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1、江苏高考二轮专题限时集训7单项填空交际用语专题限时集训(七)单项填空交际用语(对应学生用书第129页)1(2017盐城市高三三模)Blake refused all his classmates invitations.I really couldnt understand him.He is surely_Nobody likes approaching him.Aa black sheep Ba fat catCa bad apple Da hard nutD考查交际用语。句意:“Blake拒绝了他所有同学的邀请,我真的不能理解他。”“他无疑是一个很难对付的人,没有人喜欢接近他。”a bl

2、ack sheep“害群之马”;a fat cat“有钱有势的人”;a bad apple“坏人”;a hard nut“难对付的人”。 2(2017苏锡常镇高三三模)I am worn out.Me too,all work and no play.So its time to_Aburn the midnight oilBpush the limitsCgo with the flowDcall it a dayD考查交际用语。句意:“我都累坏了。”“我也是,一直工作,没有休息。那么今天是时候到此为止了。”burn the midnight oil“挑灯夜战,熬夜”;push the li

3、mits“突破极限”;go with the flow“随遇而安,随大流”;call it a day“停止,今天就到此为止”。根据句意,应选D项。3(2017连云港、宿迁、徐州高三三模)I am at a loss why Mike is always_every time I meet him.Believe it or not,we used to be best friends.Agiving me the cold shoulderBmaking my dayCfollowing suitDbeating around the bushA考查交际用语。句意:我不知道为什么迈克每次看到

4、我的时候总是很不友好。不管你信不信,我们过去是最好的朋友。give sb.a cold shoulder“对不友好,冷落某人”;make ones day“使某人高兴”;follow suit“效仿,学某人的样”;beat around the bush“旁敲侧击”。4(2017通、扬、泰、淮高三三模)Amazingly,Ive managed to start my own shop online!_I told you it was easy.AThere you are! BBelieve it or not.CHow come? DYou got me there!A考查交际用语。句意

5、:“真让人惊讶!我成功地开了我自己的网店!”“瞧,就是这样!我跟你说过这是很容易的事。”There you are“这就行了,就是这样”。5(2017连云港、宿迁、徐州高三三模)I know it is really a lot to ask,but can I use your apartment during the summer?_I happen to be out of town.It is all for your taking.ABehave yourself BBe my guestCHave fun DTake careB考查交际用语。句意:“我有点不好意思开口,但是,我能在

6、暑假里借住你的公寓么?”“随便用,我刚好有事外出不在家。”Be my guest“请便,别客气,请用”;Behave yourself“行为规矩些”;Have fun“玩得开心”;Take care“注意,小心”。6(江苏省名校高三入学摸底卷(考点卷一)Lets cross the street here._Well never make it in one piece! Lets cross at traffic lights.AGo ahead. BDont mention it.CIts up to you. DYou must be kidding.D考查交际用语。句意:“我们从这里横

7、穿马路吧。”“你是在开玩笑吧。我们绝对不可能毫发无损地从这里穿过去的!我们在红绿灯那里穿过去吧。”根据语境可知,答话人认为从那里横穿马路很危险,故应选You must be kidding“你是在开玩笑吧”。Go ahead“开始吧”;Dont mention it“不客气”;Its up to you“由你决定”。 【导学号:25874054】7(江苏省名校高三入学摸底卷(考点卷二)Its no use complaining about everything all day long,I think._Life is not always fair to us.AI beg to diff

8、er BGood for youCDont mention it DYouve got a pointD考查交际用语。句意:“我认为整天抱怨一切是没有用的。”“你说得对。生活对我们并不总是公平的。”I beg to differ“恕我不敢苟同”;Good for you“你真行”;Dont mention it“不客气,不用谢”;Youve got a point“你说得对”。8(江苏省名校高三入学摸底卷(题型卷)Do you mind if I pick your brains for a second?Of course not._AWhat do you think?BWhats on

9、your mind?CWhat do you mean?DWhats wrong with you?B考查交际用语。句意:“你介意我向你咨询一会儿事儿吗?”当然不介意。你想问什么?根据句意可知,第二个人欣然同意第一个人的要求,故接下来要问的就是“你想问什么”,故选B。9(2017南京市四校第一学期联考试题)So kind of you to give me a lift._Any gentleman would do the same.AIt depends BThats itCSounds great DDont mention itD考查交际用语。句意:“你实在是太好了,让我搭顺风车。”“

10、不客气。任何一位绅士都会这样做的。”根据答话人表示的“任何一位绅士都会这样做的”可知,Dont mention it“别客气,不用谢”符合语境。10(江苏省2017届高三第二学期六校联考)Have you got any paper on you?_, but I have none at all.AI mean itBI wouldnt say noCI beg to differDI hate to say thisD考查交际用语。句意:“你身上有纸吗?”“我不愿这么说,但我一张纸也没有。”I hate to say this“我不愿这么说”,是委婉的否定表达法,符合句意。I mean i

11、t“我说真的,我是认真的”;I wouldnt say no“我不会拒绝的”;I beg to differ“恕我不同意”。11(江苏省四星级学校2017年4月联考)I think you owe me some money._? I never borrow money from others.ASo what BHow comeCWhat for DWhy notB考查交际用语。句意:“我想你欠我一些钱。”“怎么会?我从不向别人借钱。”根据答语可知,答话者对对方的话感到惊讶,故How come“怎么会”符合语境。So what“那又怎样”;What for“为什么呢”;Why not“为什

12、么不”。12(2017江苏省高考名校联考信息优化卷(一)Any chance of you helping out here?_! Ive got too much to do.AGo ahead BNo offenseCNo problem DForget itD考查交际用语。句意:“这儿你能帮个忙吗?”“不可能!我还有一大堆活儿要做呢。”forget it“休想,不可能”,符合语境。go ahead“去吧,干吧”;no offense“无意冒犯”;no problem“没问题”。 【导学号:25874055】13(2017江苏省高考名校联考信息优化卷(二)Who do you think

13、will be in charge of our class during Mr.Wangs absence?I dont know._I am not particular about teachers.AIt cant be helped.BIt all depends.CIt makes no difference.DIt wont hurt to ask.C考查交际用语。句意:“你认为王老师不在时,谁会负责我们班?”“我不知道。(是谁都)没有什么影响,我对老师不挑剔。” It cant be helped“无法避免,没办法”;It all depends“视情况而定”;It makes

14、 no difference“没有影响”;It wont hurt to ask“问一下也无妨”。根据句意可知选C。14(2017江苏省高考名校联考信息优化卷(三)It is said that you will leave the present company,why?_The working atmosphere of it is really relaxing.AYou got it BForget itCThats for sure DIts not the caseD考查交际用语。句意:“据说你要离开现在所在的公司,为什么?”“不是那样的。它的工作氛围真的很让人放松。”根据答语中的

15、“The working atmosphere of it is really relaxing”可知,答话者是不会离开现在所在的公司的,故its not the case“不是那样的”,符合语境。you got it“你说得对”;forget it“没关系,不必在意”;thats for sure“那是肯定的”。15(2017江苏省高考名校联考信息优化卷(四)Its said that Jennifer has been offered a job in the library,but she doesnt want to take it._? Its a good chance after

16、 all.AWho cares BHow comeCGuess what DSo whatB考查交际用语。句意:“据说珍妮弗已经得到了一份图书馆的工作,但她不想接受。”“怎么会?毕竟这是一个好机会。”根据答语中的“Its a good chance after all”可知选B项。how come“怎么会”。16(2017江苏省高考名校联考信息优化卷(五)Ive come to ask you to do me a favor.Would you please lend me your notebook computer for a couple of days?_! But you have

17、 to return it before this Saturday.ANo problem BForget itCNo comment DTake careA考查交际用语。句意:“我是来求你帮忙的。你能把你的笔记本电脑借给我用几天吗?”“没问题!但是你得在这周六之前还给我。”根据句意可知,应选No problem“没问题”。Forget it“没关系,不必在意”;No comment“无可奉告”;Take care“保重”。17(2017江苏省高考名校联考信息优化卷(六)Which movie do you like better,Zootopia or The BFG?_There are

18、 good things and bad things about them.AIts hard to sayBI didnt get itCYou must be kiddingDCouldnt be betterA考查交际用语。句意:“你更喜欢哪部电影,疯狂动物城还是圆梦巨人?”“很难说。它们各有优缺点。”从答语中的“它们各有优缺点”可知,空格处应是Its hard to say“很难说”,故答案为A项。I didnt get it“我不明白”;You must be kidding“你一定是在开玩笑”;Couldnt be better“没有比这更好的了”。18(2017江苏省高考名校联考信息优化卷(四)We dont like to involve Amanda in our discussion,for she always_, talking nonstop.Aputs in her two cents worthBrocks the boat

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