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本文(黑龙江哈尔滨道里区学年七年级下学期英语期末测试及答案.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、黑龙江哈尔滨道里区学年七年级下学期英语期末测试及答案道里区2020-2021 学年度七年级英语学科调研测试真题(本套试卷满分100 分)一、听力测试(10 分,每小题1 分)每题读两遍,并将序号填在题前的括号内。I.听句子,选出与所听到的句子内容相匹配的图画。(5 分,每小题1 分)II.听对话,根据问题选出正确答案。(5分。每小题1 分)( )6 .A . The artclub. B . The mathclub. C . The English club. ( )7 A.About 14 kilometers away.B.About 40 kilometersaway.C.About

2、4 kilometers away.( ) 8. A. In theclassroom.B. In the hospital.C. In the dining hall.( ) 9 . A. The cat.B.The dog.C.The elephant.( )10.A.Theboy.B. The girl.C.Nobody.单项选择(15 分。每小题1 分)请选择正确答案。( )11. Which pair of the following words with the underlined letters has the samesound?A.clubmust B.bankany C.

3、ideabeach( )12.Whichof thewordshasadifferentsoundfromtheunderlinedletteroftheword dress?A.evening B.never )13.Which word of the following doesnt have the same the stress as the others?A.order B. arrive C.tonight( )14.-Hi, Bob, Icanplay drums. What can youdo?- Icanplay chess .A.the,the B.the

4、,/ C . / ;the ( )15.-Who helps you to carry thebox?- boy helpsme.A.A8-year-old B.An8-year-old C.An 8 yearsold( )16 .Were eating dumplings now .Theytaste !Come and have some , please.A.well B.terrible C.good( )17 . - Sonia , what will the weather be like tomorrow?-It .Youdbetter warmclothes.A.will be

5、 rainy ,puton B . will be rain,in C . is raining , wear ( )18.Thereare students on theplayground,and the students is150.A.a number of,thenumberof B. the number of, a numberofC.a number of,a numberof ( )19.-Isitdifficult ?- .I can sing them well.A . singing English songs , Yes , it isB.sing English s

6、ongs,No, sing English songs , No , itisnt( )20.Zhu Hui misses hisfamilyand to havehis deliciouszongzi.A .wish, moms B.wishes,moms C.wishes,mom( )21. -Ms Gu is popular with all the students in ourclass.-So sheis very children.A.goodfor B.good at C.good with( )22.-The zoo is in my neighborho

7、od.Iliketo time watching monkeys climbing around there.- Sounds fun . Id like to go with you next time .A. pay B.spend C.take( )23.-Why do youlikehorses? - theyre .A.Because, kind ofinterestingB.Since, a kind ofinterestC.For, kind interested( )24.-What does your brother looklike?- .A . Hes kind .B .

8、 He likes swimming in the pool .C. He isnt tall or short. Hes of medium height.( )25.There two supermarkets on that road lastyear.Ioften there to buy the vegetables at thattime.A .was, go B . were, went C . are , wasgoing三完形填空Dear Anna,Thank you for your e-mail. Now I will tell you something about m

9、y rules.I have many rules in my family . Maybe you will 26 so do I . For me , the rules are a little 27 . I cant go out or go home 28 . If I do that , my mother will be worried and not happy . On my school days , I cant watch TV or 29 music when I do my homework. My mother thinks that will 30 my stu

10、dy bad. On weekends, I have to do some 31 because reading is good for writing. I also have to clean my room and sometimes I help my mom 32 . And I have to get up and go to bed 33 time every day.The rules are strict, 34 I know that my parents make the rules to help me. And to develop( 培养)good habits,

11、I must remember the rules and follow 35.I know that you also have many family rules. What do you think of them?Yours, Molly( )26.A.say( ) )28.A.early( )29.A.cutdownB.speakB.noisyB.yetB.shout atC.tellC.strictC.lateC.listen to( )30.A.makeB.enjoyC.let( )31.A.swimmingB.drivingC.reading( )32.A

12、.cometrueB . do the dishesC.stay up( )33.A.onB.atC.with( )34.A.soB.butC.or( )35.A.itB.themC.themselves四、阅读理解(20 分。每小题1 分。)(A)Four AdvertisementsGuitar Player WantedDo you like music ? Can you play the guitar ? Can you sing dance ? Join our Sunshine Rock Band . Please call Mike at 5487-6598 or send t

13、he email to sunshine Yahoo .com .for more information(信息).Tennis ClubDo you like to play tennis? Do you want to learn how to play better? Frank Miller is a good coach( 教练). You can practice with him every Saturday and Sunday afternoon from 2:30 p.m. to 5:30p.m. Telephone: 8665-7868Address:Room 15, L

14、antian HotelSwimmer WantedCan you swim ? Do you like children ? Can you teach them to swim on Sundays ? Come and join us . Call Joe at 5561-9999 for more information.Summer JobDo you like to talk with people ? Do you like to write stories ? Would Hu like to work for a magazine(杂志)? Come and work as

15、a reporter(记者)?Please call Karen at 5561-8823.( )36 . The Sunshine RockBandneeds .A.atenniscoach B.areporter C.a guitarplayer( )37 . If you can swim very well and like children very much , youcancall .A. Joe B.Karen C.Mike( )38 . If you like writing , youcancall for a job.A.5561-9999 B.8665-7868 C.5

16、561-8823( )39.Yourfriend,Lilyisinthetennisclub.Shecanpracticewiththecoachatmost(至多) for every week.A.3hours B.6 hours C.9 hours ( )40.The advertisements above aremaybefrom .A.anewspaper B.a storybook exercisebook(B)A boy and a girl were playing together . The boy had a lot of small glass balls

17、. The girl had some candies with her . The boy told the girl that he would give her all his balls in exchange for(交换)hercandies.The girl thought that was a good idea.But the boy didnt give all of his balls to the girl. He kept the biggest and the mostbeautiful ball in his pocket and gave the others

18、to the girl. But the girl gave him all her candies.That night , the girl had a good sleep , but the boy didnt sleep well . He kept thinking about the candies from the girl . Maybe the girl didnt give all of the candies to him .You think in the way you do things. If you dont give your hundred percent

19、(百分之百)inarelationship ,youllalwayskeepthinkingiftheotherpersonhasgivenhisorherhundred percent. This is trueforany relationship(关系).Give your hundred percent to everything you do and youll find that you can always geta lot of happiness.根据短文判断正误,对的写“A”,错的写“B”。( ) 41. The boy would give the girl all hi

20、s balls in exchange for her candies and he didit( ) 42. The boy slept well because he kept the biggest and the most beautiful ball in his pocket.( ) 43. The girl gave the boy all hercandies.( )44. The girl kept thinking about the candies and the balls from theboy.( )45. If you give your hundred perc

21、ent to everything you do, you can always get alot ofhappiness.(C)Pandas are lovely animals. Most of them live in the deep forests of Sichuan Province in China.They have white fur(毛皮)though their shoulders,legs,ears and eyes are black. Pandas are usually very heavy. Some of them can be about 1.5 mete

22、rs tall and weigh about 100 kilograms. But pandas act very quickly. They can climb trees as easily as some other animals.Pandas live on bamboo leaves. They have big teeth. They chew the bamboos very slow with their teeth. Every day each grown-up panda eats about 15-30 kilograms of bamboo leaves and

23、they usually spend 10-12 hours eating. They like climbing trees andsleeping.Pandas are our friends. But there are not many pandas in the world now. Some people cut down trees and kill them. So we must do our best to look afterpandas.根据短文内容选择最佳答案。( )46.The underlined word chew in thepassagemeans inCh

24、inese.A.咀嚼 B.玩耍 C.砍伐( ) 47. The pandas live in thedeepforests .A. inAmerica B. intheworld C. in China ( )48. In the passage, we canknowthat .A.pandas legs and ears arewhiteB.pandas are usually light and are about 1.5 meterstallC.pandas can climb trees veryeasily( )49. Which of the following is TRUE

25、according to thepassage?A.All the pandas can eat about 15-30 kilograms of bamboo leaves everyday.B.Pandas like climbing trees andsleeping.C.Few people cut down trees and killpanda. ( )50. Whats the best title of thepassage?A. Pandas arentourfriends B.Pandas are lovelyanimals. C.Pandas live on bamboo

26、leaves.(D)Birthday Food Around theWorld What would people like to eat on a birthday ?51.In many countries, people have birthday cakes with candles. 52 .The birthday person must make a wish and blow out the candles. If he or she blows out all the candles in one go , the wish will come true .53 . The

27、child with the candy is lucky.In China, it is getting popular to have cake on your birthday. 54 . They never cut up the noodles because the long noodles are a symbol of long life. In some places, Chinese people also cat eggs on their birthday. They are a symbol of life and goodluck.55 They bring goo

28、d luck to the birthday person .根据短文内容,将下列方框内的句子还原到文中空白处,使短文内容完整、通顺(每个选项只能用一次)。A.But many people still eat very long noodles for theirbirthday.B.The answer would be different in differentcountries.C.All of these birthday foods may be different,but the ideas are thesame.D.The number of candles is the

29、personsage.E.In the UK, people sometimes put a candy in a birthdaycake.51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 五、交际应用(10 分。每小题1 分)(A)从A-G选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话(选项中有两项是多余的)A : Excuse me .B :Yes. 56 A :Well , Im new intown. 57 B: Yes, there is. Just go along Bridge Street and turn left when you see the library. Go along Lo

30、ng Street and its ontheright. 58 A: Thanks! How long does it take to getthere? B: 59 A . Where is the hotel ?B . How can I help you?C . Is there a hotel around here ?D .Thats all right.E .Its next to the shop and in front of the bank.F. It takes about 20 minutes .G . Thats right.A:Thank you very muc

31、h! B: 60 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. (B)填入适当的词补全对话,每空一词。Mike:Hello,Mike 61 .Tom : Hi , Mike . ItsTom. 62 it going?Mike: Not bad, thanks. The weather is great. What are you doing? Tom:Im playing football with some friends at the park.Mike: Sounds 63 you are having a good time . Tom: Yeah. Is your sister athome?Mike : Oh, she is not here. Shes studying at her friends home. Can I takea64 for her? Tom: Yes. Could you just tell her tocall me 65 ?Mike:Sure,no problem.61. 62. 63. 64. 65. gotosleep story one move he dangerous interest see六、任务性阅读(本题共20 分,每空1 分)先阅读(

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