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1、五年级英语下册湘教版教案Unit 1 We are going to read stories第一课时一、教学目标(一)语言目标1、词汇:能听懂、会说、认读listen to, talk about, read, write about, put on a play, short, interesting。2、句型:能用“What are going to do?”“We are going to ”谈论某人的计划或打算。(二)应用目标1、能用be going to 结构谈论自己的计划。2、能听懂、会说A部分的对话。二、教学重、难点1、重点:能听懂、会说、认读 listen to, talk

2、about, read, write about, put on a play, short, interesting能用“What are going to do?”“We are going to ”谈论某人的计划或打算;能听懂、会说A部分的对话。2、难点:理解be going to 结构的用法。三、教学准备课件、单词卡片四、教学过程Step 1 热身复习(Warm-up/Revision)1、Greetings2、TPR activitiesStep 2 新课呈现(Presentation)1、 New words(1)学习listen to欣赏一小段欢快活波的音乐,引出listen t

3、o 的学习。T:Thank you, children. You are working hard.Are you tired? We are going to listen to some music.板书listen to 一词,引导学生观察这个动词短语的组成,先分别读再组合读。(2)学习read, read stories, interesting(3)学习talk about, put on a play, short, write about(4)学生跟读B部分的词汇,模仿原声带的地道发音。2、Dialogue课文学习:教师可分步骤循序渐进地引导学生熟悉课文。第一步:Listen a

4、nd count不打开书,只听录音,听录音前,给出问题:孩子们在英语课上准备做哪些事情?第二步:Listen and find打开课本,听录音,画出所有孩子们再英语课上准备做的事情,检查自己刚才做的是否正确。第三步:Listen and number教师用课件呈现几张图片,请学生标号。第四步:Listen and repeat听录音,跟读,注意an eraser 的读音。第五步:Read and act出示没有文字的课文插图1和插图2,引导学生表演。Step 3 趣味练习(Practise)1、用闪卡复习已学过的动词短语。2、谈论周末的计划安排。T: Today is Friday. What

5、 day is it tomorrow?Ss: Tomorrow is Saturday.T: What are going to do, S1? Are you going to play ping-pong?S1:Yes, I am/No, Im not.3、游戏:你问我答教师做动作,学生猜教师要干什么。S: Are you going toStep 4 巩固拓展(Consolidation)1、Group work:“精彩六一,我做主”。教师呈现六一儿童节情境,学生定计划,先小组讨论六一儿童节的活动方案,然后小组汇报,建议用句型:“What are we going to do?”We

6、are going to?”Are we going to?”Yes, we are.” “No, we arent.”2、Give a report 小组汇报。教学后记:这是本学期的第一堂英语课学生表现很好,上课回答问题很积极也很认真,本节课学生学会了新单词listen to,talk about,read,write about,put on a play,short,interesting。并且学会了用“What are we going to do?”“We are going to.”谈论某人的计划或打算。第二课时一、教学目标(一)语言目标1、词汇:能听懂、会说、认读listen t

7、o,talk about,read, write about, put on a play,short, interesting;能听懂、会说discuss,write to sb.2、句型:能用“Are you going to do?” “Yes, we are.”“No,we arent.”对自己或他人将要做的事情进行询问和回答。(二)应用目标1、能在2-3种游戏情境中对自己或他人将要做的事情进行询问和回答。2、能借助插图阅读和理解课文D 部分的小短文。3、能借助头饰,给VCD种课文D部分的角色配音。二、教学重、难点1、重点:认读新短语write about;能在2-3种游戏情境中对自己

8、或他人将要做的事情进行询问和回答;能借助插图阅读和理解课文D 部分的小短文。2、难点:be going to 一般疑问句的构成和书写。三、教学准备幻灯片,单词卡片,教材视频。四、教学过程Step 1 热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)1、Free talk2、Revision(1)、Relay race 接力活动:每个学生念一行,一个接一个进行单词或短语认读。Listen to a story read stories write stories discuss put on a play sing dance write listen to music talk about th

9、e animals talk about our school(2)、matching game 词语连线:请学生将词语与其相应的图片连线。词语如下:listen to stories read stories dancePut on the play sing write a play(3)、听课文B部分录音,跟读单词。Step 2 趣味练习(Practice)1、教师说明活动要求。2、学生根据本单元C部分进行问答的对子练习。S1:Are you going to do?S2: Yes,we are./No, we arentStep 3 趣味阅读(Lets read)第一步:听课文,抓主旨

10、。第二步:读课文,回答问题。第三步:读课文,给图片排序。第四步:学生观看D部分的VCD,并跟着VCD跟读D部分的课文。第五步:引导学生发散思维,说一说想对Miss Li说的话。Step 4 作业布置(Homework)1.听 1课录音,每天15分钟。2.读 1课课文,每天10遍。 3.背 1课A,B部分。 4.写 67页1课的单词,四英一中, 并背记。教学后记:本节课带领学生复习巩固了listen to,talk about,read,write about,put on a play,short,interesting这些单词。学生能用“Are we going to do.?”“Yes,w

11、e are.”“No,we arent.”对自己或他人将要做的事情进行询问和回答。并且能理解和阅读B、C部分的单词及对话。第三课时1、教学目标 1、知识目标: 1) 巩固并熟练运用本单元学习的新单词、新句型; 2) 能进一步熟练运用本单元重点句型 Are we going to ? 2、能力目标: 1) 能理解、掌握新单词;2) 理解、掌握并运用以上新句型进行交流对话与写作。 3、情感目标 1) 重视与同学的分享与交流; 2) 发扬尊师爱友的精神。 2、教学重难点 1) 重点:掌握新单词,巩固上节课学习的单词; 2) 难点:正确、熟练运用本单元重点句型进行对话。 3、课前准备: 学生上节课的作

12、业、课件、图片、CAI 等等。 四、教学过程 Step one:warming up 1. Greetings. 2. Free talk. Tell us what your friends, parents or others going to do this weekend. Step two: presentationIntroduce animals to students. Talk about their favorite animals. Lead students to say “I am going to play panda”. Have a competition ab

13、out which group says more sentences. Read the book and write down what they discuss in group. Step three: practice Make word card on their own and make sentences in group. Create some scenes for students to have a conversation. For example, meet your classmates on street, write a letter to your pen

14、pal about your weekend plan. Step four: homework 1) Read the whole unit twice please and try to recite the new words in page 2. 2) Write a letter to your friends just like the two letters on page 3. You can talk about anyone you know. 5、板书设计 Unit1 We are going to read stories We are going to _. Are

15、we going to _?教学后记: E部分通过角色扮演的小组活动,引导学生运用be going to 结构完成简单的写作练习。F部分的课堂活动,让学生在轻松愉快的氛围中进一步强化be going to 结构的运用。本单元教学下来,我发现学生对于be going to 结构的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句还存在疑问,需要进一步指导。Unit 2 We are going to do some research第一课时一、教学目标(一)语言目标1、词汇:能听懂、会说、会读、会写新单词:read, find, collect, study, think, write。2、句型:能听懂、会说、会读、会写“

16、What are going to do?”“We are going to ”。(二)应用目标1、能用“What are going to do?”“We are going to ”询问和谈论计划。2、能听懂、会说A部分的对话。二、教学重、难点1、重点:能听懂、会说、会读、会写新单词:read, find, collect, study, think, write能用“What are going to do?”“We are going to ”询问和谈论计划。2、难点:初步运用be going to 结构来谈论自己准备开展研究性学习的步骤与打算。三、教学准备课件、单词卡片、教学音频。四

17、、教学过程Step 1 热身复习(Warm-up/Revision)1、Greetings2、Revision:复习be going to结构及单词read, draw, make write, show 等。Step 2 新课呈现(Presentation)1、Free talkT: What are you doing now?Ss: Were having an English class now.T:(利用课程表询问)What are you going to do this afternoon?(自己回答)We are going to study Chinese this afte

18、rnoon. We are going to study maths, too.2、Learn the new words and phrases(1)T:Boys and girl, do you like the forest(森林)?Do you want to know something about the forest?(你们想了解森林吗?)Ss: Yes, we do.T: There are some things in the forest. What are they?Ss: trees, animals, riverT: Yes, youre clever. Now, l

19、ets do some research on the forest.通过对话引出并教授短语do some research, 出示单词卡片进行操练。(2)同样的方法教授短语read and find information。(3)T: Next, what are we going to do?接下来,根据完整的调查步骤,逐一教授以下新单词和短语:collect pictures study and think write a report3、Learn the text(1)通过挂图或课件呈现A部分场景,听录音,初步了解课文内容。Question: What are they going

20、to do?(2)真题听读课文,抓住研究的四个步骤(read and find information,collect pictures, study and think, write a report),学习如何谈论自己准备开展研究性学习的步骤与打算。(3)细化朗读系列,熟悉对话,习得语感。Step 3 趣味操练(Practice)1、Quick response 快速反应:教师用课件呈现图片,学生根据图片说出相应的单词或短语,然后用be going to 句型进行练说。eg: research do some research Were going to do some research.

21、2、Retell the text教师用课件提供关键词或图片,让学生根据关键词或图片对课文进行复述。Step 4 巩固拓展(Consolidation)1、 Group work:设计五一节活动计划,四人一组制定计划并先进行组内交流。2、 Give a report 小组汇报。教学后记: 本节课学生学会了新单词read、find、collect、study、think、write。 熟练了课文A部分的课文对话,并且还能运用“We are going to do?”进行询问,对于“We are going to do?”的提问句掌握的还可以了。第二课时一、教学目标(一)语言目标1、词汇:复习巩固

22、词汇:read, find, collect, study, think, write;能听懂、会说、会读 wild animals, textbook, on the map。2、句型:能运用“What are going to do?”“We are going to ”询问和谈论计划。3、语篇:能理解课文D部分短文,完成相关练习。(二)应用目标1、能用英语向人询问其未来的计划,并给出简单的答复。2、能理解课文D部分短文,完成相关练习。二、教学重、难点1、重点:能理解课文D部分短文,完成相关练习。2、难点:询问和谈论未来的计划。三、教学准备单词卡片,课件。四、教学过程Step 1 热身复习

23、(Warm-up/Revision)1、Greetings2、Free talkT: What are you going to do this weekend?S1: Im going to the pet shop.S2: Im going to the bookshop.S3: Im going to the park.Step 2 阅读前1、看图片,说英语。2、教师用课件呈现C部分语言结构,示范对话练习。3、Lets practice.S1: What are you going to do?S2: We are going to collect pictures.4、导入D部分短文。

24、Step 3 阅读中(While-reading)1、本单元D部分的语篇阅读的信息梳理。What are you going toWere going todo?do a researchread?read the textbookcollect?collect picturesask?Where do they live?find?find the places on the mapwrite?write a report2、学生跟读VCD或磁带中D部分的录音。Step 4 趣味活动(Lets have fun)1、用课件展示植物的生长过程。2、教师给出任务:对植物的生长过程进行调查,组内进

25、行讨论、交流。Step 5 作业布置(Homework)1.听 1课录音,每天15分钟。2.读 1课课文,每天10遍。 3.背 1课A,B部分。 4.写 67页1课的单词,四英一中, 并背记。教学后记: 学生进一步掌握了单词Collect pictures ,study and think,Write a report ,find information,read,find,collect,study,think,write 。并且学生能够熟练的运用 be going to描述不同的事。还理解了D部分大意、完成了相关练习。第三课时一、教学目标 1. 学生能够巩固复习之前所学动词和动词短语。2.

26、 学生能在特定语境下正确熟练的使用句型:be going to 3.培养学生与他人交流和小组合作的意识。二、教学重点1、掌握新词与句型三、教学难点1、学生能熟练运用be going to 来商量和询问计划或打算。四、教学过程Step1、1. Greetings .2. Letters and words.Step2、1. Listen to the tape, and then answer the question. What are we going to do today?2. Listen again and try to repeat.Step 3Task1: I can read.

27、1. Read after LT.2. Train game.Task2: I can show.1. Lets practice.2. lets write. Step 4 Write the new words and ready for dictation.教学后记: 展示时,一定要大胆、大声。注意自己的举止,上下场要有秩序,倾听的同学要保持安静。知识点的衔接与拓展。注意双色笔的使用。模仿语音语调。鼓励小老师用多种形式操练单词。讨论的声音要轻,要求参与度高,有创新。独立完成后分享解题过程。Unit 3 Lets make a kite第一课时一、教学目标(一)语言目标1、词汇:能听懂、会

28、说、认读、会写新单词:draw, paint, cut, glue, tie;能听懂、会说、会运用first, then, and then, next, at last 等表示事件经过的词语。2、句型:能听懂、会说、会运用“First cut the bamboo.”“And then” “Next” “Lastly”。(二)应用目标1、能理解介词with表示“用 ”的意思。2、能使用first, then, and then, next, at last 等表示事件经过。3、能叙述制作风筝的过程。二、教学重、难点1、重点:能听懂、会说、认读新单词:draw, paint, cut, glu

29、e, tie,并能使用句型描述制作过程,感知并运用with 的用法。2、难点:感知并运用with 的用法。三、教学准备剪刀、胶水、纸、小刀、刷子、细绳、风筝等实物,课件。四、教学过程Step 1 热身复习(Warm-up/Revision)1、Greetings2、Listen and doStep 2 新课呈现(presentation)1、Lead-in利用课件或制作活动图片,设计猜图游戏。2、New words and phrases(1)学习新单词:paper, bamboo, knife, scissors, brush, string, glue(2)Games.设计游戏活动,层层

30、推进,以练习和巩固新单词。(3)T:Look! A beautiful kite! Do you know how to make a kite?Lets have a look.(4)Number the pictures. 请按制作风筝的顺序给下列图片标号。 (5)教师出示B部分关键动词图片:draw, paint, cut, glue, tie;学生边做动作边学说动词。3、New sentence pattern(1)T: Write with a pen. 教师边做动作边说句子,重复说出句子一次。(2)那蜡笔做画画状,鼓励学生尝试,和教师一起说:“Draw with crayons.”

31、边做动作边说句子。(3)用课件或图片出示句子,先尝试,后学说句子:Cut the bamboo with a pen knife.Cut the paper with scissors.Paint the paper with a brush.4、The dialogue第一步:Look, listen and cross( ) 1、Lets make a bamboo.( )2、First, cut the bamboo.( )3、Next, draw a picture and paint it with a brush.( )4、At last, fly the kite.第二步:Listen and check学生打开书,听录音,检查答

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