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1、安永笔试大全一、IQ TEST(10 minutes)other 80 minutes立方体装水多重问题,每年几乎都会考到的水=1000kg/立方米=1g/立方厘米1) 0.5 3 12 52规律:当n2时,第n个数的值等于前一个数加1乘以n.答案:(0.5+1)*2=3,(3+1)*3=12,(12+1)*4=52,(52+1)*5=265和以前的一样,四张图,都是白点黑点构成,列方程3) 两辆车向相反方向行驶,距离30KM,同时向右转,行驶40KM后问这两辆车相距多少?规律:勾股定理 a2+b2=c24) 填图,超级简单5) 三个女生共有267元,购买花费的金钱一样,一人购完后还有25元,

2、另两人购完后还有10元,问第一人一开始共有多少钱?解题思路:将问题设为参数,参数越少越好。答案:设每人花费a元,则第一个人开始有a+25元,267-3a=25+20,a=74, a+25=99元所以第一个人开始有99元。 1) 数列: 2.5, 7, 24, 100, ?规律:当n2时,第n个数的值等于前一个数加1乘以n.答案:5052.图形题:空心和实心搞清楚就好了3.路程问题:两人背对背走24m,然后分别左转再走了32m,然后问相距多少?4.图形题:考你空间想象的5.付钱问题:小学应用题1.2 8 48 384 求后面的数2=1*2,8=1*2*22,48=1*2*3*23,384=1*2

3、*3*4*24 so the last one is 3840=1*2*3*4*5*252.图形题,求数,有2个圆形,有2个三角组成,或实心或空心,代表的数字不同 对比一下就知道空三角比实心的少4,所以所求的图形代表3.两汽车反相行驶12KM,后都右转16 km 求此时他们距离多少应该是(12+12)+(16+16)=1600 开方得40km 4. 图形题 给一个中间挖空一个6角形的正方形,求四个选项中哪个是被挖空的那个图形,用线圈出来六角形是两个三角形合在一起的,一个三角略大一些,并且六角形的排列角度不一样,对比一下可知是5. 3个人 共258, 花了一样的钱,A还剩22, B.C 各剩10

4、,求A开始有多少钱?列个方程就知道了,94(数字可能记得不太准了,就是这个意思) 1, 1.5, 1, 0,-4,?答案-25 1.5*2-2=1;1*3-3=0;0*4-4=-4;(-4)*5-5=-252,比较图按第二幅、第一幅,第四幅的顺序看,可知圆圈里一次少一个点,一次加2,所以24 3,两人背对走3KM,分别左转再走4KM,问此时相距多少?10,勾股定理4,问哪个图能填进空里,只有B和D比较混淆,看看粗细就知道了D 5, 三人一共279元,三人花费一样多,甲剩下30,乙、丙各剩下15元,问甲一开始有多少?103 数列题 0 -4 ? 2 图形题 三角和圆形 有中间有点的 和无点的第1

5、个代表22 第2个 20 第3个 22 每个数字有四个形状组成,问第4个图形代表多少? 3 两人同点出发 相反方向各行走3公里 然后左转 各走4公里问现在相距?4 图形题 挖出来一块 问哪个选项适合填在那里三人共拿钱279元上街买东西,买相同的东西后,甲剩下30元,乙剩下15元问 刚开始甲拿多少钱 1.5,5,18,76,_385 1. 1, 4, 15, 64, _3252. A, B WALK OPPOSITELY FOR 15 METERS, AND BOTH TURN LEFT AND WALK FOR 20 METERS, WHHATS THE DISTANCE? 503. A,B,

6、C HAVE A TOTAL OF 288RMB AND SPEND THE SAME AMOUNT. A LEFT 20RMB,B ANDC 5RMB EACH. HOW MUCH DOES A HAVE AT FIRST? 106 0,-2,-9 , -40 , _.0*2-2=-2 -2*3-3=-9-9*4-4=-40所以 最后答案是-40*5-5=-205 111 24 51 106 ? 2172略3重点是区别a和c,因为这两个字母有点像。4一升水重1KG,问现有1KG的立方体边长为3M,则装纯水总共多重?1*3*3*3*1000+1=270015一本书等于587页加自身总页的一半,

7、则这本书多少页? X=587+X/2 X=11741.数列 0,7,24,51,?2.是关于广告费用的问题,5cm*10cm的黑白10,000rmb;10* 20的彩色80,000; 5*20的黑白20,000;问8*15的彩色要多少钱。3.时针和分针相交了,问下一次相交是多久之后4.一本书500页有12章,每章之间有一页空白,一个人阅读速度每天10页,问多少天看完5.学生的编号,excellent的学生是9号,finest的是6号,worst的是5号,问一个amazing的学生是几号?二、Letter(比如:一封自荐信,表述自己的优势)猎头:部门现状,如何处理问题(比如对training的看

8、法)E-MAIL记得落款开头写收件人很重要邮件:首先明确写邮件的对象、目的、格式接下来,按照格式根据目的一条一条地阐述。最好是针对题目要求一段话解决一个问题。别添油加醋,掰些没有分量的话。并不是所有时候都是写得越多越好结尾。有礼貌地结束。此外,字迹整洁很重要第一印象决定了评委的心理预期。李明:1)speciality: whether we could orgnise seminar for all the workers to study and discuss the new accounting rules2)Work efficiency: whether we could organ

9、ise a course for keyboard shortcuts learing, meanwhile we can organize some relevant interesting contest, which not only could increase the communication among all the workers, but also could increase the work efficiency 2)Work efficiency: whether we could organise a course for keyboard shortcuts le

10、aring, meanwhile we can organize some relevant interesting contest, which not only could increase the communication among all the workers, but also could increase the work efficiency 小明:1.professional skills:if it is possible to organize study and discussion of the NEW ACCOUNTING STANDARD 2 working

11、efficiencyif it is possible to organize the study of shortcut key operation and corresponding funny games,thus,the communication between colleagues as well as the working efficiency will be improved 周婷:1) Professional skills: whether if u can organize team members together to learn and discuss the n

12、ew accountant rules 2) Work efficiency: whether if u can organize team members to learn the operation of keyboard shortcuts then set up a related interesting game, therefore it will not only enhance the communications between the colleagues but also improve their work efficiency. 1. China is now the

13、 number one of FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) in the world. What measures should China improve to maintain the position in the future?FDI(对外直接投资)是现代的资本国际化的主要形式之一,按照国际货币基金组织的定义FDI是指:在投资人以外的国家所经营的企业拥有持续利益的一种投资,其目的在于对该企业的经营管理具有发言权。跨国公司是FDI的主要形式。到1999年为止,5.3万跨国公司约有3.5万亿美圆资产。且跨国公司的投资主 要是在发达国家之间,且基本上分布于日


15、理论界,例如联合国跨国公司与投资司、国际货币基金组织、WTO、美国商务部等,认为国际直接投资与国际间接投资的根本区别在于是否获得被投资企业的控制权,因为FDI所形成的无形资产处于核心地位,而货币资本则处于非常次要的地位,只能进行间接投资,所以,FDI不仅直接参与经营管理,而且其直接目标就是获得被投资企业的控制权。基于此,有学者认为,“FDI是指一国或地区企业通过垄断优势(主要表现为无形资产)的国际转移,获得部分或全部外国企业控制权,以实现最终目标和直接目标高度统一的长期投资行为。”Overview of FDI in ChinaChinas absorption of foreign inve

16、stment is an important content of Chinas fundamental principle of opening up to the outside world, and also an important component of Deng Xiaoping Theory, and is one of the great practices of building up socialist economy with Chinese characteristics. The Third Session of the Eleventh Central Commi

17、ttee of the Party in 1978 confirmed over again the ideological line of emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts, and realized the historical transformation of key work for the entire Party. It also established the basic line of focusing on the central task of economic construction, and mad

18、e up the great decision of reform and opening up to the outside world. The Law of thePeoplesRepublicofChinaonChinese-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures, was promulgated by the National Peoples Congress in 1979, then the work of utilizing foreign capital as an important content of opening up to the outsid

19、e world initiated as Chinas fundamental principle. After twenty years of great efforts, the scale of absorbing foreign capital increasingly expanded as well as the level was increasingly upgraded when Chinas law and managerial system on foreign investment have been gradually perfected. The achieveme

20、nts won the whole worlds attention, which effectively promoted the continuous, fast and healthy development of national economy. I The basic means of Chinas absorption of foreign investments The foreign investments are basically divided into direct investment and other means of investment. The direc

21、t investment, which is widely adopted, includes Sino-foreign joint ventures, joint exploitation and exclusively foreign-owned enterprises, foreign-funded share-holding companies and joint development. The other means of investment includes compensation trade and processing and assembling. 1. Sino-fo

22、reign joint ventures Sino-foreign joint ventures are also known as share-holding corporations. They are formed in China with joint capitals by foreign companies, enterprises, other economic organizations and individuals with Chinese companies, enterprises, other economic organizations and individual

23、s. The main feature is that the joint parties invest together, operate together, take risk according to the ratio of their capitals and take responsibility of losses and profits. The capitals from different parties are translated into the ratios of capitals, and in general the capital from foreign p

24、arty should not be lower than 25%. The Sino-foreign joint ventures are among the first forms of Chinas absorption of foreign direct investment and they account for the biggest part. At present they are still a great part in the absorption of foreign investments. 2. Cooperative businesses Cooperative

25、 business is also called contractual cooperation businesses. They are formed in China with joint capitals or terms of cooperation by foreign companies, enterprises, other economic organizations and individuals with Chinese companies, enterprises, other economic organizations and individuals. The rig

26、hts and obligations of different parties are embedded in the contract. To establish a cooperative business, the foreign party, generally speaking, supplies all or most of the capital while Chinese party supplies land, factory buildings, and useful facilities, and also some supply a certain amount of

27、 capital, too. 3. Exclusively foreign-owned enterprises Exclusively foreign-owned enterprises, which are totally invested by foreign party in China by foreign companies, enterprises, other economic organizations and individuals in accordance with laws of China. According to the law of foreign-funded

28、 enterprises, the establishment of foreign enterprises should benefit the development of our national economy and agree with at least one of the following criteria: the enterprises must adopt international advanced technology and facility; all or most of the products must be export-oriented. The for

29、eign funded enterprises often take the form of limited liability. 4. Joint exploitation Joint exploitation is the abbreviation of maritime and overland oil joint exploitation. It is a widely adopted measure of economic cooperation in the international natural resources field. The striking features a

30、re high risk, high investment and high reward. The joint development is often divided into three steps: exploitation, development and production. Compared with the other three means mentioned above, joint cooperation accounts for a small ratio. 5. Foreign-funded share-holding companiesForeign compan

31、ies, enterprises, other economic organizations and individuals can form foreign funded share-holding companies in China with Chinese companies, enterprises, and other economic organizations. The total capital of the share-holding company is formed by equal shares,shareholders will take due responsib

32、ilities for the company according to shares purchased; Company will take responsibilities for all its debts through all its assets and the Chinese and foreign shareholders will hold the shares of the company. Among them, the shares purchased and held by foreign investors account for more than 25% of the total registered capital of the company. Limited company can be founded either by means of starting-up or rais

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