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1、英语写作知识二英语写作热点范文热点范文(一) Directions: A. Title:What Will Happen If China Enters WTO? B. Word Limit: about 200 words C. Your composition should be based on the Outline given in Chinese below: 1. 每个中国人都盼望中国加入世界贸易组织。 2. a. 加入世贸组织,国家和人民都将大大受益; b. 加入世贸组织,也会带来一些不利影响,如国有企业将面临更大的挑战。 3. 对中国加入世贸组织感到欣喜之余,我们也应看到随之

2、而来的一些挑战。 例文: What Will Happen If China Enters WTO? Every Chinese is looking forward to Chinas entry into WTO, widely seen as a blessing and a promise of prosperity. It seems to be so at first sight, however, on reflection, were convinced that its just another coin with two sides. On the one hand, bo

3、th the nation and people will benefit greatly from Chinas entry into WTO. Shut out of WTO, China used to be deprived of equal trade opportunities and was placed at a distinct disadvantage in world trade. This situation will change if China enters WTO. In addition, foreign companies will stream into

4、China and offer great job opportunities, which, in a sense, will relieve the unemployment problem. On the other hand, the entry will impose some negative effects on China. State-owned enterprises in China are undergoing great difficulties, which will be more acute with the flow of foreign competitor

5、s into China. In short, excited about the advantages caused by the entry, we should not lose sight of the severe challenges posed by it. 热点范文(二) Directions: A. Title: Fast Food B. Word Limit: about 200 words C. Your composition should be based on the Outline given in Chinese blew: 1. 快餐在中国十分流行,它是现代快

6、节奏社会的最佳反映。 2. a. 快餐受欢迎有两条原因: b. 然而,从营养角度来讲,快餐却差强人意。 3. 对快餐还是以偶尔品尝为宜。 例文: Fast Food Fast food is becoming more popular in China, especially among children and teenagers. Today, its certainly difficult to think of any other single thing that represents the fast pace of modern society as powerfully as

7、fast food. There are several reasons for its popularity. First, it is very convenient and saves a lot of time. The trends of modern society seem to all point to one ultimate goal saving time, and fast food well serves this purpose. You just go into a fast food restaurant, order your food, and your f

8、ood is ready in no time. You can either eat it there or take it away. Second, its popularity is also attributed to the clean and comfortable environment of fast food restaurants, the excellent service, and the guaranteed quality of food. However, in terms of nutrition, fast food is far from satisfac

9、tory. It usually does not compose a balanced diet and is low in nutritional value. Thus, doctors suggest that people, especially children, eat fast food as little as possible. Although cooking at home is time consuming and the following washing-up tiresome, it offers healthy and delicious meals your

10、 body likes and needs. Fast food is only a good choice when you are in a hurry and turn to it once in a while. 热点范文(三) Direction: A. Write an essay that conveys the information in the following cartoon accompanied by your comments. B. Word Limit: about 200 words C. Your essay should be written clear

11、ly on ANSWER SHEET 2 营生 祖上以打猎为生 爷爷以卖上等木材为生 父亲以卖劈柴和柴墩为生 儿子以卖根雕原料为生 孙子以卖黄沙为生 例文: Preserving Natural Resources Through the changes in the ways of making a living in a family over several generations, the cartoon aims at sounding a warning against mans wasteful use of natural resources and emphasizing t

12、he urgent need to preserve these resources. Ever since man appeared on the earth, mans survival has been heavily relied on nature. Almost everything we use in our everyday life comes from nature, ranging from the food we eat, the water we drink, to the wood which is turned into furiture. With the de

13、velopment of technology and population growth, the amount and range of materials used has increased at an alarming rate. However, natural resources are not inexhaustible. Some reserves are already on the brink of exhaustion and there is no hope of replacing them. The widespread water shortage is an

14、example in point. If man continued to squander natural resources with no thought for the future, the later generations would end up selling sand, as is the case in the cartoon, and the whole world would be in a mess. Time is running out. It is up to us to take effective measures before the situation

15、 gets out of hand.热点范文(四) Directions: A. Title:Globle Shortage of Fresh Water B. Word Limit: about 200 words C. Your composition should be based on the Outline given in Chinese below: 1. 人们认为淡水是取之不尽的(提示:雨水,河水,井水) 2. 实际上淡水是短缺的(提示:人口增加,工业用水增加,污染严重) 3. 我们应当怎么办(提示:节约用水,开发新水源) 例文: Global Shortage of Fres

16、h Water People often think that water will never be used up. There is plenty of water, such as rain, water from the rivers and wells. It seems as if water is always available around us and we never have to worry about water shortage. In fact water is rather limited on the earth. With the rapid incre

17、ase of population and fast development of industries, water is more needed than before. At the same time, a large amount of water has been polluted and wasted every day. Some big cities in China are facing the problem of water shorage already. There, water supply is controlled and industry has been

18、restrained. What should we do about the water shorage? I think, first, the people should be made aware of the real situation about the water. Everyone should consciously save on water and certain law should be made that no water will be polluted. We have to protect the existing water resources and d

19、evelop new ones. In this way I believe that our cities will not be thirsty for water in the future. 热点范文(五) Directions: 请按题目: Advantages of Five-Day week(5天工作日的优点)写出大约200个字的短文,并包括下列内容: 1. 对家庭的好处 2. 对社会的好处 3. 对个人的好处 例文: Advantages of Five-Day week A five-day week has been put into practice in China,

20、which is welcomed by every-one. It is obvious that a five-day week has brought about many advantages to the society and people. First, families have benefited from it very much. They have more time to spend together or go for an outing during the weekend. Children are able to learn usefully skills,

21、women have enough time to take care of the house, go shopping or relax. Second, society has also benefited from it. As people have two days off, they would like to go shopping or travelling, which can promote the commerce and tourism. Then the shops and travel agency will have more customers. Third,

22、 individuals have also enjoyed the benefit from the five-day week, because they have more time for whatever they are interested in during the weekend. For example, one likes stamp collection, he will have enough time to enjoy it. Whats more, individuals can make full use of a weekend for a good rest

23、. Adequate rest will enable him to work more efficiently. In a word, a five-day week is beneficial to the society, families and individuals. 热点范文(六) Direction: A. Study the following paragraph carefully and write a letter of about 200 words. B. Your name is Li Jin, a student of the Department of App

24、lied Physics, Tsinghua University. You hope to further your study in Boston University (Massachusetts, USA) upon your graduation next year. Now you are writing to the office of graduate admissions to ask for the Application Form and other relative materials. The following points should also be cover

25、ed by letter: 1. your personal information 2. the reason why you choose Boston University 3. a brief study plan C. Your essay must be written clearly on the ANSWER SHEET 2. 例文: Department of Applied Physics Tsinghua University Beijing, China Sept. 11th, 1999 Office of Graduate Admissions Boston Univ

26、ersity Massachusetts, USA Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing in the hope that I may obtain an opportunity to further my study in Applied Physics toward master degree in your university. My name is Li Jin, an undergraduate student of the Department of Applied Physics, Tsinghua University(China). Next ye

27、ar in the summer, I will graduate and get my BS degree. I plan to continue my study and research in this field under the instructions of first-class professors and in a dynamic academic atmosphere. I chose Boston University because there are a congenial team of researchers, an array of databases and

28、 research projects in your School of Physics. I believe my interests are extremely congruent with the strengths of the School. And my solid academic background will meet your general entrance requirements for graduate study. I will appreciate it very much if you could send me the Graduate Applicatio

29、n Forms, the Application Form for Scholarships/Assistantships, a detailed introduction to the School of Physics, and other relevant information. My mailing address is shown on the top of this letter. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely yours, Li Jin 热点范文(七) Directions: A. Cars p

30、lay an important role in modern society. But they are also responsible for a good part of air pollution in big cities. Write an essay of about 200 words on car and air pollution. B. Your essay must be written neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. C. Your essay should cover the following points: 1. the serious p

31、roblem of air pollution caused by cars; 2. your suggestions on how to deal with the problem. 例文: Cars and Air Pollution Too many cars have created a lot of serious problems in our world. Besides congestion, accidents and fast fuel consumption,cars are responsible for a good part of air pollution in

32、big cities. All the time, they are pumping huge amounts of waste gases into the atmosphere. These gases are very harmful, causing disease and even death. Last winter, car fumes formed heavy smog over Beijing, making the sky gloomy for weeks and deteriorating peoples health. One possible solution is to design and develop clean cars and cl

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