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1、春福师大学英语1在线作业一二答案2014年春福师大学英语(1) 在线作业一-二答案2014年春福师大学英语(1)在线作业一一、单选题(共50道试题,共100分。)V1. His tone his real feelings moretruly tha n his words.也 A. brought可 B. conveyedC. handedD. fetched满分:2分2. It whether he will go on withhis study at the uni versity.* A. has nt bee n decidedB. is nt decidedC. has nt d

2、ecidedD. does nt decide满分:2分3. It is work of art that every one wantsto have a look at it.A. so unu sualB. such unu sual* C. such an unusual D. so an unusual满分:2分4. Im sorry to have kept you wait in g. Oh,not at all. I here only a fewminu tes.A. have bee nB. had bee n目 C. wasD. will满分:2分5. You shoul

3、d have given them somesuggestions. , but who wouldliste n to me?A. So should IB. So I shouldC. So did I* D. So I did满分:2分6. There are many sheep their farm.A. atB. inC. on D. within满分:2分7. m afraid I cant finish the to help me.A. uni ess you will comeB. uni ess you comeC. un til you will come目 D. un

4、til you shall come满分:2分8. The problem of housing the problem of social in stability.已 A. itselfB. must* C. didD. never满分:2分9. There were no tickets Sun days performa nee.已 A. possibleB. probable* C. availableD. worklead toforfeasible满分:2分10. This compa ny was thefirst portable radios as well ascasse

5、tte tape recorders in the world.A. produc ingB. to produceC. hav ing produced 目 D. produced满分:2分11. You should have tha nked her before youleft. I meant , but when I wasleav ing I could nt find her any where.A. to do-B. toC. doingD. doing so满分:2分12. See ing the police com ing,away .A. the thieves ra

6、nB. had the thieves run* C. ran the thieves D. did the thieves run满分:2分13. Joh n does a lot of housework every eve ning,but now he his schoolmates withtheir less ons.A. help* B. is helping 目 C. helpsD. has helped满分:2分14. If you quiet, I ll tell you what happened.A. beB. are to be* C. areD. will be满分

7、:2分15. Tomorrow is my birthday. 已 A. Oh, I have a good idea.B. I am glad you like it.C. Many happy retur ns of the day!D. You must be very happy.满分:2分16. I am sorry written you aletter at the time. A. to have notB. to not haveC. not to haveD. not hav ing满分:2分17. rd like to him to you for thejob. He

8、is a very clever and in dustrious boy.A. referB. suggest* C. recommendD. propose满分:2分18. He not to leave waste paperin public places any more.A. warns已 B. warnedC. is warned* D. was warned满分:2分19. This new clue the policemen andthey were more con fused by the murder.* A. puzzled B. surprisedC. trapp

9、edD. discouraged满分:2分20. Iremember him thebike needed .A. heari ng . say ing . to repair已 B. to hear . say . to repairC. heari ng . say . repairi ngD. to hear . say ing . to be repaired 满分:2分21. The thief took away the womans walletwithout .* A. being seen已 B. seeingC. him see ingD. see ing him满分:2分

10、22. We all know kno wledge begi ns practice.A. atB. from C. in* D. with满分:2分23. She did nt fancy out alone.目 A. goB. to goC. of goingD. going满分:2分24. The rising of living is as hard oncountry families as on city families.A. priceB. spend* C. expenseD. amo unt满分:2分25. Shes the only child in her famil

11、y, but theydid nt really her.A. hurt B. damage* C. spoilD. harm满分:2分26. Just calm dow n - it doesnt anything toget so hysterical.A. become已 B. solveC. turnD. in volve满分:2分27. Whe n are they in their pla n?A. handB. handed* C. to handD. give满分:2分28. If I had remembered the door,the things would not h

12、ave bee n stole n.A. to lockB. lock ingC. to have locked D. having locked满分:2分29. This state the manu facture and sale ofin toxicati ng liquors.A. forbidsB. prohibitsC. preve nts目 D. discourages满分:2分30. Dont worry. Everythi ngwill in time.已 A. be finishedB. fin ishC. fini shedD. be finishing满分:2分31.

13、 The red rose is her .A. favor已 B. favoriteC. likeD. best满分:2分32. With the problem , we aregett ing along eve n more smoothly.A. settlesB. to settle* C. settledD. to be settli ng满分:2分33. My wife said in her letter that she wouldappreciate from you sometime.A. to have heardB. to hear已 C. for hearing*

14、 D. hearing满分:2分34. Four hours too long for him to writethe letter.A. hasB. areC. isD. have满分:2分35. The artist spe nds most of his spare time butterfly specime ns.A. collectB. collectsC. to collect* D. collecting满分:2分36. There more tha n 300,000kinds of pla nts on the earth.A. isB. are exist ingC. exists已 D. exist满分:2分37. I wan ted to study physics, but my teachersaid I wasnt eno ugh.* A. brightB. prettyC. real已 D. polite满分:2分38. The little girl must have lain there for along time, ? A. mus

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