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1、高中英语Unit4WildlifeprotectionSectionWarmingUpReadingComprehending教案人教版必修2Unit 4Wildlife protection导语拯救地球是由迈克尔杰克逊演唱的一首流行歌曲。人类在破坏地球环境的同时,也在毁灭着自己,要拯救人类自己的生命,唯一的途径就是拯救地球。注:听音填词Heal the WorldThere_is_a_place in your heartAnd I know that it is loveAnd this place could beMuch brighter than tomorrowAnd if you

2、 really tryYoull find theres no need to cryIn this place youll_feel Theres no hurt or sorrowThere are ways to get thereIf you care enough for the livingMake a little spaceMake a better placeHeal the world Make it a better placeFor you and for me and the entire human raceThere are people dyingIf you

3、care enough for the livingMake a better place for you and for meIf you want_to know whyTheres a love that cannot lieLove is strongIt only cares of joyful givingIf we tryWe shall seeIn this blissWe cannot feel fear or dreadWe stop existingAnd start livingThen it feels that alwaysloves_enough for us g

4、rowingSo make a better world拯救世界在你心中有个地方,我知道那里充满了爱。这个地方会比明天更灿烂。如果你真的努力过,你会发觉不必哭泣。在这个地方,你感觉不到伤痛或烦忧。到那个地方的方法很多。如果你真心关怀生者,营造一些空间。创造一个更美好的地方,拯救这世界,让它变得更好,为你,为我,为了全人类。不断有人死去,如果你真心关怀生者,为你,为我,创造一个更美好的世界。如果你想知道缘由,因为爱不会说谎。爱是坚强的,爱就是心甘情愿的奉献。若我们用心去尝试,我们就会明白,只要心里有爱,我们就感受不到恐惧与忧虑。我们不再只是活着,而是真正开始生活。那爱的感觉将持续下去。让我们不断

5、成长,去创造一个更美好的世界。词海拾贝1heal/hil/v.康复,治愈2sorrow/sr/n.悲痛;悲伤,伤心事3entire/nta (r) /adj.全部的;整个的;完全的4bliss/bls/n.福气,极乐5dread/dred/n.恐惧,畏惧;令人恐惧的事物Section Warming Up & Reading Comprehending第一步:热身发散思维,了解保护濒临灭绝动植物的重要性Do you know the name of these endangered animals? Why are these animals dying out? Please match t

6、he names with these endangered animals.Apolar bear Bredcrowned craneCgolden monkey DTibetan antelope答案:1.C2.B3.D4.AThe answer may be: too much hunting; not enough food; environmental pollution; not enough living space; weather change and so on.第二步:速读了解教材课文(P26)主题和段落大意Skim the text and complete the f

7、ollowing questions.1Whats the main idea of the text?AIt is about some protection of wildlife.BIt is about a journey of a flying chair.CIt is about Daisys wonderful experience with some animals.DIt is about a flying carpets story.答案:C2Match the main idea of each part.Para.1 B AWhat we can get from wi

8、ldlife protectionPara.2 C BWhy we need wildlife protectionParas.3&4 A CA good example of wildlife protection第三步:细读把握教材课文(P26)关键信息Read the text carefully and choose the best answer according to the text.1Antelopes in Tibet become endangered because _.Athey are killed by other animals for foodBthe env

9、ironment is badly pollutedCpeople kill them to use their furDtheir food chain (食物链) is cut off答案:C2It can be learned from the passage that _.Athe government of Zimbabwe does a good job in saving the elephantsBthe rainforest produces drugs that are good for millipede insectsCthe elephants are in dang

10、er in ZimbabweDmosquitoes help protect monkeys from millipede insects答案:A3What do the words “No rainforest, no animals, no drugs”mean?ARainforests have disappeared. So have animals and drugs.BRainforests are important for the existence of animals and drugs.CAnimals should live in peace in the rainfo

11、rest, or they wont get drugs.DHuman beings have done much damage to the rainforests.答案:B4It can be inferred from the text that next Daisy would _.Aproduce the new drug with WWFBwork with WWF to help wildlifeCfly to other places to save the endangered animalsDcall on people to protect the rainforests

12、答案:B【难句透析素养提能】Analyze the following difficult sentences in the text.1Please take me to a distant land where I can find the animal that gave fur to make this sweater. 句式分析where引导定语从句修饰先行词a distant land; that gave fur to make this sweater引导定语从句修饰先行词 animal;_that在定语从句中作主语。 尝试翻译请带我到一个遥远的地方,在那里我可以找到为制作这件

13、毛衣而提供皮毛的动物。2They allowed tourists to hunt only a certain number of animals if they paid the farmers.句式分析 if_they_paid_the_farmers.条件状语从句尝试翻译如果游客付给农民钱的话,他们允许游客猎取一定数量的动物。3Ive come to your time to find out about the presentday Olympic Games because I know that in 2004 they were held in my homeland.句式分析

14、to find out about. Olympic Games为动词不定式作目的状语; because I know that in 2004. in my homeland为原因状语从句,且状语从句中又含有that in 2004 they were held in my homeland宾语从句, 作动词know的宾语。尝试翻译现在我来到你们这个时代,想了解当代奥运会的情况,因为我知道2004年奥运会是在我的祖国举行的。4You should pay more attention to the rainforest where I live and appreciate how the

15、animals live together. 句式分析尝试翻译你应该多关注我生活的热带雨林,并且懂得热带雨林的动物是如何在一起生活的。词语积累long to do sth. 渴望做某事句中had longed to do sth. 是过去完成时,long表示的动作发生在以下所讲故事之前,所以用过去完成时。species/ spiiz/ n. 种类;物种 (单复数同形)carpet /kpt/ n. 地毯respond /rspnd / vi. 回答;响应;做出反应respond to sth. 对某事做出反应distant /dstnt/ adj. 远的;远处的fur /f/ n. 毛皮;毛;

16、软毛beneath prep. 在下面,在底下此处介词 at 表示“针对做出反应”。turn around 转身,环顾,翻身take ones photo 给某人拍照take a photo of sb. 给某人拍照in relief 如释重负;松了口气relief /rlif/ n. (痛苦或忧虑的) 减轻或解除;减轻痛苦的事物burst into laughter 突然笑起来(burst out laughing)laughter /lft/ n笑;笑声mercy /ms/ n. 仁慈;宽恕;怜悯without mercy 无情地certain /stn/ adj. 确定的;某一;一定a

17、certain number of 一定数量的importance/mptns/ n. 重要 (性)(be) of great importance 非常重要的WWF 世界自然基金会rub /rb/ vt. 擦;摩擦protect. from/against 保护不受(危害)mosquito /mskit/ n. (pl. mosquitoes) 蚊子millipede /mlpid/ n. (millepede) 千足虫insect /nsekt/ n. 昆虫contain /knten/ vt. 包含;容纳;容忍powerful /pafl/ adj. 强大的;有力的affect /fek

18、t/ vt. 影响;感动;侵袭 (相当于have an effect on)pay attention to 注意此短语中,to为介词,后跟名词、代词或v.ing形式。attention/tenn/ n. 注意;关注;注意力appreciate /priet/ vt. 鉴赏;感激;意识到amazed adj. 吃惊的;惊愕的be amazed at 对吃惊be amazed to do sth. 因做某事而吃惊amazing adj. 令人吃惊的land vi. & vt. (使)着陆,降落HOW DAISY LEARNED TO HELP WILDLIFEDaisy had always l

19、onged to help endangered 【1】 species of wildlife. One day she woke up and found a flying 【2】 carpet by her bed. “Where do you want to go?” it asked. Daisy responded immediately. “Id like to see some endangered wildlife,” she said. “Please take me to a distant land where I can find the animal that ga

20、ve fur to make this sweater. 【3】” At once the carpet flew away and took her to Tibet. There Daisy saw an antelope looking sad.【4】 It said, “Were being killed for the wool beneath our stomachs. Our fur is being used【5】 to make sweaters for people like you. As a result, we are now an endangered specie

21、s.” At that Daisy cried, “Im sorry I didnt know that. I wonder what is being done to help you. Flying carpet, please show me a place where theres some wildlife protection.【6】”【1】过去分词endangered作定语,修饰species。【2】flying作定语,修饰carpet。 【4】saw an antelope looking sad中,looking sad作定语,修饰an antelope。 【5】Were b

22、eing killed.和Our fur is being used. 均是现在进行时的被动语态,表示正在进行的被动动作。 【6】Where theres some wildlife protection是where引导的定语从句,修饰先行词a place。The flying carpet travelled so fast that next minute they were in Zimbabwe. 【7】 Daisy turned around and found that she was being watched 【8】 by an elephant. “Have you come

23、 to take my photo?” it asked. In relief Daisy burst into laughter. “Dont laugh,” said the elephant, “We used to be an endangered species. Farmers hunted us without mercy. They said we destroyed their farms, and money from tourists only went to the large tour companies. So the government decided to h

24、elp. They allowed tourists to hunt only a certain number of animals if they paid the farmers. Now the farmers are happy and our numbers are increasing. So good things are being done 【9】 here to save local wildlife.”【7】The flying carpet travelled so fast that.中that引导结果状语从句。【8】was being watched是过去进行时的

25、被动语态。【9】are being done是现在进行时的被动语态,表示现阶段正在发生的被动动作。Daisy smiled. “Thats good news. It shows the importance of wildlife protection, but Id like to help as the WWF suggests 【10】” The carpet rose again and almost at once they were in a thick rainforest. A monkey watched them as it rubbed itself. “What ar

26、e you doing?” asked Daisy. “Im protecting myself from mosquitoes,” it replied. “When I find a millipede insect, I rub it over my body. It contains a powerful drug which affects mosquitoes. You should pay more attention to the rainforest where I live and appreciate how the animals live together. 【11】

27、 No rainforest, no animals, no drugs.”Daisy was amazed. “Flying carpet, please take me home so I can tell WWF and we can begin producing this new drug. Monkey, please come and help.” The monkey agreed. The carpet flew home. As they landed, things began to disappear. Two minutes later everything had

28、gone the monkey, too. So Daisy was not able to make her new drug. But what an experience! 【12】 She had learned so much! And there was always WWF.【12】. what an experience! “多么奇妙的一次经历呀!”是感叹句,是 . what an experience it was! 的简略表达。课文翻译戴茜是如何学会保护野生动植物的戴茜一直都渴望帮助那些濒临灭绝的野生动植物物种 (species)。一天她醒来,发现床边有一块飞毯 (carp

29、et)。飞毯问:“你想去哪儿?”戴茜立刻回答 (respond)。 “我想去看一些濒临灭绝的野生动植物。请带我到遥远的 (distant) 地方,在那里我可以找到为制作这件毛衣而提供毛皮 (fur) 的动物。”她说。飞毯立刻起飞了,带她到了西藏。在那里,戴茜看到一只藏羚羊面带忧郁的神色。它说:“为了取得我们肚皮底下的羊毛,我们正在被捕杀。我们的毛皮被用来为像你一样的人们制作毛衣。因此,我们现在濒临灭绝了。”听了这话,戴茜哭了:“我很抱歉,我过去不知道还有这回事儿。我想知道为了帮助你们正在采取什么措施。飞毯啊,请把我带到一个有野生动植物保护的地方去吧。”飞毯飞行得如此之快,以至于一转眼他们就来到

30、了津巴布韦。戴茜转过身去,看到一头大象正望着她。大象问道:“你是来给我拍照的吗?”戴茜如释重负 (in relief), 突然笑了起来 (burst into laughter)。“不要笑了,”大象说道,“我们过去是濒危动物,农民们残忍地(without mercy) 捕杀我们。他们说,我们破坏了他们的农田,而旅游者的钱过去都流进了大型旅游公司。于是政府决定出面提供帮助。如果游客付给农民钱的话,他们允许游客猎取一定(certain) 数量的动物。如今农民高兴了,我们的数量也在增加。为了拯救当地的野生动植物,他们也在做一些好事。”戴茜笑道:“那可是个好消息。这体现了野生动植物保护的重要性 (importance), 不过,我还是想按照世界自然基金会 (WWF) 的建议来帮助你们。”飞毯再次升起,几乎一转眼他们就到了茂密的热带雨林。一只猴子一边擦 (rub) 着身体,一边望着他们。戴茜问:“你在做什么呢?” 它回答说:“我这样做可以防止 (protect.from) 蚊子(mosquito) 叮咬。当我发现一只千足虫 (millipede insect) 时,便把它擦在身上。它含有(contain) 一种强效的 (powerful) 药物可以防止 (affect) 蚊子

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