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中考英语命题研究第一部分 教材知识梳理篇 七下 Units 912习题.docx

1、中考英语命题研究第一部分 教材知识梳理篇 七下 Units 912习题七年级(下) Units 912,中考基础知识梳理类别课标考点要求词汇攻关1.high(名词)_height_2farm(名词)_farmer_3slow(反义词)_fast/quick_4mouse(复数)_mice_5act(名词)动作_action_(名词)男演员_actor_(名词)女演员_actress_6person(形容词)_personal_7wake(形容词)_awake_8sheep(复数)_sheep_9cheap(反义词)_expensive/dear_(副词)_cheaply_10.thin(反义词



4、ace19深夜不睡;熬夜_stay_up_late_20把弄醒_wakeup_句型再现1.“她长什么样?”“她留着长直发。”_What_does_she_look_like_?She _has_long_straight_hair_2“你需要什么?”“我还没想好。”_What_would_ you like?_Im_not_sure_ yet.3你想吃哪种面条?_What_kind_of_noodles_ would you like?4蜡烛的数量就是这个人的年龄。_The_number_of_candles_is_ the persons age.5卡罗尔拍了些照片吗?_Did_Carol

5、_take_any_photos_?6“上周的旅行怎么样?”“棒极了。”_How_was_ your trip last week?It was _excellent_7.然后导游教我们如何制作机器人模型。Then the guide taught us _how_to_make_a_model_robot_8礼品店里的东西这么贵。我一点都不喜欢这次行程。The things in the gift shop were so expensive.I _didnt_ like the trip_at_all_9这就是为什么学习第二语言很重要的原因。Thats why _its_important

6、_to_learn_ a second language.10在那里我们架起帐篷,生火取暖并做饭。There we put up our tents and made a fire _to_keep_us_warm_ and cook food on.11但是我太累了,所以早早就睡觉了。But I was _so_tired_that_ I went to sleep early.12我们看见一条大蛇正在篝火附近睡觉。We saw a big snake sleeping_near_the_fire语法结构一般过去时话题1.Physical appearance(外貌特征)2Food(食物)3

7、.School trips(校园旅行)4Weekend activities(周末活动),河北五年中考真题演练词汇类( C )1.(2014河北31题)How _Cindy grows!Shes almost as tall as her mother now.Acute BstrongCfast Dstraight( D )2.(2012河北39题)_ your name on the paper and you can get a magazine.ACut down BLook downCTurn down DPut down( A )3.(2011河北31题)Wed better wa

8、it _more minutes.I think Jeff will come soon.Aa few Bfew Ca little Dlittle动词的时态( B )4.(2016河北32题)Oh no!I _ my book in the lab.Aleave BleftCwill leave Dwas leaving( B )5.(2014河北40题)The teacher is already standing here.Do you know when she _?Acomes BcameCis coming Dwas coming( A )6.(2013河北37题)Ken _his

9、 jacket in the gym.He has to get it back.Aleft BleavesCis leaving Dwas leaving( B )7.(2012河北41题)Your sweater looks smart.Where _you _it?Ado;get Bdid;getCwill;get Dhave;got( D )8.(2016河北38题)Emily is glad that she_ for her honesty at that meeting.Apraises BpraisedCis praised Dwas praised,河北中考重难点突破 if

10、conj.如果【满分点拨】if的常见用法辨析if如果引导条件状语从句主句使用一般将来时,从句常用一般现在时。是否引导宾语从句(whether)主句是一般现在时,从句根据具体情况使用相应时态。主句是一般过去时,从句使用相对应的过去时态。【误区警示】if引导表示与现在事实相反的虚拟条件句时,从句中使用一般过去时(be动词通常用were),主句用would/should/could动词原形。If I were you,I would accept his offer.如果我是你,我就会接受他的建议。【巧学妙用】if条件句不一般,几个要点记心间:条件句,放在前,逗号要放句中间。条件句,表可能,主句多用

11、将来时。【考点抢测】( D )1.(2016裕华区中考模拟)Are you going to Sams birthday the day after tomorrow?I am not sure.I will go with you if I _Awill invite BinviteCwill be invited Dam invited( A )2.(2016路南区二模)_ you dont go to bed early,you will feel tired in the morning.AIf BUnlessCThough DUntil( D )3.(2016石家庄28中模拟)We

12、are sure that PM2.5 _ if we work together to solve pollution problems.Awill control Bis controlledCcontrols Dwill be controlled( D )4.(2015石家庄40中模拟)I think that studying in pairs or groups is necessary _ you want to learn from each other in class.Athough BuntilCunless Dif 辨析few,a few,little与a little

13、【满分点拨】 few表“否定”“几乎没有”的意思,修饰可数名词。He has few friends here.这儿他几乎没朋友。a few表“肯定”“有一点”之意,修饰可数名词。There are a few apples in the basket.篮子里有几个苹果。little表“否定”“几乎没有”的意思,修饰不可数名词。There is little water in the bottle.瓶子里几乎没水了。a little表“肯定”“有一点”之意,修饰不可数名词。Dont worry.There is a little time left.别担心,还有一点时间。【图解助记】【考点抢测

14、】few a few little a little5There are _few_books left.We cant lend you any one.6There is _little_ink in my pen.Please give me _a_little_.7I have quite _a_few_books on art.( C )8.(2016邯郸一模)The more careful you are,the _ mistakes you will make.Aless BmoreCfewer Dbetter( A )9.(2015河北中考模拟)There is _ shee

15、p at the foot of the hill.Aa few BfewClittle Da little would like句型【满分点拨】would like的用法(1)d like是would like的缩写形式,would like相当于want。其常见用法:would like to do sth.want to do sth.想要做某事would like sb. to do sth.want sb. to do sth.想要某人做某事Would you like sth.?你想要某物吗?(客气请求)肯定答语:Yes,please.否定答语:No,thanks.Would yo

16、u like to do sth.?你愿意做某事吗?(表示:请、建议)肯定答语:Yes,Id like/love to.否定答语:Id love to,but(2)would like,want与feel like的用法辨析would like和want后接名词、不定式或复合宾语,feel like后接名词或动词ing形式。would like比want语气更加委婉。【考点抢测】( C )10.(2016河北三模)Would you like a cup of coffee _ shall we begin business right away?Aand BthemCor Dbut( B )

17、11.(2015石家庄28中押题卷)The old couple would like _ children in the poor area rather than live an easy life.Ateach Bto teachCteaching Dtaught( B )12.(2016武汉中考)Would you like to play basketball with us this afternoon?_,but my mother is ill.AI dont care BIts very nice of youCOf course not DMy pleasure inter

18、ested adj.感兴趣的【满分点拨】辨析interested,interesting与interestinterested形容词“感到有趣的”,只作表语,主语通常是人。be interested in sth.对某事(物)感兴趣;be interested in doing sth.对做某事感兴趣。interesting形容词“有趣的”,作表语或定语,主语通常是物。interest名词“兴趣”,places of interest名胜。【考点抢测】interest interesting interested13Tom is _interested_ in the film.14This

19、is an _interesting_ book.15I visited many places of _interest_( B )16.(2016石家庄43中模拟)Many boys and girls are made _ what they are not _Ato do;interested Bto do;interested inCdo;interested in Ddo;interested 辨析surprise,surprised与surprising【满分点拨】 surprisev.使惊讶n.惊讶in surprise惊讶地to ones surprise令感到吃惊surpr

20、isedadj.感到惊讶的,主语是人be surprised at对感到惊讶surprisingadj.令人惊讶的用来修饰物【考点抢测】17We were _surprised_at_(对吃惊) the good result.18She looked at me _in_surprise_(吃惊地) just now.19We _are_surprised_to_(对惊讶) hear he had left for London.20_To_my_surprise_(令我感到吃惊的是),Mary hasnt returned my book so far.( A )21.(2015石家庄42

21、中模拟)What _news it is!We are _at it.Asurprising;surprisedBsurprised;surprisedCsurprising;surprisingDsurprise;surprised What does he look like?他长什么样?【满分点拨】What does/do主语look like?用来询问某人外貌特征,意思是“看上去什么样?”,常用“主语be描述人物外貌特征的形容词”或“主语have/has名词(名词前可以有多个形容词修饰)”两种方式回答。What does your friend look like?你的朋友长什么样?H

22、e is short and thin.他又矮又瘦。What do they look like?他们长什么样?Theyre very tall.They have short straight hair.他们很高,留着短的直发。【归纳拓展】“What is sb. like?”意为“某人是怎样的人?”,既可以用来询问人的外貌,也可以用来询问人的性格、品质等内在特征。What is your father like?你爸爸是怎样的一个人?He is tall and handsome,and hes very kind.他又高又帅,而且还很善良。【考点抢测】( A )22.(2015石家庄43

23、中一模)_?He is not very heavy and wears glasses.AWhat does Ron look likeBWhat is RonCWhat do you think of RonDHow is Ron( B )23.(2016石家庄初三质检二)Could you tell me _?He is outing and funny.Awhat your brother looks likeBwhat your brother is likeCwhat your brother likesDwhat your brother would like What an i

24、nteresting job they have!他们有一份多么有趣的工作啊!【满分点拨】此句是一个由what引导的感叹句。感叹部分为What an interesting job,they为主语,have为谓语。what的意思是“多么”,用作定语,修饰名词,其句式结构为:What(a/an)形容词可数名词单(复)数/不可数名词其他!感叹句中谓语有时可省略,有时主语和谓语一起省略。【归纳拓展】what引导的感叹句Whata/anadj.可数名词单数(主语谓语)!Whatadj.可数名词复数(主语谓语)!Whatadj.不可数名词(主语谓语)!how引导的感叹句 Howadj.a/an可数名词单

25、数(主语谓语)!Howadj./adv.(主语谓语)!【巧学妙记】巧记感叹句感叹句,表情感,how,what放句前。名词词组用what,how后形副紧相连。【考点抢测】( C )24.(2015保定17中模拟)_ foggy day!Something must be done to solve the haze problem.AHow BWhatCWhat a DHow a( D )25.(2016河北三模)_ exciting news report he wrote!AHow BWhat aCWhat DWhat an( D )26.(2016海港区升学一模)_ lovely day

26、it is today!Yes.Lets go out and enjoy the sunshine.AHow BHow aCWhat DWhat a,常考话题写作指导校园旅行写作导图从全国近五年校园旅行相关话题书面表达的命题来看,通常有三个角度的内容:1旅行前的准备:通常包含旅行目的、旅行地点、出游交通方式、必备物品、出发时间等。2旅行时需要注意的事项:保护环境,不乱扔垃圾;遵守规章制度;积极主动帮助他人等。3旅游方式的描述。4旅行后的收获。结合河北考情,可以预测第一种考查角度几率更大。School tripBefore the tripTimePlacesPersonPurposes(re

27、lax,know more things)Transportation(by plane,train,ship)Necessary items(map,umbrella)Duringthe tripWeather(sunny,cloudy,windy)FoodActivitiesmuseummountainparkbeachProtect the environmentObey the rulesLike and dislikeCity environmentPeople are verykindTraffic jamAfter the tripFeelings(exciting,tired,

28、happy)亮点句型速成常用句型:I had some experiences.I traveled in Beijing.推荐句型:I had some experiences when I traveled in Beijing.常用句型:I could go traveling to a tourist attraction.I enjoyed myself in the summer holiday.推荐句型:I could go traveling to a tourist attraction to enjoy myself in the summer holiday.1Im so excited about my trip to2I hope you will have a good time here.3Every month,we go on a school trip to a museum or a theater.4I wi

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