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1、人教版英语高一必修一Unit3Traveljournal期末知识梳理人教新课标版高一必修一Unit 3 Travel journal期末知识梳理一、训练导入1、 考纲单词写岀下列考纲词汇的词性和汉义(如果不止一个词性学生自行增补词性及相应汉义)1 journal ()2、 transport()3、 prefer()4、 disadvantage ()5、 fare ()6、 persuade()7、 graduate()8、 finally()9、schedule ()10、fond()11、organize()12、determine()13、boil ()14、insurance()15

2、、reliable ()II.核心短语1、ever从那以后2、care关心:忧虑:惦念3.make up one s 卜决心:决定4、usual照常5、beof喜爱;喜欢6、one s mind改变主意7.give投降;屈服;让步8、midnight在午夜9、from毕业于10、set sb、in使某人对感兴趣11、dream梦见12、attitude对的态度13.make编造14、give放弃15、the setting sun 在落 日 下16、puttents搭起帐篷17、stay睡不着18、leave留卜19、think思考20、the river bank沿着河岸二、知识精讲I、重点

3、词汇1、 prefer v. (preferred/preferring)更喜欢,选择某事物(而不选择其他事物)典例1 )、I prefer dogs locals、猫狗之中我更喜欢狗。2) 、I prefer speaking the truth to lying 我宁愿讲实话而不愿说谎3) 、Would you prefer that we put off our wedding till next mouth?你是否更愿意把我们的婚礼 推迟到下个月?来源:重点用法prefer sth、/doing prefer A to Bprefer doing A to doing B prefer

4、 (sb. )todo (rather than do)prefer that lause2、 persuade v、说服;劝说典例1) 、We persuaded him to take the job /into taking the job、我们说服了他接受这份工作.2) 、 My mother finally persuaded me not to go to the party / out of going to the party 妈妈最终说服我不参加这次聚会。3) 、How can I persuade you of my sincerity?我如何能让你相信我是真诚的?4) 、

5、I am almost persuaded that he is honestx 我几乎相信了他是诚实的.重点用法persuade sb to do sth = persuade sb、into doing stlK 说服某人做某事persuade sbx not to do sth = persuade sbx out of sth /doing sth 劝阻某人做某事persuade sb、of sth、 使某人相信某事persuade thatlause 使某人相信、3、 insist 坚持典例You can come back later, if you insist. 如果你一左要坚

6、持,你就稍后再来吧。重点用法insist on/upon sth /( sbs) domg坚持某事/要求(某人)做某事I still insist on my viewpoint 我仍然坚持我的观点.He insisted on paying for the meal、 他坚持要付饭钱。Mother insisted on our washing the clothes by oursejvesx 妈妈坚决要求我们自己洗衣服。4、 determine 决泄;确立:下总决心典例1) 、 Attitude determines everything 态度决圧一切.2) 、We determined

7、 to go to the railway station al once、 我们决定立刻去火车站.3) 、I wonder what determined her to marry him in the end、我想知道是什么使她最终下决心嫁给他的.4) 、The court determined that the man was guilty of robber 法庭裁宦那个人犯了抢劫罪。重点用法determine on/upon (doing) sth、 determine + n、determine to do slh、 determine sb、to do sth 使某人卜定决心做某

8、事determine + that-clauseadj、 be determined to do sth、II、重点词组1、care about关心,在乎典例1) 、The only thing he cares about is money 他唯一在乎的东西就是金钱.2) 、 Family members should always care about each other 一家人应该互相关心.短语归纳care for喜欢(多用于否宦、疑问句);照顾I dont care for coffee我不喜欢咖啡.Could you help care for my child when I am

9、 out?我外岀时能帮忙照顾下我的孩子吗?2、 give in屈服,让步,投降;上交典例1 )、Seeing that he could not persuade me, he had to give in (to my view)、 由于无法说服 我,他不得不认输。2)、Its time to give in your exammation papers、 到 了交试卷的时间了短语归纳give in (to sb /sth、)向让步 give up sthx /doing 放弃(做)某事give away赠送;泄露 give back归还;恢复give off 放出,散发(光、热、烟、气味等

10、) give over交付give out vt.分配:分发;发布历、(食物,燃料,电力等)用光:筋疲力尽3、change one*s mind 改变主意make up ones mnid (to do)卜定决心(做某事)典例2)、I have made up my mind to leave,不管你说什么我都不会改主意了 短语归纳与mind有关的常用短语have a/no mind to do 有/无意做read ones niind看出某人的心思 be of the same mind 意见一致 give ones mind to 注意 take ones mind off sth、转移某

11、人的注总力 bring/call sth、to mind 回忆某事III、重点句型and nothing you say will change it.我已经下立决心lose ones mind 失去理智speak ones niuid 直言不讳be in/of two minds拿不定主意keep one mmd on 专心于bear/keep sth、in mind 记住某事 put sb、in mind of sth、使某人想起某事1)、Maybe youll change your .mind after thinking it over、也许你仔细考虑之后会改变主意.1、 It wa

12、s my sister who/that first had the idea to cycle along the entire Mekong Riverx 首先想 到沿湄公河骑车旅游的是我姐姐。解释强调句型It is/was +被强调部分+ that/who +其余部分。被强调部分可以是原 句的主语、宾语、状语、从句。强调主语:It is the ability to do the job that matters, not where you come from or what you arc、关键是你的工作能力而不是你从哪来或你是谁。强调宾语:It was Michael that/w

13、ho I gave this ticket to、 我把这张票给了麦克。强调时间状语:It was about 600 years ago that (he first clock with a face and an hour hand was made、大约600年前,第一个有钟而和时针的钟诞生了。强调地点状语:It was in Brooklyn that Beckham first met Victoria, so they named (heir, first son Brooklyn x ” 布鲁克林是贝克汉姆和维多利亚第一次相遇的地方,所以他们给第一个儿子取轻布鲁克林。 强调从句

14、:It was because he is in critical condition that the doctor decided to operate on him、医生之所以决左为他动手术,是因为他病情危险。2、 She insisted that she (should) organize the trip properly、解释 Jinsist + that-clauseinsist意为“坚持要求(做某事)时,宾语从句用虚拟语气,谓语用should do的形式,should可 省略:而insist意为“坚持认为,坚持某种观点“时,宾语从句的动词时态根据具体的语境变化, 不用虚拟语气

15、。He insisted that he hadnt made a mistake、 他坚持认为自己没有犯错。The bodyguards insisted that the president (should) keep away from the crowd for the sake of safety. 岀于安全考虑,护卫人员坚决要求总统远离人群.suggest (建议),demand (要求),require (要求),request (请求),order (命令)等动词的宾语 从句也常用“(should) do表示虚拟语气。三、语法突破现在进行时表将来现在进行时除表现在外,还可以表示

16、将来。现在进行时表将来时常有“意图”“安排或“打 算”的含义这种现在进行时比较生动,给人一种期待感。它常表最近或较近的将来,所用动词多是转移动词。女口:(1)Im going、我要走了.(2)When are you starting?你什么时候动身?来源:数理化网表将来的现在进行时除用于转務动词外,亦可用于某些非转移动词。如:(1)Im meeting you after class、课后我找你。(2)What are you doing next Sunday?下星期你打算于什么?(3)She is buying a new bike soon、她不久将买一辆新自行车。但偶尔也表示较远的将

17、来如:When I grow up. Im joining the army、我长大 了要参军.表将来的现在进行时有时含有“决心”的意思,多用在否立结构中。如:(1)Im not goings 我不走了(2)Im not waiting any longerx 我不再等了.有时也用在肯立结构中。女口:Im backing outx我要打退堂鼓了。用这种现在进行时与对方讲话时可变成命令,不过语气比较温和。如:(1)You are staying、你留下吧。(2)Dont forget: you are taking part too、不要忘记:你也要参加。同现在一般时一样,现在进行时也可在时间、

18、条件或原因状语从句中表示将来。如:(1)when you are passing my way, please drop in、你什么时候路过我们家,请进来坐。(用 于时间状语从句)(2)If they are not doing it what I am I to do?如果他们不干,那我该怎么办?(用于条 件状语从句)(3)She is going to the dentist tomorrow because she is having a tooth filled.表示将来的现在进行时也可用在间接引语中,表示说话人相信它将是事实。如:He said he is going tomorr

19、ow、他说他明天走。表将来的现在进行时有时从属于将来时态。如:(1) On election mglit well be telling you whafs happening in various places in this country.到了选举的夜晚,我们将把全国各地的情况告诉大家。(2 ) when I have time. Ill come down to the school to see how you re both doing、 我有 空时,会来学校看你们俩的学习情况.这样呢?现在进行时表将来练习来源:数理化网1、 Selecting a mobile phone for

20、 personal use is no easy task because technologyrapidly changing B. has changed C、 will have changed D will change2、 Rainforestsand burned at such a speed that they will disappear from the earth in thenear futureA.cutB、 are cutC、are being cutD、 had been cut3、of how he can do more for the peopl

21、e、A.had always thoughtB x is always thinkinghas always been thoughtD、 thinking always4、I want to know when hefor New York tomorrow、A.has leftB、is leavingC. had leftD、 has been leaving5、The building,I cant stand its noise、A、buildsB、 is builtC、is being builtD. was being built6、I cant catch up with the

22、 fashion because the clothes style.all the time、A.changedB、 is changedC. is changinghas changed7、Its seven、The Greensbreakfast together xA.B x are havingC. have hadD、had hadDont make any noise wjiile the the tapexare listening B、 listenedC、 have listenedhad listened9、Tom and Peterin the

23、lakeLetsjomthem, shall we?A.swimB、 have swumC、 swamare swimming10、Look! The childrenfootball on the playgroundA、playsB、 playedC、is playingD、are flaying11、The kitehigh in the sky now.It looks like a bird、A.has flown B、is flyingC、 was flyingflew12、As we all know,the worlds populationfaster and fasterA

24、.is grownB、is growingC、 are grownD、are growing13、To my surprise, classx (from: http: /wangzhong050700blog 163、com/)A、 is always speaking B、 would always speakC. has always been speaking D、 does speak always14、 Can you tell me when the plane to America tomorrow?A. would fly B、has flown C、had fl

25、own D、is flying15、 一 for Beijing?Yes, and I ll come back in two months、A Have you left B、 Are you leaving C、 Do you leave D、 Did you leave16、 Fve won a holiday for tliree to New York、 I my dad and mum、A. am taking B、have taken C、 take D. will have taken17、 -Why have you bought so much food? My good

26、friends to stay with me forthe weekend、A. come B、 were coming C、 are coming D、 had come18、 We dont live here; we 、A. just visit B、 are just visiting C、 just visited D、 have just visited19、 I when I saw my teacher coming up to me、A. was left B. left C、 was about to leave D、 am leaving20、 I ll write t

27、o her when I time、A. am having B、 has C、 have D、 will have21 The train at 12:00 (fronrhttp: /wangzhong050700x blog、163、com/)A. will leave B、 leaves C、 is leaving D. leave22、 By the time he , I will have left、A. come B、 comes C、 is coming D、 will come23、 If she healthy, she must take some exercise ev

28、ery morning、A, is to keep B、 will keep C、 is going to keep D、 is supposed to keep24、 Send my regards to your lovely wife when you home、A. wrote B、 will write C、 have written D、 write25 Do you have any problems if you this job?Well, Fm thinking about the salary 、A. offer B、will offer C、are offered D、

29、will be offered 26、I think it is necessary for my 19year_ Id son to have his own mobile phone for Isometimes want to make sure if he home for dinner xA. come B、 comes C、 has come D、 will come27、 According to the timetable, the train for Shanghai at 7 oclock in the eveningA、 leaves B、 has left C. was

30、 left D. will leave28、 Look at the timetable、Hurry up! Flight 4026 off at 18:20、A、takes B、took C、will be taken D. has taken29、 The new secretary is supported to report to the manager as soon as she 、A. will come B、 arrives C、 is going to arrive D、 is arrived30、 If city noie from increasing, people shout to be heard even at the dinner table20 years from now、A. are not kept, will have to B、 are not kept, have toC. d

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