1、计算机二级所有大题1Sub ReadData2( Open App.Path & & datain2.txt For Input As #1 For i = 1 To 2 Input #1, Arr2(i) Next i Close #1 End SubSub WriteData(Filename As String, Num As Integer) Open App.Path & & Filename For Output As #1 Print #1, Num Close #1 End SubPrivate Sub Command1_Click( End SubPrivate Sub c1
2、_Click() Call ReadData1 Call ReadData2 End SubPrivate Sub c2_Click() Dim arr3(20) As Integer, sum As Integer sum = 0For i = 1 To 20 arr3(i) = Arr1(i) - Arr2(i) sum = sum + arr3(i) Next iPrint sumCall WriteData(dataout.txt, sum)End Sub2 Dim stepy As Integer 纵向移动增量Dim stepx As Integer 横向移动增量Const LEFT
3、_BUTTON = 1Private Sub Form_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single) Dim x0 As Integer, y0 As Integer, a As Single, radius As Integer radius = Shape1.Width / 2 圆的半径 If Button = LEFT_BUTTON Then x0 = Shape1.Left + radius 圆心的x坐标 y0 = Shape1.Top + radius 圆心的y坐标 If x = x0
4、 Then stepy = Sgn(y - y0) * 50 stepx = 0 Else a = (y - y0) / (x - x0) 斜率 stepx = Sgn(x - x0) * 50 stepy = a * stepx If Abs(stepy) Abs(stepx) Then stepy = Sgn(y - y0) * 50 stepx = stepy / a End If End If Timer1.Enabled = True Else Timer1.Enabled = False End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub Timer1_Timer() Shape1.
5、Move Shape1.Left + stepx, Shape1.Top + stepyEnd Sub3)Private Sub Command2_Click()需要考生编写的内容l = Val(Text1.Text)Select Case l Case Is = 2000 t = 0.9 Case Is = 1500 t = 0.92 Case Is = 1000 t = 0.95 Case Is = 500 t = 0.98 Case Else t = 1End Selecty = Int(l * t * 0.3)Text2.Text = Str(y)End SubPrivate Sub
6、List1_Click()需要考生编写的内容 Text1.Text = a(List1.ListIndex + 1)End Sub4Private Sub Command2_Click() 要求考生编写的程序Dim i As Integer, p(5)For i = 1 To 5 p(i) = getmark(i)Next igj = p(1)j = 1For i = 1 To 5 If p(i) gj Then gj = p(i) j = i End IfNext iText2.Text = athlete(j)Text3.Text = Str(gj)End Sub5参考代码:Dim i A
7、s IntegerDim n As Integern = Val(Text1.Text)3If n Mod 2 0 Then MsgBox 请输入偶数! Exit SubEnd IfFor i = 3 To n / 2 If IsPrime(i) And IsPrime(n - i) Then Label1.Caption = i Label2.Caption = n - i Exit For End IfNext6Private Sub Command2_Click()需考生编写maxl = 0c = 0Sum = 0t = For i = 1 To Len(s) ch = Mid(s, i
8、, 1) If ch Then t = t + ch Else If Len(t) maxl Then maxl = Len(t) End If Sum = Sum + Len(t) c = c + 1 End IfNext iText1.Text = Str(CInt(Sum / c)Text2.Text = Str(maxl)End sub7 Private Sub Command2_Click()考生编写程序开始=For i = 1 To 30 c(i) = a(i) c(30 + i) = b(i) Next iFor i = 1 To 59 For j = 1 To 60 - i I
9、f c(j) c(j + 1) Then t = c(j) c(j) = c(j + 1) c(j + 1) = t End If Next jNext i=考生编写程序结束8 Private Sub Command2_Click() 考生编写Dim a(26) As IntegerFor i = 1 To Len(s) ch = Mid(s, i, 1) If ch = a And ch = A And ch Max Then Max = a(i) j = i End IfNext iText1.Text = Chr(Asc(a) + j - 1)Text2.Text = Str(Max)E
10、nd Sub9 以下Function 过程用于判断字符串是否为回文Function foundhuiwen(p As String) 考生编写For i = 1 To Int(Len(p) / 2) If Mid(p, i, 1) Mid(p, Len(p) - i + 1, 1) Then Exit Function End IfNext ifoundhuiwen = TrueEnd Function10Private Sub Command2_Click() 考生需要编写的程序s = Text1.TextText1.Text = For i = 1 To Len(s) ch = Mid(s
11、, i, 1) If ch = E Or ch = N Or ch = T Then ch = LCase(ch) ElseIf ch = e Or ch = n Or ch = t Then ch = UCase(ch) End If Text1.Text = Text1.Text + chNext iEnd Sub11Private Sub Command1_Click() Text4 = a = Val(Text1) b = Val(Text2) n = Val(Text3) Text4 = Text4 & a & & b k = 2 Do While k n c = a * b k =
12、 k + 1 If c 10 Then Text4 = Text4 & & c a = b b = c Else d = c 10 Text4 = Text4 & & d a = d k = k + 1 If k = n Then d = c Mod 10 Text4 = Text4 & & d b = d End If End If LoopEnd Sub12Option Base 1Private Sub Form_Click() Const N = 5 Const M = 5 Dim mat(N, M) Dim i, j Open App.Path & & datain.txt For
13、Input As #1 For i = 1 To N For j = 1 To M Input #1, mat(i, j) Next j Next i Close #1 Print Print 初始矩阵为: Print For i = 1 To N For j = 1 To M Print Tab(5 * j); mat(i, j); Next j Print Next i Print: Print Print 右上 - 左下对角线上的数为: For i = 1 To N For j = 1 To M If i + j = 6 Then Print Tab(5 * i); mat(i, j);
14、 End If Next j Next iEnd Sub13Private Sub Command2_Click()考生编写For i = 1 To 12 Sum = 0 For j = 1 To 10 Sum = Sum + a(i, j) Next j s(i) = Int(Sum / 10)Next iEnd Sub14Private Sub Command1_Click()=以下考生编写程序开始=a59 = 0a69 = 0a79 = 0a89 = 0a99 = 0For i = 1 To n Select Case arr(i) Case Is 60 a59 = a59 + 1 Ca
15、se Is 70 a69 = a69 + 1 Case Is 80 a79 = a79 + 1 Case Is 0 Then MsgBox 第 & (3 - Text2.Text) & 次口令错误,请重新输入 Else MsgBox 3次输入错误,请退出 Text1.Enabled = False End If End IfEnd Sub17Private Sub Command2_Click() Dim b(100) As Integer num = 0 If Len(Text1.Text) = 0 Then MsgBox 请先执行“读数据”功能! Else 考生编写(功能:生成 b 数组,
16、且按从小到大顺序排序) 注意:请务必将数组 b 的元素个数存入变量 num 中 For i = 1 To 100 If a(i) Mod 3 = 0 Then num = num + 1 b(num) = a(i) End If Next i For i = 1 To num - 1 For j = 1 To num - i If b(j) b(j + 1) Then t = b(j) b(j) = b(j + 1) b(j + 1) = t End If Next jNext i 以下程序段将已排序的 b 数组显示在Text2中 For i = 1 To num Text2.Text = T
17、ext2.Text + Str(b(i) + Space(2) Next i End IfEnd Sub18Option Base 1Dim Arr(100) As IntegerDim sum As IntegerSub ReadData() Open App.Path & & datain1.txt For Input As #1 For i = 1 To 100 Input #1, Arr(i) Next i Close #1End SubSub WriteData(Filename As String, Num As Integer) Open App.Path & & Filenam
18、e For Output As #1 Print #1, Num Close #1End SubPrivate Sub calc_Click()Text1.Text = For i = 1 To 100 If Arr(i) Mod 3 = 0 Then Text1.Text = Text1.Text + Str(Arr(i) + Space(2) sum = sum + Arr(i) End IfNext iPrint sumEnd SubPrivate Sub read_Click()Call ReadDataEnd SubPrivate Sub save_Click()Call Write
19、Data(dataout.txt, sum)End Sub19Private Function isprime(a As Integer) As Boolean Dim flag As Boolean flag = True b% = 2 Do While b% = 15000 a = a + 1 If isprime(a) Then Text1.Text = Str(a) Exit Do End IfLoopEnd SubPrivate Sub C2_Click()Open App.Path + out5.txt For Output As #1Print #1, Text1.TextClo
20、se #1End Sub20 Private Sub Command2_Click()=算法:1)令i指向第1个数,j指向最后1个数,并先暂存最后一个数;2)检查第i个数是否为偶数,若不是,再检查下一个,直到第i个是 偶数,则把此偶数放到第j个位置,j向前移1个位置;3)检查第j个数是否为奇数,若不是,再检查前一个,直到第j个是 奇数,则把此奇数放到第i个位置,i向后移1个位置;4)重复2)、3),直到i=j5)把开始暂存的数放到i的位置= Dim i%, j%, temp%, flag As Boolean i = 0 j = 9 temp = Text1(j) flag = True Wh
21、ile (i = 60 Then jg = jg + 1 Else bjg = bjg + 1 End IfNext iAvg = Sum / nText1.Text = Str(n)Text2.Text = Str(Avg)Text3.Text = Str(bjg)Text4.Text = Str(jg)=考生编写程序结束=End Sub22Option Base 1Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim s(35) As Long s(1) = 1 s(2) = 1 For i = 3 To 35 s(i) = s(i - 1) + s(i - 2) Next iIf Op1(0).Value Then Text1.Text = s(30) ElseIf Op1(1).Value Then Text1.Text = s(33) Else Text1.Text = s(35)End If End Su
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