2.5n加油分,满分27.5分)阅读下面三篇短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、Dn加油四个选项中选出最佳选项。ATom and Jones n加油were friends. They worked for the samn加油e company and always spent theirn加油 holidays together. One n加油year Jones said, “Lets do somen加油thing different this year. Lets go

10、on an加油 safari(观赏野兽的旅行) in Africa.” A n加油safari is a kind of holiday during n加油which people travel fn加油rom place to place lookn加油ing for wild animals to n加油photograph(拍照). One nin加油ght after dinner, Tom bet n加油Jones a dollar that he woun加油ld be the first person on the n加油safari to photograph a lion.

11、“All rin加油ght,” Jones said. “Ill takn加油e that bet. Ill bet you an加油 dollar that you wont be then加油 first person to photograph a lion.”Thn加油e two men shook hands on the bet. n加油Then Tom stood up.“Where aren加油 you going?” Jones asked him.“To n加油photograph a lion, of course,” Tn加油om said.“But its nearl

12、y darkn加油,” Jones argued. “Wait until the mon加油rning. Its a waste of time going oun加油t now.”But Tom wouldnt listen and wenn加油t out.An hour later, a lion n加油came into the tent.“Do yon加油u know a man named Tomn加油?” the lion asked the very frightenn加油ed Jones.“Well, yes, I do,n加油” Jones said.“He owen加油s

13、(欠) you a dollar,” the lion said andn加油 walked out.()16.Which of the follon加油wing is NOT true aboutn加油 Tom and Jones?AThey n加油worked together. BThey were fn加油riends.CThey took their holidays ton加油gether. DThey were famous photographn加油ers.()17.When did they go to An加油frica?AThey went there last year

14、.n加油BIt isnt mentioned in the passagen加油.CThey went there two years ago.n加油DThey went there every yn加油ear.()18.Who won the bet?AJonn加油es. BTom. CThe lion. DThe headn加油 of the safari.BIn 1826, a Fn加油renchman named Niepce needed pictures fon加油r his business. But he was not an加油 good artist, so he inve

15、nted n加油a very simple camera. He putn加油 it in a window of his house and n加油took a picture of his garden加油n. That was the first photo.Thn加油e next important date in then加油 history of photographn加油y was in 1837. That year, Dan加油guerre, another Frenchman, took a n加油picture of his reading room. He used a

16、n加油 new kind of camera in a different wan加油y. In his picture you con加油uld see everything very clearly, evenn加油 the smallest thing. This kind of phn加油oto was called a Dagun加油erreotype.Soon, other people began tn加油o use Daguerres way. Travn加油ellers brought back wonden加油rful photos from all arounn加油d t

17、he world. People took picturen加油s of famous buildings, cities n加油and mountains.In about 1840,n加油 photography was developed. Then photogn加油raphers could take pictun加油res of people and movin加油ng things. That was not simpn加油le. The photographer had to cn加油arry a lot of films and otn加油her machines. But

18、this didn加油 not stop them. For exan加油mple, some in the United States workn加油ed so hard. Mathew Brady n加油was a famous American photographn加油er. He took many pictures of great peopln加油e. The pictures were un加油nusual because they were ven加油ry lifelike(栩栩如生的)Photon加油graphy also became a kindn加油 of art b

19、y the end of the n加油19th century. Some photos were non加油t just copies of the real n加油world. They showed iden加油as and feelings, like other art formn加油s.()19.The Daguerreotypn加油e was _Aa Frenn加油chman Ba kind of pictureCa kn加油ind of camera Da photographern加油()20.If a photographer wanten加油d to take pict

20、ures of moving thin加油ngs in the year of 1840, he had to_n加油_. Awatch lots of filn加油ms Bbuy an expensive camen加油raCstop in most cities Dtakn加油e many films and other machines()21.n加油 Mathew Brady_n加油. Awas very lifelike Bn加油was famous for his unusuan加油l picturesCwas quite stron加油ng Dtook many pictures

21、 of moving pn加油eople()22. This passage tells us_n加油_. Ahow photographn加油y was developedBhow to show yn加油ourself in picturesChon加油w to take pictures Dhow to usn加油e different camerasCDenny wasn加油 a famous photographer. He travelln加油ed all over the world, taking pictures fn加油or magazines and newspapers

22、, and wonn加油 many prizes.“Ill do anythn加油ing to get a good photo,” he often n加油said. “Ill go anywhern加油e at any time, even if it is dangern加油ous.”And he told the trun加油th. He had photos of earthquakes, forn加油est fires, floods andn加油 even wars. If something inn加油teresting happened, Dennyn加油 went to p

23、hotograph it.He n加油was a married man and his wn加油ife often asked him to take her wn加油ith him, but he always refused. n加油“Ill travel for my work, not for plean加油sure,” he told her. “You wonn加油t have fun, and I wont have tin加油me to look after you. Somen加油times theres not even anywhere to stay,n加油 and

24、I have to sleep on加油utside. I often dont have a goon加油d meal or a bath for days. You wont ln加油ike it.”“Denny, I am not an加油 child,” his wife didnn加油t agree. “I can look after myself. Pln加油ease take me with you the nexn加油t time you go overseas.”Denny din加油d not say anything, bun加油t he thought about i

25、tn加油, and when he was asked to go to Afrn加油ica, he said to his wife, “You can comen加油 to Africa with me if you want n加油to. I have got to takn加油e photos of wild animan加油ls there. It should be intn加油eresting and not too uncomfortn加油able.”His wife was very excited, ann加油d at first she had a very enjoya

26、ble n加油time. Then Denny wentn加油 to the forest to find some lions to phn加油oto. His wife went with him, but ben加油fore long they became separated. Shen加油 walked down one path while he walked don加油wn the other.Suddenly, Denny heard n加油her crying. He ran back and saw hen加油r running towards himn加油. A huge

27、 lion was chasing her. Quin加油ckly Denny took his camera out ofn加油 its case and pointed it at his wn加油ife and the lion. Then he shouted, “Sln加油ow down, woman! I cant get you both inn加油 the picture!”()23.Dennyn加油 had photos of all then加油 following EXCEPT _n加油Anatural disasters Bwild an加油nimalsCtravel

28、magazines Dintern加油esting events()24.The couple becan加油me separated in the An加油frican forest, probably ben加油cause _Aone of thn加油em left to take a bathBn加油either of them had lost his/her wayn加油Cthey didnt have a good meal for dn加油aysDthey had nowhere to stayn加油 for the night()25.The un加油nderlined sen

29、tence in tn加油he last paragraph mainln加油y tells us that _n加油_ADenny was in fact pln加油aying a joke with his wifeBDn加油enny trained the wild lion to playn加油 with his wifeCDenny loved to tan加油ke wonderful pictures for his wifeDDn加油enny was too busy taking photos to pn加油rotect his wife()26.According ton加油

30、 the passage, a famous n加油photographers life must be _n加油_Asafe, cheerfuln加油 and colourfulBpleasant, comfn加油ortable and meaningfulCn加油enjoyable, exciting butn加油 regrettableDinteresting, succesn加油sful but dangerous.词汇运用n加油(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)A用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空,每n加油词限用一次。be in with a chan加油nce, subject,

31、recent, menu, tonightn加油27. Here is the _. n加油What would you like to eat?28. n加油There will be a photo exhibition _n加油_. How aboutn加油 visiting it?29The thn加油in man _n加油_ to win the match. He runs rean加油lly fast.30. The _ ofn加油 the photo is People and Nature. n加油31. I havent seen youn加油 _. Does everything go wn加油ell?B根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写n加油出单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。Mr Hill arrives atn加油 London Airport, at the end of a thn加油reeweek holiday in

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